Support transacting :db/fulltext true attributes. Fixes #189. (#375) r=rnewman

These tests are direct translations of the Clojure tests.
This commit is contained in:
Nick Alexander 2017-03-21 13:12:10 -07:00 committed by GitHub
parent 55291b4d30
commit 2129514e86
3 changed files with 346 additions and 18 deletions

View file

@ -508,6 +508,7 @@ pub trait MentatStoring {
// TODO: this is not a reasonable abstraction, but I don't want to really consider non-SQL storage just yet.
fn insert_non_fts_searches<'a>(&self, entities: &'a [ReducedEntity], search_type: SearchType) -> Result<()>;
fn insert_fts_searches<'a>(&self, entities: &'a [ReducedEntity], search_type: SearchType) -> Result<()>;
/// Finalize the underlying storage layer after a Mentat transaction.
@ -814,6 +815,104 @@ impl MentatStoring for rusqlite::Connection {|_| ())
/// Insert search rows into temporary search tables.
/// Eventually, the details of this approach will be captured in
fn insert_fts_searches<'a>(&self, entities: &'a [ReducedEntity<'a>], search_type: SearchType) -> Result<()> {
let max_vars = self.limit(Limit::SQLITE_LIMIT_VARIABLE_NUMBER) as usize;
let bindings_per_statement = 6;
let mut outer_searchid = 2000;
let chunks: itertools::IntoChunks<_> = entities.into_iter().chunks(max_vars / bindings_per_statement);
// We'd like to flat_map here, but it's not obvious how to flat_map across Result.
let results: Result<Vec<()>> = chunks.into_iter().map(|chunk| -> Result<()> {
let mut count = 0;
// We must keep these computed values somewhere to reference them later, so we can't
// combine this map and the subsequent flat_map.
// (e0, a0, v0, value_type_tag0, added0, flags0)
let block: Result<Vec<(i64 /* e */,
i64 /* a */,
ToSqlOutput<'a> /* value */,
i32 /* value_type_tag */,
bool /* added0 */,
u8 /* flags0 */,
i64 /* searchid */)>> =|&(e, a, ref attribute, ref typed_value, added)| {
if typed_value.value_type() != ValueType::String {
bail!("Cannot transact a fulltext assertion with a typed value that is not :db/valueType :db.type/string");
count += 1;
outer_searchid += 1;
// Now we can represent the typed value as an SQL value.
let (value, value_type_tag): (ToSqlOutput, i32) = typed_value.to_sql_value_pair();
Ok((e, a, value, value_type_tag, added, attribute.flags(), outer_searchid))
let block = block?;
// First, insert all fulltext string values.
// `fts_params` reference computed values in `block`.
let fts_params: Vec<&ToSql> = block.iter().flat_map(|&(ref _e, ref _a, ref value, ref _value_type_tag, _added, ref _flags, ref searchid)| {
// Avoid inner heap allocation.
once(value as &ToSql)
.chain(once(searchid as &ToSql))
// TODO: make this maximally efficient. It's not terribly inefficient right now.
let fts_values: String = repeat_values(2, count);
let fts_s: String = format!("INSERT INTO fulltext_values_view (text, searchid) VALUES {}", fts_values);
// TODO: consider ensuring we inserted the expected number of rows.
let mut stmt = self.prepare_cached(fts_s.as_str())?;
.map(|_c| ())
.chain_err(|| "Could not insert fts values into fts table!")?;
// Second, insert searches.
// `params` reference computed values in `block`.
let params: Vec<&ToSql> = block.iter().flat_map(|&(ref e, ref a, ref _value, ref value_type_tag, added, ref flags, ref searchid)| {
// Avoid inner heap allocation.
// TODO: extract some finite length iterator to make this less indented!
once(e as &ToSql)
.chain(once(a as &ToSql)
.chain(once(searchid as &ToSql)
.chain(once(value_type_tag as &ToSql)
.chain(once(to_bool_ref(added) as &ToSql)
.chain(once(flags as &ToSql))))))
// TODO: cache this for selected values of count.
assert!(bindings_per_statement * count < max_vars, "Too many values: {} * {} >= {}", bindings_per_statement, count, max_vars);
let inner = "(?, ?, (SELECT rowid FROM fulltext_values WHERE searchid = ?), ?, ?, ?)".to_string();
// Like "(?, ?, (SELECT rowid FROM fulltext_values WHERE searchid = ?), ?, ?, ?), (?, ?, (SELECT rowid FROM fulltext_values WHERE searchid = ?), ?, ?, ?)".
let fts_values: String = repeat(inner).take(count).join(", ");
let s: String = if search_type == SearchType::Exact {
format!("INSERT INTO temp.exact_searches (e0, a0, v0, value_type_tag0, added0, flags0) VALUES {}", fts_values)
} else {
format!("INSERT INTO temp.inexact_searches (e0, a0, v0, value_type_tag0, added0, flags0) VALUES {}", fts_values)
// TODO: consider ensuring we inserted the expected number of rows.
let mut stmt = self.prepare_cached(s.as_str())?;
.map(|_c| ())
.chain_err(|| "Could not insert fts statements into temporary search table!")
// Finally, clean up temporary searchids.
let mut stmt = self.prepare_cached("UPDATE fulltext_values SET searchid = NULL WHERE searchid IS NOT NULL")?;
.map(|_c| ())
.chain_err(|| "Could not drop fts search ids!")?;|_| ())
fn commit_transaction(&self, tx_id: Entid) -> Result<()> {
insert_transaction(&self, tx_id)?;
@ -979,6 +1078,9 @@ mod tests {
use bootstrap;
use debug;
use edn;
use mentat_core::{
use mentat_tx_parser;
use rusqlite;
use std::collections::{
@ -1064,11 +1166,15 @@ mod tests {
fn last_transaction(&self) -> edn::Value {
debug::transactions_after(&self.sqlite, &self.schema, self.last_tx_id() - 1).unwrap().0[0].into_edn()
debug::transactions_after(&self.sqlite, &self.schema, self.last_tx_id() - 1).expect("last_transaction").0[0].into_edn()
fn datoms(&self) -> edn::Value {
debug::datoms_after(&self.sqlite, &self.schema, bootstrap::TX0).unwrap().into_edn()
debug::datoms_after(&self.sqlite, &self.schema, bootstrap::TX0).expect("datoms").into_edn()
fn fulltext_values(&self) -> edn::Value {
@ -1555,4 +1661,178 @@ mod tests {
[:db/add :test/ident :db/unique :db.unique/value]
[:db/add :db.part/db :db.alter/attribute 100]]");
/// Verify that we can't alter :db/fulltext schema characteristics at all.
fn test_db_alter_fulltext() {
let mut conn = TestConn::default();
// Start by installing a :db/fulltext true and a :db/fulltext unset attribute.
assert_transact!(conn, "[[:db/add 111 :db/ident :test/fulltext]
[:db/add 111 :db/valueType :db.type/string]
[:db/add 111 :db/unique :db.unique/identity]
[:db/add 111 :db/index true]
[:db/add 111 :db/fulltext true]
[:db/add 222 :db/ident :test/string]
[:db/add 222 :db/cardinality :db.cardinality/one]
[:db/add 222 :db/valueType :db.type/string]
[:db/add 222 :db/index true]]");
"[[:db/retract 111 :db/fulltext true]]",
Err("not yet implemented: Retracting metadata attribute assertions not yet implemented: retracted [e a] pairs [[111 12]]"));
"[[:db/add 222 :db/fulltext true]]",
Err("bad schema assertion: Schema alteration for existing attribute with entid 222 is not valid"));
fn test_db_fulltext() {
let mut conn = TestConn::default();
// Start by installing a few :db/fulltext true attributes.
assert_transact!(conn, "[[:db/add 111 :db/ident :test/fulltext]
[:db/add 111 :db/valueType :db.type/string]
[:db/add 111 :db/unique :db.unique/identity]
[:db/add 111 :db/index true]
[:db/add 111 :db/fulltext true]
[:db/add 222 :db/ident :test/other]
[:db/add 222 :db/cardinality :db.cardinality/one]
[:db/add 222 :db/valueType :db.type/string]
[:db/add 222 :db/index true]
[:db/add 222 :db/fulltext true]]");
// Let's check we actually have the schema characteristics we expect.
let fulltext = conn.schema.attribute_for_entid(111).cloned().expect(":test/fulltext");
assert_eq!(fulltext.value_type, ValueType::String);
assert_eq!(fulltext.fulltext, true);
assert_eq!(fulltext.multival, false);
assert_eq!(fulltext.unique, Some(attribute::Unique::Identity));
let other = conn.schema.attribute_for_entid(222).cloned().expect(":test/other");
assert_eq!(other.value_type, ValueType::String);
assert_eq!(other.fulltext, true);
assert_eq!(other.multival, false);
assert_eq!(other.unique, None);
// We can add fulltext indexed datoms.
assert_transact!(conn, "[[:db/add 301 :test/fulltext \"test this\"]]");
// value column is rowid into fulltext table.
"[[1 \"test this\"]]");
"[[301 :test/fulltext 1 ?tx true]
[?tx :db/txInstant ?ms ?tx true]]");
"[[111 :db/ident :test/fulltext]
[111 :db/valueType :db.type/string]
[111 :db/unique :db.unique/identity]
[111 :db/index true]
[111 :db/fulltext true]
[222 :db/ident :test/other]
[222 :db/valueType :db.type/string]
[222 :db/cardinality :db.cardinality/one]
[222 :db/index true]
[222 :db/fulltext true]
[301 :test/fulltext 1]]");
// We can replace existing fulltext indexed datoms.
assert_transact!(conn, "[[:db/add 301 :test/fulltext \"alternate thing\"]]");
// value column is rowid into fulltext table.
"[[1 \"test this\"]
[2 \"alternate thing\"]]");
"[[301 :test/fulltext 1 ?tx false]
[301 :test/fulltext 2 ?tx true]
[?tx :db/txInstant ?ms ?tx true]]");
"[[111 :db/ident :test/fulltext]
[111 :db/valueType :db.type/string]
[111 :db/unique :db.unique/identity]
[111 :db/index true]
[111 :db/fulltext true]
[222 :db/ident :test/other]
[222 :db/valueType :db.type/string]
[222 :db/cardinality :db.cardinality/one]
[222 :db/index true]
[222 :db/fulltext true]
[301 :test/fulltext 2]]");
// We can upsert keyed by fulltext indexed datoms.
assert_transact!(conn, "[[:db/add \"t\" :test/fulltext \"alternate thing\"]
[:db/add \"t\" :test/other \"other\"]]");
// value column is rowid into fulltext table.
"[[1 \"test this\"]
[2 \"alternate thing\"]
[3 \"other\"]]");
"[[301 :test/other 3 ?tx true]
[?tx :db/txInstant ?ms ?tx true]]");
"[[111 :db/ident :test/fulltext]
[111 :db/valueType :db.type/string]
[111 :db/unique :db.unique/identity]
[111 :db/index true]
[111 :db/fulltext true]
[222 :db/ident :test/other]
[222 :db/valueType :db.type/string]
[222 :db/cardinality :db.cardinality/one]
[222 :db/index true]
[222 :db/fulltext true]
[301 :test/fulltext 2]
[301 :test/other 3]]");
// We can re-use fulltext values; they won't be added to the fulltext values table twice.
assert_transact!(conn, "[[:db/add 302 :test/other \"alternate thing\"]]");
// value column is rowid into fulltext table.
"[[1 \"test this\"]
[2 \"alternate thing\"]
[3 \"other\"]]");
"[[302 :test/other 2 ?tx true]
[?tx :db/txInstant ?ms ?tx true]]");
"[[111 :db/ident :test/fulltext]
[111 :db/valueType :db.type/string]
[111 :db/unique :db.unique/identity]
[111 :db/index true]
[111 :db/fulltext true]
[222 :db/ident :test/other]
[222 :db/valueType :db.type/string]
[222 :db/cardinality :db.cardinality/one]
[222 :db/index true]
[222 :db/fulltext true]
[301 :test/fulltext 2]
[301 :test/other 3]
[302 :test/other 2]]");
// We can retract fulltext indexed datoms. The underlying fulltext value remains -- indeed,
// it might still be in use.
assert_transact!(conn, "[[:db/retract 302 :test/other \"alternate thing\"]]");
// value column is rowid into fulltext table.
"[[1 \"test this\"]
[2 \"alternate thing\"]
[3 \"other\"]]");
"[[302 :test/other 2 ?tx false]
[?tx :db/txInstant ?ms ?tx true]]");
"[[111 :db/ident :test/fulltext]
[111 :db/valueType :db.type/string]
[111 :db/unique :db.unique/identity]
[111 :db/index true]
[111 :db/fulltext true]
[222 :db/ident :test/other]
[222 :db/valueType :db.type/string]
[222 :db/cardinality :db.cardinality/one]
[222 :db/index true]
[222 :db/fulltext true]
[301 :test/fulltext 2]
[301 :test/other 3]]");

View file

@ -21,13 +21,20 @@ use rusqlite::types::{ToSql};
use tabwriter::TabWriter;
use bootstrap;
use db::TypedSQLValue;
use edn;
use entids;
use mentat_core::TypedValue;
use mentat_tx::entities::{Entid};
use db::TypedSQLValue;
use types::Schema;
use errors::Result;
use mentat_core::{
use mentat_tx::entities::{Entid};
use schema::{
use types::Schema;
/// Represents a *datom* (assertion) in the store.
@ -55,6 +62,9 @@ pub struct Datoms(pub Vec<Datom>);
/// retracted assertions appear before added assertions.
pub struct Transactions(pub Vec<Datoms>);
/// Represents the fulltext values in the store.
pub struct FulltextValues(pub Vec<(i64, String)>);
impl Datom {
pub fn into_edn(&self) -> edn::Value {
let f = |entid: &Entid| -> edn::Value {
@ -86,6 +96,12 @@ impl Transactions {
impl FulltextValues {
pub fn into_edn(&self) -> edn::Value {
edn::Value::Vector((&self.0).into_iter().map(|&(x, ref y)| edn::Value::Vector(vec![edn::Value::Integer(x), edn::Value::Text(y.clone())])).collect())
/// Turn TypedValue::Ref into TypedValue::Keyword when it is possible.
trait ToIdent {
fn map_ident(self, schema: &Schema) -> Self;
@ -132,6 +148,9 @@ pub fn datoms_after<S: Borrow<Schema>>(conn: &rusqlite::Connection, schema: &S,
let v: rusqlite::types::Value = row.get_checked(2)?;
let value_type_tag: i32 = row.get_checked(3)?;
let attribute = borrowed_schema.require_attribute_for_entid(a)?;
let value_type_tag = if !attribute.fulltext { value_type_tag } else { ValueType::Long.value_type_tag() };
let typed_value = TypedValue::from_sql_value_pair(v, value_type_tag)?.map_ident(borrowed_schema);
let (value, _) = typed_value.to_edn_value_pair();
@ -165,6 +184,9 @@ pub fn transactions_after<S: Borrow<Schema>>(conn: &rusqlite::Connection, schema
let v: rusqlite::types::Value = row.get_checked(2)?;
let value_type_tag: i32 = row.get_checked(3)?;
let attribute = borrowed_schema.require_attribute_for_entid(a)?;
let value_type_tag = if !attribute.fulltext { value_type_tag } else { ValueType::Long.value_type_tag() };
let typed_value = TypedValue::from_sql_value_pair(v, value_type_tag)?.map_ident(borrowed_schema);
let (value, _) = typed_value.to_edn_value_pair();
@ -185,6 +207,19 @@ pub fn transactions_after<S: Borrow<Schema>>(conn: &rusqlite::Connection, schema
/// Return the set of fulltext values in the store, ordered by rowid.
pub fn fulltext_values(conn: &rusqlite::Connection) -> Result<FulltextValues> {
let mut stmt: rusqlite::Statement = conn.prepare("SELECT rowid, text FROM fulltext_values ORDER BY rowid")?;
let r: Result<Vec<_>> = stmt.query_and_then(&[], |row| {
let rowid: i64 = row.get_checked(0)?;
let text: String = row.get_checked(1)?;
Ok((rowid, text))
/// Execute the given `sql` query with the given `params` and format the results as a
/// tab-and-newline formatted string suitable for debug printing.

View file

@ -330,16 +330,23 @@ impl<'conn, 'a> Tx<'conn, 'a> {
// store.
let mut tx_might_update_metadata = false;
let final_terms: Vec<TermWithoutTempIds> = [final_populations.resolved,
inert_terms.into_iter().map(|term| term.unwrap()).collect()].concat();
{ // TODO: Don't use this block to scope borrowing the schema; instead, extract a helper function.
/// Assertions that are :db.cardinality/one and not :db.fulltext.
let mut non_fts_one: Vec<db::ReducedEntity> = vec![];
/// Assertions that are :db.cardinality/many and not :db.fulltext.
let mut non_fts_many: Vec<db::ReducedEntity> = vec![];
let final_terms: Vec<TermWithoutTempIds> = [final_populations.resolved,
inert_terms.into_iter().map(|term| term.unwrap()).collect()].concat();
/// Assertions that are :db.cardinality/one and :db.fulltext.
let mut fts_one: Vec<db::ReducedEntity> = vec![];
/// Assertions that are :db.cardinality/many and :db.fulltext.
let mut fts_many: Vec<db::ReducedEntity> = vec![];
// Pipeline stage 4: final terms (after rewriting) -> DB insertions.
// Collect into non_fts_*.
@ -348,19 +355,17 @@ impl<'conn, 'a> Tx<'conn, 'a> {
match term {
Term::AddOrRetract(op, e, a, v) => {
let attribute: &Attribute = self.schema.require_attribute_for_entid(a)?;
if attribute.fulltext {
bail!(ErrorKind::NotYetImplemented(format!("Transacting :db/fulltext entities is not yet implemented"))) // TODO: reference original input. Difficult!
if entids::might_update_metadata(a) {
tx_might_update_metadata = true;
let added = op == OpType::Add;
if attribute.multival {
non_fts_many.push((e, a, attribute, v, added));
} else {
non_fts_one.push((e, a, attribute, v, added));
let reduced = (e, a, attribute, v, added);
match (attribute.fulltext, attribute.multival) {
(false, true) => non_fts_many.push(reduced),
(false, false) => non_fts_one.push(reduced),
(true, false) => fts_one.push(reduced),
(true, true) => fts_many.push(reduced),
@ -382,6 +387,14 @@ impl<'conn, 'a> Tx<'conn, 'a> {[..], db::SearchType::Exact)?;
if !fts_one.is_empty() {[..], db::SearchType::Inexact)?;
if !fts_many.is_empty() {[..], db::SearchType::Exact)?;