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Raw Normal View History

// Copyright 2016 Mozilla
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use
// this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the
// License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed
// under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR
// CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
extern crate error_chain;
extern crate rusqlite;
extern crate mentat_core;
extern crate mentat_db; // For value conversion.
extern crate mentat_query;
extern crate mentat_query_algebrizer;
extern crate mentat_query_sql;
extern crate mentat_sql;
use std::iter;
use rusqlite::{
use mentat_core::{
use mentat_db::{
use mentat_query::{
use mentat_query_algebrizer::{
use mentat_query_sql::{
error_chain! {
types {
Error, ErrorKind, ResultExt, Result;
foreign_links {
links {
DbError(mentat_db::Error, mentat_db::ErrorKind);
pub enum QueryResults {
impl QueryResults {
pub fn len(&self) -> usize {
use QueryResults::*;
match self {
&Scalar(ref o) => if o.is_some() { 1 } else { 0 },
&Tuple(ref o) => if o.is_some() { 1 } else { 0 },
&Coll(ref v) => v.len(),
&Rel(ref v) => v.len(),
type Index = i32; // See rusqlite::RowIndex.
type ValueTypeTag = i32;
enum TypedIndex {
Known(Index, ValueTypeTag),
Unknown(Index, Index),
impl TypedIndex {
/// Look up this index and type(index) pair in the provided row.
/// This function will panic if:
/// - This is an `Unknown` and the retrieved type code isn't an i32.
/// - If the retrieved value can't be coerced to a rusqlite `Value`.
/// - Either index is out of bounds.
/// Because we construct our SQL projection list, the code that stored the data, and this
/// consumer, a panic here implies that we have a bad bug — we put data of a very wrong type in
/// a row, and thus can't coerce to Value, we're retrieving from the wrong place, or our
/// generated SQL is junk.
/// This function will return a runtime error if the type code is unknown, or the value is
/// otherwise not convertible by the DB layer.
fn lookup<'a, 'stmt>(&self, row: &Row<'a, 'stmt>) -> Result<TypedValue> {
use TypedIndex::*;
match self {
&Known(value_index, value_type) => {
let v: rusqlite::types::Value = row.get(value_index);
TypedValue::from_sql_value_pair(v, value_type).map_err(|e| e.into())
&Unknown(value_index, type_index) => {
let v: rusqlite::types::Value = row.get(value_index);
let value_type_tag: i32 = row.get(type_index);
TypedValue::from_sql_value_pair(v, value_type_tag).map_err(|e| e.into())
fn column_name(var: &Variable) -> Name {
let &Variable(PlainSymbol(ref s)) = var;
fn value_type_tag_name(var: &Variable) -> Name {
let &Variable(PlainSymbol(ref s)) = var;
format!("{}_value_type_tag", s)
/// Walk an iterator of `Element`s, collecting projector templates and columns.
/// Returns a pair: the SQL projection (which should always be a `Projection::Columns`)
/// and a `Vec` of `TypedIndex` 'keys' to use when looking up values.
/// Callers must ensure that every `Element` is distinct -- a query like
/// ```edn
/// [:find ?x ?x :where [?x _ _]]
/// ```
/// should fail to parse. See #358.
fn project_elements<'a, I: IntoIterator<Item = &'a Element>>(
count: usize,
elements: I,
query: &AlgebraicQuery) -> (Projection, Vec<TypedIndex>) {
let mut cols = Vec::with_capacity(count);
let mut i: i32 = 0;
let mut templates = vec![];
for e in elements {
match e {
// Each time we come across a variable, we push a SQL column
// into the SQL projection, aliased to the name of the variable,
// and we push an annotated index into the projector.
&Element::Variable(ref var) => {
// Every variable should be bound by the top-level CC to at least
// one column in the query. If that constraint is violated it's a
// bug in our code, so it's appropriate to panic here.
let columns =
.expect("Every variable has a binding");
let qa = columns[0].clone();
let name = column_name(var);
if let Some(t) = {
cols.push(ProjectedColumn(ColumnOrExpression::Column(qa), name));
let tag = t.value_type_tag();
templates.push(TypedIndex::Known(i, tag));
i += 1; // We used one SQL column.
} else {
let table = qa.0.clone();
cols.push(ProjectedColumn(ColumnOrExpression::Column(qa), name));
templates.push(TypedIndex::Unknown(i, i + 1));
i += 2; // We used two SQL columns.
// Also project the type from the SQL query.
let type_name = value_type_tag_name(var);
let type_qa = QualifiedAlias(table, DatomsColumn::ValueTypeTag);
cols.push(ProjectedColumn(ColumnOrExpression::Column(type_qa), type_name));
(Projection::Columns(cols), templates)
pub trait Projector {
fn project<'stmt>(&self, rows: Rows<'stmt>) -> Result<QueryResults>;
struct ScalarProjector {
template: TypedIndex,
impl ScalarProjector {
fn with_template(template: TypedIndex) -> ScalarProjector {
ScalarProjector {
template: template,
fn combine(sql: Projection, mut templates: Vec<TypedIndex>) -> CombinedProjection {
let template = templates.pop().expect("Expected a single template");
CombinedProjection {
sql_projection: sql,
datalog_projector: Box::new(ScalarProjector::with_template(template)),
impl Projector for ScalarProjector {
fn project<'stmt>(&self, mut rows: Rows<'stmt>) -> Result<QueryResults> {
if let Some(r) = {
let row = r?;
let binding = self.template.lookup(&row)?;
} else {
/// A tuple projector produces a single vector. It's the single-result version of rel.
struct TupleProjector {
len: usize,
templates: Vec<TypedIndex>,
impl TupleProjector {
fn with_templates(len: usize, templates: Vec<TypedIndex>) -> TupleProjector {
TupleProjector {
len: len,
templates: templates,
// This is exactly the same as for rel.
fn collect_bindings<'a, 'stmt>(&self, row: Row<'a, 'stmt>) -> Result<Vec<TypedValue>> {
assert_eq!(row.column_count(), self.len as i32);
.map(|ti| ti.lookup(&row))
fn combine(column_count: usize, sql: Projection, templates: Vec<TypedIndex>) -> CombinedProjection {
let p = TupleProjector::with_templates(column_count, templates);
CombinedProjection {
sql_projection: sql,
datalog_projector: Box::new(p),
impl Projector for TupleProjector {
fn project<'stmt>(&self, mut rows: Rows<'stmt>) -> Result<QueryResults> {
if let Some(r) = {
let row = r?;
let bindings = self.collect_bindings(row)?;
} else {
/// A rel projector produces a vector of vectors.
/// Each inner vector is the same size, and sourced from the same columns.
/// One inner vector is produced per `Row`.
/// Each column in the inner vector is the result of taking one or two columns from
/// the `Row`: one for the value and optionally one for the type tag.
struct RelProjector {
len: usize,
templates: Vec<TypedIndex>,
impl RelProjector {
fn with_templates(len: usize, templates: Vec<TypedIndex>) -> RelProjector {
RelProjector {
len: len,
templates: templates,
fn collect_bindings<'a, 'stmt>(&self, row: Row<'a, 'stmt>) -> Result<Vec<TypedValue>> {
assert_eq!(row.column_count(), self.len as i32);
.map(|ti| ti.lookup(&row))
fn combine(column_count: usize, sql: Projection, templates: Vec<TypedIndex>) -> CombinedProjection {
let p = RelProjector::with_templates(column_count, templates);
CombinedProjection {
sql_projection: sql,
datalog_projector: Box::new(p),
impl Projector for RelProjector {
fn project<'stmt>(&self, mut rows: Rows<'stmt>) -> Result<QueryResults> {
let mut out: Vec<Vec<TypedValue>> = vec![];
while let Some(r) = {
let row = r?;
let bindings = self.collect_bindings(row)?;
/// A coll projector produces a vector of values.
/// Each value is sourced from the same column.
struct CollProjector {
template: TypedIndex,
impl CollProjector {
fn with_template(template: TypedIndex) -> CollProjector {
CollProjector {
template: template,
fn combine(sql: Projection, mut templates: Vec<TypedIndex>) -> CombinedProjection {
let template = templates.pop().expect("Expected a single template");
CombinedProjection {
sql_projection: sql,
datalog_projector: Box::new(CollProjector::with_template(template)),
impl Projector for CollProjector {
fn project<'stmt>(&self, mut rows: Rows<'stmt>) -> Result<QueryResults> {
let mut out: Vec<TypedValue> = vec![];
while let Some(r) = {
let row = r?;
let binding = self.template.lookup(&row)?;
/// Combines the two things you need to turn a query into SQL and turn its results into
/// `QueryResults`.
pub struct CombinedProjection {
/// A SQL projection, mapping columns mentioned in the body of the query to columns in the
/// output.
pub sql_projection: Projection,
/// A Datalog projection. This consumes rows of the appropriate shape (as defined by
/// the SQL projection) to yield one of the four kinds of Datalog query result.
pub datalog_projector: Box<Projector>,
/// Compute a suitable SQL projection for an algebrized query.
/// This takes into account a number of things:
/// - The variable list in the find spec.
/// - The presence of any aggregate operations in the find spec. TODO: for now we only handle
/// simple variables
/// - The bindings established by the topmost CC.
/// - The types known at algebrizing time.
/// - The types extracted from the store for unknown attributes.
pub fn query_projection(query: &AlgebraicQuery) -> CombinedProjection {
use self::FindSpec::*;
match query.find_spec {
FindColl(ref element) => {
let (cols, templates) = project_elements(1, iter::once(element), query);
CollProjector::combine(cols, templates)
FindScalar(ref element) => {
let (cols, templates) = project_elements(1, iter::once(element), query);
ScalarProjector::combine(cols, templates)
FindRel(ref elements) => {
let column_count = query.find_spec.expected_column_count();
let (cols, templates) = project_elements(column_count, elements, query);
RelProjector::combine(column_count, cols, templates)
FindTuple(ref elements) => {
let column_count = query.find_spec.expected_column_count();
let (cols, templates) = project_elements(column_count, elements, query);
TupleProjector::combine(column_count, cols, templates)