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Raw Normal View History

// Copyright 2016 Mozilla
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use
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/// Low-level functions for testing.
use rusqlite;
use {to_namespaced_keyword};
use edn::types::{Value};
use mentat_tx::entities::{Entid};
use types::{DB, TypedValue};
use errors::Result;
/// Represents an assertion (*datom*) in the store.
pub struct Datom {
// TODO: generalize this.
e: Entid,
a: Entid,
v: Value,
tx: Option<i64>,
/// Return the complete set of datoms in the store, ordered by (e, a, v).
pub fn datoms(conn: &rusqlite::Connection, db: &DB) -> Result<Vec<Datom>> {
// TODO: fewer magic numbers!
datoms_after(conn, db, &0x10000000)
/// Return the set of datoms in the store with transaction ID strictly
/// greater than the given `tx`, ordered by (tx, e, a, v).
pub fn datoms_after(conn: &rusqlite::Connection, db: &DB, tx: &i32) -> Result<Vec<Datom>> {
let mut stmt: rusqlite::Statement = conn.prepare("SELECT e, a, v, value_type_tag FROM datoms WHERE tx > ? ORDER BY tx, e, a, v")?;
// Convert numeric entid to entity Entid.
let to_entid = |x| {
db.schema.get_ident(&x).and_then(|y| to_namespaced_keyword(&y)).map(Entid::Ident).unwrap_or(Entid::Entid(x))
let datoms = stmt.query_and_then(&[tx], |row| {
let e: i64 = row.get_checked(0)?;
let a: i64 = row.get_checked(1)?;
let v: rusqlite::types::Value = row.get_checked(2)?;
let value_type_tag: i32 = row.get_checked(3)?;
let typed_value = TypedValue::from_sql_value_pair(v, &value_type_tag)?;
let (value, _) = typed_value.to_edn_value_pair();
Ok(Datom {
e: to_entid(e),
a: to_entid(a),
v: value,
tx: None,