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(ns datomish.query-test
[datomish.pair-chan :refer [go-pair <?]]
[datomish.node-tempfile-macros :refer [with-tempfile]]
[cljs.core.async.macros :as a :refer [go]]))
[datomish.api :as d]
#?@(:clj [[datomish.pair-chan :refer [go-pair <?]]
[tempfile.core :refer [tempfile with-tempfile]]
[datomish.test-macros :refer [deftest-async]]
[clojure.test :as t :refer [is are deftest testing]]
[clojure.core.async :refer [go <! >!]]])
#?@(:cljs [[datomish.pair-chan]
[datomish.test-macros :refer-macros [deftest-async]]
[datomish.node-tempfile :refer [tempfile]]
[cljs.test :as t :refer-macros [is are deftest testing async]]
[cljs.core.async :as a :refer [<! >!]]]))
(:import [clojure.lang ExceptionInfo]))
(:import [datascript.db DB])))
(def Throwable js/Error))
(def test-schema
[{:db/id (d/id-literal :test -1)
:db/ident :x
:db/unique :db.unique/identity
:db/valueType :db.type/long
:db.install/_attribute :db.part/db}
(deftest-async test-q
(with-tempfile [t (tempfile)]
(let [conn (<? (d/<connect t))
{tx0 :tx} (<? (d/<transact! conn test-schema))]
(let [{tx1 :tx} (<? (d/<transact! conn [{:db/id 101 :x 505}]))]
(is (= (<? (d/<q (d/db conn)
`[:find ?e ?a ?v ?tx :in $ :where
[?e ?a ?v ?tx]
[(> ?tx ~tx0)]
[(!= ?a ~(d/entid (d/db conn) :db/txInstant))] ;; TODO: map ident->entid for values.
] {}))
[[101 (d/entid (d/db conn) :x) 505 tx1]]))) ;; TODO: map entid->ident on egress.
(<? (d/<close conn)))))))