%% ------------------------------------------------------------------- %% %% Copyright (c) 2007-2015 Basho Technologies, Inc. All Rights Reserved. %% %% This file is provided to you under the Apache License, %% Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file %% except in compliance with the License. You may obtain %% a copy of the License at %% %% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 %% %% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, %% software distributed under the License is distributed on an %% "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY %% KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the %% specific language governing permissions and limitations %% under the License. %% %% ------------------------------------------------------------------- -module(machi_test_util). -compile(export_all). -ifdef(TEST). -ifndef(PULSE). -include_lib("eunit/include/eunit.hrl"). -include("machi.hrl"). -include("machi_projection.hrl"). -define(FLU, machi_flu1). -define(FLU_C, machi_flu1_client). -spec start_flu_package(atom(), inet:port_number(), string()) -> {Ps::[#p_srvr{}], MgrNames::[atom()], Dirs::[string()]}. start_flu_package(FluName, TcpPort, DataDir) -> start_flu_package(FluName, TcpPort, DataDir, []). -spec start_flu_package(atom(), inet:port_number(), string(), list()) -> {Ps::[#p_srvr{}], MgrNames::[atom()], Dirs::[string()]}. start_flu_package(FluName, TcpPort, DataDir, Props) -> MgrName = machi_flu_psup:make_mgr_supname(FluName), FluInfo = [{#p_srvr{name=FluName, address="localhost", port=TcpPort, props=[{chmgr, MgrName}, {data_dir, DataDir} | Props]}, DataDir, MgrName}], start_flu_packages(FluInfo). -spec start_flu_packages(pos_integer(), inet:port_number(), string(), list()) -> {Ps::[#p_srvr{}], MgrNames::[atom()], Dirs::[string()]}. start_flu_packages(FluCount, BaseTcpPort, DirPrefix, Props) -> FluInfo = flu_info(FluCount, BaseTcpPort, DirPrefix, Props), start_flu_packages(FluInfo). start_flu_packages(FluInfo) -> _ = stop_machi_sup(), clean_up_data_dirs(FluInfo), {ok, _SupPid} = machi_sup:start_link(), [{ok, _} = machi_flu_psup:start_flu_package(Name, Port, Dir, Props) || {#p_srvr{name=Name, port=Port, props=Props}, Dir, _} <- FluInfo], {Ps, Dirs, MgrNames} = lists:unzip3(FluInfo), {Ps, MgrNames, Dirs}. stop_flu_package() -> stop_flu_packages(). stop_flu_packages() -> stop_machi_sup(). flu_info(FluCount, BaseTcpPort, DirPrefix, Props) -> [begin FLUNameStr = [$a + I - 1], FLUName = list_to_atom(FLUNameStr), MgrName = machi_flu_psup:make_mgr_supname(FLUName), DataDir = DirPrefix ++ "/data.eqc." ++ FLUNameStr, {#p_srvr{name=FLUName, address="localhost", port=BaseTcpPort + I, props=[{chmgr, MgrName}, {data_dir, DataDir} | Props]}, DataDir, MgrName} end || I <- lists:seq(1, FluCount)]. stop_machi_sup() -> case whereis(machi_sup) of undefined -> ok; Pid -> catch exit(whereis(machi_sup), normal), machi_util:wait_for_death(Pid, 30) end. clean_up_data_dirs(FluInfo) -> _ = [case proplists:get_value(save_data_dir, Propx) of true -> ok; _ -> clean_up_dir(Dir) end || {#p_srvr{props=Propx}, Dir, _} <- FluInfo], ok. clean_up_dir(Dir) -> [begin Fs = filelib:wildcard(Dir ++ Glob), [file:delete(F) || F <- Fs], [file:del_dir(F) || F <- Fs] end || Glob <- ["*/*/*/*", "*/*/*", "*/*", "*"] ], _ = file:del_dir(Dir), ok. -endif. % !PULSE -endif. % TEST