%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
%% Copyright (c) 2007-2015 Basho Technologies, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
%% This file is provided to you under the Apache License,
%% Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
%% except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
%% a copy of the License at
%% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
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%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
%% @doc Supervisor for Machi FLU servers and their related support
%% servers.
%% Our parent supervisor, {@link machi_flu_sup}, is responsible for
%% managing FLUs as a single entity. However, the actual
%% implementation of a FLU includes three major Erlang processes (not
%% including support/worker procs): the FLU itself, the FLU's
%% projection store, and the FLU's local chain manager. This
%% supervisor is responsible for managing those three major services
%% as a single "package", to be started & stopped together.
%% The illustration below shows the OTP process supervision tree for
%% the Machi application. Two FLUs are running, called `a' and `b'.
%% The chain is configured for a third FLU, `c', which is not running
%% at this time.
%% - The FLU process itself is named `a'.
%% - The projection store process is named `a_pstore'.
%% - The chain manager process is named `a_chmgr'. The three
%% linked subprocesses are long-lived {@link
%% machi_proxy_flu1_client} processes for communicating to all
%% chain participants' projection stores (including the local
%% store `a_pstore').
%% - A fourth major process, `a_listener', which is responsible for
%% listening on a TCP socket and creating new connections.
%% Currently, each listener has two processes handling incoming
%% requests, one from each chain manager proxy.
%% - Note that the sub-supervisor parent of `a' and `a_listener' does
%% not have a registered name.
-compile({parse_transform, pulse_instrument}).
-define(SHUTDOWN, infinity).
-define(SHUTDOWN, 5000).
%% External API
-export([make_package_spec/1, make_package_spec/4,
start_flu_package/1, start_flu_package/4, stop_flu_package/1]).
%% Internal API
make_flu_regname/1, make_p_regname/1, make_mgr_supname/1,
make_proj_supname/1, make_fitness_regname/1]).
%% Supervisor callbacks
make_package_spec({FluName, TcpPort, Props}) when is_list(Props) ->
FluDataDir = get_env(flu_data_dir, undefined_is_invalid),
MyDataDir = filename:join(FluDataDir, atom_to_list(FluName)),
make_package_spec(FluName, TcpPort, MyDataDir, Props).
make_package_spec(FluName, TcpPort, DataDir, Props) ->
{FluName, {machi_flu_psup, start_link,
[FluName, TcpPort, DataDir, Props]},
permanent, ?SHUTDOWN, supervisor, []}.
start_flu_package(#p_srvr{name=FluName, port=TcpPort, props=Props}) ->
DataDir = get_data_dir(Props),
start_flu_package(FluName, TcpPort, DataDir, Props).
start_flu_package(FluName, TcpPort, DataDir, Props) ->
Spec = make_package_spec(FluName, TcpPort, DataDir, Props),
{ok, _SupPid} = supervisor:start_child(machi_flu_sup, Spec).
stop_flu_package(FluName) ->
case supervisor:terminate_child(machi_flu_sup, FluName) of
ok ->
ok = supervisor:delete_child(machi_flu_sup, FluName);
Else ->
start_link(FluName, TcpPort, DataDir, Props) ->
supervisor:start_link({local, make_p_regname(FluName)}, ?MODULE,
[FluName, TcpPort, DataDir, Props]).
init([FluName, TcpPort, DataDir, Props0]) ->
RestartStrategy = one_for_all,
MaxRestarts = 1000,
MaxSecondsBetweenRestarts = 3600,
SupFlags = {RestartStrategy, MaxRestarts, MaxSecondsBetweenRestarts},
ProjRegName = make_proj_supname(FluName),
Props = Props0 ++ [{projection_store_registered_name, ProjRegName},
ProjSpec = {ProjRegName,
{machi_projection_store, start_link,
[ProjRegName, DataDir, FluName]},
permanent, ?SHUTDOWN, worker, []},
FitnessRegName = make_fitness_regname(FluName),
FitnessSpec = {FitnessRegName,
{machi_fitness, start_link,
[ [{FluName}|Props] ]},
permanent, ?SHUTDOWN, worker, []},
MgrSpec = {make_mgr_supname(FluName),
{machi_chain_manager1, start_link,
[FluName, [], Props]},
permanent, ?SHUTDOWN, worker, []},
FNameMgrSpec = machi_flu_filename_mgr:child_spec(FluName, DataDir),
MetaMgrCnt = get_env(metadata_manager_count, 10),
MetaSupSpec = machi_flu_metadata_mgr_sup:child_spec(FluName, DataDir, MetaMgrCnt),
FProxySupSpec = machi_file_proxy_sup:child_spec(FluName),
FluSpec = {FluName,
{machi_flu1, start_link,
[ [{FluName, TcpPort, DataDir}|Props] ]},
permanent, ?SHUTDOWN, worker, []},
{ok, {SupFlags, [
ProjSpec, FitnessSpec, MgrSpec,
FProxySupSpec, FNameMgrSpec, MetaSupSpec,
make_flu_regname(FluName) when is_atom(FluName) ->
make_p_regname(FluName) when is_atom(FluName) ->
list_to_atom("flusup_" ++ atom_to_list(FluName)).
make_mgr_supname(MgrName) when is_atom(MgrName) ->
make_proj_supname(ProjName) when is_atom(ProjName) ->
list_to_atom(atom_to_list(ProjName) ++ "_pstore").
make_fitness_regname(FluName) when is_atom(FluName) ->
list_to_atom(atom_to_list(FluName) ++ "_fitness").
get_env(Setting, Default) ->
case application:get_env(machi, Setting) of
undefined -> Default;
{ok, V} -> V
get_data_dir(Props) ->
case proplists:get_value(data_dir, Props) of
Path when is_list(Path) ->