Scott Lystig Fritchie 29868678a4 Add file0_test.escript (and big squash)
Small cleanups

Small cleanups

Refactoring argnames & order for more consistency

Add server-side-calculated MD5 checksum + logging

file:consult() style checksum management, too slow! 513K csums = 105 seconds, ouch

Much faster checksum recording

Add checksum_list. Alas, line-by-line I/O is slow, neh?

Much faster checksum listing

Add file0_verify_checksums.escript and supporting code

Adjust escript +A and -smp flags

Add file0_compare_filelists.escript

First draft of file0_repair_server.escript

First draft of file0_repair_server.escript, part 2

WIP of file0_repair_server.escript, part 3

WIP of file0_repair_server.escript, part 4

Basic repair works, it seems, hooray!

When checksum file ordering is different, try a cheap(?) 'cmp' on sorted results instead


Initial import of szone_chash.erl

Add file0_cc_make_projection.escript and supporting code

Add file0_cc_map_prefix.escript and supporting code

Change think-o: hash output is a chain, silly boy

Add file0_cc_1file_write_redundant.escript and support

Add file0_cc_read_client.escript and supporting code

Add examples/ & file0_start_servers.escript

WIP: working on file0_cc_migrate_files.escript

File migration finished, works, yay!

Add basic 'what am I' docs to each script

Add file0_server_daemon.escript

Minor fixes

Fix broken unit test

Add basho_bench run() commands for append & read ops with projection

Add to examples dir

WIP: erasure coding hack, part 1

Fix broken unit test

WIP: erasure coding hack, part 2

WIP: erasure coding hack, part 3, EC data write is finished!

WIP: erasure coding hack, part 4, EC data read still in progress

WIP: erasure coding hack, part 5, EC data read still in progress

WIP: erasure coding hack, part 5b, EC data read still in progress

WIP: erasure coding hack, EC data read finished!

README update, part 1

README update, part 2

Oops, put back the printed ouput for file-write-client and 1file-write-redundant-client

README update, part 3

Fix 'user' output bug in list-client

Ugly hacks to get output/no-output from write clients

Clean up minor output bugs

Clean up minor output bugs, part 2

README update, part 4

Clean up minor output bugs, part 3

Clean up minor output bugs, part 5

Clean up minor output bugs, part 6

README update, part 6

README update, part 7

README update, part 7

README update, part 8

Final edits/fixes for demo day

Fix another oops in the README/demo day script
2015-03-02 20:57:17 +09:00

40 lines
1.6 KiB

{mode, {rate,50}}.
%% {mode, max}.
{duration, 1}.
%{duration, 15}.
{report_interval, 1}.
%% {concurrent, 1}.
{concurrent, 32}.
{code_paths, ["/tmp"]}.
{driver, file0}.
{file0_ip_list, [{{127,0,0,1}, 7071}]}.
%%% {file0_start_listener, {7071, "/tmp/SAM1/seq-tests/data"}}.
{value_generator_source_size, 16001001}.
%{key_generator, <<"32k-archive">>}.
{key_generator, {to_binstr, "32k-prefix-~w", {uniform_int, 1000}}}.
{file0_projection_path, "/Users/fritchie/b/src/misc/sequencer/examples/1.proj"}.
%% variations of put
%{operations, [{keygen_valuegen_then_null, 1}]}.
{value_generator, {fixed_bin, 32768}}.
%{operations, [{append_local_server, 1}]}.
%{operations, [{append_remote_server, 1}]}.
%{operations, [{cc_append_remote_server, 1}]}.
{operations, [{append_remote_server, 1}, {cc_append_remote_server, 1}]}.
%{operations, [{append_local_server, 1}, {append_remote_server, 1}]}.
%% variations of get
%% perl -e 'srand(time); $chunksize = 32768 ; foreach $file (@ARGV) { @fi = stat($file); $size = $fi[7]; $base = $file; $base =~ s|[^/]*/||g; for ($i = 0; $i < $size - $chunksize; $i += $chunksize) { printf "%d R %016x %08x %s\n", rand(999999), $i, $chunksize, $base; } }' data/*.* | sort -n | awk '{print $2, $3, $4, $5}' > /tmp/input.txt
%% {key_generator, {file_line_bin, "/tmp/input.txt"}}.
%% {value_generator_source_size, 1}.
%% {operations, [{read_raw_line_local, 1}]}.
%% {key_generator, {file_line_bin, "/tmp/input.txt"}}.
%% {value_generator_source_size, 1}.
%% %{operations, [{cc_read_raw_line_local, 1}]}.
%% {operations, [{read_raw_line_local, 1}, {cc_read_raw_line_local, 1}]}.