Scott Lystig Fritchie 2060b80830 Keep good refactorings from commit a8390ee2
Also, add more misc details to the 'react' breadcrumb trail.  Also,
save get(react) results into dbg2 whenever we write a private projection,
very valuable for debugging.

Also: cleanup PULSE code, add regression commands as option and
controls with some new environment variables.  These regression
sequences were responsbile for several fruitful debugging sessions,
so we keep them for posterity and for their ability (with new seeds
and PULSE) to find new interleavings.
2015-07-10 15:04:50 +09:00

444 lines
17 KiB

%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
%% Machi: a small village of replicated files
%% Copyright (c) 2014 Basho Technologies, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
%% This file is provided to you under the Apache License,
%% Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
%% except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
%% a copy of the License at
%% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
%% software distributed under the License is distributed on an
%% KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
%% specific language governing permissions and limitations
%% under the License.
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
-define(MGR, machi_chain_manager1).
-define(D(X), io:format(user, "~s ~p\n", [??X, X])).
-define(Dw(X), io:format(user, "~s ~w\n", [??X, X])).
-define(FLU_C, machi_flu1_client).
-define(FLU_PC, machi_proxy_flu1_client).
%% -include_lib("eqc/include/eqc_statem.hrl").
eqc:on_output(fun(Str, Args) -> io:format(user, Str, Args) end, P)).
%% @doc Create a summary report of all of the *private* projections of
%% each of the FLUs in the chain, and create a summary for each
%% epoch number.
%% Report format: list({EpochNumber:non_neg_integer(), Report:rpt()})
%% rpt(): {'ok_disjoint', unique_upi_repair_lists()} |
%% {'bummer_NOT_DISJOINT', {flat(), summaries()}
%% unique_upi_repair_lists(): list(upi_and_repair_lists_concatenated())
%% flat(): debugging term; any duplicate in this list is an invalid FLU.
%% summaries(): list({FLU, ProjectionSummary:string() | 'not_in_this_epoch'})
%% Example:
%% [{1,{ok_disjoint,[[a,b,c]]}},
%% {4,{ok_disjoint,[[a,b,c]]}},
%% {6,{ok_disjoint,[[a,b,c]]}},
%% {16,{ok_disjoint,[[a,b,c]]}},
%% {22,{ok_disjoint,[[b]]}},
%% {1174,
%% {bummer_NOT_DISJOINT,{[a,a,b],
%% [{a,"[{epoch,1174},{author,a},{upi,[a]},{repair,[]},{down,[b]},{d,[{ps,[{a,b},{b,a}]},{nodes_up,[a]}]},{d2,[]}]"},
%% {b,"[{epoch,1174},{author,b},{upi,[b]},{repair,[a]},{down,[]},{d,[{ps,[]},{nodes_up,[a,b]}]},{d2,[]}]"}]}}},
%% ...]
unanimous_report(Namez) ->
UniquePrivateEs =
[element(2, ?FLU_PC:list_all_projections(FLU, private)) ||
{_FLUName, FLU} <- Namez])),
[{Epoch, unanimous_report(Epoch, Namez)} || Epoch <- UniquePrivateEs,
Epoch /= 0].
unanimous_report(Epoch, Namez) ->
FLU_Projs = [{FLUName,
case ?FLU_PC:read_projection(FLU, private, Epoch) of
{ok, T} ->
_Else ->
end} || {FLUName, FLU} <- Namez],
unanimous_report2(FLU_Projs) ->
ProjsSumms = [{FLU, if is_tuple(P) ->
Summ = machi_projection:make_summary(P),
lists:flatten(io_lib:format("~w", [Summ]));
is_atom(P) ->
end} || {FLU, P} <- FLU_Projs],
UPI_R_Sums = [{Proj#projection_v1.upi, Proj#projection_v1.repairing,
Proj#projection_v1.epoch_csum} ||
{_FLUname, Proj} <- FLU_Projs,
is_record(Proj, projection_v1)],
UniqueUPIs = lists:usort([UPI || {UPI, _Repairing, _CSum} <- UPI_R_Sums]),
if length(UniqueUPIs) =< 1 ->
{ok_disjoint, UniqueUPIs};
true ->
Flat = lists:flatten(UniqueUPIs),
case lists:usort(Flat) == lists:sort(Flat) of
true ->
{ok_disjoint, UniqueUPIs};
false ->
{bummer_NOT_DISJOINT, {lists:sort(Flat), ProjsSumms}}
all_reports_are_disjoint(Report) ->
case [X || {_Epoch, Tuple}=X <- Report,
element(1, Tuple) /= ok_disjoint] of
[] ->
Else ->
simple_chain_state_transition_is_sane_test_() ->
{timeout, 60, fun() -> simple_chain_state_transition_is_sane_test2() end}.
simple_chain_state_transition_is_sane_test2() ->
%% All: A list of all FLUS for a particular test
%% UPI1: some combination of All that represents UPI1
%% Repair1: Some combination of (All -- UP1) that represents Repairing1
%% ... then we test check_simple_chain_state_transition_is_sane() with all
%% possible UPI1 and Repair1.
[true = check_simple_chain_state_transition_is_sane(UPI1, Repair1) ||
%% The five elements below runs on my MacBook Pro in about 4.8 seconds
%% All <- [ [a], [a,b], [a,b,c], [a,b,c,d], [a,b,c,d,e] ],
%% For elements on the same MBP is about 0.15 seconds.
All <- [ [a], [a,b], [a,b,c], [a,b,c,d] ],
UPI1 <- machi_util:combinations(All),
Repair1 <- machi_util:combinations(All -- UPI1)].
%% Given a UPI1 and Repair1 list, we calculate all possible good UPI2
%% lists. For all good {UPI1, Repair1} -> UPI2 transitions, then the
%% simple_chain_state_transition_is_sane() function must be true. For
%% all other UPI2 transitions, simple_chain_state_transition_is_sane()
%% must be false.
%% We include adding an extra possible participant, 'bogus', to the
%% list of all possible UPI2 transitions, just to demonstrate that
%% adding an extra element/participant/thingie is never sane.
check_simple_chain_state_transition_is_sane([], []) ->
check_simple_chain_state_transition_is_sane(UPI1, Repair1) ->
Good_UPI2s = [ X ++ Y || X <- machi_util:ordered_combinations(UPI1),
Y <- machi_util:ordered_combinations(Repair1)],
All_UPI2s = machi_util:combinations(lists:usort(UPI1 ++ Repair1) ++
[true = ?MGR:simple_chain_state_transition_is_sane(UPI1, Repair1, UPI2) ||
UPI2 <- Good_UPI2s],
[false = ?MGR:simple_chain_state_transition_is_sane(UPI1, Repair1, UPI2) ||
UPI2 <- (All_UPI2s -- Good_UPI2s)],
%% This QuickCheck property is crippled: because the old chain state
%% transition check, chain_mgr_legacy:projection_transition_is_sane(),
%% is so buggy and the new check is (apparently) so much better, I
%% have changed the ?WHENFAIL() criteria to check for either agreement
%% _or_ a case where the legacy check says true but the new check says
%% false.
%% On my MacBook Pro, less than 1000 tests are required to find at
%% least one problem case for the legacy check that the new check is
%% correct for. Running for two seconds can do about 3,500 test
%% cases.
compare_eqc_setup_test_() ->
%% Silly QuickCheck can take a long time to start up, check its
%% license, etcetc.
%% machi_chain_manager1_test: compare_eqc_setup_test...[1.788 s] ok
{timeout, 30,
fun() -> eqc:quickcheck(eqc:testing_time(0.1, true)) end}.
-define(COMPARE_TIMEOUT, 1.2).
%% -define(COMPARE_TIMEOUT, 4.8).
compare_legacy_with_v2_chain_transition_check1_test() ->
compare_legacy_with_v2_chain_transition_check2_test() ->
prop_compare_legacy_with_v2_chain_transition_check() ->
prop_compare_legacy_with_v2_chain_transition_check(Style) ->
%% ?FORALL(All, nonempty(list([a,b,c,d,e])),
?FORALL(All, non_empty(some([a,b,c,d])),
?FORALL({Author1, UPI1, Repair1x, Author2, UPI2, Repair2x},
?IMPLIES(length(lists:usort(UPI1 ++ Repair1x)) > 0 andalso
length(lists:usort(UPI2 ++ Repair2x)) > 0,
MembersDict = orddict:from_list([{X, #p_srvr{name=X}} || X <- All]),
Repair1 = Repair1x -- UPI1,
Down1 = All -- (UPI1 ++ Repair1),
Repair2 = Repair2x -- UPI2,
Down2 = All -- (UPI2 ++ Repair2),
P1 = machi_projection:new(1, Author1, MembersDict,
Down1, UPI1, Repair1, []),
P2 = machi_projection:new(2, Author2, MembersDict,
Down2, UPI2, Repair2, []),
Old_res = chain_mgr_legacy:projection_transition_is_sane(
P1, P2, Author1, false),
Old_p = case Old_res of true -> true;
_ -> false
case Style of
primitive ->
New_res = ?MGR:chain_state_transition_is_sane(
Author1, UPI1, Repair1, Author2, UPI2),
New_p = case New_res of true -> true;
_ -> false
whole ->
New_res = machi_chain_manager1:projection_transition_is_sane(
P1, P2, Author1, false),
New_p = case New_res of true -> true;
_ -> false
(catch ets:insert(count,
{{Author1, UPI1, Repair1, Author2, UPI2, Repair2}, true})),
"Old_res: ~p/~p (~p)\nNew_res: ~p/~p (why line ~P)\n",
[Old_p, Old_res, catch get(why1),
New_p, New_res, catch get(why2), 30]),
%% Old_p == New_p)
Old_p == New_p orelse (Old_p == true andalso New_p == false))
some(L) ->
?LET(L2, list(oneof(L)),
dedupe(L) ->
dedupe(L, []).
dedupe([H|T], Seen) ->
case lists:member(H, Seen) of
false ->
[H|dedupe(T, [H|Seen])];
true ->
dedupe(T, Seen)
dedupe([], _) ->
make_prop_ets() ->
ets:new(count, [named_table, set, public]).
-endif. % EQC
smoke0_test() ->
{ok, _} = machi_partition_simulator:start_link({1,2,3}, 50, 50),
Host = "localhost",
TcpPort = 6623,
{ok, FLUa} = machi_flu1:start_link([{a,TcpPort,"./data.a"}]),
Pa = #p_srvr{name=a, address=Host, port=TcpPort},
Members_Dict = machi_projection:make_members_dict([Pa]),
%% Egadz, more racing on startup, yay. TODO fix.
{ok, FLUaP} = ?FLU_PC:start_link(Pa),
{ok, M0} = ?MGR:start_link(a, Members_Dict, [{active_mode, false}]),
_SockA = machi_util:connect(Host, TcpPort),
pong = ?MGR:ping(M0)
ok = ?MGR:stop(M0),
ok = machi_flu1:stop(FLUa),
ok = ?FLU_PC:quit(FLUaP),
ok = machi_partition_simulator:stop()
smoke1_test() ->
machi_partition_simulator:start_link({1,2,3}, 100, 0),
TcpPort = 62777,
FluInfo = [{a,TcpPort+0,"./data.a"}, {b,TcpPort+1,"./data.b"}, {c,TcpPort+2,"./data.c"}],
P_s = [#p_srvr{name=Name, address="localhost", port=Port} ||
{Name,Port,_Dir} <- FluInfo],
[machi_flu1_test:clean_up_data_dir(Dir) || {_,_,Dir} <- FluInfo],
FLUs = [element(2, machi_flu1:start_link([{Name,Port,Dir}])) ||
{Name,Port,Dir} <- FluInfo],
MembersDict = machi_projection:make_members_dict(P_s),
{ok, M0} = ?MGR:start_link(a, MembersDict, [{active_mode,false}]),
{ok, P1} = ?MGR:test_calc_projection(M0, false),
% DERP! Check for race with manager's proxy vs. proj listener
case ?MGR:test_read_latest_public_projection(M0, false) of
{error, partition} -> timer:sleep(500);
_ -> ok
{local_write_result, ok,
{remote_write_results, [{b,ok},{c,ok}]}} =
?MGR:test_write_public_projection(M0, P1),
{unanimous, P1, Extra1} = ?MGR:test_read_latest_public_projection(M0, false),
ok = ?MGR:stop(M0),
[ok = machi_flu1:stop(X) || X <- FLUs],
ok = machi_partition_simulator:stop()
nonunanimous_setup_and_fix_test() ->
machi_partition_simulator:start_link({1,2,3}, 100, 0),
TcpPort = 62877,
FluInfo = [{a,TcpPort+0,"./data.a"}, {b,TcpPort+1,"./data.b"}],
P_s = [#p_srvr{name=Name, address="localhost", port=Port} ||
{Name,Port,_Dir} <- FluInfo],
[machi_flu1_test:clean_up_data_dir(Dir) || {_,_,Dir} <- FluInfo],
FLUs = [element(2, machi_flu1:start_link([{Name,Port,Dir}])) ||
{Name,Port,Dir} <- FluInfo],
[Proxy_a, Proxy_b] = Proxies =
[element(2,?FLU_PC:start_link(P)) || P <- P_s],
MembersDict = machi_projection:make_members_dict(P_s),
XX = [],
%% XX = [{private_write_verbose,true}],
{ok, Ma} = ?MGR:start_link(a, MembersDict, [{active_mode, false}]++XX),
{ok, Mb} = ?MGR:start_link(b, MembersDict, [{active_mode, false}]++XX),
{ok, P1} = ?MGR:test_calc_projection(Ma, false),
P1a = machi_projection:update_checksum(
P1#projection_v1{down=[b], upi=[a], dbg=[{hackhack, ?LINE}]}),
P1b = machi_projection:update_checksum(
P1#projection_v1{author_server=b, creation_time=now(),
down=[a], upi=[b], dbg=[{hackhack, ?LINE}]}),
%% Scribble different projections
ok = ?FLU_PC:write_projection(Proxy_a, public, P1a),
ok = ?FLU_PC:write_projection(Proxy_b, public, P1b),
%% ?D(x),
{not_unanimous,_,_}=_XX = ?MGR:test_read_latest_public_projection(
Ma, false),
%% ?Dw(_XX),
{not_unanimous,_,_}=_YY = ?MGR:test_read_latest_public_projection(
Ma, true),
%% The read repair here doesn't automatically trigger the creation of
%% a new projection (to try to create a unanimous projection). So
%% we expect nothing to change when called again.
{not_unanimous,_,_}=_YY = ?MGR:test_read_latest_public_projection(
Ma, true),
{now_using, _, EpochNum_a} = ?MGR:test_react_to_env(Ma),
{no_change, _, EpochNum_a} = ?MGR:test_react_to_env(Ma),
{unanimous,P2,_E2} = ?MGR:test_read_latest_public_projection(Ma, false),
{ok, P2pa} = ?FLU_PC:read_latest_projection(Proxy_a, private),
P2 = P2pa#projection_v1{dbg2=[]},
%% FLUb should have nothing written to private because it hasn't
%% reacted yet.
{error, not_written} = ?FLU_PC:read_latest_projection(Proxy_b, private),
%% Poke FLUb to react ... should be using the same private proj
%% as FLUa.
{now_using, _, EpochNum_a} = ?MGR:test_react_to_env(Mb),
{ok, P2pb} = ?FLU_PC:read_latest_projection(Proxy_b, private),
P2 = P2pb#projection_v1{dbg2=[]},
ok = ?MGR:stop(Ma),
ok = ?MGR:stop(Mb),
[ok = ?FLU_PC:quit(X) || X <- Proxies],
[ok = machi_flu1:stop(X) || X <- FLUs],
ok = machi_partition_simulator:stop()
unanimous_report_test() ->
TcpPort = 63877,
FluInfo = [{a,TcpPort+0,"./data.a"}, {b,TcpPort+1,"./data.b"}],
P_s = [#p_srvr{name=Name, address="localhost", port=Port} ||
{Name,Port,_Dir} <- FluInfo],
MembersDict = machi_projection:make_members_dict(P_s),
E5 = 5,
UPI5 = [a,b],
Rep5 = [],
Report5 = [UPI5],
P5 = machi_projection:new(E5, a, MembersDict, [], UPI5, Rep5, []),
{ok_disjoint, Report5} =
unanimous_report2([{a, P5}, {b, P5}]),
{ok_disjoint, Report5} =
unanimous_report2([{a, not_in_this_epoch}, {b, P5}]),
{ok_disjoint, Report5} =
unanimous_report2([{a, P5}, {b, not_in_this_epoch}]),
UPI5_b = [a],
Rep5_b = [],
P5_b = machi_projection:new(E5, b, MembersDict, [b], UPI5_b, Rep5_b, []),
{bummer_NOT_DISJOINT, _} = unanimous_report2([{a, P5}, {b, P5_b}]),
UPI5_c = [b],
Rep5_c = [a],
P5_c = machi_projection:new(E5, b, MembersDict, [], UPI5_c, Rep5_c, []),
{bummer_NOT_DISJOINT, _} =
unanimous_report2([{a, P5}, {b, P5_c}]),
P_s3 = [#p_srvr{name=Name, address="localhost", port=Port} ||
{Name,Port,_Dir} <- FluInfo ++ [{c,TcpPort+0,"./data.c"}]],
MembersDict3 = machi_projection:make_members_dict(P_s3),
UPI5_d = [c],
Rep5_d = [a],
Report5d = [UPI5, UPI5_d],
P5_d = machi_projection:new(E5, b, MembersDict3, [b], UPI5_d, Rep5_d, []),
{ok_disjoint, Report5d} = unanimous_report2([{a, P5}, {b, P5_d}]),
UPI5_e = [b],
Rep5_e = [c],
Report5be = [UPI5_b, UPI5_e],
P5_e = machi_projection:new(E5, b, MembersDict3, [a], UPI5_e, Rep5_e, []),
{bummer_NOT_DISJOINT, _} = unanimous_report2([{a, P5}, {b, P5_e}]),
{ok_disjoint, Report5be} = unanimous_report2([{a, P5_b}, {b, P5_e}]),
-endif. % !PULSE
-endif. % TEST