Avoid needless reborrows and simplify Ord implementation for edn::Value

This commit is contained in:
Victor Porof 2017-02-02 15:38:38 +01:00
parent a685d6c541
commit 2ecda0a2bd

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@ -136,6 +136,14 @@ impl Value {
pub fn from_bigint(src: &str) -> Option<Value> {
pub fn from_symbol<'a, T: Into<Option<&'a str>>>(namespace: T, name: &str) -> Value {
to_symbol(namespace, name)
pub fn from_keyword<'a, T: Into<Option<&'a str>>>(namespace: T, name: &str) -> Value {
to_keyword(namespace, name)
impl From<f64> for Value {
@ -150,28 +158,24 @@ impl PartialOrd for Value {
// TODO: Check we follow the equality rules at the bottom of https://github.com/edn-format/edn
impl Ord for Value {
fn cmp(&self, other: &Value) -> Ordering {
let ord_order = to_ord(self).cmp(&to_ord(other));
match *self {
Nil => match *other { Nil => Ordering::Equal, _ => ord_order },
Boolean(bs) => match *other { Boolean(bo) => bo.cmp(&bs), _ => ord_order },
BigInteger(ref bs) => match *other { BigInteger(ref bo) => bo.cmp(&bs), _ => ord_order },
Integer(is) => match *other { Integer(io) => io.cmp(&is), _ => ord_order },
Float(ref fs) => match *other { Float(ref fo) => fo.cmp(&fs), _ => ord_order },
Text(ref ts) => match *other { Text(ref to) => to.cmp(&ts), _ => ord_order },
PlainSymbol(ref ss) => match *other { PlainSymbol(ref so) => so.cmp(&ss), _ => ord_order },
NamespacedSymbol(ref ss)
=> match *other { NamespacedSymbol(ref so) => so.cmp(&ss), _ => ord_order },
Keyword(ref ks) => match *other { Keyword(ref ko) => ko.cmp(&ks), _ => ord_order },
NamespacedKeyword(ref ks)
=> match *other { NamespacedKeyword(ref ko) => ko.cmp(&ks), _ => ord_order },
Vector(ref vs) => match *other { Vector(ref vo) => vo.cmp(&vs), _ => ord_order },
List(ref ls) => match *other { List(ref lo) => lo.cmp(&ls), _ => ord_order },
Set(ref ss) => match *other { Set(ref so) => so.cmp(&ss), _ => ord_order },
Map(ref ms) => match *other { Map(ref mo) => mo.cmp(&ms), _ => ord_order },
match (self, other) {
(&Nil, &Nil) => Ordering::Equal,
(&Boolean(a), &Boolean(b)) => b.cmp(&a),
(&Integer(a), &Integer(b)) => b.cmp(&a),
(&BigInteger(ref a), &BigInteger(ref b)) => b.cmp(a),
(&Float(ref a), &Float(ref b)) => b.cmp(a),
(&Text(ref a), &Text(ref b)) => b.cmp(a),
(&PlainSymbol(ref a), &PlainSymbol(ref b)) => b.cmp(a),
(&NamespacedSymbol(ref a), &NamespacedSymbol(ref b)) => b.cmp(a),
(&Keyword(ref a), &Keyword(ref b)) => b.cmp(a),
(&NamespacedKeyword(ref a), &NamespacedKeyword(ref b)) => b.cmp(a),
(&Vector(ref a), &Vector(ref b)) => b.cmp(a),
(&List(ref a), &List(ref b)) => b.cmp(a),
(&Set(ref a), &Set(ref b)) => b.cmp(a),
(&Map(ref a), &Map(ref b)) => b.cmp(a),
_ => to_ord(self).cmp(&to_ord(other))
@ -271,4 +275,23 @@ mod test {
Value::NamespacedSymbol(symbols::NamespacedSymbol::new("nine", "ten")),
fn test_ord() {
// TODO: Check we follow the equality rules at the bottom of https://github.com/edn-format/edn
assert_eq!(Value::Nil.cmp(&Value::Nil), Ordering::Equal);
assert_eq!(Value::Boolean(false).cmp(&Value::Boolean(true)), Ordering::Greater);
assert_eq!(Value::Integer(1).cmp(&Value::Integer(2)), Ordering::Greater);
assert_eq!(Value::from_bigint("1").cmp(&Value::from_bigint("2")), Ordering::Greater);
assert_eq!(Value::from(1f64).cmp(&Value::from(2f64)), Ordering::Greater);
assert_eq!(Value::Text("1".to_string()).cmp(&Value::Text("2".to_string())), Ordering::Greater);
assert_eq!(Value::from_symbol("a", "b").cmp(&Value::from_symbol("c", "d")), Ordering::Greater);
assert_eq!(Value::from_symbol(None, "a").cmp(&Value::from_symbol(None, "b")), Ordering::Greater);
assert_eq!(Value::from_keyword(":a", ":b").cmp(&Value::from_keyword(":c", ":d")), Ordering::Greater);
assert_eq!(Value::from_keyword(None, ":a").cmp(&Value::from_keyword(None, ":b")), Ordering::Greater);
assert_eq!(Value::Vector(vec![]).cmp(&Value::Vector(vec![])), Ordering::Equal);
assert_eq!(Value::List(LinkedList::new()).cmp(&Value::List(LinkedList::new())), Ordering::Equal);
assert_eq!(Value::Set(BTreeSet::new()).cmp(&Value::Set(BTreeSet::new())), Ordering::Equal);
assert_eq!(Value::Map(BTreeMap::new()).cmp(&Value::Map(BTreeMap::new())), Ordering::Equal);