Just use the one command, it keeping reference to all the reports for the transaction.

It will also do the observer filtering
This commit is contained in:
Emily Toop 2018-03-15 09:14:36 +00:00
parent 421b7ad436
commit 42329df63b
2 changed files with 30 additions and 169 deletions

View file

@ -13,14 +13,8 @@ use std::collections::{
use std::sync::{
use std::sync::mpsc::{
use std::thread;
use indexmap::{
@ -33,27 +27,27 @@ use types::{
pub struct TxObserver {
notify_fn: Arc<Box<Fn(&String, &Vec<Arc<TxReport>>) + Send + Sync>>,
notify_fn: Arc<Box<Fn(String, Vec<&TxReport>) + Send + Sync>>,
attributes: AttributeSet,
impl TxObserver {
pub fn new<F>(attributes: AttributeSet, notify_fn: F) -> TxObserver where F: Fn(&String, &Vec<Arc<TxReport>>) + 'static + Send + Sync {
pub fn new<F>(attributes: AttributeSet, notify_fn: F) -> TxObserver where F: Fn(String, Vec<&TxReport>) + 'static + Send + Sync {
TxObserver {
notify_fn: Arc::new(Box::new(notify_fn)),
pub fn applicable_reports(&self, reports: &Vec<Arc<TxReport>>) -> Vec<Arc<TxReport>> {
pub fn applicable_reports<'r>(&self, reports: &'r Vec<TxReport>) -> Vec<&'r TxReport> {
reports.into_iter().filter_map( |report| {
.and_then(|_| Some(Arc::clone(report)))
.and_then(|_| Some(report))
fn notify(&self, key: &String, reports: &Vec<Arc<TxReport>>) {
fn notify(&self, key: String, reports: Vec<&TxReport>) {
(*self.notify_fn)(key, reports);
@ -62,58 +56,46 @@ pub trait Command {
fn execute(&mut self);
pub struct NotifyTxObserver {
key: String,
reports: Vec<Arc<TxReport>>,
observer: Weak<TxObserver>,
pub struct AsyncTxExecutor {
reports: Vec<TxReport>,
observers: Weak<IndexMap<String, Arc<TxObserver>>>,
impl NotifyTxObserver {
pub fn new(key: String, reports: Vec<Arc<TxReport>>, observer: Weak<TxObserver>) -> Self {
NotifyTxObserver {
impl AsyncTxExecutor {
fn new(observers: &Arc<IndexMap<String, Arc<TxObserver>>>, reports: Vec<TxReport>) -> Self {
AsyncTxExecutor {
observers: Arc::downgrade(observers),
impl Command for NotifyTxObserver {
fn execute(&mut self) {
self.observer.upgrade().map(|o| o.notify(&self.key, &self.reports));
impl Command for AsyncTxExecutor {
pub struct AsyncBatchExecutor {
commands: Vec<Box<Command + Send>>,
impl Command for AsyncBatchExecutor {
fn execute(&mut self) {
// need to clone to move to a new thread.
let command_queue = ::std::mem::replace(&mut self.commands, Vec::new());
let reports = ::std::mem::replace(&mut self.reports, Vec::new());
let weak_observers = ::std::mem::replace(&mut self.observers, Default::default());
thread::spawn (move || {
for mut command in command_queue.into_iter() {
weak_observers.upgrade().map(|observers| {
for (key, observer) in observers.iter() {
let applicable_reports = observer.applicable_reports(&reports);
observer.notify(key.clone(), applicable_reports);
pub struct TxObservationService {
observers: IndexMap<String, Arc<TxObserver>>,
observers: Arc<IndexMap<String, Arc<TxObserver>>>,
pub command_queue: VecDeque<Box<Command + Send>>,
impl TxObservationService {
pub fn new() -> Self {
// let (tx, rx) = channel();
// let worker = ThreadWorker::new(0, rx);
// thread::spawn(move || worker.main());
TxObservationService {
observers: IndexMap::new(),
observers: Arc::new(IndexMap::new()),
command_queue: VecDeque::new(),
// sender: tx,
@ -123,33 +105,19 @@ impl TxObservationService {
pub fn register(&mut self, key: String, observer: Arc<TxObserver>) {
self.observers.insert(key, observer);
Arc::make_mut(&mut self.observers).insert(key, observer);
pub fn deregister(&mut self, key: &String) {
Arc::make_mut(&mut self.observers).remove(key);
pub fn has_observers(&self) -> bool {
fn command_from_reports(&self, key: &String, reports: &Vec<Arc<TxReport>>, observer: &Arc<TxObserver>) -> Option<Box<Command + Send>> {
let applicable_reports = observer.applicable_reports(reports);
if !applicable_reports.is_empty() {
Some(Box::new(NotifyTxObserver::new(key.clone(), applicable_reports, Arc::downgrade(observer))))
} else {
pub fn transaction_did_commit(&mut self, reports: Vec<Arc<TxReport>>) {
// notify all observers about their relevant transactions
let commands: Vec<Box<Command + Send>> = self.observers
.filter_map(|(key, observer)| { self.command_from_reports(&key, &reports, &observer) })
self.command_queue.push_back(Box::new(AsyncBatchExecutor { commands }));
pub fn transaction_did_commit(&mut self, reports: Vec<TxReport>) {
self.command_queue.push_back(Box::new(AsyncTxExecutor::new(&self.observers, reports)));
pub fn run(&mut self) {
@ -160,110 +128,3 @@ impl TxObservationService {
// impl CommandQueueObserver for TxObservationService {
// fn inserted_item(&self, command: Command) {
// command.execute();
// }
// }
// pub trait CommandQueueObserver: Send + 'static {
// fn inserted_item(&self, command: Command);
// }
// struct Inner<Observer: CommandQueueObserver> {
// command_queue: VecDeque<Box<Command + Send>>,
// observer: Observer,
// }
// impl<Observer: CommandQueueObserver> Inner<Observer> {
// fn new(cq: VecDeque<Box<Command + Send>>, observer: Observer) -> Inner<Observer> {
// Inner {
// command_queue: cq,
// observer: observer,
// }
// }
// }
// pub struct CommandQueueHandle(Vec<Sender<()>>);
// impl CommandQueueHandle {
// pub fn new<Observer>(num_threads: usize, observer: Observer) -> (CommandQueueHandle, VecDeque<Box<Command + Send>>)
// where Observer: CommandQueueObserver
// {
// let queue = VecDeque::new();
// let inner = Arc::new(Mutex::new(Inner::new(queue.clone(), observer)));
// let mut worker_channels = Vec::with_capacity(num_threads);
// for i in 0..num_threads {
// let (tx, rx) = mpsc::channel();
// worker_channels.push(tx);
// let worker = ThreadWorker::new(i, inner.clone(), rx);
// thread::spawn(move || worker.main());
// }
// (ViewModelHandle(worker_channels), starting_vm)
// }
// }
// struct ThreadWorker<Observer: CommandQueueObserver> {
// inner: Arc<Mutex<Inner<Observer>>>,
// thread_id: usize,
// shutdown: Receiver<()>,
// }
// impl<Observer: CommandQueueObserver> ThreadWorker<Observer> {
// fn new(thread_id: usize,
// inner: Arc<Mutex<Inner<Observer>>>,
// shutdown: Receiver<()>)
// -> ThreadWorker<Observer> {
// ThreadWorker {
// inner: inner,
// thread_id: thread_id,
// shutdown: shutdown,
// }
// }
// fn main(&self) {
// let mut rng = rand::thread_rng();
// let between = Range::new(0i32, 10);
// loop {
// thread::sleep(Duration::from_millis(1000 + rng.gen_range(0, 3000)));
// if self.should_shutdown() {
// println!("thread {} exiting", self.thread_id);
// return;
// }
// let observer = self.inner.lock().unwrap();
// let queue = self.inner.lock().unwrap().command_queue;
// if queue.is_empty() {
// continue;
// }
// while !queue.is_empty() {
// let cmd = queue.front();
// }
// // // 20% of the time, add a new item.
// // // 10% of the time, remove an item.
// // // 70% of the time, modify an existing item.
// // match between.ind_sample(&mut rng) {
// // 0 | 1 => self.add_new_item(),
// // 2 => self.remove_existing_item(&mut rng),
// // _ => self.modify_existing_item(&mut rng),
// // }
// }
// }
// fn should_shutdown(&self) -> bool {
// match self.shutdown.try_recv() {
// Err(mpsc::TryRecvError::Disconnected) => true,
// Err(mpsc::TryRecvError::Empty) => false,
// Ok(()) => unreachable!("thread worker channels should not be used directly"),
// }
// }
// }

View file

@ -207,7 +207,7 @@ pub struct InProgress<'a, 'c> {
schema: Schema,
cache: InProgressSQLiteAttributeCache,
use_caching: bool,
tx_reports: Vec<Arc<TxReport>>,
tx_reports: Vec<TxReport>,
observer_service: Option<&'a Mutex<TxObservationService>>,
@ -377,7 +377,7 @@ impl<'a, 'c> InProgress<'a, 'c> {
self.partition_map = next_partition_map;
if let Some(schema) = next_schema {
self.schema = schema;
@ -401,7 +401,7 @@ impl<'a, 'c> InProgress<'a, 'c> {
self.partition_map = next_partition_map;
if let Some(schema) = next_schema {