* Perfile LevelDB instance usage are changed to use single instance per FLU server. * machi_csum_file reference is managed with machi_flu_filename_mgr as an aim to manage filenames with leveldb * Not only chunk checksums, but the list of trimmed files are also stored in LevelDB. * Remove 1024 bytes file header; instead put any metadata into LevelDB if needed. * LevelDB `db_ref()` lifecycle is same as that of `machi_metadata_mgr` * `machi_file_proxy` just uses it as it's passed at process startup * There are several optimization space still left as it is WIP
138 lines
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138 lines
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%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
%% Copyright (c) 2007-2015 Basho Technologies, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
%% This file is provided to you under the Apache License,
%% Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
%% except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
%% a copy of the License at
%% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
%% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
%% software distributed under the License is distributed on an
%% KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
%% specific language governing permissions and limitations
%% under the License.
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
-define(C, machi_pb_high_client).
smoke_test_() ->
{timeout, 5*60, fun() -> smoke_test2() end}.
smoke_test2() ->
PortBase = 5720,
ok = application:set_env(machi, max_file_size, 1024*1024),
{Ps, MgrNames, Dirs} = machi_test_util:start_flu_packages(
1, PortBase, "./data.", []),
D = orddict:from_list([{P#p_srvr.name, P} || P <- Ps]),
M0 = hd(MgrNames),
ok = machi_chain_manager1:set_chain_members(M0, D),
[machi_chain_manager1:trigger_react_to_env(M0) || _ <-lists:seq(1,5)],
{ok, Clnt} = ?C:start_link(Ps),
true = ?C:connected_p(Clnt),
String = "yo, dawgggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg",
String = ?C:echo(Clnt, String),
%% TODO: auth() is not implemented. Auth requires SSL.
%% Probably ought to put client stuff that relies on SSL into
%% a separate test module? Or separate test func?
{error, _} = ?C:auth(Clnt, "foo", "bar"),
CoC_n = "", % CoC_namespace (not implemented)
CoC_l = 0, % CoC_locator (not implemented)
Prefix = <<"prefix">>,
Chunk1 = <<"Hello, chunk!">>,
{ok, {Off1, Size1, File1}} =
?C:append_chunk(Clnt, CoC_n, CoC_l, Prefix, Chunk1, none, 0),
true = is_binary(File1),
Chunk2 = "It's another chunk",
CSum2 = {client_sha, machi_util:checksum_chunk(Chunk2)},
{ok, {Off2, Size2, File2}} =
?C:append_chunk(Clnt, CoC_n, CoC_l, Prefix, Chunk2, CSum2, 1024),
Chunk3 = ["This is a ", <<"test,">>, 32, [["Hello, world!"]]],
File3 = File2,
Off3 = Off2 + iolist_size(Chunk2),
Size3 = iolist_size(Chunk3),
ok = ?C:write_chunk(Clnt, File2, Off3, Chunk3, none),
Reads = [{iolist_to_binary(Chunk1), File1, Off1, Size1},
{iolist_to_binary(Chunk2), File2, Off2, Size2},
{iolist_to_binary(Chunk3), File3, Off3, Size3}],
File = binary_to_list(Fl),
?assertMatch({ok, {[{File, Off, Ch, _}], []}},
?C:read_chunk(Clnt, Fl, Off, Sz, []))
end || {Ch, Fl, Off, Sz} <- Reads],
{ok, KludgeBin} = ?C:checksum_list(Clnt, File1),
true = is_binary(KludgeBin),
{ok, [{File1Size,File1}]} = ?C:list_files(Clnt),
true = is_integer(File1Size),
File1Bin = binary_to_list(File1),
#p_srvr{name=Name, props=Props} = P,
Dir = proplists:get_value(data_dir, Props),
?assertEqual({ok, [File1Bin]},
file:list_dir(filename:join([Dir, "data"])))
end || P <- Ps],
ok = ?C:trim_chunk(Clnt, Fl, Off, Sz)
end || {_Ch, Fl, Off, Sz} <- Reads],
{ok, {[], Trimmed}} =
?C:read_chunk(Clnt, Fl, Off, Sz, [{needs_trimmed, true}]),
Filename = binary_to_list(Fl),
?assertEqual([{Filename, Off, Sz}], Trimmed)
end || {_Ch, Fl, Off, Sz} <- Reads],
LargeBytes = binary:copy(<<"x">>, 1024*1024),
LBCsum = {client_sha, machi_util:checksum_chunk(LargeBytes)},
{ok, {Offx, Sizex, Filex}} =
?C:append_chunk(Clnt, CoC_n, CoC_l,
Prefix, LargeBytes, LBCsum, 0),
ok = ?C:trim_chunk(Clnt, Filex, Offx, Sizex),
%% Make sure everything was trimmed
File = binary_to_list(Filex),
#p_srvr{name=Name, props=Props} = P,
DataDir = filename:join([proplists:get_value(data_dir, Props), "data"]),
?assertEqual({ok, []}, file:list_dir(DataDir)),
{ok, CsumT} = machi_flu_filename_mgr:get_csum_table(Name),
Plist = machi_csum_table:all_files(CsumT),
?assertEqual([{File, ts}], Plist)
end || P <- Ps],
{error, trimmed} =
?C:read_chunk(Clnt, Fl, Off, Sz, [])
end || {_Ch, Fl, Off, Sz} <- Reads],
(catch ?C:quit(Clnt))
-endif. % !PULSE
-endif. % TEST