Shunichi Shinohara 919a408e17 Ubuntu /bin/sh is dash then something wrong happens sometimes
It seems dash does not understand {a,b,...} file pattern ...

% echo 'cp /home/shino/local/erlang/17.5.6_basho_hipe/lib/erlang/lib/stdlib-*/src/{lists,dict}.erl ./.ebin.native' | sh -x                                               + cp /home/shino/local/erlang/17.5.6_basho_hipe/lib/erlang/lib/stdlib-*/src/{lists,dict}.erl ./.ebin.native
cp: cannot stat ‘/home/shino/local/erlang/17.5.6_basho_hipe/lib/erlang/lib/stdlib-*/src/{lists,dict}.erl’: No such file or directory
2015-11-06 12:35:02 +09:00

176 lines
7 KiB

# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# Copyright (c) 2014 Basho Technologies, Inc.
# This file is provided to you under the Apache License,
# Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
# except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
# specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# NOTE: This file is is from
# It should not be edited in a project. It should simply be updated
# wholesale when a new version of is released.
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
REBAR ?= ./rebar
REVISION ?= $(shell git rev-parse --short HEAD)
PROJECT ?= $(shell basename `find src -name "*.app.src"` .app.src)
.PHONY: compile-no-deps test docs xref dialyzer-run dialyzer-quick dialyzer \
cleanplt upload-docs
${REBAR} compile skip_deps=true
test: compile
${REBAR} ${EUNIT_OPTS} eunit skip_deps=true
upload-docs: docs
@if [ -z "${BUCKET}" -o -z "${PROJECT}" -o -z "${REVISION}" ]; then \
echo "Set BUCKET, PROJECT, and REVISION env vars to upload docs"; \
exit 1; fi
@cd doc; s3cmd put -P * "s3://${BUCKET}/${PROJECT}/${REVISION}/" > /dev/null
@echo "Docs built at: http://${BUCKET}${PROJECT}/${REVISION}"
${REBAR} doc skip_deps=true
xref: compile
${REBAR} xref skip_deps=true
PLT ?= $(HOME)/.combo_dialyzer_plt
LOCAL_PLT = .local_dialyzer_plt
DIALYZER_FLAGS ?= -Wunmatched_returns
NATIVE_EBIN ?= ./.ebin.native
DIALYZER_BIN ?= dialyzer
# Always include -pa arg in DIALYZER_CMD for speed
DIALYZER_VERSION = $(shell $(DIALYZER_BIN) --version | sed 's/.* //')
ERL_LIB_DIR = $(shell erl -eval '{io:format("~s\n", [code:lib_dir()]), erlang:halt(0)}.' | tail -1)
mkdir -p $(NATIVE_EBIN)
rm -f $(NATIVE_EBIN)/*.erl $(NATIVE_EBIN)/*.hrl $(NATIVE_EBIN)/*.beam
@for mod in lists dict digraph digraph_utils ets gb_sets gb_trees ordsets sets sofs; do \
cp $(ERL_LIB_DIR)/stdlib-*/src/"$$mod".erl $(NATIVE_EBIN); \
@for mod in cerl cerl_trees core_parse; do \
cp $(ERL_LIB_DIR)/compiler-*/src/"$$mod".?rl $(NATIVE_EBIN); \
@for mod in dialyzer_analysis_callgraph dialyzer dialyzer_behaviours dialyzer_codeserver dialyzer_contracts dialyzer_coordinator dialyzer_dataflow dialyzer_dep dialyzer_plt dialyzer_succ_typings dialyzer_typesig dialyzer_worker; do \
cp $(ERL_LIB_DIR)/dialyzer-*/src/"$$mod".?rl $(NATIVE_EBIN); \
@for mod in erl_types erl_bif_types; do \
cp $(ERL_LIB_DIR)/hipe-*/*/"$$mod".?rl $(NATIVE_EBIN); \
erlc -o $(NATIVE_EBIN) -smp +native -DVSN='"$(DIALYZER_VERSION)"' $(NATIVE_EBIN)/*erl
${PLT}: compile
@mkdir -p $(NATIVE_EBIN)
@if [ -f $(PLT) ]; then \
$(DIALYZER_CMD) --check_plt --plt $(PLT) --apps $(DIALYZER_APPS) && \
$(DIALYZER_CMD) --add_to_plt --plt $(PLT) --output_plt $(PLT) --apps $(DIALYZER_APPS) ; test $$? -ne 1; \
else \
$(DIALYZER_CMD) --build_plt --output_plt $(PLT) --apps $(DIALYZER_APPS); test $$? -ne 1; \
${LOCAL_PLT}: compile
@mkdir -p $(NATIVE_EBIN)
@if [ -d deps ]; then \
if [ -f $(LOCAL_PLT) ]; then \
$(DIALYZER_CMD) --check_plt --plt $(LOCAL_PLT) deps/*/ebin && \
$(DIALYZER_CMD) --add_to_plt --plt $(LOCAL_PLT) --output_plt $(LOCAL_PLT) deps/*/ebin ; test $$? -ne 1; \
else \
$(DIALYZER_CMD) --build_plt --output_plt $(LOCAL_PLT) deps/*/ebin ; test $$? -ne 1; \
fi \
@mkdir -p $(NATIVE_EBIN)
@echo "==> $(shell basename $(shell pwd)) (dialyzer)"
# The bulk of the code below deals with the dialyzer.ignore-warnings file
# which contains strings to ignore if output by dialyzer.
# Typically the strings include line numbers. Using them exactly is hard
# to maintain as the code changes. This approach instead ignores the line
# numbers, but takes into account the number of times a string is listed
# for a given file. So if one string is listed once, for example, and it
# appears twice in the warnings, the user is alerted. It is possible but
# unlikely that this approach could mask a warning if one ignored warning
# is removed and two warnings of the same kind appear in the file, for
# example. But it is a trade-off that seems worth it.
# Details of the cryptic commands:
# - Remove line numbers from dialyzer.ignore-warnings
# - Pre-pend duplicate count to each warning with sort | uniq -c
# - Remove annoying white space around duplicate count
# - Save in dialyer.ignore-warnings.tmp
# - Do the same to dialyzer_warnings
# - Remove matches from dialyzer.ignore-warnings.tmp from output
# - Remove duplicate count
# - Escape regex special chars to use lines as regex patterns
# - Add pattern to match any line number (file.erl:\d+:)
# - Anchor to match the entire line (^entire line$)
# - Save in dialyzer_unhandled_warnings
# - Output matches for those patterns found in the original warnings
@if [ -f $(LOCAL_PLT) ]; then \
else \
PLTS=$(PLT); \
fi; \
if [ -f dialyzer.ignore-warnings ]; then \
if [ $$(grep -cvE '[^[:space:]]' dialyzer.ignore-warnings) -ne 0 ]; then \
echo "ERROR: dialyzer.ignore-warnings contains a blank/empty line, this will match all messages!"; \
exit 1; \
fi; \
$(DIALYZER_CMD) $(DIALYZER_FLAGS) --plts $${PLTS} -c ebin > dialyzer_warnings ; \
cat dialyzer.ignore-warnings \
| sed -E 's/^([^:]+:)[^:]+:/\1/' \
| sort \
| uniq -c \
| sed -E '/.*\.erl: /!s/^[[:space:]]*[0-9]+[[:space:]]*//' \
> dialyzer.ignore-warnings.tmp ; \
egrep -v "^[[:space:]]*(done|Checking|Proceeding|Compiling)" dialyzer_warnings \
| sed -E 's/^([^:]+:)[^:]+:/\1/' \
| sort \
| uniq -c \
| sed -E '/.*\.erl: /!s/^[[:space:]]*[0-9]+[[:space:]]*//' \
| grep -F -f dialyzer.ignore-warnings.tmp -v \
| sed -E 's/^[[:space:]]*[0-9]+[[:space:]]*//' \
| sed -E 's/([]\^:+?|()*.$${}\[])/\\\1/g' \
| sed -E 's/(\\\.erl\\\:)/\1[[:digit:]]+:/g' \
| sed -E 's/^(.*)$$/^[[:space:]]*\1$$/g' \
> dialyzer_unhandled_warnings ; \
rm dialyzer.ignore-warnings.tmp; \
if [ $$(cat dialyzer_unhandled_warnings | egrep -v 'Unknown functions\\:' | wc -l) -gt 0 ]; then \
egrep -f dialyzer_unhandled_warnings dialyzer_warnings ; \
found_warnings=1; \
fi; \
[ "$$found_warnings" != 1 ] ; \
else \
$(DIALYZER_CMD) $(DIALYZER_FLAGS) --plts $${PLTS} -c ebin; \
dialyzer-quick: compile-no-deps dialyzer-run
dialyzer: ${PLT} ${LOCAL_PLT} dialyzer-run
@echo "Are you sure? It takes several minutes to re-build."
@echo Deleting $(PLT) and $(LOCAL_PLT) in 5 seconds.
sleep 5
rm $(PLT)