Add :db.fn/retractAttribute and :db.fn/retractEntity. Fixes #46. r=rnewman

This commit is contained in:
Nick Alexander 2016-09-06 13:13:30 -07:00
commit 562ced372d
5 changed files with 736 additions and 548 deletions

View file

@ -172,6 +172,55 @@
:table-alias source/gensym-table-alias
:make-constraints nil}))
;; TODO: make this not do the tx_lookup. We could achieve this by having additional special values
;; of added0, or by separating the tx_lookup table into before and after tables.
(defn- retractAttributes->queries [eas tx]
(let [where-part
"(e = ? AND a = ?)"
repeater (memoize (fn [n] (interpose " OR " (repeat n where-part))))]
(fn [chunk]
(apply str
"INSERT INTO tx_lookup (e0, a0, v0, tx0, added0, value_type_tag0, sv, svalue_type_tag)
SELECT e, a, v, ?, 0, value_type_tag, v, value_type_tag
FROM datoms
(repeater (count chunk)))
(mapcat (fn [[_ e a]]
[e a])
(partition-all (quot (dec max-sql-vars) 2) eas))))
;; TODO: make this not do the tx_lookup. We could achieve this by having additional special values
;; of added0, or by separating the tx_lookup table into before and after tables.
(defn- retractEntities->queries [es tx]
(let [ref-tag (sqlite-schema/->tag :db.type/ref)
;; TODO: include index_vaet flag here, so we can use that index to speed up the deletion.
(str "e = ? OR (v = ? AND value_type_tag = " ref-tag ")") ;; Retract the entity and all refs to the entity.
repeater (memoize (fn [n] (interpose " OR " (repeat n where-part))))]
(fn [chunk]
(apply str
"INSERT INTO tx_lookup (e0, a0, v0, tx0, added0, value_type_tag0, sv, svalue_type_tag)
SELECT e, a, v, ?, 0, value_type_tag, v, value_type_tag
FROM datoms
(repeater (count chunk)))
(mapcat (fn [[_ e]]
[e e])
(partition-all (quot (dec max-sql-vars) 2) es))))
(defn- retractions->queries [retractions tx fulltext? ->SQLite]
@ -394,7 +443,7 @@
SELECT e, a, v, ?, 0, value_type_tag
FROM tx_lookup
WHERE added0 IS 2 AND ((sv IS NOT NULL) OR (sv IS NULL AND v0 IS NOT v)) AND v IS NOT NULL" tx] ;; TODO: get rid of magic value 2.
(doseq [q [build-indices insert-into-tx-lookup
@ -431,9 +480,12 @@
queries (atom [])
operations (group-by first entities)]
(when-not (clojure.set/subset? (keys operations) #{:db/retract :db/add})
(raise (str "Unknown operations " (keys operations))
{:error :transact/syntax, :operations (dissoc operations :db/retract :db/add)}))
;; Belt and braces. At this point, we should have already errored out if op is not known.
(let [known #{:db/retract :db/add :db.fn/retractAttribute :db.fn/retractEntity}]
(when-not (clojure.set/subset? (keys operations) known)
(let [unknown (apply dissoc operations known)]
(raise (str "Unknown operations " (apply sorted-set (keys unknown)))
{:error :transact/syntax, :operations (apply sorted-set (keys unknown))}))))
;; We can turn all non-FTS operations into simple SQL queries that we run serially.
;; FTS queries require us to get a rowid from the FTS table and use that for
@ -441,6 +493,14 @@
;; We can't just freely use `go-pair` here, because this function is so complicated
;; that ClojureScript blows the stack trying to compile it.
(when-let [eas (:db.fn/retractAttribute operations)]
queries concat (retractAttributes->queries eas tx)))
(when-let [es (:db.fn/retractEntity operations)]
queries concat (retractEntities->queries es tx)))
(when-let [retractions (:db/retract operations)]
queries concat (retractions->queries retractions tx fulltext? ->SQLite)))

View file

@ -97,7 +97,6 @@
(let [exec (partial s/execute! (:sqlite-connection db))
part->vector (fn [[part {:keys [start idx]}]]
(println "part->vector" part start idx)
[(sqlite-schema/->SQLite part) start idx])]
;; TODO: allow inserting new parts.
;; TODO: think more carefully about allocating new parts and bitmasking part ranges.

View file

@ -5,8 +5,7 @@
(ns datomish.test-macros
@ -44,16 +43,8 @@
(defmacro deftest-db
[n conn-var & body]
`(deftest-async ~n
(datomish.node-tempfile-macros/with-tempfile [t# (datomish.node-tempfile/tempfile)]
(let [~conn-var (datomish.pair-chan/<? (datomish.api/<connect t#))]
(let [~conn-var (datomish.pair-chan/<? (datomish.api/<connect ""))]
(datomish.pair-chan/<? (datomish.api/<close ~conn-var))))))
(tempfile.core/with-tempfile [t# (tempfile.core/tempfile)]
(let [~conn-var (datomish.pair-chan/<? (datomish.api/<connect t#))]
(datomish.pair-chan/<? (datomish.api/<close ~conn-var)))))))))
(datomish.pair-chan/<? (datomish.api/<close ~conn-var)))))))

View file

@ -119,12 +119,13 @@
(defn maybe-ident->entid [db [op e a v tx :as orig]]
;; We have to handle all ops, including those when a or v are not defined.
(let [e (db/entid db e)
a (db/entid db a)
v (if (ds/kw? (db/schema db) a) ;; TODO: decide if this is best. We could also check for ref and numeric types.
v (if (and a (ds/kw? (db/schema db) a)) ;; TODO: decide if this is best. We could also check for ref and numeric types.
(db/entid db v))]
(when-not (integer? a)
(when (and a (not (integer? a)))
(raise "Unknown attribute " a
{:form orig :attribute a}))
[op e a v tx]))
@ -138,16 +139,16 @@
;; n.b., this must not be symbolic -- it's inserted after we map idents -> entids.
[:db/add tx (db/entid db :db/txInstant) txInstant]))
(defn ensure-entity-form [[op e a v & rest :as entity]]
(not (sequential? entity))
(defn ensure-entity-form [entity]
(when-not (sequential? entity)
(raise "Bad entity " entity ", should be sequential at this point"
{:error :transact/bad-entity, :entity entity})
(not (contains? #{:db/add :db/retract} op))
(raise "Unrecognized operation " op " expected one of :db/add :db/retract at this point"
{:error :transact/bad-operation :entity entity })
{:error :transact/bad-entity, :entity entity}))
(let [[op] entity]
(case op
(:db/add :db/retract)
(let [[_ e a v & rest] entity]
(nil? e)
(raise "Bad entity: nil e in " entity
{:error :transact/bad-entity :entity entity })
@ -162,10 +163,39 @@
(some? rest)
(raise "Bad entity: too long " entity
{:error :transact/bad-entity :entity entity })))
(let [[_ e a & rest] entity]
(nil? e)
(raise "Bad entity: nil e in " entity
{:error :transact/bad-entity :entity entity })
(nil? a)
(raise "Bad entity: nil a in " entity
{:error :transact/bad-entity :entity entity })
(some? rest)
(raise "Bad entity: too long " entity
{:error :transact/bad-entity :entity entity })))
(let [[_ e & rest] entity]
(nil? e)
(raise "Bad entity: nil e in " entity
{:error :transact/bad-entity :entity entity })
(some? rest)
(raise "Bad entity: too long " entity
{:error :transact/bad-entity :entity entity })))
;; Default
(raise "Unrecognized operation " op " expected one of :db/add :db/retract :db/fn.retractAttribute :db/fn.retractEntity at this point"
{:error :transact/bad-operation :entity entity })))
(defn- tx-instant? [db [op e a & _]]
(and (= op :db/add)
@ -373,7 +403,8 @@
(let [schema (db/schema db)]
(doseq [[op e a v] (:entities report)]
(ds/ensure-valid-value schema a v)))
(if (and e a v)
(ds/ensure-valid-value schema a v))))
(defn <transact-tx-data

View file

@ -19,12 +19,12 @@
#?@(:clj [[datomish.jdbc-sqlite]
[datomish.pair-chan :refer [go-pair <?]]
[tempfile.core :refer [tempfile with-tempfile]]
[datomish.test-macros :refer [deftest-async]]
[datomish.test-macros :refer [deftest-async deftest-db]]
[clojure.test :as t :refer [is are deftest testing]]
[clojure.core.async :refer [go <! >!]]])
#?@(:cljs [[datomish.promise-sqlite]
[datomish.test-macros :refer-macros [deftest-async]]
[datomish.test-macros :refer-macros [deftest-async deftest-db]]
[datomish.node-tempfile :refer [tempfile]]
[cljs.test :as t :refer-macros [is are deftest testing async]]
[cljs.core.async :as a :refer [<! >!]]]))
@ -81,24 +81,16 @@
:db.install/_attribute :db.part/db}
(deftest-async test-add-one
(with-tempfile [t (tempfile)]
(let [conn (<? (d/<connect t))]
(deftest-db test-add-one conn
(let [{tx0 :tx} (<? (d/<transact! conn test-schema))]
(let [{:keys [tx txInstant]} (<? (d/<transact! conn [[:db/add 0 :name "valuex"]]))]
(is (= (<? (<datoms-after (d/db conn) tx0))
#{[0 :name "valuex"]}))
(is (= (<? (<transactions-after (d/db conn) tx0))
[[0 :name "valuex" tx 1] ;; TODO: true, not 1.
[tx :db/txInstant txInstant tx 1]]))))
(<? (d/<close conn)))))))
[tx :db/txInstant txInstant tx 1]])))))
(deftest-async test-add-two
(with-tempfile [t (tempfile)]
(let [conn (<? (d/<connect t))]
(deftest-db test-add-two conn
(let [{tx0 :tx} (<? (d/<transact! conn test-schema))
{tx1 :tx txInstant1 :txInstant} (<? (d/<transact! conn [[:db/add 1 :name "Ivan"]]))
{tx2 :tx txInstant2 :txInstant} (<? (d/<transact! conn [[:db/add 1 :name "Petr"]]))
@ -118,15 +110,9 @@
[1 :aka "Tupen" tx3 1]
[tx3 :db/txInstant txInstant3 tx3 1]
[1 :aka "Devil" tx4 1]
[tx4 :db/txInstant txInstant4 tx4 1]])))
[tx4 :db/txInstant txInstant4 tx4 1]]))))
(<? (d/<close conn)))))))
(deftest-async test-retract
(with-tempfile [t (tempfile)]
(let [conn (<? (d/<connect t))]
(deftest-db test-retract conn
(let [{tx0 :tx} (<? (d/<transact! conn test-schema))
{tx1 :tx txInstant1 :txInstant} (<? (d/<transact! conn [[:db/add 0 :x 123]]))
{tx2 :tx txInstant2 :txInstant} (<? (d/<transact! conn [[:db/retract 0 :x 123]]))]
@ -136,14 +122,9 @@
[[0 :x 123 tx1 1]
[tx1 :db/txInstant txInstant1 tx1 1]
[0 :x 123 tx2 0]
[tx2 :db/txInstant txInstant2 tx2 1]])))
(<? (d/<close conn)))))))
[tx2 :db/txInstant txInstant2 tx2 1]]))))
(deftest-async test-id-literal-1
(with-tempfile [t (tempfile)]
(let [conn (<? (d/<connect t))]
(deftest-db test-id-literal-1 conn
(let [tx0 (:tx (<? (d/<transact! conn test-schema)))
report (<? (d/<transact! conn [[:db/add (d/id-literal :db.part/user -1) :x 0]
[:db/add (d/id-literal :db.part/user -1) :y 1]
@ -159,15 +140,9 @@
#{[eid1 :x 0]
[eid1 :y 1]
[eid2 :y 2]
[eid2 :y 3]}))))
[eid2 :y 3]})))))
(<? (d/<close conn)))))))
(deftest-async test-unique
(with-tempfile [t (tempfile)]
(let [conn (<? (d/<connect t))]
(deftest-db test-unique conn
(let [tx0 (:tx (<? (d/<transact! conn test-schema)))]
(testing "Multiple :db/unique values in tx-data violate unique constraint, no tempid"
(is (thrown-with-msg?
@ -179,15 +154,9 @@
(is (thrown-with-msg?
ExceptionInfo #"unique constraint"
(<? (d/<transact! conn [[:db/add (d/id-literal :db.part/user -1) :spouse "Dana"]
[:db/add (d/id-literal :db.part/user -2) :spouse "Dana"]]))))))
[:db/add (d/id-literal :db.part/user -2) :spouse "Dana"]])))))))
(<? (d/<close conn)))))))
(deftest-async test-valueType-keyword
(with-tempfile [t (tempfile)]
(let [conn (<? (d/<connect t))]
(deftest-db test-valueType-keyword conn
(let [tx0 (:tx (<? (d/<transact! conn [{:db/id (d/id-literal :db.part/user -1)
:db/ident :test/kw
:db/unique :db.unique/identity
@ -212,15 +181,9 @@
(testing "Retracting compares values correctly."
(<? (d/<transact! conn [[:db/retract eid :test/kw :test/kw2]]))
(is (= (<? (<datoms-after (d/db conn) tx0))
(<? (d/<close conn)))))))
(deftest-async test-vector-upsert
(with-tempfile [t (tempfile)]
(let [conn (<? (d/<connect t))]
(deftest-db test-vector-upsert conn
;; Not having DB-as-value really hurts us here. This test only works because all upserts
;; succeed on top of each other, so we never need to reset the underlying store.
(<? (d/<transact! conn test-schema))
@ -248,14 +211,9 @@
(<? (d/<transact! conn [[:db/add (d/id-literal :db.part/user -1) :name "Ivan"]
[:db/add (d/id-literal :db.part/user -1) :age 35]
[:db/add (d/id-literal :db.part/user -1) :name "Petr"]
[:db/add (d/id-literal :db.part/user -1) :age 36]]))))))
(<? (d/<close conn)))))))
[:db/add (d/id-literal :db.part/user -1) :age 36]])))))))
(deftest-async test-map-upsert
(with-tempfile [t (tempfile)]
(let [conn (<? (d/<connect t))]
(deftest-db test-map-upsert conn
;; Not having DB-as-value really hurts us here. This test only works because all upserts
;; succeed on top of each other, so we never need to reset the underlying store.
(<? (d/<transact! conn test-schema))
@ -298,15 +256,9 @@
(testing "upsert to two entities, two tempids, fails due to overlapping writes"
(is (thrown-with-msg? Throwable #"cardinality constraint"
(<? (d/<transact! conn [{:db/id (d/id-literal :db.part/user -1) :name "Ivan" :age 35}
{:db/id (d/id-literal :db.part/user -2) :name "Ivan" :age 36}]))))))
{:db/id (d/id-literal :db.part/user -2) :name "Ivan" :age 36}])))))))
(<? (d/<close conn)))))))
(deftest-async test-map-upsert-conflicts
(with-tempfile [t (tempfile)]
(let [conn (<? (d/<connect t))]
(deftest-db test-map-upsert-conflicts conn
;; Not having DB-as-value really hurts us here. This test only works because all upserts
;; fail until the final one, so we never need to reset the underlying store.
(<? (d/<transact! conn test-schema))
@ -333,15 +285,9 @@
(is (= (<? (<shallow-entity (d/db conn) 101))
{:name "Ivan" :email "@3" :age 35}))
(is (= (tempids report)
{-1 101})))))
{-1 101}))))))
(<? (d/<close conn)))))))
(deftest-async test-add-ident
(with-tempfile [t (tempfile)]
(let [conn (<? (d/<connect t))]
(deftest-db test-add-ident conn
(is (= :test/ident (d/entid (d/db conn) :test/ident)))
(let [report (<? (d/<transact! conn [[:db/add (d/id-literal :db.part/db -1) :db/ident :test/ident]]))
@ -362,14 +308,9 @@
;; (is (thrown-with-msg?
;; ExceptionInfo #"Re-asserting a :db/ident is not yet supported, got"
;; (<? (d/<transact! conn [[:db/add 55 :db/ident :test/ident]]))))
(<? (d/<close conn)))))))
(deftest-async test-add-schema
(with-tempfile [t (tempfile)]
(let [conn (<? (d/<connect t))]
(deftest-db test-add-schema conn
(let [es [[:db/add :db.part/db :db.install/attribute (d/id-literal :db.part/db -1)]
{:db/id (d/id-literal :db.part/db -1)
:db/ident :test/attr
@ -391,15 +332,10 @@
(<? (d/<transact! conn [{:db/id 100 :test/attr "value 1"}]))
(<? (d/<transact! conn [{:db/id 100 :test/attr "value 2"}]))
(is (= (<? (<shallow-entity (d/db conn) 100))
{:test/attr "value 2"}))))
{:test/attr "value 2"})))))
(<? (d/<close conn)))))))
(deftest-async test-fulltext
(with-tempfile [t (tempfile)]
(let [conn (<? (d/<connect t))
schema [{:db/id (d/id-literal :db.part/db -1)
(deftest-db test-fulltext conn
(let [schema [{:db/id (d/id-literal :db.part/db -1)
:db/ident :test/fulltext
:db/valueType :db.type/string
:db/fulltext true
@ -416,7 +352,7 @@
(testing "Schema checks"
(is (ds/fulltext? (d/schema (d/db conn))
(d/entid (d/db conn) :test/fulltext))))
(testing "Can add fulltext indexed datoms"
(let [{tx1 :tx txInstant1 :txInstant}
(<? (d/<transact! conn [[:db/add 101 :test/fulltext "test this"]]))]
@ -483,17 +419,11 @@
(is (= (<? (<datoms-after (d/db conn) tx0))
#{[101 :test/other 3]
[102 :test/other 1]})) ;; Values are raw; 1, 3 are the rowids into fulltext_values.
(<? (d/<close conn)))))))
(deftest-async test-txInstant
(with-tempfile [t (tempfile)]
(let [conn (<? (d/<connect t))
{tx0 :tx} (<? (d/<transact! conn test-schema))]
(let [{txa :tx txInstantA :txInstant} (<? (d/<transact! conn []))]
(deftest-db test-txInstant conn
(let [{tx0 :tx} (<? (d/<transact! conn test-schema))
{txa :tx txInstantA :txInstant} (<? (d/<transact! conn []))]
(testing ":db/txInstant is set by default"
(is (= (<? (<transactions-after (d/db conn) tx0))
[[txa :db/txInstant txInstantA txa 1]])))
@ -517,29 +447,17 @@
(let [{txd :tx txInstantD :txInstant} (<? (d/<transact! conn [[:db/add :db/tx :x 456]]))]
(is (= (<? (<transactions-after (d/db conn) txc))
[[txd :db/txInstant txInstantD txd 1]
[txd :x 456 txd 1]])))))))))
[txd :x 456 txd 1]]))))))))))
(<? (d/<close conn)))))))
(deftest-async test-no-tx
(with-tempfile [t (tempfile)]
(let [conn (<? (d/<connect t))
{tx0 :tx} (<? (d/<transact! conn test-schema))]
(deftest-db test-no-tx conn
(let [{tx0 :tx} (<? (d/<transact! conn test-schema))]
(testing "Cannot specificy an explicit tx"
(is (thrown-with-msg?
ExceptionInfo #"Bad entity: too long"
(<? (d/<transact! conn [[:db/add (d/id-literal :db.part/user) :x 0 10101]])))))
(<? (d/<transact! conn [[:db/add (d/id-literal :db.part/user) :x 0 10101]])))))))
(<? (d/<close conn)))))))
(deftest-async test-explode-sequences
(with-tempfile [t (tempfile)]
(let [conn (<? (d/<connect t))
{tx0 :tx} (<? (d/<transact! conn test-schema))]
(deftest-db test-explode-sequences conn
(let [{tx0 :tx} (<? (d/<transact! conn test-schema))]
(testing ":db.cardinality/many sequences are accepted"
(<? (d/<transact! conn [{:db/id 101 :aka ["first" "second"]}]))
(is (= (<? (<datoms-after (d/db conn) tx0))
@ -557,16 +475,10 @@
(testing ":db.cardinality/one sequences fail"
(is (thrown-with-msg?
ExceptionInfo #"Sequential values"
(<? (d/<transact! conn [{:db/id 101 :email ["@1" "@2"]}])))))
(<? (d/<transact! conn [{:db/id 101 :email ["@1" "@2"]}])))))))
(<? (d/<close conn)))))))
(deftest-async test-explode-maps
(with-tempfile [t (tempfile)]
(let [conn (<? (d/<connect t))
{tx0 :tx} (<? (d/<transact! conn test-schema))]
(deftest-db test-explode-maps conn
(let [{tx0 :tx} (<? (d/<transact! conn test-schema))]
(testing "nested maps are accepted"
(<? (d/<transact! conn [{:db/id 101 :friends {:name "Petr"}}]))
;; TODO: this works only because we have a single friend.
@ -590,16 +502,10 @@
(testing "nested maps without :db.type/ref fail"
(is (thrown-with-msg?
ExceptionInfo #"\{:db/valueType :db.type/ref\}"
(<? (d/<transact! conn [{:db/id 101 :aka {:name "Petr"}}])))))
(<? (d/<transact! conn [{:db/id 101 :aka {:name "Petr"}}])))))))
(<? (d/<close conn)))))))
(deftest-async test-explode-reverse-refs
(with-tempfile [t (tempfile)]
(let [conn (<? (d/<connect t))
{tx0 :tx} (<? (d/<transact! conn test-schema))]
(deftest-db test-explode-reverse-refs conn
(let [{tx0 :tx} (<? (d/<transact! conn test-schema))]
(testing "reverse refs are accepted"
(<? (d/<transact! conn [{:db/id 101 :name "Igor"}]))
(<? (d/<transact! conn [{:db/id 102 :name "Oleg" :_friends 101}]))
@ -611,11 +517,9 @@
(testing "reverse refs without :db.type/ref fail"
(is (thrown-with-msg?
ExceptionInfo #"\{:db/valueType :db.type/ref\}"
(<? (d/<transact! conn [{:db/id 101 :_aka 102}])))))
(<? (d/<close conn)))))))
(<? (d/<transact! conn [{:db/id 101 :_aka 102}])))))))
;; We don't use deftest-db in order to be able to re-open an on disk file.
(deftest-async test-next-eid
(with-tempfile [t (tempfile)]
(let [conn (<? (d/<connect t))
@ -644,10 +548,7 @@
(<? (d/<close conn))))))))))
(deftest-async test-unique-value
(with-tempfile [t (tempfile)]
(let [conn (<? (d/<connect t))]
(deftest-db test-unique-value conn
(let [tx0 (:tx (<? (d/<transact! conn [{:db/id (d/id-literal :db.part/user -1)
:db/ident :test/x
:db/unique :db.unique/value
@ -671,7 +572,213 @@
(testing "can't upsert a :db.unique/value field"
(is (thrown-with-msg?
ExceptionInfo #"unique constraint"
(<? (d/<transact! conn [{:db/id (d/id-literal :db.part/user -1) :test/x 12345 :test/y 99999}]))))))
(<? (d/<transact! conn [{:db/id (d/id-literal :db.part/user -1) :test/x 12345 :test/y 99999}])))))))
(<? (d/<close conn)))))))
(def retract-schema
[{:db/id (d/id-literal :db.part/user -1)
:db/ident :test/long
:db/cardinality :db.cardinality/many
:db/valueType :db.type/long
:db.install/_attribute :db.part/db}
{:db/id (d/id-literal :db.part/user -2)
:db/ident :test/fulltext
:db/cardinality :db.cardinality/many
:db/valueType :db.type/string
:db/fulltext true
:db.install/_attribute :db.part/db}
{:db/id (d/id-literal :db.part/user -3)
:db/ident :test/ref
:db/valueType :db.type/ref
:db.install/_attribute :db.part/db}])
(deftest-db test-retract-attribute conn
(let [tx0 (:tx (<? (d/<transact! conn retract-schema)))]
(testing "retractAttribute"
(let [report (<? (d/<transact! conn [{:db/id (d/id-literal :db.part/user -1) :test/long [12345 123456]}
{:db/id (d/id-literal :db.part/user -2) :test/ref (d/id-literal :db.part/user -1)}]))
eid1 (get-in report [:tempids (d/id-literal :db.part/user -1)])
eid2 (get-in report [:tempids (d/id-literal :db.part/user -2)])]
(is (= (<? (<datoms-after (d/db conn) tx0))
#{[eid1 :test/long 12345]
[eid1 :test/long 123456]
[eid2 :test/ref eid1]}))
(testing "retractAttribute with no matching datoms succeeds"
(<? (d/<transact! conn [[:db.fn/retractAttribute eid1 :test/ref]]))
(is (= (<? (<datoms-after (d/db conn) tx0))
#{[eid1 :test/long 12345]
[eid1 :test/long 123456]
[eid2 :test/ref eid1]})))
(testing "retractAttribute retracts datoms"
(let [{tx1 :tx} (<? (d/<transact! conn [[:db.fn/retractAttribute eid2 :test/ref]]))]
(is (= (<? (<datoms-after (d/db conn) tx0))
#{[eid1 :test/long 12345]
[eid1 :test/long 123456]})))
(let [{tx2 :tx} (<? (d/<transact! conn [[:db.fn/retractAttribute eid1 :test/long]]))]
(is (= (<? (<datoms-after (d/db conn) tx0))
(deftest-db test-retract-attribute-multiple conn
(let [tx0 (:tx (<? (d/<transact! conn retract-schema)))]
(let [report (<? (d/<transact! conn [{:db/id (d/id-literal :db.part/user -1) :test/long [12345 123456]}
{:db/id (d/id-literal :db.part/user -1) :test/fulltext ["first fulltext value" "second fulltext value"]}]))
eid1 (get-in report [:tempids (d/id-literal :db.part/user -1)])]
(is (= (<? (<fulltext-values (d/db conn)))
[[1 "first fulltext value"]
[2 "second fulltext value"]]))
(is (= (<? (<datoms-after (d/db conn) tx0))
#{[eid1 :test/fulltext 1]
[eid1 :test/fulltext 2]
[eid1 :test/long 12345]
[eid1 :test/long 123456]}))
(testing "multiple retractAttribute in one transaction"
(let [{tx1 :tx} (<? (d/<transact! conn [[:db.fn/retractAttribute eid1 :test/long]
[:db.fn/retractAttribute eid1 :test/fulltext]]))]
(is (= (<? (<datoms-after (d/db conn) tx0))
(deftest-db test-retract-attribute-fulltext conn
(let [tx0 (:tx (<? (d/<transact! conn retract-schema)))]
(testing "retractAttribute, fulltext"
(let [report (<? (d/<transact! conn [{:db/id (d/id-literal :db.part/user -1) :test/fulltext ["first fulltext value" "second fulltext value"]}
{:db/id (d/id-literal :db.part/user -2) :test/ref (d/id-literal :db.part/user -1)}]))
eid1 (get-in report [:tempids (d/id-literal :db.part/user -1)])
eid2 (get-in report [:tempids (d/id-literal :db.part/user -2)])]
(is (= (<? (<fulltext-values (d/db conn)))
[[1 "first fulltext value"]
[2 "second fulltext value"]]))
(is (= (<? (<datoms-after (d/db conn) tx0))
#{[eid1 :test/fulltext 1]
[eid1 :test/fulltext 2]
[eid2 :test/ref eid1]}))
(testing "retractAttribute retracts datoms, fulltext"
(let [{tx1 :tx} (<? (d/<transact! conn [[:db.fn/retractAttribute eid2 :test/ref]]))]
;; fulltext values are not purged.
(is (= (<? (<fulltext-values (d/db conn)))
[[1 "first fulltext value"]
[2 "second fulltext value"]]))
(is (= (<? (<datoms-after (d/db conn) tx0))
#{[eid1 :test/fulltext 1]
[eid1 :test/fulltext 2]})))
(let [{tx2 :tx} (<? (d/<transact! conn [[:db.fn/retractAttribute eid1 :test/fulltext]]))]
;; fulltext values are not purged.
(is (= (<? (<fulltext-values (d/db conn)))
[[1 "first fulltext value"]
[2 "second fulltext value"]]))
(is (= (<? (<datoms-after (d/db conn) tx0))
(deftest-db test-retract-entity conn
(let [tx0 (:tx (<? (d/<transact! conn retract-schema)))]
(testing "retractEntity"
(let [report (<? (d/<transact! conn [{:db/id (d/id-literal :db.part/user -1) :test/long [12345 123456]}
{:db/id (d/id-literal :db.part/user -2) :test/ref (d/id-literal :db.part/user -1)}
{:db/id (d/id-literal :db.part/user -3) :test/long 0xdeadbeef}]))
eid1 (get-in report [:tempids (d/id-literal :db.part/user -1)])
eid2 (get-in report [:tempids (d/id-literal :db.part/user -2)])
eid3 (get-in report [:tempids (d/id-literal :db.part/user -3)])]
(is (= (<? (<datoms-after (d/db conn) tx0))
#{[eid1 :test/long 12345]
[eid1 :test/long 123456]
[eid2 :test/ref eid1]
[eid3 :test/long 0xdeadbeef]}))
(testing "retractEntity with no matching datoms succeeds"
(<? (d/<transact! conn [[:db.fn/retractEntity 0xdeadbeef]]))
(is (= (<? (<datoms-after (d/db conn) tx0))
#{[eid1 :test/long 12345]
[eid1 :test/long 123456]
[eid2 :test/ref eid1]
[eid3 :test/long 0xdeadbeef]})))
(testing "retractEntity retracts datoms"
(let [{tx1 :tx} (<? (d/<transact! conn [[:db.fn/retractEntity eid3]]))]
(is (= (<? (<datoms-after (d/db conn) tx0))
#{[eid1 :test/long 12345]
[eid1 :test/long 123456]
[eid2 :test/ref eid1]}))))
(testing "retractEntity retracts datoms and references"
(let [{tx2 :tx} (<? (d/<transact! conn [[:db.fn/retractEntity eid1]]))]
(is (= (<? (<datoms-after (d/db conn) tx0))
;; [eid2 :test/ref eid1] is gone, since the ref eid1 is gone.
(deftest-db test-retract-entity-multiple conn
(let [tx0 (:tx (<? (d/<transact! conn retract-schema)))]
(let [report (<? (d/<transact! conn [{:db/id (d/id-literal :db.part/user -1) :test/long [12345 123456]}
{:db/id (d/id-literal :db.part/user -2) :test/fulltext ["first fulltext value" "second fulltext value"]}]))
eid1 (get-in report [:tempids (d/id-literal :db.part/user -1)])
eid2 (get-in report [:tempids (d/id-literal :db.part/user -2)])]
(is (= (<? (<fulltext-values (d/db conn)))
[[1 "first fulltext value"]
[2 "second fulltext value"]]))
(is (= (<? (<datoms-after (d/db conn) tx0))
#{[eid2 :test/fulltext 1]
[eid2 :test/fulltext 2]
[eid1 :test/long 12345]
[eid1 :test/long 123456]}))
(testing "multiple retractEntity in one transaction"
(let [{tx1 :tx} (<? (d/<transact! conn [[:db.fn/retractEntity eid1]
[:db.fn/retractEntity eid2]]))]
(is (= (<? (<datoms-after (d/db conn) tx0))
(deftest-db test-retract-entity-fulltext conn
(let [tx0 (:tx (<? (d/<transact! conn retract-schema)))]
(testing "retractEntity, fulltext"
(let [report (<? (d/<transact! conn [{:db/id (d/id-literal :db.part/user -1) :test/fulltext ["first fulltext value" "second fulltext value"]}
{:db/id (d/id-literal :db.part/user -2) :test/ref (d/id-literal :db.part/user -1)}
{:db/id (d/id-literal :db.part/user -3) :test/fulltext "other fulltext value"}]))
eid1 (get-in report [:tempids (d/id-literal :db.part/user -1)])
eid2 (get-in report [:tempids (d/id-literal :db.part/user -2)])
eid3 (get-in report [:tempids (d/id-literal :db.part/user -3)])]
(is (= (<? (<fulltext-values (d/db conn)))
[[1 "first fulltext value"]
[2 "second fulltext value"]
[3 "other fulltext value"]]))
(is (= (<? (<datoms-after (d/db conn) tx0))
#{[eid1 :test/fulltext 1]
[eid1 :test/fulltext 2]
[eid2 :test/ref eid1]
[eid3 :test/fulltext 3]}))
(testing "retractEntity with no matching datoms succeeds, fulltext"
(<? (d/<transact! conn [[:db.fn/retractEntity 0xdeadbeef]]))
(is (= (<? (<datoms-after (d/db conn) tx0))
#{[eid1 :test/fulltext 1]
[eid1 :test/fulltext 2]
[eid2 :test/ref eid1]
[eid3 :test/fulltext 3]})))
(testing "retractEntity retracts datoms, fulltext"
(let [{tx1 :tx} (<? (d/<transact! conn [[:db.fn/retractEntity eid3]]))]
;; fulltext values are not purged.
(is (= (<? (<fulltext-values (d/db conn)))
[[1 "first fulltext value"]
[2 "second fulltext value"]
[3 "other fulltext value"]]))
(is (= (<? (<datoms-after (d/db conn) tx0))
#{[eid1 :test/fulltext 1]
[eid1 :test/fulltext 2]
[eid2 :test/ref eid1]}))))
(testing "retractEntity retracts datoms and references, fulltext"
(let [{tx2 :tx} (<? (d/<transact! conn [[:db.fn/retractEntity eid1]]))]
(is (= (<? (<datoms-after (d/db conn) tx0))
;; [eid2 :test/ref eid1] is gone, since the ref eid1 is gone.
#_ (time (t/run-tests))