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2016-07-12 05:02:53 +00:00
;; This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
;; License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
;; file, You can obtain one at
(ns datomish.promise-sqlite-test
[datomish.pair-chan :refer [go-pair <?]]
[datomish.test-macros :refer [deftest-async with-open]]
[datomish.node-tempfile-macros :refer [with-tempfile]]
[datomish.node-tempfile :refer [tempfile]]
[cljs.core.async :refer [<! >!]]
[cljs.test :refer-macros [is are deftest testing async]]
[datomish.sqlite :as s]
[datomish.promise-sqlite :as ps]))
(deftest-async test-all-rows
(with-tempfile [t (tempfile)]
(with-open [db (<? (ps/open (.name t) :mode 6))]
(<? (s/execute! db ["CREATE TABLE test (a INTEGER)"]))
(<? (s/execute! db ["INSERT INTO test VALUES (?)" 1]))
(<? (s/execute! db ["INSERT INTO test VALUES (?)" 2]))
(let [rows (<? (s/all-rows db ["SELECT * FROM test ORDER BY a ASC"]))]
(is (= rows [{:a 1} {:a 2}]))))))
(deftest-async test-in-transaction!
(with-tempfile [t (tempfile)]
(with-open [db (<? (ps/open (.name t) :mode 6))]
(<? (s/execute! db ["CREATE TABLE ta (a INTEGER)"]))
(<? (s/execute! db ["CREATE TABLE tb (b INTEGER)"]))
(<? (s/execute! db ["INSERT INTO ta VALUES (?)" 1]))
(let [[v e] (<! (s/in-transaction! db #(s/execute! db ["INSERT INTO tb VALUES (?)" 2])))]
(is (not e)))
(let [rows (<? (s/all-rows db ["SELECT * FROM ta ORDER BY a ASC"]))]
(is (= rows [{:a 1}])))
(let [rows (<? (s/all-rows db ["SELECT * FROM tb ORDER BY b ASC"]))]
(is (= rows [{:b 2}])))
(println "a")
(let [f #(go-pair
;; The first succeeds ...
(<? (s/execute! db ["INSERT INTO ta VALUES (?)" 3]))
;; ... but will get rolled back by the second failing.
(<? (s/execute! db ["INSERT INTO tb VALUES (?)" 4 "bad parameter"])))
[v e] (<! (s/in-transaction! db f))]
(is (some? e)))
;; No changes, since the transaction as a whole failed.
(let [rows (<? (s/all-rows db ["SELECT * FROM ta ORDER BY a ASC"]))]
(is (= rows [{:a 1}])))
(let [rows (<? (s/all-rows db ["SELECT * FROM tb ORDER BY b ASC"]))]
(is (= rows [{:b 2}]))))))