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// Copyright 2016 Mozilla
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use
// this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the
// License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed
// under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR
// CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
extern crate combine;
extern crate edn;
use combine::ParseResult;
use combine::combinator::{Expected, FnParser};
2017-02-02 23:11:55 +00:00
/// A type definition for a function parser that either parses an `O` from an input stream of type
/// `I`, or fails with an "expected" failure.
/// See <> for more
/// illumination.
/// Nothing about this is specific to the result type of the parser.
pub type ResultParser<O, I> = Expected<FnParser<I, fn(I) -> ParseResult<O, I>>>;
/// `assert_parses_to!` simplifies some of the boilerplate around running a
/// parser function against input and expecting a certain result.
macro_rules! assert_parses_to {
( $parser: path, $input: expr, $expected: expr ) => {{
let mut par = $parser();
let result = par.parse(&$input[..]);
assert_eq!(result, Ok(($expected, &[][..])));
/// `satisfy_unwrap!` makes it a little easier to implement a `satisfy_map`
/// body that matches a particular `Value` enum case, otherwise returning `None`.
macro_rules! satisfy_unwrap {
( $cas: path, $var: ident, $body: block ) => {
satisfy_map(|x: edn::Value| if let $cas($var) = x $body else { None })
/// Generate a `satisfy_map` expression that matches a `PlainSymbol`
/// value with the given name.
/// We do this rather than using `combine::token` so that we don't
/// need to allocate a new `String` inside a `PlainSymbol` inside a `Value`
/// just to match input.
macro_rules! matches_plain_symbol {
($name: expr, $input: ident) => {
satisfy_map(|x: edn::Value| {
if let edn::Value::PlainSymbol(ref s) = x {
if s.0.as_str() == $name {
return Some(());
return None;
/// Define an `impl` body for the `$parser` type. The body will contain a parser
/// function called `$name`, consuming a stream of `$item_type`s. The parser's
/// result type will be `$result_type`.
/// The provided `$body` will be evaluated with `$input` bound to the input stream.
/// `$body`, when run, should return a `ParseResult` of the appropriate result type.
macro_rules! def_parser_fn {
( $parser: ident, $name: ident, $item_type: ty, $result_type: ty, $input: ident, $body: block ) => {
impl<I> $parser<I> where I: Stream<Item = $item_type> {
fn $name() -> ResultParser<$result_type, I> {
fn inner<I: Stream<Item = $item_type>>($input: I) -> ParseResult<$result_type, I> {
parser(inner as fn(I) -> ParseResult<$result_type, I>).expected("$name")
/// `def_value_parser_fn` is a short-cut to `def_parser_fn` with the input type
/// being `edn::Value`.
macro_rules! def_value_parser_fn {
( $parser: ident, $name: ident, $result_type: ty, $input: ident, $body: block ) => {
def_parser_fn!($parser, $name, edn::Value, $result_type, $input, $body);
/// `def_value_satisfy_parser_fn` is a short-cut to `def_parser_fn` with the input type
/// being `edn::Value` and the body being a call to `satisfy_map` with the given transformer.
/// In practice this allows you to simply pass a function that accepts an `&edn::Value` and
/// returns an `Option<$result_type>`: if a suitable value is at the front of the stream,
/// it will be converted and returned by the parser; otherwise, the parse will fail.
macro_rules! def_value_satisfy_parser_fn {
( $parser: ident, $name: ident, $result_type: ty, $transformer: path ) => {
def_value_parser_fn!($parser, $name, $result_type, input, {
satisfy_map(|x: edn::Value| $transformer(&x)).parse_stream(input)