%% ------------------------------------------------------------------- %% %% Copyright (c) 2007-2015 Basho Technologies, Inc. All Rights Reserved. %% %% This file is provided to you under the Apache License, %% Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file %% except in compliance with the License. You may obtain %% a copy of the License at %% %% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 %% %% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, %% software distributed under the License is distributed on an %% "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY %% KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the %% specific language governing permissions and limitations %% under the License. %% %% ------------------------------------------------------------------- %% EQC single-threaded and concurrent test for file operations and repair %% under simulated network partition. %% The main purpose is to confirm no dataloss, i.e. every chunk that %% has been successfully written (ACK received) by append/write %% opration will be read after partition heals. %% %% All updating -- append, write and trim -- operations are executed %% through CR client, not directly by flu1 client, in order to be %% end-to-end test (in single chain point of veiw.) There may be churn %% for projections by simulated network partition. %% %% Test steps %% 1. Setup single chain. %% 2. Execute updating operations and simulated partition (by eqc_statem). %% Every updating results are recorded in ETS tables. %% 3. When {error, timeout|partition} happens, trigger management tick for %% every chain manager process. %% 4. After commands are executed, remove patition and wait for the chain %% without down nodes nor repairing nodes. %% 5. Asserting written results so that each record be read from the %% chain and data be the same with written one. %% Improvements to-do's %% - Use higher concurrency, e.g. 10+ %% - Random length for binary to write %% - Operations other than append, write, trim %% - Use checksum instead of binary to save memory %% - More variety for partitioning pattern: non-constant failure %% - Stop and restart %% - Suspend and resume of some erlang processes -module(machi_ap_repair_eqc). -ifdef(TEST). -ifdef(EQC). -compile(export_all). -include("machi.hrl"). -include("machi_projection.hrl"). -include("machi_verbose.hrl"). -include_lib("eqc/include/eqc.hrl"). -include_lib("eqc/include/eqc_statem.hrl"). -include_lib("eunit/include/eunit.hrl"). -record(target, {verbose=false, flu_names, mgr_names}). -record(state, {num, verbose=false, flu_names, mgr_names, cr_count}). %% ETS table names -define(WRITTEN_TAB, written). % Successfully written data -define(ACCPT_TAB, accpt). % Errors with no harm, e.g. timeout -define(FAILED_TAB, failed). % Uncategorized errors, when happenes % it should be re-categorized to accept or critical -define(CRITICAL_TAB, critical). % Critical errors, e.g. double write to the same key -define(QC_OUT(P), eqc:on_output(fun(Str, Args) -> io:format(user, Str, Args) end, P)). %% EUNIT TEST DEFINITION prop_repair_test_() -> {PropTO, EUnitTO} = eqc_timeout(60), Verbose = eqc_verbose(), {spawn, [{timeout, EUnitTO, ?_assertEqual( true, eqc:quickcheck(eqc:testing_time( PropTO, ?QC_OUT(noshrink(prop_repair(Verbose))))))}]}. prop_repair_par_test_() -> {PropTO, EUnitTO} = eqc_timeout(60), Verbose = eqc_verbose(), {spawn, [{timeout, EUnitTO, ?_assertEqual( true, eqc:quickcheck(eqc:testing_time( PropTO, ?QC_OUT(noshrink(prop_repair_par(Verbose))))))}]}. %% Model weight(_S, change_partition) -> 20; weight(_S, _) -> 100. %% Append append_args(#state{cr_count=CRCount}=S) -> [choose(1, CRCount), chunk(), S]. append(CRIndex, Bin, #state{verbose=V}=S) -> CRList = cr_list(), {_SimSelfName, C} = lists:nth(CRIndex, CRList), Prefix = <<"pre">>, Len = byte_size(Bin), Res = (catch machi_cr_client:append_chunk(C, Prefix, Bin, {sec(1), sec(1)})), case Res of {ok, {_Off, Len, _FileName}=Key} -> case ets:insert_new(?WRITTEN_TAB, {Key, Bin}) of true -> [?V("", []) || V], ok; false -> %% The Key is alread written, WHY!!!???? case ets:lookup(?WRITTEN_TAB, Key) of [{Key, Bin}] -> %% TODO: The identical binary is alread inserted in %% written table. Is this acceptable??? Hmm, maybe NO... [?V("", [Key]) || V], true = ets:insert_new(?ACCPT_TAB, {make_ref(), double_write_same, Key}), {acceptable_error, doublewrite_the_same}; [{Key, OtherBin}] -> [?V("", [Key, {OtherBin, Bin}]) || V], true = ets:insert_new(?CRITICAL_TAB, {make_ref(), double_write_diff, Key}), R = {critical_error, {doublewrite_diff, Key, {OtherBin, Bin}}}, %% TODO: when double write happens, it seems that %% repair process got stack with endless loop. To %% avoit it, return error here. %% If this error/1 will be removed, one can possibly %% know double write frequency/rate. error(R) end end; {error, partition} -> [?V("", []) || V], true = ets:insert_new(?ACCPT_TAB, {make_ref(), timeout}), _ = tick(S), {acceptable_error, partition}; {'EXIT', {timeout, _}} -> [?V("", [_SimSelfName, C]) || V], true = ets:insert_new(?ACCPT_TAB, {make_ref(), timeout}), _ = tick(S), {acceptable_error, timeout}; {ok, {_Off, UnexpectedLen, _FileName}=Key} -> [?V("", []) || V], true = ets:insert_new(?CRITICAL_TAB, {make_ref(), unexpected_len, Key}), {critical_error, {unexpected_len, Key, Len, UnexpectedLen}}; {error, _Reason} = Error -> [?V("", []) || V], true = ets:insert_new(?FAILED_TAB, {make_ref(), Error}), {other_error, Error}; Other -> [?V("", []) || V], true = ets:insert_new(?FAILED_TAB, {make_ref(), Other}), {other_error, Other} end. %% Change partition change_partition_args(#state{flu_names=FLUNames}=S) -> %% [partition(FLUNames), S]. [partition_sym(FLUNames), S]. change_partition(Partition, #state{verbose=Verbose, flu_names=FLUNames}=S) -> [case Partition of [] -> ?V("## Turn OFF partition: ~w~n", [Partition]); _ -> ?V("## Turn ON partition: ~w~n", [Partition]) end || Verbose], machi_partition_simulator:always_these_partitions(Partition), _ = machi_partition_simulator:get(FLUNames), %% Don't wait for stable chain, tick will be executed on demand %% in append oprations _ = tick(S), ok. %% Generators num() -> choose(2, 5). cr_count(Num) -> Num * 3. %% Returns a list like %% `[{#p_srvr{name=a, port=7501, ..}, "./eqc/data.eqc.a/"}, ...]' all_list_extra(Num) -> {PortBase, DirBase} = get_port_dir_base(), [begin FLUNameStr = [$a + I - 1], FLUName = list_to_atom(FLUNameStr), MgrName = machi_flu_psup:make_mgr_supname(FLUName), {#p_srvr{name=FLUName, address="localhost", port=PortBase+I, props=[{chmgr, MgrName}]}, DirBase ++ "/data.eqc." ++ FLUNameStr} end || I <- lists:seq(1, Num)]. %% Generator for possibly assymmetric partition information partition(FLUNames) -> frequency([{10, return([])}, {20, non_empty(sublist(flu_ordered_pairs(FLUNames)))}]). %% Generator for symmetric partition information partition_sym(FLUNames) -> ?LET(Pairs, non_empty(sublist(flu_pairs(FLUNames))), lists:flatmap(fun({One, Another}) -> [{One, Another}, {Another, One}] end, Pairs)). flu_ordered_pairs(FLUNames) -> [{From, To} || From <- FLUNames, To <- FLUNames, From =/= To]. flu_pairs(FLUNames) -> [{One, Another} || One <- FLUNames, Another <- FLUNames, One > Another]. chunk() -> non_empty(binary(10)). %% Properties prop_repair(Verbose) -> error_logger:tty(false), application:load(sasl), application:set_env(sasl, sasl_error_logger, false), Seed = {1445,935441,287549}, ?FORALL(Num, num(), ?FORALL(Cmds, commands(?MODULE, initial_state(Num, Verbose)), begin Target = setup_target(Num, Seed, Verbose), {H, S1, Res0} = run_commands(?MODULE, Cmds), %% ?V("S1=~w~n", [S1]), ?V("==== Start post operations, stabilize and confirm results~n", []), _ = stabilize(commands_len(Cmds), Target), {Dataloss, Critical} = confirm_result(Target), _ = cleanup(Target), pretty_commands( ?MODULE, Cmds, {H, S1, Res0}, aggregate(with_title(cmds), command_names(Cmds), collect(with_title(length5), (length(Cmds) div 5) * 5, {Dataloss, Critical} =:= {0, 0}))) end)). prop_repair_par(Verbose) -> error_logger:tty(false), application:load(sasl), application:set_env(sasl, sasl_error_logger, false), Seed = {1445,935441,287549}, ?FORALL(Num, num(), ?FORALL(Cmds, %% Now try-and-err'ing, how to control command length and concurrency? ?SUCHTHAT(Cmds0, ?SIZED(Size, resize(Size, parallel_commands(?MODULE, initial_state(Num, Verbose)))), commands_len(Cmds0) > 20 andalso concurrency(Cmds0) > 2), begin CmdsLen= commands_len(Cmds), Target = setup_target(Num, Seed, Verbose), {Seq, Par, Res0} = run_parallel_commands(?MODULE, Cmds), %% ?V("Seq=~w~n", [Seq]), %% ?V("Par=~w~n", [Par]), ?V("==== Start post operations, stabilize and confirm results~n", []), {FinalRes, {Dataloss, Critical}} = case Res0 of ok -> Res1 = stabilize(CmdsLen, Target), {Res1, confirm_result(Target)}; _ -> ?V("Res0=~w~n", [Res0]), {Res0, {undefined, undefined}} end, _ = cleanup(Target), %% Process is leaking? This log line can be removed after fix. [?V("process_count=~w~n", [erlang:system_info(process_count)]) || Verbose], pretty_commands( ?MODULE, Cmds, {Seq, Par, Res0}, aggregate(with_title(cmds), command_names(Cmds), collect(with_title(length5), (CmdsLen div 5) * 5, collect(with_title(conc), concurrency(Cmds), {FinalRes, {Dataloss, Critical}} =:= {ok, {0, 0}}))) ) end)). %% Initilization / setup %% Fake initialization function for debugging in shell like: %% > eqc_gen:sample(eqc_statem:commands(machi_ap_repair_eqc)). %% but not so helpful. initial_state() -> #state{cr_count=3}. initial_state(Num, Verbose) -> AllListE = all_list_extra(Num), FLUNames = [P#p_srvr.name || {P, _Dir} <- AllListE], MgrNames = [{Name, machi_flu_psup:make_mgr_supname(Name)} || Name <- FLUNames], #state{num=Num, verbose=Verbose, flu_names=FLUNames, mgr_names=MgrNames, cr_count=cr_count(Num)}. setup_target(Num, Seed, Verbose) -> %% ?V("setup_target(Num=~w, Seed=~w~nn", [Num, Seed]), AllListE = all_list_extra(Num), FLUNames = [P#p_srvr.name || {P, _Dir} <- AllListE], MgrNames = [{Name, machi_flu_psup:make_mgr_supname(Name)} || Name <- FLUNames], Dict = orddict:from_list([{P#p_srvr.name, P} || {P, _Dir} <- AllListE]), setup_chain(Seed, AllListE, FLUNames, MgrNames, Dict), _ = setup_cpool(AllListE, FLUNames, Dict), Target = #target{flu_names=FLUNames, mgr_names=MgrNames, verbose=Verbose}, %% Don't wait for complete chain. Even partialy completed, the chain %% should work fine. Right? wait_until_stable(chain_state_all_ok(FLUNames), FLUNames, MgrNames, 20, Verbose), Target. setup_chain(Seed, AllListE, FLUNames, MgrNames, Dict) -> ok = shutdown_hard(), [begin machi_flu1_test:clean_up_data_dir(Dir), filelib:ensure_dir(Dir ++ "/not-used") end || {_P, Dir} <- AllListE], [catch ets:delete(T) || T <- tabs()], [ets:new(T, [set, public, named_table, {write_concurrency, true}, {read_concurrency, true}]) || T <- tabs()], {ok, _} = application:ensure_all_started(machi), SimSpec = {part_sim, {machi_partition_simulator, start_link, [{0,0,0}, 0, 100]}, permanent, 500, worker, []}, {ok, _PSimPid} = supervisor:start_child(machi_sup, SimSpec), ok = machi_partition_simulator:set_seed(Seed), _Partitions = machi_partition_simulator:get(FLUNames), %% Start FLUs and setup the chain FLUOpts = [{use_partition_simulator, true}, %% {private_write_verbose, true}, {active_mode, false}, {simulate_repair, false}], [{ok, _} = machi_flu_psup:start_flu_package(Name, Port, Dir, FLUOpts) || {#p_srvr{name=Name, port=Port}, Dir} <- AllListE], [machi_chain_manager1:set_chain_members(MgrName, Dict) || {_, MgrName} <- MgrNames], ok. setup_cpool(AllListE, FLUNames, Dict) -> Num = length(AllListE), FCList = [begin {ok, PCPid} = machi_proxy_flu1_client:start_link(P), {Name, PCPid} end || {_, #p_srvr{name=Name}=P} <- Dict], %% CR clients are pooled, each has "name" which is interpreted "From" %% side of simulated partition. SimSelfNames = lists:append(lists:duplicate(cr_count(Num), FLUNames)), CRList = [begin {ok, C} = machi_cr_client:start_link( [P || {_, P} <- Dict], [{use_partition_simulator, true}, {simulator_self_name, SimSelfName}, {simulator_members, FLUNames}]), {SimSelfName, C} end || SimSelfName <- SimSelfNames], catch ets:delete(cpool), ets:new(cpool, [set, protected, named_table, {read_concurrency, true}]), ets:insert(cpool, {fc_list, FCList}), ets:insert(cpool, {cr_list, CRList}), {CRList, FCList}. fc_list() -> [{fc_list, FCList}] = ets:lookup(cpool, fc_list), FCList. cr_list() -> [{cr_list, CRList}] = ets:lookup(cpool, cr_list), CRList. %% Post run_commands stabilize(0, _T) -> ok; stabilize(_CmdsLen, #target{flu_names=FLUNames, mgr_names=MgrNames, verbose=Verbose}) -> machi_partition_simulator:no_partitions(), wait_until_stable(chain_state_all_ok(FLUNames), FLUNames, MgrNames, 100, Verbose), ok. chain_state_all_ok(FLUNames) -> [{FLUName, {FLUNames, [], []}} || FLUName <- FLUNames]. confirm_result(_T) -> [{_, C} | _] = cr_list(), [{written, _Written}, {accpt, Accpt}, {failed, Failed}, {critical, Critical}] = tab_counts(), {OK, Dataloss} = confirm_written(C), ?V(" Written=~w, DATALOSS=~w, Acceptable=~w~n", [OK, Dataloss, Accpt]), ?V(" Failed=~w, Critical=~w~n~n", [Failed, Critical]), DirBase = get_dir_base(), Suffix = dump_file_suffix(), case Failed of 0 -> ok; _ -> DumpFailed = filename:join(DirBase, "dump-failed-" ++ Suffix), ?V("Dump failed ETS tab to: ~w~n", [DumpFailed]), ets:tab2file(?FAILED_TAB, DumpFailed) end, case Critical of 0 -> ok; _ -> DumpCritical = filename:join(DirBase, "dump-critical-" ++ Suffix), ?V("Dump critical ETS tab to: ~w~n", [DumpCritical]), ets:tab2file(?CRITICAL_TAB, DumpCritical) end, {Dataloss, Critical}. confirm_written(C) -> ets:foldl( fun({Key, Bin}, {OK, NG}) -> case assert_chunk(C, Key, Bin) of ok -> {OK+1, NG}; {error, _} -> {OK, NG+1} end end, {0, 0}, ?WRITTEN_TAB). assert_chunk(C, {Off, Len, FileName}=Key, Bin) -> %% TODO: This probably a bug, read_chunk respnds with filename of `string()' type FileNameStr = binary_to_list(FileName), %% TODO : Use CSum instead of binary (after disuccsion about CSum is calmed down?) case (catch machi_cr_client:read_chunk(C, FileName, Off, Len, [], sec(3))) of {ok, {[{FileNameStr, Off, Bin, _}], []}} -> ok; {ok, Got} -> ?V("read_chunk got different binary for Key=~p~n", [Key]), ?V(" Expected: ~p~n", [{[{FileNameStr, Off, Bin, <<"CSum-NYI">>}], []}]), ?V(" Got: ~p~n", [Got]), {error, different_binary}; {error, Reason} -> ?V("read_chunk error for Key=~p: ~p~n", [Key, Reason]), {error, Reason}; Other -> ?V("read_chunk other error for Key=~p: ~p~n", [Key, Other]), {error, Other} end. cleanup(_Target) -> [begin unlink(FC), catch exit(FC, kill) end || {_, FC} <- fc_list()], [begin unlink(CR), catch exit(CR, kill) end || {_, CR} <- cr_list()], _ = shutdown_hard(). %% Internal misc utilities eqc_verbose() -> os:getenv("EQC_VERBOSE") =:= "true". eqc_timeout(Default) -> PropTimeout = case os:getenv("EQC_TIMEOUT") of false -> Default; V -> list_to_integer(V) end, {PropTimeout, PropTimeout * 300}. get_port_dir_base() -> I = case os:getenv("EQC_BASE_PORT") of false -> 0; V -> list_to_integer(V) end, D = get_dir_base(), {7400 + (I * 100), D ++ "/" ++ integer_to_list(I)}. get_dir_base() -> case os:getenv("EQC_BASE_DIR") of false -> "./eqc"; DD -> DD end. shutdown_hard() -> _STOP = application:stop(machi), timer:sleep(100). tick(#state{flu_names=FLUNames, mgr_names=MgrNames, verbose=Verbose}) -> tick(FLUNames, MgrNames, Verbose). tick(FLUNames, MgrNames, Verbose) -> tick(FLUNames, MgrNames, 2, 100, Verbose). tick(FLUNames, MgrNames, Iter, SleepMax, Verbose) -> TickFun = tick_fun(FLUNames, MgrNames, self()), TickFun(Iter, 0, SleepMax), FCList = fc_list(), [?V("## Chain state after tick()=~w~n", [chain_state(FCList)]) || Verbose]. tick_fun(FLUNames, MgrNames, Parent) -> fun(Iters, SleepMin, SleepMax) -> %% ?V("^", []), Trigger = fun(FLUName, MgrName) -> random:seed(now()), [begin erlang:yield(), SleepMaxRand = random:uniform(SleepMax + 1), %% io:format(user, "{t}", []), Elapsed = machi_chain_manager1:sleep_ranked_order( SleepMin, SleepMaxRand, FLUName, FLUNames), MgrName ! tick_check_environment, %% Be more unfair by not sleeping here. timer:sleep(max(SleepMax - Elapsed, 1)), ok end || _ <- lists:seq(1, Iters)], Parent ! {done, self()} end, Pids = [{spawn(fun() -> Trigger(FLUName, MgrName) end), FLUName} || {FLUName, MgrName} <- MgrNames ], [receive {done, ThePid} -> ok after 120*1000 -> exit({icky_timeout, M_name}) end || {ThePid, M_name} <- Pids] end. wait_until_stable(ExpectedChainState, FLUNames, MgrNames, Verbose) -> wait_until_stable(ExpectedChainState, FLUNames, MgrNames, 20, Verbose). wait_until_stable(ExpectedChainState, FLUNames, MgrNames, Retries, Verbose) -> TickFun = tick_fun(FLUNames, MgrNames, self()), FCList = fc_list(), wait_until_stable1(ExpectedChainState, TickFun, FCList, Retries, Verbose). wait_until_stable1(_ExpectedChainState, _TickFun, FCList, 0, _Verbose) -> ?V(" [ERROR] wait_until_stable failed.... : ~p~n", [chain_state(FCList)]), false; wait_until_stable1(ExpectedChainState, TickFun, FCList, Reties, Verbose) -> [TickFun(3, 0, 100) || _ <- lists:seq(1, 3)], Normalized = normalize_chain_state(chain_state(FCList)), case Normalized of ExpectedChainState -> [?V(" Got stable chain: ~w~n", [chain_state(FCList)]) || Verbose], true; _ -> [?V(" NOT YET stable chain: ~w~n", [chain_state(FCList)]) || Verbose], wait_until_stable1(ExpectedChainState, TickFun, FCList, Reties-1, Verbose) end. normalize_chain_state(ChainState) -> lists:usort([{FLUName, {lists:usort(UPI), lists:usort(Repairing), lists:usort(Down)}} || {FLUName, {_EpochNo, UPI, Repairing, Down}} <- ChainState]). chain_state(FCList) -> lists:usort( [case (catch machi_proxy_flu1_client:read_latest_projection(C, private, sec(5))) of {ok, #projection_v1{epoch_number=EpochNo, upi=UPI, repairing=Repairing, down=Down}} -> {FLUName, {EpochNo, UPI, Repairing, Down}}; Other -> {FLUName, Other} end || {FLUName, C} <- FCList]). tabs() -> [?WRITTEN_TAB, ?ACCPT_TAB, ?FAILED_TAB, ?CRITICAL_TAB]. tab_counts() -> [{T, ets:info(T, size)} || T <- tabs()]. sec(Sec) -> timer:seconds(Sec). commands_len({SeqCmds, ParCmdsList} = _Cmds) -> lists:sum([length(SeqCmds) | [length(P) || P <- ParCmdsList]]); commands_len(Cmds) -> length(Cmds). concurrency({_SeqCmds, ParCmdsList} = _Cmds) -> length(ParCmdsList); concurrency(_) -> 1. dump_file_suffix() -> {{Year, Month, Day}, {Hour, Min, Sec}} = calendar:local_time(), lists:flatten( io_lib:format("~4.10.0B-~2.10.0B-~2.10.0BT~2.10.0B:~2.10.0B:~2.10.0B.000Z", [Year, Month, Day, Hour, Min, Sec])). -endif. % EQC -endif. % TEST