%% ------------------------------------------------------------------- %% %% Machi: a small village of replicated files %% %% Copyright (c) 2014 Basho Technologies, Inc. All Rights Reserved. %% %% This file is provided to you under the Apache License, %% Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file %% except in compliance with the License. You may obtain %% a copy of the License at %% %% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 %% %% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, %% software distributed under the License is distributed on an %% "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY %% KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the %% specific language governing permissions and limitations %% under the License. %% %% ------------------------------------------------------------------- -module(machi_chain_manager1_pulse). %% The while module is ifdef:ed, rebar should set PULSE -ifdef(PULSE). -compile(export_all). -include("machi_projection.hrl"). -include_lib("eqc/include/eqc.hrl"). -include_lib("eqc/include/eqc_statem.hrl"). -include("machi.hrl"). -include_lib("eunit/include/eunit.hrl"). -compile({parse_transform, pulse_instrument}). -compile({pulse_replace_module, [{application, pulse_application}]}). %% The following functions contains side_effects but are run outside %% PULSE, i.e. PULSE needs to leave them alone -compile({pulse_skip,[{prop_pulse_test_,0}]}). -compile({pulse_no_side_effect,[{file,'_','_'}, {erlang, now, 0}]}). %% Used for output within EUnit... -define(QC_FMT(Fmt, Args), io:format(user, Fmt, Args)). %% And to force EUnit to output QuickCheck output... -define(QC_OUT(P), eqc:on_output(fun(Str, Args) -> ?QC_FMT(Str, Args) end, P)). -define(MGR, machi_chain_manager1). -define(MGRTEST, machi_chain_manager1_test). -record(state, { step=0, num_pids, pids, dump_state }). initial_state() -> #state{}. gen_num_pids() -> choose(2, 5). gen_seed() -> noshrink({choose(1, 10000), choose(1, 10000), choose(1, 10000)}). gen_old_threshold() -> noshrink(choose(1, 100)). gen_no_partition_threshold() -> noshrink(choose(1, 100)). command(#state{step=0}) -> {call, ?MODULE, setup, [gen_num_pids(), gen_seed()]}; command(S) -> frequency([ { 1, {call, ?MODULE, change_partitions, [gen_old_threshold(), gen_no_partition_threshold()]}}, {50, {call, ?MODULE, do_ticks, [choose(5, 100), S#state.pids, gen_old_threshold(), gen_no_partition_threshold()]}} ]). precondition(_S, _) -> true. next_state(#state{step=Step}=S, Res, Call) -> next_state2(S#state{step=Step + 1}, Res, Call). next_state2(S, Res, {call, _, setup, [NumPids, _Seed]}) -> S#state{num_pids=NumPids, pids=Res}; next_state2(S, Res, {call, _, dump_state, _Args}) -> S#state{dump_state=Res}; next_state2(S, _Res, {call, _, _Func, _Args}) -> S. postcondition(_S, {call, _, _Func, _Args}, _Res) -> true. all_list_extra() -> [ {a, 7400, "./data.pulse.a"} , {b, 7401, "./data.pulse.b"} , {c, 7402, "./data.pulse.c"} %% , {d, 7403, "./data.pulse.d"} %% , {e, 7404, "./data.pulse.e"} %% , {f, 7405, "./data.pulse.f"} %% , {g, 7405, "./data.pulse.g"} %% , {h, 7406, "./data.pulse.h"} ]. all_list() -> [Name || {Name, _Port, _Dir} <- all_list_extra()]. setup(_Num, Seed) -> ?QC_FMT("\nsetup,", []), All_list = all_list(), _ = machi_partition_simulator:start_link(Seed, 0, 100), _Partitions = machi_partition_simulator:get(All_list), FLU_pids = [begin {ok, FLUPid} = machi_flu1:start_link([StartTuple]), FLUPid end || StartTuple <- all_list_extra()], Namez = lists:zip(All_list, FLU_pids), Mgr_pids = [begin {ok, Mgr} = ?MGR:start_link(Name, All_list, FLU_pid), Mgr end || {Name, FLU_pid} <- Namez], timer:sleep(1), {ok, P1} = ?MGR:test_calc_projection(hd(Mgr_pids), false), P1Epoch = P1#projection_v1.epoch_number, [ok = machi_flu0:proj_write(FLU, P1Epoch, public, P1) || FLU <- FLU_pids], [?MGR:test_react_to_env(Mgr) || Mgr <- Mgr_pids], Res = {FLU_pids, Mgr_pids}, put(manager_pids_hack, Res), Res. change_partitions(OldThreshold, NoPartitionThreshold) -> machi_partition_simulator:reset_thresholds(OldThreshold, NoPartitionThreshold). always_last_partitions() -> machi_partition_simulator:always_last_partitions(). private_stable_check(FLUs) -> {_FLU_pids, Mgr_pids} = get(manager_pids_hack), Res = private_projections_are_stable_check(FLUs, Mgr_pids), if not Res -> io:format(user, "BUMMER: private stable check failed!\n", []); true -> ok end, Res. do_ticks(Num, PidsMaybe, OldThreshold, NoPartitionThreshold) -> io:format(user, "~p,~p,~p|", [Num, OldThreshold, NoPartitionThreshold]), {_FLU_pids, Mgr_pids} = case PidsMaybe of undefined -> get(manager_pids_hack); _ -> PidsMaybe end, if is_integer(OldThreshold) -> machi_partition_simulator:reset_thresholds(OldThreshold, NoPartitionThreshold); true -> ?QC_FMT("{e=~w},", [get_biggest_private_epoch_number()]), machi_partition_simulator:no_partitions() end, Res = exec_ticks(Num, Mgr_pids), if not is_integer(OldThreshold) -> ?QC_FMT("{e=~w},", [get_biggest_private_epoch_number()]); true -> ok end, Res. get_biggest_private_epoch_number() -> lists:last( lists:usort( lists:flatten( [machi_flu0:proj_list_all(FLU, private) || FLU <- all_list()]))). dump_state() -> try ?QC_FMT("dump_state(", []), {FLU_pids, _Mgr_pids} = get(manager_pids_hack), Namez = zip(all_list(), FLU_pids), Report = ?MGRTEST:unanimous_report(Namez), %% ?QC_FMT("Report ~p\n", [Report]), Diag1 = [begin Ps = machi_flu0:proj_get_all(FLU, Type), [io_lib:format("~p ~p ~p: ~w\n", [FLUName, Type, P#projection_v1.epoch_number, ?MGR:make_projection_summary(P)]) || P <- Ps] end || {FLUName, FLU} <- Namez, Type <- [public] ], UniquePrivateEs = lists:usort(lists:flatten( [machi_flu0:proj_list_all(FLU, private) || {_FLUName, FLU} <- Namez])), P_lists0 = [{FLUName, Type, machi_flu0:proj_get_all(FLUPid, Type)} || {FLUName, FLUPid} <- Namez, Type <- [public,private]], P_lists = [{FLUName, Type, P} || {FLUName, Type, Ps} <- P_lists0, P <- Ps], AllDict = lists:foldl(fun({FLU, Type, P}, D) -> K = {FLU, Type, P#projection_v1.epoch_number}, dict:store(K, P, D) end, dict:new(), lists:flatten(P_lists)), DumbFinderBackward = fun(FLUName) -> fun(E, error_unwritten) -> case dict:find({FLUName, private, E}, AllDict) of {ok, T} -> T; error -> error_unwritten end; %% case machi_flu0:proj_read(FLU, E, private) of %% {ok, T} -> T; %% Else -> Else %% end; (_E, Acc) -> Acc end end, Diag2 = [[ io_lib:format("~p private: ~w\n", [FLUName, ?MGR:make_projection_summary( lists:foldl(DumbFinderBackward(FLUName), error_unwritten, lists:seq(Epoch, 0, -1)))]) || {FLUName, _FLU} <- Namez] || Epoch <- UniquePrivateEs], ?QC_FMT(")", []), {Report, lists:flatten([Diag1, Diag2])} catch XX:YY -> ?QC_FMT("OUCH: ~p ~p @ ~p\n", [XX, YY, erlang:get_stacktrace()]) end. prop_pulse() -> ?FORALL({Cmds0, Seed}, {non_empty(commands(?MODULE)), pulse:seed()}, ?IMPLIES(1 < length(Cmds0) andalso length(Cmds0) < 5, begin ok = shutdown_hard(), %% PULSE can be really unfair, of course, including having exec_ticks %% run where all of FLU a does its ticks then FLU b. Such a situation %% doesn't always allow unanimous private projection store values: %% FLU a might need one more tick to write its private projection, but %% it isn't given a chance at the end of the PULSE run. So we cheat Stabilize1 = [{set,{var,99999995}, {call, ?MODULE, always_last_partitions, []}}], Stabilize2 = [{set,{var,99999996}, {call, ?MODULE, private_stable_check, [all_list()]}}], LastTriggerTicks = {set,{var,99999997}, {call, ?MODULE, do_ticks, [25, undefined, no, no]}}, Cmds1 = lists:duplicate(2, LastTriggerTicks), %% Cmds1 = lists:duplicate(length(all_list())*2, LastTriggerTicks), Cmds = Cmds0 ++ Stabilize1 ++ Cmds1 ++ Stabilize2 ++ [{set,{var,99999999}, {call, ?MODULE, dump_state, []}}], {_H2, S2, Res} = pulse:run( fun() -> {_H, _S, _R} = run_commands(?MODULE, Cmds) end, [{seed, Seed}, {strategy, unfair}]), ok = shutdown_hard(), ?QC_FMT("S2 ~p\n", [S2]), {Report, Diag} = S2#state.dump_state, %% Report is ordered by Epoch. For each private projection %% written during any given epoch, confirm that all chain %% members appear in only one unique chain, i.e., the sets of %% unique chains are disjoint. AllDisjointP = ?MGRTEST:all_reports_are_disjoint(Report), %% Given the report, we flip it around so that we observe the %% sets of chain transitions relative to each FLU. R_Chains = [?MGRTEST:extract_chains_relative_to_flu(FLU, Report) || FLU <- all_list()], R_Projs = [{FLU, [?MGRTEST:chain_to_projection( FLU, Epoch, UPI, Repairing, all_list()) || {Epoch, UPI, Repairing} <- E_Chains]} || {FLU, E_Chains} <- R_Chains], %% For each chain transition experienced by a particular FLU, %% confirm that each state transition is OK. Sane = [{FLU,_SaneRes} = {FLU,?MGR:projection_transitions_are_sane_retrospective( Ps, FLU)} || {FLU, Ps} <- R_Projs], SaneP = lists:all(fun({_FLU, SaneRes}) -> SaneRes == true end, Sane), %% The final report item should say that all are agreed_membership. {_LastEpoch, {ok_disjoint, LastRepXs}} = lists:last(Report), AgreedOrNot = lists:usort([element(1, X) || X <- LastRepXs]), %% TODO: Check that we've converged to a single chain with no repairs. SingleChainNoRepair = case LastRepXs of [{agreed_membership,{_UPI,[]}}] -> true; _ -> LastRepXs end, ?WHENFAIL( begin ?QC_FMT("Res = ~p\n", [Res]), ?QC_FMT("Diag = ~s\n", [Diag]), ?QC_FMT("Report = ~p\n", [Report]), ?QC_FMT("Sane = ~p\n", [Sane]), ?QC_FMT("SingleChainNoRepair failure =\n ~p\n", [SingleChainNoRepair]) end, conjunction([{res, Res == true orelse Res == ok}, {all_disjoint, AllDisjointP}, {sane, SaneP}, {all_agreed_at_end, AgreedOrNot == [agreed_membership]}, {single_chain_no_repair, SingleChainNoRepair} ])) end)). prop_pulse_test_() -> Timeout = case os:getenv("PULSE_TIME") of false -> 60; Val -> list_to_integer(Val) end, ExtraTO = case os:getenv("PULSE_SHRINK_TIME") of false -> 0; Val2 -> list_to_integer(Val2) end, {timeout, (Timeout+ExtraTO+300), % 300 = a bit more fudge time fun() -> ?assert(eqc:quickcheck(eqc:testing_time(Timeout, ?QC_OUT(prop_pulse())))) end}. shutdown_hard() -> (catch machi_partition_simulator:stop()), [(catch machi_flu0:stop(X)) || X <- all_list()], timer:sleep(1), (catch exit(whereis(machi_partition_simulator), kill)), [(catch exit(whereis(X), kill)) || X <- all_list()], erlang:yield(), ok. exec_ticks(Num, Mgr_pids) -> Parent = self(), Pids = [spawn_link(fun() -> [begin erlang:yield(), Max = 10, Elapsed = ?MGR:sleep_ranked_order(1, Max, M_name, all_list()), Res = ?MGR:test_react_to_env(MMM), timer:sleep(erlang:max(0, Max - Elapsed)), Res=Res %% ?D({self(), Res}) end || _ <- lists:seq(1,Num)], Parent ! done end) || {M_name, MMM} <- lists:zip(all_list(), Mgr_pids) ], [receive done -> ok after 5000 -> exit(icky_timeout) end || _ <- Pids], ok. private_projections_are_stable_check(All_list, Mgr_pids) -> %% TODO: extend the check to look not only for latest num, but %% also check for flapping, and if yes, to see if all_hosed are %% all exactly equal. _ = exec_ticks(40, Mgr_pids), Private1 = [machi_flu0:proj_get_latest_num(FLU, private) || FLU <- All_list], _ = exec_ticks(5, Mgr_pids), Private2 = [machi_flu0:proj_get_latest_num(FLU, private) || FLU <- All_list], (Private1 == Private2). -endif. % PULSE