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;; This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
;; License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
;; file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
(ns datomish.sqlitejsm-sqlite
[datomish.sqlite :as s]))
(def sqlite (.import (aget (js/require "chrome") "Cu") "resource://gre/modules/Sqlite.jsm"))
(println "sqlite is" (pr-str sqlite))
;; mozIStorageRow instances expose two methods: getResultByIndex and getResultByName.
;; Our code expects to treat rows as associative containers, from keyword to value.
;; So we implement ILookup (which has a different signature for ClojureScript than
;; Clojure!), hope that we handle nil/NULL correctly, and switch between integers
;; and keywords.
(-lookup [o k]
(-lookup o k nil))
(-lookup [o k not-found]
(or (if (integer? k)
(.getResultByIndex row k)
(.getResultByName row (clj->js (name k))))
(defrecord SQLite3Connection [db]
[db sql bindings]
(.execute (.-db db) sql (or (clj->js bindings) #js []))))
[db sql bindings row-cb]
(let [cb (fn [row]
(row-cb (StorageRow. row)))]
(.execute (.-db db) sql (or (clj->js bindings) #js []) (when row-cb cb)))))
(.close (.-db db)))))
(defn open
[path & {:keys [mode] :or {mode 6}}]
(.openConnection (aget sqlite "Sqlite") (clj->js {:path path :sharedMemoryCache false}))
(.then ->SQLite3Connection))))