Scott Lystig Fritchie 33bfbe109e Chain manager bug fixes & enhancment (more...)
* Set max length of a chain at -define(MAX_CHAIN_LENGTH, 64).

* Perturb tick sleep time of each manager

* If a chain manager L has zero members in its chain, and then its local
public projection store (authored by some remote author R) has a projection
that contains L, then adopt R's projection and start humming consensus.

* Handle "cross-talk" across projection stores, when chain membership
is changed administratively, e.g. chain was [a,b,c] then changed to merely
[a], but that change only happens on a.  Servers b & c continue to use
stale projections and scribble their projection suggestions to a, causing
it to flap.

What's really cool about the flapping handling is that it *works*.  I
wasn't thinking about this scenario when designing the flapping logic, but
it's really nifty that this extra scenario causes a to flap and then a's
inner projection remains stable, yay!

* Add complaints when "cross-talk" is observed.

* Fix flapping sleep time throttle.

* Fix bug in the machi_projection_store.erl's bookkeeping of the
max epoch number when flapping.
2015-05-11 18:41:45 +09:00

65 lines
2.4 KiB

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-define(MACHI_PROJECTION_HRL, true).
-type pv1_csum() :: binary().
-type pv1_epoch() :: {pv1_epoch_n(), pv1_csum()}.
-type pv1_epoch_n() :: non_neg_integer().
-type pv1_server() :: atom() | binary().
-type pv1_timestamp() :: {non_neg_integer(), non_neg_integer(), non_neg_integer()}.
-record(p_srvr, {
name :: pv1_server(),
proto = 'ipv4' :: 'ipv4' | 'disterl', % disterl? Hrm.
address :: term(), % Protocol-specific
port :: term(), % Protocol-specific
props = [] :: list() % proplist for other related info
-type p_srvr() :: #p_srvr{}.
-type p_srvr_dict() :: orddict:orddict().
-define(DUMMY_PV1_EPOCH, {0,<<0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0>>}).
-record(projection_v1, {
epoch_number :: pv1_epoch_n(),
epoch_csum :: pv1_csum(),
author_server :: pv1_server(),
all_members :: [pv1_server()],
creation_time :: pv1_timestamp(),
upi :: [pv1_server()],
repairing :: [pv1_server()],
down :: [pv1_server()],
dbg :: list(), %proplist(), is checksummed
dbg2 :: list(), %proplist(), is not checksummed
members_dict :: p_srvr_dict()
-define(MACHI_DEFAULT_TCP_PORT, 50000).
-define(SHA_MAX, (1 bsl (20*8))).
%% Set a limit to the maximum chain length, so that it's easier to
%% create a consistent projection ranking score.
-define(MAX_CHAIN_LENGTH, 64).