(tx) Replace :db/tx with (transaction-tx) transaction function and broaden support. (#664)

:db/tx (and Datomic's version, :datomic/tx) suffer from the same
ambiguities that [a v] lookup references do -- determining the type of
the result is context sensitive.  (In this case, is :db/tx a reference
to the current transaction ID, or is it a valid keyword?)  This commit
addresses the ambiguity by introducing a notion of a transaction
functions, and provides a little scaffolding for adding more (should
the need arise).  I left the scaffolding in place rather than handling
just (transaction-tx) because I started trying to
implement (transaction-instant) as well, which is more difficult --
see the comments.

It's worth noting that this approach generalizes more or less directly
to ?input variables, since those can be eagerly bound like the
implemented transaction function (transaction-tx).
This commit is contained in:
Nick Alexander 2018-04-26 15:48:27 -07:00
parent f979044ba1
commit 32ed56685e
5 changed files with 100 additions and 27 deletions

View file

@ -1376,7 +1376,7 @@ mod tests {
let mut conn = TestConn::default();
// Test that txInstant can be asserted.
assert_transact!(conn, "[[:db/add :db/tx :db/txInstant #inst \"2017-06-16T00:56:41.257Z\"]
assert_transact!(conn, "[[:db/add (transaction-tx) :db/txInstant #inst \"2017-06-16T00:56:41.257Z\"]
[:db/add 100 :db/ident :name/Ivan]
[:db/add 101 :db/ident :name/Petr]]");
@ -1385,14 +1385,14 @@ mod tests {
[?tx :db/txInstant #inst \"2017-06-16T00:56:41.257Z\" ?tx true]]");
// Test multiple txInstant with different values should fail.
assert_transact!(conn, "[[:db/add :db/tx :db/txInstant #inst \"2017-06-16T00:59:11.257Z\"]
[:db/add :db/tx :db/txInstant #inst \"2017-06-16T00:59:11.752Z\"]
assert_transact!(conn, "[[:db/add (transaction-tx) :db/txInstant #inst \"2017-06-16T00:59:11.257Z\"]
[:db/add (transaction-tx) :db/txInstant #inst \"2017-06-16T00:59:11.752Z\"]
[:db/add 102 :db/ident :name/Vlad]]",
Err("conflicting datoms in tx"));
// Test multiple txInstants with the same value.
assert_transact!(conn, "[[:db/add :db/tx :db/txInstant #inst \"2017-06-16T00:59:11.257Z\"]
[:db/add :db/tx :db/txInstant #inst \"2017-06-16T00:59:11.257Z\"]
assert_transact!(conn, "[[:db/add (transaction-tx) :db/txInstant #inst \"2017-06-16T00:59:11.257Z\"]
[:db/add (transaction-tx) :db/txInstant #inst \"2017-06-16T00:59:11.257Z\"]
[:db/add 103 :db/ident :name/Dimitri]
[:db/add 104 :db/ident :name/Anton]]");
@ -1400,11 +1400,34 @@ mod tests {
[104 :db/ident :name/Anton ?tx true]
[?tx :db/txInstant #inst \"2017-06-16T00:59:11.257Z\" ?tx true]]");
// Test txInstant retraction
// Test disabled: retracting a datom that doesn't exist should fail.
// assert_transact!(conn, "[[:db/retract :db/tx :db/txInstant #inst \"2017-06-16T00:59:11.257Z\"]
// [:db/add 105 :db/ident :name/Vadim]]",
// Err("Should fail!"));
// We need a few attributes to work with.
assert_transact!(conn, "[[:db/add 111 :db/ident :test/str]
[:db/add 111 :db/valueType :db.type/string]
[:db/add 222 :db/ident :test/ref]
[:db/add 222 :db/valueType :db.type/ref]]");
// Test that we can assert metadata about the current transaction.
assert_transact!(conn, "[[:db/add (transaction-tx) :test/str \"We want metadata!\"]]");
"[[?tx :db/txInstant ?ms ?tx true]
[?tx :test/str \"We want metadata!\" ?tx true]]");
// Test that we can use (transaction-tx) as a value.
assert_transact!(conn, "[[:db/add 333 :test/ref (transaction-tx)]]");
"[[333 :test/ref ?tx ?tx true]
[?tx :db/txInstant ?ms ?tx true]]");
// Test that we type-check properly. In the value position, (transaction-tx) yields a ref;
// :db/ident expects a keyword.
assert_transact!(conn, "[[:db/add 444 :db/ident (transaction-tx)]]",
Err("not yet implemented: Transaction function transaction-tx produced value of type :db.type/ref but expected type :db.type/keyword"));
// Test that we can assert metadata about the current transaction.
assert_transact!(conn, "[[:db/add (transaction-tx) :test/ref (transaction-tx)]]");
"[[?tx :db/txInstant ?ms ?tx true]
[?tx :test/ref ?tx ?tx true]]");

View file

@ -172,7 +172,7 @@ pub(crate) fn datoms_after<S: Borrow<Schema>>(conn: &rusqlite::Connection, schem
/// Return the sequence of transactions in the store with transaction ID strictly greater than the
/// given `tx`, ordered by (tx, e, a, v).
/// Each transaction returned includes the [:db/tx :db/txInstant ...] datom.
/// Each transaction returned includes the [(transaction-tx) :db/txInstant ...] datom.
pub(crate) fn transactions_after<S: Borrow<Schema>>(conn: &rusqlite::Connection, schema: &S, tx: i64) -> Result<Transactions> {
let borrowed_schema = schema.borrow();

View file

@ -282,11 +282,6 @@ impl<'conn, 'a, W> Tx<'conn, 'a, W> where W: TransactWatcher {
// Special case: current tx ID.
entmod::EntidOrLookupRefOrTempId::TempId(TempId::Tx) => {
entmod::EntidOrLookupRefOrTempId::TempId(e) => {
@ -294,6 +289,13 @@ impl<'conn, 'a, W> Tx<'conn, 'a, W> where W: TransactWatcher {
entmod::EntidOrLookupRefOrTempId::LookupRef(ref lookup_ref) => {
entmod::EntidOrLookupRefOrTempId::TxFunction(ref tx_function) => {
match tx_function.op.0.as_str() {
"transaction-tx" => Ok(Either::Left(self.tx_id)),
unknown @ _ => bail!(ErrorKind::NotYetImplemented(format!("Unknown transaction function {}", unknown))),
@ -341,6 +343,13 @@ impl<'conn, 'a, W> Tx<'conn, 'a, W> where W: TransactWatcher {
entmod::AtomOrLookupRefOrVectorOrMapNotation::LookupRef(ref lookup_ref) =>
entmod::AtomOrLookupRefOrVectorOrMapNotation::TxFunction(ref tx_function) => {
match tx_function.op.0.as_str() {
"transaction-tx" => Ok(Either::Left(KnownEntid(self.tx_id.0))),
unknown @ _ => bail!(ErrorKind::NotYetImplemented(format!("Unknown transaction function {}", unknown))),
entmod::AtomOrLookupRefOrVectorOrMapNotation::Vector(_) =>
bail!(ErrorKind::NotYetImplemented(format!("Cannot explode vector value in :attr/_reversed notation for attribute {}", forward_a))),
@ -412,6 +421,26 @@ impl<'conn, 'a, W> Tx<'conn, 'a, W> where W: TransactWatcher {
entmod::AtomOrLookupRefOrVectorOrMapNotation::TxFunction(ref tx_function) => {
let typed_value = match tx_function.op.0.as_str() {
"transaction-tx" => TypedValue::Ref(self.tx_id),
unknown @ _ => bail!(ErrorKind::NotYetImplemented(format!("Unknown transaction function {}", unknown))),
// Here we do schema-aware typechecking: we assert that the computed
// value is in the attribute's value set. If and when we have
// transaction functions that produce numeric values, we'll have to
// be more careful here, because a function that produces an integer
// value can be used where a double is expected. See also
// `SchemaTypeChecking.to_typed_value(...)`.
if attribute.value_type != typed_value.value_type() {
bail!(ErrorKind::NotYetImplemented(format!("Transaction function {} produced value of type {} but expected type {}",
tx_function.op.0.as_str(), typed_value.value_type(), attribute.value_type)));
entmod::AtomOrLookupRefOrVectorOrMapNotation::Vector(vs) => {
if !attribute.multival {
bail!(ErrorKind::NotYetImplemented(format!("Cannot explode vector value for attribute {} that is not :db.cardinality :db.cardinality/many", a)));
@ -682,7 +711,7 @@ impl<'conn, 'a, W> Tx<'conn, 'a, W> where W: TransactWatcher {
tx_instant = self.tx_instant.unwrap_or_else(now);
// Transact [:db/add :db/txInstant tx_instant :db/tx].
// Transact [:db/add :db/txInstant tx_instant (transaction-tx)].

View file

@ -40,6 +40,7 @@ use mentat_tx::entities::{
use mentat_parser_utils::{ResultParser};
use mentat_parser_utils::value_and_span::{
@ -89,16 +90,18 @@ def_parser!(Tx, lookup_ref, LookupRef, {
def_parser!(Tx, entid_or_lookup_ref_or_temp_id, EntidOrLookupRefOrTempId, {
def_matches_namespaced_keyword!(Tx, literal_db_tx, "db", "tx");
def_matches_plain_symbol!(Tx, literal_transaction_tx, "transaction-tx");
def_parser!(Tx, db_tx, TempId, {
Tx::literal_db_tx().map(|_| TempId::Tx)
def_parser!(Tx, tx_function, TxFunction, {
Tx::literal_transaction_tx().map(|_| edn::PlainSymbol::new("transaction-tx"))
.map(|op| TxFunction { op: op }))
def_parser!(Tx, temp_id, TempId, {
@ -114,8 +117,9 @@ def_parser!(Tx, nested_vector, Vec<AtomOrLookupRefOrVectorOrMapNotation>, {
def_parser!(Tx, atom_or_lookup_ref_or_vector, AtomOrLookupRefOrVectorOrMapNotation, {
choice::<[&mut Parser<Input = _, Output = AtomOrLookupRefOrVectorOrMapNotation>; 4], _>
choice::<[&mut Parser<Input = _, Output = AtomOrLookupRefOrVectorOrMapNotation>; 5], _>
([&mut try(Tx::lookup_ref().map(AtomOrLookupRefOrVectorOrMapNotation::LookupRef)),
&mut try(Tx::tx_function().map(AtomOrLookupRefOrVectorOrMapNotation::TxFunction)),
&mut Tx::nested_vector().map(AtomOrLookupRefOrVectorOrMapNotation::Vector),
&mut Tx::map_notation().map(AtomOrLookupRefOrVectorOrMapNotation::MapNotation),
&mut Tx::atom().map(|x| x.clone()).map(AtomOrLookupRefOrVectorOrMapNotation::Atom)
@ -198,6 +202,7 @@ pub fn remove_db_id(map: &mut MapNotation) -> std::result::Result<Option<EntidOr
AtomOrLookupRefOrVectorOrMapNotation::LookupRef(_) |
AtomOrLookupRefOrVectorOrMapNotation::TxFunction(_) |
AtomOrLookupRefOrVectorOrMapNotation::Vector(_) |
AtomOrLookupRefOrVectorOrMapNotation::MapNotation(_) => {

View file

@ -23,14 +23,12 @@ use self::edn::symbols::NamespacedKeyword;
pub enum TempId {
Tx, // Special identifier used to refer to the current transaction.
impl TempId {
pub fn into_external(self) -> Option<String> {
match self {
TempId::External(s) => Some(s),
TempId::Tx |
TempId::Internal(_) => None,
@ -41,7 +39,6 @@ impl fmt::Display for TempId {
match self {
&TempId::External(ref s) => write!(f, "{}", s),
&TempId::Internal(x) => write!(f, "<tempid {}>", x),
&TempId::Tx => write!(f, "<Tx>"),
@ -69,12 +66,30 @@ pub struct LookupRef {
pub v: edn::Value, // An atom.
/// A "transaction function" that exposes some value determined by the current transaction. The
/// prototypical example is the current transaction ID, `(transaction-tx)`.
/// A natural next step might be to expose the current transaction instant `(transaction-instant)`,
/// but that's more difficult: the transaction itself can set the transaction instant (with some
/// restrictions), so the transaction function must be late-binding. Right now, that's difficult to
/// arrange in the transactor.
/// In the future, we might accept arguments; for example, perhaps we might expose `(ancestor
/// (transaction-tx) n)` to find the n-th ancestor of the current transaction. If we do accept
/// arguments, then the special case of `(lookup-ref a v)` should be handled as part of the
/// generalization.
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, Hash, Ord, PartialOrd, PartialEq)]
pub struct TxFunction {
pub op: edn::PlainSymbol,
pub type MapNotation = BTreeMap<Entid, AtomOrLookupRefOrVectorOrMapNotation>;
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, Hash, Ord, PartialOrd, PartialEq)]
pub enum AtomOrLookupRefOrVectorOrMapNotation {
@ -83,6 +98,7 @@ pub enum AtomOrLookupRefOrVectorOrMapNotation {
pub enum EntidOrLookupRefOrTempId {