%% ------------------------------------------------------------------- %% %% Copyright (c) 2007-2015 Basho Technologies, Inc. All Rights Reserved. %% %% This file is provided to you under the Apache License, %% Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file %% except in compliance with the License. You may obtain %% a copy of the License at %% %% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 %% %% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, %% software distributed under the License is distributed on an %% "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY %% KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the %% specific language governing permissions and limitations %% under the License. %% %% ------------------------------------------------------------------- -module(machi_flu_psup_test). -ifdef(TEST). -ifndef(PULSE). -include_lib("eunit/include/eunit.hrl"). -include("machi_projection.hrl"). %% smoke_test2() will try repeatedly to make a TCP connection to ports %% on localhost that have no listener. %% If you use 'sysctl -w net.inet.icmp.icmplim=3' before running this %% test, you'll get to exercise some timeout handling in %% machi_chain_manager1:perhaps_call_t(). %% The default for net.inet.icmp.icmplim is 50. smoke_test_() -> {timeout, 5*60, fun() -> smoke_test2() end}. smoke_test2() -> Ps = [{a,#p_srvr{name=a, address="localhost", port=5550, props="./data.a"}}, {b,#p_srvr{name=b, address="localhost", port=5551, props="./data.b"}}, {c,#p_srvr{name=c, address="localhost", port=5552, props="./data.c"}} ], [os:cmd("rm -rf " ++ P#p_srvr.props) || {_,P} <- Ps], {ok, SupPid} = machi_sup:start_link(), try %% Only run a, don't run b & c so we have 100% failures talking to them [begin #p_srvr{name=Name, port=Port, props=Dir} = P, {ok, _} = machi_flu_psup:start_flu_package(Name, Port, Dir, []) end || {_,P} <- [hd(Ps)]], [machi_chain_manager1:trigger_react_to_env(a_chmgr) || _ <-lists:seq(1,5)], machi_chain_manager1:set_chain_members(a_chmgr, orddict:from_list(Ps)), [machi_chain_manager1:trigger_react_to_env(a_chmgr) || _ <-lists:seq(1,5)], ok after exit(SupPid, normal), [os:cmd("rm -rf " ++ P#p_srvr.props) || {_,P} <- Ps], machi_util:wait_for_death(SupPid, 100), ok end. partial_stop_restart_test_() -> {timeout, 5*60, fun() -> partial_stop_restart2() end}. partial_stop_restart2() -> Ps = [{a,#p_srvr{name=a, address="localhost", port=5560, props="./data.a"}}, {b,#p_srvr{name=b, address="localhost", port=5561, props="./data.b"}}, {c,#p_srvr{name=c, address="localhost", port=5562, props="./data.c"}} ], ChMgrs = [machi_flu_psup:make_mgr_supname(P#p_srvr.name) || {_,P} <-Ps], PStores = [machi_flu_psup:make_proj_supname(P#p_srvr.name) || {_,P} <-Ps], Dict = orddict:from_list(Ps), [os:cmd("rm -rf " ++ P#p_srvr.props) || {_,P} <- Ps], {ok, SupPid} = machi_sup:start_link(), DbgProps = [{initial_wedged, true}], Start = fun({_,P}) -> #p_srvr{name=Name, port=Port, props=Dir} = P, {ok, _} = machi_flu_psup:start_flu_package( Name, Port, Dir, [{active_mode,false}|DbgProps]) end, WedgeStatus = fun({_,#p_srvr{address=Addr, port=TcpPort}}) -> machi_flu1_client:wedge_status(Addr, TcpPort) end, Append = fun({_,#p_srvr{address=Addr, port=TcpPort}}, EpochID) -> machi_flu1_client:append_chunk(Addr, TcpPort, EpochID, <<"prefix">>, <<"data">>) end, try [Start(P) || P <- Ps], [{ok, {true, _}} = WedgeStatus(P) || P <- Ps], % all are wedged [{error,wedged} = Append(P, ?DUMMY_PV1_EPOCH) || P <- Ps], % all are wedged [machi_chain_manager1:set_chain_members(ChMgr, Dict) || ChMgr <- ChMgrs ], {ok, {false, EpochID1}} = WedgeStatus(hd(Ps)), [{ok, {false, EpochID1}} = WedgeStatus(P) || P <- Ps], % *not* wedged [{ok,_} = Append(P, EpochID1) || P <- Ps], % *not* wedged {ok, {_,_,File1}} = Append(hd(Ps), EpochID1), {_,_,_} = machi_chain_manager1:trigger_react_to_env(hd(ChMgrs)), [begin _QQa = machi_chain_manager1:trigger_react_to_env(ChMgr) end || _ <- lists:seq(1,125), ChMgr <- ChMgrs], %% All chain managers & projection stores should be using the %% same projection which is max projection in each store. {no_change,_,Epoch_m} = machi_chain_manager1:trigger_react_to_env( hd(ChMgrs)), [{no_change,_,Epoch_m} = machi_chain_manager1:trigger_react_to_env( ChMgr )|| ChMgr <- ChMgrs], {ok, Proj_m} = machi_projection_store:read_latest_projection( hd(PStores), public), [begin {ok, Proj_m2} = machi_projection_store:read_latest_projection( PStore, ProjType), true = (machi_projection:update_dbg2(Proj_m, []) == machi_projection:update_dbg2(Proj_m2, [])) end || ProjType <- [public, private], PStore <- PStores ], Epoch_m = Proj_m#projection_v1.epoch_number, %% Confirm that all FLUs are *not* wedged, with correct proj & epoch Proj_mCSum = Proj_m#projection_v1.epoch_csum, [{ok, {false, {Epoch_m, Proj_mCSum}}} = WedgeStatus(P) || % *not* wedged P <- Ps], {ok, {false, EpochID1}} = WedgeStatus(hd(Ps)), [{ok,_} = Append(P, EpochID1) || P <- Ps], % *not* wedged %% Stop all but 'a'. [ok = machi_flu_psup:stop_flu_package(Name) || {Name,_} <- tl(Ps)], %% Stop and restart a. {FluName_a, _} = hd(Ps), ok = machi_flu_psup:stop_flu_package(FluName_a), {ok, _} = Start(hd(Ps)), timer:sleep(123), % TODO fix server socket available race condition in better way %% Remember: 'a' is not in active mode. {ok, Proj_m3} = machi_projection_store:read_latest_projection( hd(PStores), private), true = (machi_projection:update_dbg2(Proj_m, []) == machi_projection:update_dbg2(Proj_m3, [])), %% Confirm that 'a' is wedged {error, wedged} = Append(hd(Ps), EpochID1), {_, #p_srvr{address=Addr_a, port=TcpPort_a}} = hd(Ps), {error, wedged} = machi_flu1_client:read_chunk( Addr_a, TcpPort_a, ?DUMMY_PV1_EPOCH, <<>>, 99999999, 1, []), {error, wedged} = machi_flu1_client:checksum_list( Addr_a, TcpPort_a, ?DUMMY_PV1_EPOCH, <<>>), %% list_files() is permitted despite wedged status {ok, _} = machi_flu1_client:list_files( Addr_a, TcpPort_a, ?DUMMY_PV1_EPOCH), %% Iterate through humming consensus once {now_using,_,Epoch_n} = machi_chain_manager1:trigger_react_to_env( hd(ChMgrs)), true = (Epoch_n > Epoch_m), {ok, {false, EpochID3}} = WedgeStatus(hd(Ps)), %% The file we're assigned should be different with the epoch change. {ok, {_,_,File3}} = Append(hd(Ps), EpochID3), true = (File1 /= File3), %% Confirm that 'a' is *not* wedged {ok, _} = Append(hd(Ps), EpochID3), ok after exit(SupPid, normal), [os:cmd("rm -rf " ++ P#p_srvr.props) || {_,P} <- Ps], machi_util:wait_for_death(SupPid, 100), ok end. p_srvr_rec_test() -> P = #p_srvr{name=a, address="localhost", port=1024, props=[yo]}, [P] = machi_flu_sup:sanitize_p_srvr_records([P]), [P] = machi_flu_sup:sanitize_p_srvr_records([P,P]), [] = machi_flu_sup:sanitize_p_srvr_records([nope]), [] = machi_flu_sup:sanitize_p_srvr_records([#p_srvr{proto_mod=does_not_exist}]), [] = machi_flu_sup:sanitize_p_srvr_records([#p_srvr{proto_mod="lists"}]), [] = machi_flu_sup:sanitize_p_srvr_records([#p_srvr{address=7}]), [] = machi_flu_sup:sanitize_p_srvr_records([#p_srvr{port=5}]), [] = machi_flu_sup:sanitize_p_srvr_records([#p_srvr{port=foo}]), [] = machi_flu_sup:sanitize_p_srvr_records([#p_srvr{props=foo}]), ok. -endif. % !PULSE -endif. % TEST