REPO ?= machi PKG_REVISION ?= $(shell git describe --tags) PKG_BUILD = 1 BASE_DIR = $(shell pwd) ERLANG_BIN = $(shell dirname $(shell which erl)) REBAR := $(shell which rebar) ifeq ($(REBAR),) REBAR = $(BASE_DIR)/rebar endif OVERLAY_VARS ?= .PHONY: rel deps package pkgclean edoc all: deps compile compile: $(REBAR) compile ## Make reltool happy by creating a fake entry in the deps dir for ## machi, because reltool really wants to have a path with ## "machi/ebin" at the end, but we also don't want infinite recursion ## if we just symlink "deps/machi" -> ".." generate: rm -rf deps/machi mkdir deps/machi ln -s ../../ebin deps/machi ln -s ../../src deps/machi $(REBAR) generate $(OVERLAY_VARS) 2>&1 | grep -v 'command does not apply to directory' deps: $(REBAR) get-deps clean: $(REBAR) -r clean edoc-clean: rm -f edoc/*.png edoc/*.html edoc/*.css edoc/edoc-info pulse: compile @echo Sorry, PULSE test needs maintenance. -SLF #env USE_PULSE=1 $(REBAR) skip_deps=true clean compile #env USE_PULSE=1 $(REBAR) skip_deps=true -D PULSE eunit -v ## ## Release targets ## rel: deps compile generate relclean: rm -rf rel/$(REPO) stage : rel $(foreach dep,$(wildcard deps/*), rm -rf rel/$(REPO)/lib/$(shell basename $(dep))* && ln -sf $(abspath $(dep)) rel/$(REPO)/lib;) DIALYZER_APPS = kernel stdlib sasl erts ssl compiler eunit crypto PLT = $(HOME)/.machi_dialyzer_plt include