2016-07-27 21:29:16 +00:00
;; This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
;; License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
;; file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
;; Purloined from DataScript.
(ns datomish.datom)
(declare hash-datom equiv-datom seq-datom val-at-datom nth-datom assoc-datom)
(deftype Datom [e a v tx added]
(-hash [d] (or (.-__hash d)
(set! (.-__hash d) (hash-datom d))))
(-equiv [d o] (and (instance? Datom o) (equiv-datom d o)))
(-seq [d] (seq-datom d))
(-lookup [d k] (val-at-datom d k nil))
(-lookup [d k nf] (val-at-datom d k nf))
(-nth [this i] (nth-datom this i))
(-nth [this i not-found] (nth-datom this i not-found))
(-assoc [d k v] (assoc-datom d k v))
(-pr-writer [d writer opts]
(pr-sequential-writer writer pr-writer
"#datascript/Datom [" " " "]"
opts [(.-e d) (.-a d) (.-v d) (.-tx d) (.-added d)]))
(hashCode [d] (hash-datom d))
(hasheq [d] (hash-datom d))
(seq [d] (seq-datom d))
(equiv [d o] (and (instance? Datom o) (equiv-datom d o)))
(empty [d] (throw (UnsupportedOperationException. "empty is not supported on Datom")))
(count [d] 5)
(cons [d [k v]] (assoc-datom d k v))
(nth [this i] (nth-datom this i))
(nth [this i not-found] (nth-datom this i not-found))
(valAt [d k] (val-at-datom d k nil))
(valAt [d k nf] (val-at-datom d k nf))
(entryAt [d k] (some->> (val-at-datom d k nil) (clojure.lang.MapEntry k)))
(containsKey [e k] (#{:e :a :v :tx :added} k))
(assoc [d k v] (assoc-datom d k v))
(defn ^Datom datom
([e a v tx] (Datom. e a v tx true))
([e a v tx added] (Datom. e a v tx added)))
(defn datom? [x] (instance? Datom x))
(defn- hash-datom [^Datom d]
(-> (hash (.-e d))
(hash-combine (hash (.-a d)))
(hash-combine (hash (.-v d)))))
(defn- equiv-datom [^Datom d ^Datom o]
(and (= (.-e d) (.-e o))
(= (.-a d) (.-a o))
(= (.-v d) (.-v o))))
(defn- seq-datom [^Datom d]
(list (.-e d) (.-a d) (.-v d) (.-tx d) (.-added d)))
;; keep it fast by duplicating for both keyword and string cases
;; instead of using sets or some other matching func
(defn- val-at-datom [^Datom d k not-found]
(case k
:e (.-e d) "e" (.-e d)
:a (.-a d) "a" (.-a d)
:v (.-v d) "v" (.-v d)
:tx (.-tx d) "tx" (.-tx d)
:added (.-added d) "added" (.-added d)
(defn- nth-datom
([^Datom d ^long i]
(case i
0 (.-e d)
1 (.-a d)
2 (.-v d)
3 (.-tx d)
4 (.-added d)
#?(:clj (throw (IndexOutOfBoundsException.))
:cljs (throw (js/Error. (str "Datom/-nth: Index out of bounds: " i))))))
([^Datom d ^long i not-found]
(case i
0 (.-e d)
1 (.-a d)
2 (.-v d)
3 (.-tx d)
4 (.-added d)
(defn- ^Datom assoc-datom [^Datom d k v]
(case k
:e (Datom. v (.-a d) (.-v d) (.-tx d) (.-added d))
:a (Datom. (.-e d) v (.-v d) (.-tx d) (.-added d))
:v (Datom. (.-e d) (.-a d) v (.-tx d) (.-added d))
:tx (Datom. (.-e d) (.-a d) (.-v d) v (.-added d))
:added (Datom. (.-e d) (.-a d) (.-v d) (.-tx d) v)
2016-07-28 21:47:43 +00:00
#?(:clj (throw (IllegalArgumentException. (str "invalid key for #datascript/Datom: " k)))
:cljs (throw (js/Error. (str "invalid key for #datascript/Datom: " k))))))
2016-07-27 21:29:16 +00:00
;; printing and reading
(defn ^Datom datom-from-reader [vec]
(apply datom vec))
(defmethod print-method Datom [^Datom d, ^java.io.Writer w]
(.write w (str "#datascript/Datom "))
(binding [*out* w]
(pr [(.-e d) (.-a d) (.-v d) (.-tx d) (.-added d)]))))