Ha, famous last words, amirite? %% The chain sequence/order checks at the bottom of this function aren't %% as easy-to-read as they ought to be. However, I'm moderately confident %% that it isn't buggy. TODO: refactor them for clarity. So, now machi_chain_manager1:projection_transition_is_sane() is using newer, far less buggy code to make sanity decisions. TODO: Add support for Retrospective mode. TODO is it really needed? Examples of how the old code sucks and the new code sucks less. 138> eqc:quickcheck(eqc:testing_time(10, machi_chain_manager1_test:prop_compare_legacy_with_v2_chain_transition_check(whole))). xxxxxxxxxxxx..x.xxxxxx..x.x....x..xx........................................................Failed! After 69 tests. [a,b,c] {c,[a,b,c],[c,b],b,[b,a],[b,a,c]} Old_res ([335,192,166,160,153,139]): true New_res: false (why line [1936]) Shrinking xxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxx.xxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx(3 times) [a,b,c] %% {Author1,UPI1, Repair1,Author2,UPI2, Repair2} %% {c, [a,b,c],[], a, [b,a],[]} Old_res ([338,185,160,153,147]): true New_res: false (why line [1936]) false Old code is wrong: we've swapped order of a & b, which is bad. 139> eqc:quickcheck(eqc:testing_time(10, machi_chain_manager1_test:prop_compare_legacy_with_v2_chain_transition_check(whole))). xxxxxxxxxx..x...xx..........xxx..x..............x......x............................................(x10)...(x1)........Failed! After 120 tests. [b,c,a] {c,[c,a],[c],a,[a,b],[b,a]} Old_res ([335,192,185,160,153,123]): true New_res: false (why line [1936]) Shrinking xx.xxxxxx.x.xxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxx(4 times) [b,a,c] %% {Author1,UPI1,Repair1,Author2,UPI2, Repair2} %% {a, [c], [], c, [c,b],[]} Old_res ([338,185,160,153,147]): true New_res: false (why line [1936]) false Old code is wrong: b wasn't repairing in the previous state. 150> eqc:quickcheck(eqc:testing_time(10, machi_chain_manager1_test:prop_compare_legacy_with_v2_chain_transition_check(whole))). xxxxxxxxxxx....x...xxxxx..xx.....x.......xxx..x.......xxx...................x................x......(x10).....(x1)........xFailed! After 130 tests. [c,a,b] {b,[c],[b,a,c],c,[c,a,b],[b]} Old_res ([335,214,185,160,153,147]): true New_res: false (why line [1936]) Shrinking xxxx.x.xxx.xxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxx(4 times) [c,b,a] %% {Author1,UPI1,Repair1,Author2,UPI2, Repair2} %% {c, [c], [a,b], c, [c,b,a],[]} Old_res ([335,328,185,160,153,111]): true New_res: false (why line [1981,1679]) false Old code is wrong: a & b were repairing but UPI2 has a & b in the wrong order.
406 lines
16 KiB
406 lines
16 KiB
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
%% Machi: a small village of replicated files
%% Copyright (c) 2014 Basho Technologies, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
%% This file is provided to you under the Apache License,
%% Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
%% except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
%% a copy of the License at
%% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
%% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
%% software distributed under the License is distributed on an
%% KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
%% specific language governing permissions and limitations
%% under the License.
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
-define(MGR, machi_chain_manager1).
-define(D(X), io:format(user, "~s ~p\n", [??X, X])).
-define(Dw(X), io:format(user, "~s ~w\n", [??X, X])).
-define(FLU_C, machi_flu1_client).
-define(FLU_PC, machi_proxy_flu1_client).
%% -include_lib("eqc/include/eqc_statem.hrl").
eqc:on_output(fun(Str, Args) -> io:format(user, Str, Args) end, P)).
%% @doc Create a summary report of all of the *private* projections of
%% each of the FLUs in the chain, and create a summary for each
%% epoch number.
%% Report format: list({EpochNumber::non_neg_integer(), Report::rpt()})
%% rpt(): {ok_disjoint | bummer_NOT_DISJOINT, agree_list()}
%% agree_list(): list(agree())
%% agree(): {agreed_membership, UPIandRepairing()} |
%% {not_agreed, ......TODO LEFT OFF HERE
%% Example:
unanimous_report(Namez) ->
UniquePrivateEs =
[element(2, ?FLU_PC:list_all_projections(FLU, private)) ||
{_FLUName, FLU} <- Namez])),
[{Epoch, unanimous_report(Epoch, Namez)} || Epoch <- UniquePrivateEs,
Epoch /= 0].
unanimous_report(Epoch, Namez) ->
FLU_Projs = [{FLUName,
case ?FLU_PC:read_projection(FLU, private, Epoch) of
{ok, T} ->
_Else ->
end} || {FLUName, FLU} <- Namez],
unanimous_report2(FLU_Projs) ->
ProjsSumms = [{FLU, if is_tuple(P) ->
Summ = machi_projection:make_summary(P),
lists:flatten(io_lib:format("~w", [Summ]));
is_atom(P) ->
end} || {FLU, P} <- FLU_Projs],
UPI_R_Sums = [{Proj#projection_v1.upi, Proj#projection_v1.repairing,
Proj#projection_v1.epoch_csum} ||
{_FLUname, Proj} <- FLU_Projs,
is_record(Proj, projection_v1)],
UniqueUPIs = lists:usort([UPI || {UPI, _Repairing, _CSum} <- UPI_R_Sums]),
Res =
case lists:usort([CSum || {U, _Repairing, CSum} <- UPI_R_Sums,
U == UPI]) of
[_1CSum] ->
%% Yay, there's only 1 checksum. Let's check
%% that all FLUs are in agreement.
{UPI, Repairing, _CSum} =
lists:keyfind(UPI, 1, UPI_R_Sums),
Tmp = [{FLU, case proplists:get_value(FLU, FLU_Projs) of
P when is_record(P, projection_v1) ->
Else ->
end} || FLU <- UPI ++ Repairing],
case lists:usort([CSum || {_FLU, CSum} <- Tmp]) of
[_] ->
{agreed_membership, {UPI, Repairing}};
_Else2 ->
{not_agreed, ProjsSumms}
_Else ->
{not_agreed, [checksum_disagreement|ProjsSumms]}
end || UPI <- UniqueUPIs],
AgreedResUPI_Rs = [UPI++Repairing ||
{agreed_membership, {UPI, Repairing}} <- Res],
Tag = case lists:usort(lists:flatten(AgreedResUPI_Rs)) ==
lists:sort(lists:flatten(AgreedResUPI_Rs)) of
true ->
false ->
{Tag, Res}.
all_reports_are_disjoint(Report) ->
[] == [X || {_Epoch, Tuple}=X <- Report,
element(1, Tuple) /= ok_disjoint].
extract_chains_relative_to_flu(FLU, Report) ->
{FLU, [{Epoch, UPI, Repairing} ||
{Epoch, {ok_disjoint, Es}} <- Report,
{agreed_membership, {UPI, Repairing}} <- Es,
lists:member(FLU, UPI) orelse lists:member(FLU, Repairing)]}.
chain_to_projection(MyName, Epoch, UPI_list, Repairing_list, All_list) ->
MemberDict = orddict:from_list([{FLU, #p_srvr{name=FLU}} ||
FLU <- All_list]),
machi_projection:new(Epoch, MyName, MemberDict,
All_list -- (UPI_list ++ Repairing_list),
UPI_list, Repairing_list, [{artificial_by, ?MODULE}]).
simple_chain_state_transition_is_sane_test_() ->
{timeout, 300, fun() -> simple_chain_state_transition_is_sane_test2() end}.
simple_chain_state_transition_is_sane_test2() ->
%% All: A list of all FLUS for a particular test
%% UPI1: some combination of All that represents UPI1
%% Repair1: Some combination of (All -- UP1) that represents Repairing1
%% ... then we test check_simple_chain_state_transition_is_sane() with all
%% possible UPI1 and Repair1.
[true = check_simple_chain_state_transition_is_sane(UPI1, Repair1) ||
%% The five elements below runs on my MacBook Pro in about 4.8 seconds
%% All <- [ [a], [a,b], [a,b,c], [a,b,c,d], [a,b,c,d,e] ],
All <- [ [a], [a,b], [a,b,c], [a,b,c,d] ],
UPI1 <- machi_util:combinations(All),
Repair1 <- machi_util:combinations(All -- UPI1)].
%% Given a UPI1 and Repair1 list, we calculate all possible good UPI2
%% lists. For all good {UPI1, Repair1} -> UPI2 transitions, then the
%% simple_chain_state_transition_is_sane() function must be true. For
%% all other UPI2 transitions, simple_chain_state_transition_is_sane()
%% must be false.
%% We include adding an extra possible participant, 'bogus', to the
%% list of all possible UPI2 transitions, just to demonstrate that
%% adding an extra element/participant/thingie is never sane.
check_simple_chain_state_transition_is_sane([], []) ->
check_simple_chain_state_transition_is_sane(UPI1, Repair1) ->
Good_UPI2s = [ X ++ Y || X <- machi_util:ordered_combinations(UPI1),
Y <- machi_util:ordered_combinations(Repair1)],
All_UPI2s = machi_util:combinations(lists:usort(UPI1 ++ Repair1) ++
[true = ?MGR:simple_chain_state_transition_is_sane(UPI1, Repair1, UPI2) ||
UPI2 <- Good_UPI2s],
[false = ?MGR:simple_chain_state_transition_is_sane(UPI1, Repair1, UPI2) ||
UPI2 <- (All_UPI2s -- Good_UPI2s)],
prop_compare_legacy_with_v2_chain_transition_check() ->
prop_compare_legacy_with_v2_chain_transition_check(Style) ->
%% ?FORALL(All, nonempty(list([a,b,c,d,e])),
?FORALL(All, non_empty(some([a,b,c])),
?FORALL({Author1, UPI1, Repair1x, Author2, UPI2, Repair2x},
?IMPLIES(length(lists:usort(UPI1 ++ Repair1x)) > 0 andalso
length(lists:usort(UPI2 ++ Repair2x)) > 0,
MembersDict = orddict:from_list([{X, #p_srvr{name=X}} || X <- All]),
Repair1 = Repair1x -- UPI1,
Down1 = All -- (UPI1 ++ Repair1),
Repair2 = Repair2x -- UPI2,
Down2 = All -- (UPI2 ++ Repair2),
P1 = machi_projection:new(1, Author1, MembersDict,
Down1, UPI1, Repair1, []),
P2 = machi_projection:new(2, Author2, MembersDict,
Down2, UPI2, Repair2, []),
Old_res = chain_mgr_legacy:projection_transition_is_sane(
P1, P2, Author1, false),
Old_p = case Old_res of true -> true;
_ -> false
case Style of
primitive ->
New_res = ?MGR:chain_state_transition_is_sane(
Author1, UPI1, Repair1, Author2, UPI2),
New_p = New_res;
whole ->
New_res = machi_chain_manager1:projection_transition_is_sane(
P1, P2, Author1, false),
New_p = case New_res of true -> true;
_ -> false
(catch ets:insert(count,
{{Author1, UPI1, Repair1, Author2, UPI2, Repair2}, true})),
"Old_res (~p): ~p\nNew_res: ~p (why line ~p)\n",
[catch get(why1), Old_res, New_res, catch get(why2)]),
Old_p == New_p)
some(L) ->
?LET(L2, list(oneof(L)),
dedupe(L) ->
dedupe(L, []).
dedupe([H|T], Seen) ->
case lists:member(H, Seen) of
false ->
[H|dedupe(T, [H|Seen])];
true ->
dedupe(T, Seen)
dedupe([], _) ->
make_prop_ets() ->
ets:new(count, [named_table, set, public]).
-endif. % EQC
smoke0_test() ->
{ok, _} = machi_partition_simulator:start_link({1,2,3}, 50, 50),
Host = "localhost",
TcpPort = 6623,
{ok, FLUa} = machi_flu1:start_link([{a,TcpPort,"./data.a"}]),
Pa = #p_srvr{name=a, address=Host, port=TcpPort},
Members_Dict = machi_projection:make_members_dict([Pa]),
%% Egadz, more racing on startup, yay. TODO fix.
{ok, FLUaP} = ?FLU_PC:start_link(Pa),
{ok, M0} = ?MGR:start_link(a, Members_Dict, [{active_mode, false}]),
_SockA = machi_util:connect(Host, TcpPort),
pong = ?MGR:ping(M0)
ok = ?MGR:stop(M0),
ok = machi_flu1:stop(FLUa),
ok = ?FLU_PC:quit(FLUaP),
ok = machi_partition_simulator:stop()
smoke1_test() ->
machi_partition_simulator:start_link({1,2,3}, 100, 0),
TcpPort = 62777,
FluInfo = [{a,TcpPort+0,"./data.a"}, {b,TcpPort+1,"./data.b"}, {c,TcpPort+2,"./data.c"}],
P_s = [#p_srvr{name=Name, address="localhost", port=Port} ||
{Name,Port,_Dir} <- FluInfo],
[machi_flu1_test:clean_up_data_dir(Dir) || {_,_,Dir} <- FluInfo],
FLUs = [element(2, machi_flu1:start_link([{Name,Port,Dir}])) ||
{Name,Port,Dir} <- FluInfo],
MembersDict = machi_projection:make_members_dict(P_s),
{ok, M0} = ?MGR:start_link(a, MembersDict, [{active_mode,false}]),
{ok, P1} = ?MGR:test_calc_projection(M0, false),
% DERP! Check for race with manager's proxy vs. proj listener
case ?MGR:test_read_latest_public_projection(M0, false) of
{error, partition} -> timer:sleep(500);
_ -> ok
{local_write_result, ok,
{remote_write_results, [{b,ok},{c,ok}]}} =
?MGR:test_write_public_projection(M0, P1),
{unanimous, P1, Extra1} = ?MGR:test_read_latest_public_projection(M0, false),
ok = ?MGR:stop(M0),
[ok = machi_flu1:stop(X) || X <- FLUs],
ok = machi_partition_simulator:stop()
nonunanimous_setup_and_fix_test() ->
machi_partition_simulator:start_link({1,2,3}, 100, 0),
TcpPort = 62877,
FluInfo = [{a,TcpPort+0,"./data.a"}, {b,TcpPort+1,"./data.b"}],
P_s = [#p_srvr{name=Name, address="localhost", port=Port} ||
{Name,Port,_Dir} <- FluInfo],
[machi_flu1_test:clean_up_data_dir(Dir) || {_,_,Dir} <- FluInfo],
FLUs = [element(2, machi_flu1:start_link([{Name,Port,Dir}])) ||
{Name,Port,Dir} <- FluInfo],
[Proxy_a, Proxy_b] = Proxies =
[element(2,?FLU_PC:start_link(P)) || P <- P_s],
MembersDict = machi_projection:make_members_dict(P_s),
XX = [],
%% XX = [{private_write_verbose,true}],
{ok, Ma} = ?MGR:start_link(a, MembersDict, [{active_mode, false}]++XX),
{ok, Mb} = ?MGR:start_link(b, MembersDict, [{active_mode, false}]++XX),
{ok, P1} = ?MGR:test_calc_projection(Ma, false),
P1a = machi_projection:update_checksum(
P1#projection_v1{down=[b], upi=[a], dbg=[{hackhack, ?LINE}]}),
P1b = machi_projection:update_checksum(
P1#projection_v1{author_server=b, creation_time=now(),
down=[a], upi=[b], dbg=[{hackhack, ?LINE}]}),
%% Scribble different projections
ok = ?FLU_PC:write_projection(Proxy_a, public, P1a),
ok = ?FLU_PC:write_projection(Proxy_b, public, P1b),
%% ?D(x),
{not_unanimous,_,_}=_XX = ?MGR:test_read_latest_public_projection(
Ma, false),
%% ?Dw(_XX),
{not_unanimous,_,_}=_YY = ?MGR:test_read_latest_public_projection(
Ma, true),
%% The read repair here doesn't automatically trigger the creation of
%% a new projection (to try to create a unanimous projection). So
%% we expect nothing to change when called again.
{not_unanimous,_,_}=_YY = ?MGR:test_read_latest_public_projection(
Ma, true),
{now_using, _, EpochNum_a} = ?MGR:test_react_to_env(Ma),
{no_change, _, EpochNum_a} = ?MGR:test_react_to_env(Ma),
{unanimous,P2,_E2} = ?MGR:test_read_latest_public_projection(Ma, false),
{ok, P2pa} = ?FLU_PC:read_latest_projection(Proxy_a, private),
P2 = P2pa#projection_v1{dbg2=[]},
%% FLUb should have nothing written to private because it hasn't
%% reacted yet.
{error, not_written} = ?FLU_PC:read_latest_projection(Proxy_b, private),
%% Poke FLUb to react ... should be using the same private proj
%% as FLUa.
{now_using, _, EpochNum_a} = ?MGR:test_react_to_env(Mb),
{ok, P2pb} = ?FLU_PC:read_latest_projection(Proxy_b, private),
P2 = P2pb#projection_v1{dbg2=[]},
ok = ?MGR:stop(Ma),
ok = ?MGR:stop(Mb),
[ok = ?FLU_PC:quit(X) || X <- Proxies],
[ok = machi_flu1:stop(X) || X <- FLUs],
ok = machi_partition_simulator:stop()
foo_TODO_UNFINISHED_KEEP_PERHAPS_unanimous_report_test() ->
TcpPort = 63877,
FluInfo = [{a,TcpPort+0,"./data.a"}, {b,TcpPort+1,"./data.b"}],
P_s = [#p_srvr{name=Name, address="localhost", port=Port} ||
{Name,Port,_Dir} <- FluInfo],
MembersDict = machi_projection:make_members_dict(P_s),
E5 = 5,
UPI5 = [a,b],
Rep5 = [],
P5 = machi_projection:new(E5, a, MembersDict, [], UPI5, Rep5, []),
{ok_disjoint, [{agreed_membership, {UPI5, Rep5}}]} =
unanimous_report2([{a, P5}, {b, P5}]),
{ok_disjoint, [{not_agreed, _}]} =
unanimous_report2([{a, not_in_this_epoch}, {b, P5}]),
{ok_disjoint, [{not_agreed, _}]} =
unanimous_report2([{a, P5}, {b, not_in_this_epoch}]),
P5_other_csum = machi_projection:update_checksum(
{ok_disjoint, [{not_agreed, _}]} =
unanimous_report2([{a, P5}, {b, P5_other_csum}]),
UPI5_b = [a],
Rep5_b = [b],
P5_b = machi_projection:new(E5, b, MembersDict, [], UPI5_b, Rep5_b, []),
XX =
unanimous_report2([{a, P5}, {b, P5_b}]),
io:format(user, "\nXX ~p\n", [XX]).
-endif. % !PULSE
-endif. % TEST