Remove Clojure and JS application code.

This commit is contained in:
Richard Newman 2016-12-16 10:32:23 -08:00
parent 44d50c9005
commit cbd278dd7e
45 changed files with 0 additions and 6774 deletions

View file

@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
(ns datomish.cljify)
(defn cljify
"Does what `(js->clj o :keywordize-keys true) is supposed to do, but works
in environments with more than one context (e.g., web browsers).
See <>.
Note that Date instances are passed through."
(nil? o)
;; Primitives.
(true? o)
(false? o)
(number? o)
(string? o)
;; Dates are passed through.
(not (nil? (aget (aget o "__proto__") "getUTCMilliseconds"))))
;; Array.
(.isArray js/Array o)
(let [n (.-length o)]
(loop [i 0
acc (transient [])]
(if (< i n)
(recur (inc i) (conj! acc (cljify (aget o i))))
(persistent! acc))))
;; Object.
(not (nil? (aget (aget o "__proto__") "hasOwnProperty")))
(let [a (.keys js/Object o)
n (.-length a)]
(loop [i 0
acc (transient {})]
(if (< i n)
(let [key (aget a i)]
(recur (inc i) (assoc! acc
(keyword key)
(cljify (aget o key)))))
(persistent! acc))))
:else o))

View file

@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
;; Copyright 2016 Mozilla
;; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use
;; this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the
;; License at
;; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed
;; under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR
;; CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
;; specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
(ns datomish.core
[honeysql.format :as sql]
[datomish.db :as db]
[datomish.db-factory :as db-factory]
[datomish.js-sqlite :as js-sqlite]
[datomish.sqlite :as sqlite]
[datomish.transact :as transact]))

View file

@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
;; Copyright 2016 Mozilla
;; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use
;; this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the
;; License at
;; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed
;; under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR
;; CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
;; specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
(ns datomish.js-sqlite
[datomish.sqlite :as s]
[datomish.js-util :refer [is-node?]]
[datomish.sqlitejsm-sqlite :as sqlitejsm-sqlite]))
(def open sqlitejsm-sqlite/open)
(extend-protocol s/ISQLiteConnectionFactory
(<sqlite-connection [path]
(open path))
(<sqlite-connection [tempfile]
(open (.-name tempfile))))

View file

@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
;; Copyright 2016 Mozilla
;; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use
;; this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the
;; License at
;; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed
;; under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR
;; CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
;; specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
(ns datomish.preload)
(println "Console printing enabled.")

View file

@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
;; Copyright 2016 Mozilla
;; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use
;; this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the
;; License at
;; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed
;; under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR
;; CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
;; specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
(ns datomish.sqlitejsm-sqlite
[datomish.sqlite :as s]))
(def sqlite (.import (aget (js/require "chrome") "Cu") "resource://gre/modules/Sqlite.jsm"))
(println "sqlite is" (pr-str sqlite))
;; mozIStorageRow instances expose two methods: getResultByIndex and getResultByName.
;; Our code expects to treat rows as associative containers, from keyword to value.
;; So we implement ILookup (which has a different signature for ClojureScript than
;; Clojure!), hope that we handle nil/NULL correctly, and switch between integers
;; and keywords.
(-lookup [o k]
(-lookup o k nil))
(-lookup [o k not-found]
(or (if (integer? k)
(.getResultByIndex row k)
(.getResultByName row (clj->js (name k))))
(defrecord SQLite3Connection [db]
[db sql bindings]
(.execute (.-db db) sql (or (clj->js bindings) #js []))))
[db sql bindings row-cb]
(let [cb (fn [row]
(row-cb (StorageRow. row)))]
(.execute (.-db db) sql (or (clj->js bindings) #js []) (when row-cb cb)))))
(.close (.-db db)))))
(defn open
[path & {:keys [mode] :or {mode 6}}]
(.openConnection (aget sqlite "Sqlite") (clj->js {:path path :sharedMemoryCache false}))
(.then ->SQLite3Connection))))

View file

@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
var Object = {};
Object.keys = function (object) {};
Object.__proto__ = {};
Object.hasOwnProperty = function () {};
var Array = {};
Array.length = 0;
Array.isArray = function () {};
var SqliteStatic = {};
* @param {Object} options
* @return {Promise.<Sqlite>}
SqliteStatic.openConnection = function (options) {}
var Sqlite = {}
* @param {string} sql
* @param {Array} bindings
* @return {Promise}
Sqlite.execute = function (sql, bindings) {}
* @return {Promise}
Sqlite.close = function() {}
var StorageRow = {};
* @param {string} index
StorageRow.getResultByIndex = function (index) {}
* @param {string} name
StorageRow.getResultByName = function (name) {}

View file

@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
;; Copyright 2016 Mozilla
;; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use
;; this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the
;; License at
;; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed
;; under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR
;; CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
;; specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
(ns datomish.api
[datomish.pair-chan :refer [go-pair <?]]
[cljs.core.async.macros :as a :refer [go]]))
[datomish.db :as db]
[datomish.db-factory :as db-factory]
[datomish.sqlite :as sqlite]
[datomish.transact :as transact]
#?@(:clj [[datomish.pair-chan :refer [go-pair <?]]
[clojure.core.async :refer [go <! >!]]])
#?@(:cljs [[datomish.pair-chan]
[cljs.core.async :as a :refer [<! >!]]])))
(defn <connect [uri]
;; Eventually, URI. For now, just a plain path (no file://).
(let [conn (<? (sqlite/<sqlite-connection uri))
db (<? (db-factory/<db-with-sqlite-connection conn))]
(transact/connection-with-db db))))
(def <transact! transact/<transact!)
(def listen! transact/listen!)
(def listen-chan! transact/listen-chan!)
(def unlisten-chan! transact/unlisten-chan!)
;; TODO: use Potemkin, or a subset of Potemkin that is CLJS friendly (like
;; to improve this re-exporting process.
(def <close transact/close)
(def id-literal db/id-literal)
(def id-literal? db/id-literal?)
(def lookup-ref db/lookup-ref)
(def db transact/db)
(def entid db/entid)
(def ident db/ident)
(def <q db/<?q)
(def schema db/schema)

View file

@ -1,143 +0,0 @@
;; Copyright 2016 Mozilla
;; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use
;; this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the
;; License at
;; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed
;; under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR
;; CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
;; specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
;; Purloined from DataScript.
(ns datomish.datom)
(declare hash-datom equiv-datom seq-datom val-at-datom nth-datom assoc-datom)
(deftype Datom [e a v tx added]
(-hash [d] (or (.-__hash d)
(set! (.-__hash d) (hash-datom d))))
(-equiv [d o] (and (instance? Datom o) (equiv-datom d o)))
(-seq [d] (seq-datom d))
(-lookup [d k] (val-at-datom d k nil))
(-lookup [d k nf] (val-at-datom d k nf))
(-nth [this i] (nth-datom this i))
(-nth [this i not-found] (nth-datom this i not-found))
(-assoc [d k v] (assoc-datom d k v))
(-pr-writer [d writer opts]
(pr-sequential-writer writer pr-writer
"#datascript/Datom [" " " "]"
opts [(.-e d) (.-a d) (.-v d) (.-tx d) (.-added d)]))
(hashCode [d] (hash-datom d))
(hasheq [d] (hash-datom d))
(seq [d] (seq-datom d))
(equiv [d o] (and (instance? Datom o) (equiv-datom d o)))
(empty [d] (throw (UnsupportedOperationException. "empty is not supported on Datom")))
(count [d] 5)
(cons [d [k v]] (assoc-datom d k v))
(nth [this i] (nth-datom this i))
(nth [this i not-found] (nth-datom this i not-found))
(valAt [d k] (val-at-datom d k nil))
(valAt [d k nf] (val-at-datom d k nf))
(entryAt [d k] (some->> (val-at-datom d k nil) (clojure.lang.MapEntry k)))
(containsKey [e k] (#{:e :a :v :tx :added} k))
(assoc [d k v] (assoc-datom d k v))
(defn ^Datom datom
([e a v tx] (Datom. e a v tx true))
([e a v tx added] (Datom. e a v tx added)))
(defn datom? [x] (instance? Datom x))
(defn- hash-datom [^Datom d]
(-> (hash (.-e d))
(hash-combine (hash (.-a d)))
(hash-combine (hash (.-v d)))))
(defn- equiv-datom [^Datom d ^Datom o]
(and (= (.-e d) (.-e o))
(= (.-a d) (.-a o))
(= (.-v d) (.-v o))))
(defn- seq-datom [^Datom d]
(list (.-e d) (.-a d) (.-v d) (.-tx d) (.-added d)))
;; keep it fast by duplicating for both keyword and string cases
;; instead of using sets or some other matching func
(defn- val-at-datom [^Datom d k not-found]
(case k
:e (.-e d) "e" (.-e d)
:a (.-a d) "a" (.-a d)
:v (.-v d) "v" (.-v d)
:tx (.-tx d) "tx" (.-tx d)
:added (.-added d) "added" (.-added d)
(defn- nth-datom
([^Datom d ^long i]
(case i
0 (.-e d)
1 (.-a d)
2 (.-v d)
3 (.-tx d)
4 (.-added d)
#?(:clj (throw (IndexOutOfBoundsException.))
:cljs (throw (js/Error. (str "Datom/-nth: Index out of bounds: " i))))))
([^Datom d ^long i not-found]
(case i
0 (.-e d)
1 (.-a d)
2 (.-v d)
3 (.-tx d)
4 (.-added d)
(defn- ^Datom assoc-datom [^Datom d k v]
(case k
:e (Datom. v (.-a d) (.-v d) (.-tx d) (.-added d))
:a (Datom. (.-e d) v (.-v d) (.-tx d) (.-added d))
:v (Datom. (.-e d) (.-a d) v (.-tx d) (.-added d))
:tx (Datom. (.-e d) (.-a d) (.-v d) v (.-added d))
:added (Datom. (.-e d) (.-a d) (.-v d) (.-tx d) v)
#?(:clj (throw (IllegalArgumentException. (str "invalid key for #datascript/Datom: " k)))
:cljs (throw (js/Error. (str "invalid key for #datascript/Datom: " k))))))
;; printing and reading
(defn ^Datom datom-from-reader [vec]
(apply datom vec))
(defmethod print-method Datom [^Datom d, ^ w]
(.write w (str "#datascript/Datom "))
(binding [*out* w]
(pr [(.-e d) (.-a d) (.-v d) (.-tx d) (.-added d)]))))

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff

View file

@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
;; Copyright 2016 Mozilla
;; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use
;; this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the
;; License at
;; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed
;; under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR
;; CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
;; specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
(ns datomish.db.debug
[datomish.pair-chan :refer [go-pair <?]]
[cljs.core.async.macros :refer [go]]))
[datomish.db :as db]
[datomish.datom :as dd :refer [datom datom? #?@(:cljs [Datom])]]
[datomish.util :as util #?(:cljs :refer-macros :clj :refer) [raise raise-str cond-let]]
[datomish.sqlite :as s]
#?@(:clj [[datomish.pair-chan :refer [go-pair <?]]
[clojure.core.async :as a :refer [chan go <! >!]]])
#?@(:cljs [[datomish.pair-chan]
[cljs.core.async :as a :refer [chan <! >!]]]))
[datomish.datom Datom])))
(defn <datoms-after [db tx]
(s/all-rows (:sqlite-connection db) ["SELECT e, a, v, tx FROM datoms WHERE tx > ?" tx])
(mapv #(vector (:e %) (db/ident db (:a %)) (:v %)))
(filter #(not (= :db/txInstant (second %))))
(defn <datoms>= [db tx]
(s/all-rows (:sqlite-connection db) ["SELECT e, a, v, tx FROM datoms WHERE tx >= ?" tx])
(mapv #(vector (:e %) (db/ident db (:a %)) (:v %)))
(filter #(not (= :db/txInstant (second %))))
(defn <datoms [db]
(<datoms-after db 0))
(defn <shallow-entity [db eid]
;; TODO: make this actually be <entity. Handle :db.cardinality/many and :db/isComponent.
(s/all-rows (:sqlite-connection db) ["SELECT a, v FROM datoms WHERE e = ?" eid])
(mapv #(vector (db/ident db (:a %)) (:v %)))
(reduce conj {}))))
(defn <transactions-after [db tx]
(s/all-rows (:sqlite-connection db) ["SELECT e, a, v, tx, added FROM transactions WHERE tx > ? ORDER BY tx ASC, e, a, v, added" tx])
(mapv #(vector (:e %) (db/ident db (:a %)) (:v %) (:tx %) (:added %))))))
(defn <transactions [db]
(<transactions-after db 0))
(defn <fulltext-values [db]
(s/all-rows (:sqlite-connection db) ["SELECT rowid, text FROM fulltext_values"])
(mapv #(vector (:rowid %) (:text %))))))

View file

@ -1,184 +0,0 @@
;; Copyright 2016 Mozilla
;; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use
;; this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the
;; License at
;; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed
;; under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR
;; CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
;; specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
(ns datomish.db-factory
[datomish.pair-chan :refer [go-pair <?]]
[cljs.core.async.macros :refer [go]]))
[datomish.db :as db]
[datomish.transact :as transact]
[datomish.transact.bootstrap :as bootstrap]
[datomish.util :as util #?(:cljs :refer-macros :clj :refer) [raise raise-str cond-let]]
[datomish.schema :as ds]
[datomish.sqlite :as s]
[datomish.sqlite-schema :as sqlite-schema]
#?@(:clj [[datomish.pair-chan :refer [go-pair <?]]
[clojure.core.async :as a :refer [chan go <! >!]]])
#?@(:cljs [[datomish.pair-chan]
[cljs.core.async :as a :refer [chan <! >!]]]))
[datomish.datom Datom])))
(defn <idents [sqlite-connection]
"Read the ident map materialized view from the given SQLite store.
Returns a map (keyword ident) -> (integer entid), like {:db/ident 0}."
(let [rows (<? (s/all-rows sqlite-connection ["SELECT ident, entid FROM idents"]))]
(into {} (map (fn [row] [(sqlite-schema/<-SQLite :db.type/keyword (:ident row)) (:entid row)])) rows))))
(defn <parts [sqlite-connection]
"Read the parts map materialized view from the given SQLite store.
Returns a map (keyword part) -> {:start integer :idx integer}, like {:db.part/user {start: 0x100 idx: 0x101}}."
(let [rows (<? (s/all-rows sqlite-connection ["SELECT part, start, idx FROM parts"]))]
(into {} (map (fn [row] [(sqlite-schema/<-SQLite :db.type/keyword (:part row)) (select-keys row [:start :idx])])) rows))))
(defn <bootstrapper! [sqlite-connection from-version]
(let [exec (partial s/execute! sqlite-connection)
part->vector (fn [[part {:keys [start idx]}]]
[(sqlite-schema/->SQLite part) start idx])
(fn [old new]
(if-not (= old new)
(raise "Altering schema attributes is not yet supported, got " new " altering existing schema attribute " old
{:error :schema/alter-schema :old old :new new})
(case from-version
;; TODO: think more carefully about allocating new parts and bitmasking part ranges.
;; TODO: install these using bootstrap assertions. It's tricky because the part ranges are implicit.
;; TODO: chunk into 999/3 sections, for safety.
(<? (exec
(cons (str "INSERT INTO parts VALUES "
(apply str (interpose ", " (repeat (count bootstrap/parts) "(?, ?, ?)"))))
(mapcat part->vector bootstrap/parts))))
;; We use <with-internal rather than <transact! to apply the bootstrap transaction
;; data but to not follow the regular schema application process. We can't apply the
;; schema changes, since the applied datoms would conflict with the bootstrapping
;; idents and schema. (The bootstrapping idents and schema are required to be able to
;; write to the database conveniently; without them, we'd have to manually write
;; datoms to the store. It's feasible but awkward.) After bootstrapping, we read
;; back the idents and schema, just like when we re-open.
;; Note that we use `bootstrap/parts` here to initialize our DB… and that means we
;; have a fixed starting tx.
(<? (transact/<with-internal
(db/db sqlite-connection bootstrap/idents bootstrap/parts bootstrap/symbolic-schema)
(bootstrap/tx-data bootstrap/idents bootstrap/symbolic-schema)
;; We just need to add the new stuff.
;; We read the parts out of the DB so we don't accidentally reuse a tx ID.
;; We use the v1 symbolic schema so that the rest of the system doesn't
;; get confused and think we're implicitly altering an existing schema.
(db/db sqlite-connection
(<? (<parts sqlite-connection))
(bootstrap/tx-data bootstrap/v2-idents bootstrap/v2-symbolic-schema)
(defn <symbolic-schema [sqlite-connection idents]
"Read the schema map materialized view from the given SQLite store.
Returns a map (keyword ident) -> (map (keyword attribute -> keyword value)), like
{:db/ident {:db/cardinality :db.cardinality/one}}."
(let [ident-map (clojure.set/map-invert idents)
ref-tag (sqlite-schema/->tag :db.type/ref)
kw<-SQLite (partial sqlite-schema/<-SQLite :db.type/keyword)]
(s/all-rows sqlite-connection ["SELECT ident, attr, value, value_type_tag FROM schema"])
(group-by (comp kw<-SQLite :ident))
(map (fn [[ident rows]]
(into {} (map (fn [row]
(let [tag (:value_type_tag row)
;; We want a symbolic schema, but most of our values are
;; :db.type/ref attributes. Map those entids back to idents.
;; This is ad-hoc since we haven't built a functional DB
;; instance yet.
v (if (= tag ref-tag) (get ident-map (:value row)) (:value row))]
[(kw<-SQLite (:attr row))
(sqlite-schema/<-tagged-SQLite tag v)])) rows))]))
(into {})))))
(defn <initialize-connection [sqlite-connection]
;; Some of these return values when set, and some don't, hence the craziness here.
(<? (s/execute! sqlite-connection ["PRAGMA page_size=32768"]))
(<? (s/all-rows sqlite-connection ["PRAGMA journal_mode=wal"]))
(<? (s/all-rows sqlite-connection ["PRAGMA wal_autocheckpoint=32"]))
(<? (s/all-rows sqlite-connection ["PRAGMA journal_size_limit=3145728"]))
(<? (s/execute! sqlite-connection ["PRAGMA foreign_keys=ON"]))))
(defn- submap?
"Returns true if every key in m1 is present in m2 with the same value."
[m1 m2]
(every? (fn [[k v]]
(= v (get m2 k)))
(defn <db-with-sqlite-connection
(<? (<initialize-connection sqlite-connection))
(let [[previous-version current-version]
(<? (sqlite-schema/<ensure-current-version
(when-not (= sqlite-schema/current-version current-version)
(raise "Could not ensure current SQLite schema version."))
;; We just bootstrapped, or we are returning to an already bootstrapped DB.
(let [idents (<? (<idents sqlite-connection))
parts (<? (<parts sqlite-connection))
symbolic-schema (<? (<symbolic-schema sqlite-connection idents))]
(when-not (= previous-version current-version)
(when (not (submap? bootstrap/idents idents))
(raise "After bootstrapping database, expected new materialized idents to include all old bootstrapped idents"
{:error :bootstrap/bad-idents,
:new idents
:old bootstrap/idents}))
(when (not (every? (fn [[k {:keys [start idx]}]]
(let [now (get parts k)]
(and now
(= start (:start now))
(<= idx (:idx now)))))
(raise "After bootstrapping database, expected new materialized parts and old bootstrapped parts to be congruent."
{:error :bootstrap/bad-parts,
:new parts
:old bootstrap/parts}))
(when (not (submap? bootstrap/symbolic-schema symbolic-schema))
(raise "After bootstrapping database, expected new materialized symbolic schema to include bootstrapped symbolic schema"
{:error :bootstrap/bad-symbolic-schema,
:new symbolic-schema
:old bootstrap/symbolic-schema})))
;; Finally, return a usable DB instance with the metadata that we
;; read from the SQLite database.
(db/db sqlite-connection idents parts symbolic-schema)))))

View file

@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
;; Copyright 2016 Mozilla
;; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use
;; this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the
;; License at
;; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed
;; under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR
;; CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
;; specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
(ns datomish.jdbc-sqlite
[datomish.pair-chan :refer [go-pair]]
[datomish.sqlite :as s]
[ :as j]
[clojure.core.async :as a]))
(deftype JDBCSQLiteConnection [spec]
[db sql bindings]
(j/execute! (.-spec db) (into [sql] bindings) {:transaction? false})))
[db sql bindings row-cb]
(let [rows (j/query (.-spec db) (into [sql] bindings))]
(when row-cb
(doseq [row rows] (row-cb row)))
(count rows))))
(close [db]
(.close (:connection (.-spec db))))))
(defn open
[path & {:keys [mode]}]
(let [spec {:classname "org.sqlite.JDBC"
:identifiers identity
:subprotocol "sqlite"
:subname path}] ;; TODO: use mode.
(j/get-connection spec)
(assoc spec :connection)
(extend-protocol s/ISQLiteConnectionFactory
(<sqlite-connection [path]
(open path))
(<sqlite-connection [path]
(open path)))

View file

@ -1,130 +0,0 @@
;; Copyright 2016 Mozilla
;; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use
;; this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the
;; License at
;; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed
;; under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR
;; CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
;; specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
(ns datomish.js
(:refer-clojure :exclude [])
[datomish.pair-chan :refer [go-pair <?]]
[datomish.promises :refer [go-promise]])
:as util
:refer-macros [raise raise-str cond-let]]
[cljs.core.async :as a :refer [take! <! >!]]
[cljs-promises.core :refer [promise]]
[datomish.cljify :refer [cljify]]
[datomish.api :as d]
[datomish.db :as db]
[datomish.db-factory :as db-factory]
[datomish.promises :refer [take-pair-as-promise!]]
[datomish.sqlite :as sqlite]
[datomish.simple-schema :as simple-schema]
[datomish.js-sqlite :as js-sqlite]
[datomish.transact :as transact]))
;; Public API.
(def ^:export db d/db)
(defn- cljify-options [options]
;; Step one: basic parsing.
(let [o (cljify options)]
;; Step two: convert `order-by` into keywords.
(if-let [ord (:order-by o)]
(assoc o
(fn [[var dir]]
[(keyword var)
(case dir
"asc" :asc
"desc" :desc
nil :asc
(raise "Unexpected order-by direction " dir
{:direction dir}))])
(defn ^:export q [db find options]
(let [find (cljs.reader/read-string find)
opts (cljify-options options)]
(d/<q db find opts)
(defn ^:export ensure-schema [conn simple-schema]
(let [simple-schema (cljify simple-schema)
datoms (simple-schema/simple-schema->schema simple-schema)]
(def js->tx-data cljify)
(def ^:export tempid (partial db/id-literal :db.part/user))
(defn ^:export transact [conn tx-data]
;; Expects a JS array as input.
(let [tx-data (js->tx-data tx-data)]
(go-promise clj->js
(let [tx-result (<? (d/<transact! conn tx-data))
tempids (:tempids tx-result)
to-return (select-keys tx-result
jsified (clj->js to-return)]
;; The tempids map isn't enough for a JS caller to look up one of
;; these objects, so we need a lookup function.
(aset jsified "tempid" (fn [t] (get tempids t)))
(catch js/Error e
(println "Error in transact:" e))))
(defn ^:export open [path]
;; Eventually, URI. For now, just a plain path (no file://).
(go-promise clj->js
(let [conn (<? (sqlite/<sqlite-connection path))
db (<? (db-factory/<db-with-sqlite-connection conn))]
(let [c (transact/connection-with-db db)]
;; We pickle the connection as a thunk here so it roundtrips through JS
;; without incident.
{:conn (fn [] c)
:db (fn [] (d/db c))
:path path
;; Primary API.
:ensureSchema (fn [simple-schema] (ensure-schema c simple-schema))
:transact (fn [tx-data] (transact c tx-data))
:q (fn [find opts] (q (d/db c) find opts))
:close (fn [] (db/close-db db))
;; So you can generate keywords for binding in `:inputs`.
:keyword keyword
;; Some helpers for testing the bridge.
:println (fn [& xs] (apply println xs))
:equal =
:idx (fn [tempid] (:idx tempid))
:cljify cljify
:roundtrip (fn [x] (clj->js (cljify x)))
:toString (fn [] (str "#<DB " path ">"))

View file

@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
;; Copyright 2016 Mozilla
;; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use
;; this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the
;; License at
;; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed
;; under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR
;; CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
;; specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
(ns datomish.js-util)
(defn is-node? []
(= "[object process]"
(.toString (aget js/global "process")))
(catch js/ReferenceError e
(catch js/TypeError e

View file

@ -1,93 +0,0 @@
;; Copyright 2016 Mozilla
;; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use
;; this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the
;; License at
;; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed
;; under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR
;; CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
;; specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
(ns datomish.pair-chan)
;; From
(defn cljs-env?
"Take the &env from a macro, and tell whether we are expanding into cljs."
(boolean (:ns env)))
(defmacro if-cljs
"Return then if we are generating cljs code and else for Clojure code."
[then else]
(if (cljs-env? &env) then else))
(defmacro go-safely [[chan chan-form] & body]
"Evaluate `body` forms in a `go` block. Binds `chan-form` to `chan`.
`chan-form` must evaluate to an error-channel.
If `body` throws, the exception is propagated into `chan` and `chan` is closed.
Returns `chan`."
(let [~chan ~chan-form]
(do ~@body)
(catch js/Error ex#
(cljs.core.async/>! ~chan [nil ex#]))))
(let [~chan ~chan-form]
(do ~@body)
(catch Throwable ex#
(clojure.core.async/>! ~chan [nil ex#]))))
;; It's a huge pain to declare cross-environment macros. This is awful, but making the namespace a
;; parameter appears to be *even worse*. Note also that `go` is not in a consistent namespace...
(defmacro go-pair [& body]
"Evaluate `body` forms in a `go` block to yield a result.
Catch errors during evaluation.
Return a promise channel that yields a pair: the result (or nil), and any
error thrown (or nil)."
(let [pc-chan# (cljs.core.async/promise-chan)]
(cljs.core.async/>! pc-chan# [(do ~@body) nil])
(catch js/Error ex#
(cljs.core.async/>! pc-chan# [nil ex#]))))
(let [pc-chan# (clojure.core.async/promise-chan)]
(clojure.core.async/>! pc-chan# [(do ~@body) nil])
(catch Throwable ex#
(clojure.core.async/>! pc-chan# [nil ex#]))))
;; Thanks to David Nolen for the name of this macro!
;; This version works a bit differently, though. This must be a macro, so that the enclosed <!
;; symbols are processed by any enclosing go blocks.
(defmacro <?
"Expects `pc-chan` to be a channel or ReadPort which produces [value nil] or
[nil error] pairs, and returns values and throws errors as per `consume-pair`."
(consume-pair (cljs.core.async/<! ~pc-chan))
(consume-pair (clojure.core.async/<! ~pc-chan))))
(defmacro <??
"Takes from the channel if it's non-nil."
`(let [c# ~pc-chan]
(when c#
(datomish.pair-chan/<? c#))))
(defn consume-pair
"When passed a [value nil] pair, returns value. When passed a [nil error] pair,
throws error. See also `<?`."
[[val err]]
(if err
(throw err)

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@ -1,107 +0,0 @@
;; Copyright 2016 Mozilla
;; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use
;; this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the
;; License at
;; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed
;; under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR
;; CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
;; specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
(ns datomish.places.importer
[datomish.pair-chan :refer [go-pair <?]]
[cljs.core.async.macros :refer [go]]))
[datomish.db :as db]
[datomish.transact :as transact]
[datomish.util :as util #?(:cljs :refer-macros :clj :refer) [raise raise-str cond-let]]
[datomish.sqlite :as s]
#?@(:clj [[datomish.pair-chan :refer [go-pair <?]]
[clojure.core.async :as a :refer [chan go <! >!]]])
#?@(:cljs [[datomish.pair-chan]
[cljs.core.async :as a :refer [chan <! >!]]])))
(def places-schema-fragment
[{:db/id (db/id-literal :db.part/user)
:db/ident :page/url
:db/unique :db.unique/identity
:db/valueType :db.type/string ;; TODO: uri
:db.install/_attribute :db.part/db}
{:db/id (db/id-literal :db.part/user)
:db/ident :page/guid
:db/unique :db.unique/identity
:db/valueType :db.type/string ;; TODO: uuid or guid?
:db.install/_attribute :db.part/db}
{:db/id (db/id-literal :db.part/user)
:db/ident :page/title
:db/cardinality :db.cardinality/one
:db/valueType :db.type/string
:db.install/_attribute :db.part/db}
{:db/id (db/id-literal :db.part/user)
:db/ident :page/visitAt
:db/cardinality :db.cardinality/many
:db/valueType :db.type/long ;; TODO: instant
:db.install/_attribute :db.part/db}
(defn- place->entity [[id rows]]
(let [title (:title (first rows))
required {:db/id (db/id-literal :db.part/user)
:page/url (:url (first rows))
:page/guid (:guid (first rows))}
visits (keep :visit_date rows)]
(util/assoc-if required
:page/title title
:page/visitAt visits)))
(defn import-titles [conn places-connection]
(let [rows
["SELECT DISTINCT p.title AS title, p.guid
FROM moz_places AS p
WHERE p.title IS NOT NULL AND p.hidden = 0 LIMIT 10"]))]
(map (fn [row]
{:db/id [:page/guid (:guid row)]
:page/title (:title row)})
(defn import-places [conn places-connection]
;; Ensure schema fragment is in place, even though it may cost a (mostly empty) transaction.
(<? (transact/<transact! conn places-schema-fragment))
(let [rows
["SELECT DISTINCT AS id, p.url AS url, p.title AS title, p.visit_count, p.last_visit_date, p.guid,
FROM (SELECT * FROM moz_places LIMIT 1000) AS p LEFT JOIN moz_historyvisits AS hv ON = hv.place_id
WHERE p.hidden = 0
ORDER BY, hv.visit_date"]))]
(map place->entity (group-by :id rows)))))))
(defn import-titles-from-path [db places]
(let [conn (transact/connection-with-db db)
pdb (<? (s/<sqlite-connection places))]
(import-titles conn pdb))))
(defn import-places-from-path [db places]
(let [conn (transact/connection-with-db db)
pdb (<? (s/<sqlite-connection places))]
(import-places conn pdb))))

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@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
(ns datomish.promises
[datomish.pair-chan :refer [go-pair <?]]))
#?@(:clj [[datomish.pair-chan :refer [go-pair]]
[clojure.core.async :as a :refer [take!]]])
#?@(:cljs [[cljs-promises.core :refer [promise]]
[cljs.core.async :as a :refer [take!]]])))
(defn take-pair-as-promise!
"Just like take-as-promise!, but aware that it's handling a pair channel.
Also converts values, if desired."
(take-pair-as-promise! ch identity))
([ch f]
(fn [resolve reject]
(fn [[v e]]
(if e
(reject e)
(resolve (f v)))))))))
(defmacro go-promise [f & body]

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@ -1,249 +0,0 @@
;; Copyright 2016 Mozilla
;; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use
;; this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the
;; License at
;; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed
;; under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR
;; CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
;; specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
(ns datomish.query
[datomish.query.clauses :as clauses]
[datomish.query.context :as context]
[datomish.query.projection :as projection]
[datomish.query.transforms :as transforms]
[datomish.util :as util #?(:cljs :refer-macros :clj :refer) [raise raise-str cond-let]]
[datascript.parser :as dp
[:refer [
FindRel FindColl FindTuple FindScalar
[clojure.string :as str]
[honeysql.core :as sql]
FindRel FindColl FindTuple FindScalar
;; Setting this to something else will make your output more readable,
;; but not automatically safe for use.
(def sql-quoting-style :ansi)
(defn- validated-order-by [projection order-by]
(let [ordering-vars (set (map first order-by))
projected-vars (set (map second projection))]
(when-not (every? #{:desc :asc} (map second order-by))
(raise-str "Ordering expressions must be :asc or :desc."))
(clojure.set/subset? ordering-vars projected-vars)
(raise "Ordering vars " ordering-vars " not a subset of projected vars " projected-vars
{:projected projected-vars
:ordering ordering-vars}))
(defn- limit-and-order [limit projection order-by]
(when (or limit order-by)
(util/assoc-if {}
:limit limit
:order-by (validated-order-by projection order-by))))
(defn context->sql-clause [context]
(let [inner-projection (projection/sql-projection-for-relation context)
;; If we're finding a collection or relations, we specify
;; SELECT DISTINCT, because Datalog is set-based.
;; If we're only selecting one result — a scalar or a tuple —
;; then we don't bother.
;; TODO: determine from schema analysis whether we can avoid
;; the need to do this even in the collection/relation case.
(if (= 1 (:limit context))
(clauses/cc->partial-subquery inner-projection (:cc context)))
limit (:limit context)
order-by (:order-by-vars context)]
(if (:has-aggregates? context)
(let [outer-projection (projection/sql-projection-for-aggregation context :preag)]
;; Validate the projected vars against the ordering clauses.
(limit-and-order limit outer-projection order-by)
(when-not (empty? (:group-by-vars context))
;; We shouldn't need to account for types here, until we account for
;; `:or` clauses that bind from different attributes.
{:group-by (map util/var->sql-var (:group-by-vars context))})
{:select outer-projection
:modifiers [:distinct]
:from [:preag]
:with {:preag inner}}))
;; Otherwise, validate against the inner.
(limit-and-order limit inner-projection order-by)
(defn context->sql-string [context args]
(sql/format args :quoting sql-quoting-style)))
(defn- validate-with [with]
(when-not (or (nil? with)
(every? #(instance? Variable %1) with))
(raise "Complex :with not supported." {:with with})))
(defn- validate-in [in]
(when (nil? in)
(raise ":in expression cannot be nil." {:binding in}))
(when-not (= "$" (name (-> in first :variable :symbol)))
(raise "Non-default sources not supported." {:binding in}))
(when-not (every? (partial instance? BindScalar) (rest in))
(raise "Non-scalar bindings not supported." {:binding in})))
(defn in->bindings
"Take an `:in` list and return a bindings map suitable for use
as external bindings in a CC."
(fn [m b]
(when (instance? BindScalar b)
(let [var (:variable b)]
(when (instance? Variable var)
(let [v (:symbol var)]
(assoc m v [(sql/param (util/var->sql-var v))])))))
(defn options-into-context
[context limit order-by]
(when-not (or (and (integer? limit)
(pos? limit))
(nil? limit))
(raise "Invalid limit " limit {:limit limit}))
(assoc context :limit limit :order-by-vars order-by))
(defn find-spec->elements [find-spec]
(condp instance? find-spec
FindRel (:elements find-spec)
FindTuple (:elements find-spec)
FindScalar [(:element find-spec)]
FindColl [(:element find-spec)]
(raise "Unable to handle find spec." {:find-spec find-spec})))
(defn find-spec->limit [find-spec]
(when (or (instance? FindScalar find-spec)
(instance? FindTuple find-spec))
(defn find-into-context
"Take a parsed `find` expression and return a fully populated
Context. You'll want this so you can get access to the
projection, amongst other things."
[context find]
(let [{:keys [find in with where]} find] ; Destructure the Datalog query.
(validate-with with)
(validate-in in)
;; A find spec can be:
;; * FindRel containing :elements. Returns an array of arrays.
;; * FindColl containing :element. This is like mapping (fn [row] (aget row 0))
;; over the result set. Returns an array of homogeneous values.
;; * FindScalar containing :element. Returns a single value.
;; * FindTuple containing :elements. This is just like :limit 1
;; on FindColl, returning the first item of the result array. Returns an
;; array of heterogeneous values.
;; The code to handle these is:
;; - Just above, unifying a variable list in find-spec->elements.
;; - In context.cljc, checking whether a single value or collection is returned.
;; - In projection.cljc, transducing according to whether a single column or
;; multiple columns are assembled into the output.
;; - In db.cljc, where we finally take rows and decide what to push into an
;; output channel.
(let [external-bindings (in->bindings in)
elements (find-spec->elements find)
known-types {}
group-by-vars (projection/extract-group-by-vars elements with)]
(assoc context
:find-spec find
:elements elements
:group-by-vars group-by-vars
:has-aggregates? (not (nil? group-by-vars))
:cc (clauses/patterns->cc (:default-source context) where known-types external-bindings))
:limit (find-spec->limit find)))))
(defn find->sql-clause
"Take a parsed `find` expression and turn it into a structured SQL
expression that can be formatted by honeysql."
[context find]
(->> find
(find-into-context context)
(defn find->sql-string
"Take a parsed `find` expression and turn it into SQL."
[context find args]
(find->sql-clause context find)
(sql/format args :quoting sql-quoting-style)))
(defn parse
"Parse a Datalog query array into a structured `find` expression."
(dp/parse-query q))
(def sql-quoting-style nil)
(datomish.query.context/make-context (datomish.query.source/datoms-source nil))
'[:find ?timestampMicros ?page :in $ ?latest :where
[?page :page/starred true ?t]
[?t :db/txInstant ?timestampMicros]
(not [(> ?t ?latest)]) ])
{:latest 5})
(datomish.query.context/make-context (datomish.query.source/datoms-source nil))
'[:find ?page :in $ ?latest :where
[?page :page/url ""]
[(fulltext $ :page/title "Some title") [[?page ?title _ _]]]
[?entity :page/likes ?page]
[?entity :page/loves ?page])

View file

@ -1,235 +0,0 @@
;; Copyright 2016 Mozilla
;; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use
;; this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the
;; License at
;; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed
;; under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR
;; CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
;; specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
:refer [attribute-in-source
[datomish.util :as util #?(:cljs :refer-macros :clj :refer) [raise raise-str cond-let]]
[honeysql.core :as sql]
[datascript.parser :as dp
;; A ConjoiningClauses (CC) is a collection of clauses that are combined with JOIN.
;; The topmost form in a query is a ConjoiningClauses.
;; Done:
;; - Ordinary pattern clauses turn into FROM parts and WHERE parts using :=.
;; - Predicate clauses turn into the same, but with other functions.
;; - `not` turns into NOT EXISTS with WHERE clauses inside the subquery to
;; bind it to the outer variables, or adds simple WHERE clauses to the outer
;; clause.
;; - `not-join` is similar, but with explicit binding.
;; - `or` turns into a collection of UNIONs inside a subquery, or a simple
;; alternation.
;; `or`'s documentation states that all clauses must include the same vars,
;; but that's an over-simplification: all clauses must refer to the external
;; unification vars.
;; The entire UNION-set is JOINed to any surrounding expressions per the `rule-vars`
;; clause, or the intersection of the vars in the two sides of the JOIN.
;; Not yet done:
;; - Function clauses with bindings turn into:
;; * Subqueries. Perhaps less efficient? Certainly clearer.
;; * Projection expressions, if only used for output.
;; * Inline expressions?
;; `from` is a list of [source alias] pairs, suitable for passing to honeysql.
;; `bindings` is a map from var to qualified columns.
;; `known-types` is a map from var to type keyword (e.g., :db.type/ref)
;; `extracted-types` is a mapping, similar to `bindings`, but used to pull
;; type tags out of the store at runtime.
;; `wheres` is a list of fragments that can be joined by `:and`.
(defrecord ConjoiningClauses
from ; [[:datoms 'datoms123]]
external-bindings ; {?var0 (sql/param :foobar)}
bindings ; {?var1 [:datoms123.v]}
known-types ; {?var1 :db.type/integer}
extracted-types ; {?var2 :datoms123.value_type_tag}
wheres ; [[:= :datoms123.v 15]]
ctes ; {:name {:select …}}
(defn bind-column-to-var [cc variable table position]
(let [var (:symbol variable)
col (sql/qualify table (name position))
bound (util/append-in cc [:bindings var] col)]
(if (or (not (= position :v))
(contains? (:known-types cc) var)
(contains? (:extracted-types cc) var))
;; Type known; no need to accumulate a type-binding.
(let [tag-col (sql/qualify table :value_type_tag)]
(assoc-in bound [:extracted-types var] tag-col)))))
(defn constrain-column-to-constant [cc table position value]
(let [col (sql/qualify table (name position))]
(util/append-in cc
[:= col (if (= :a position)
(attribute-in-source (:source cc) value)
(constant-in-source (:source cc) value))])))
(defprotocol ITypeTagged (->tag-codes [x]))
(extend-protocol ITypeTagged
[string (->tag-codes [x] #{4 10 11 12})
Keyword (->tag-codes [x] #{13}) ; TODO: what about idents?
boolean (->tag-codes [x] #{1})
number (->tag-codes [x]
(if (integer? x)
#{0 4 5} ; Could be a ref or a number or a date.
#{4 5}))]) ; Can't be a ref.
[String (->tag-codes [x] #{10})
clojure.lang.Keyword (->tag-codes [x] #{13}) ; TODO: what about idents?
Boolean (->tag-codes [x] #{1})
Integer (->tag-codes [x] #{0 5}) ; Could be a ref or a number.
Long (->tag-codes [x] #{0 5}) ; Could be a ref or a number.
Float (->tag-codes [x] #{5})
Double (->tag-codes [x] #{5})
java.util.UUID (->tag-codes [x] #{11})
java.util.Date (->tag-codes [x] #{4}) (->tag-codes [x] #{12})]))
(defn constrain-value-column-to-constant
"Constrain a `v` column. Note that this can contribute *two*
constraints: one for the column itself, and one for the type tag.
We don't need to do this if the attribute is known and thus
constrains the type."
[cc table-alias value]
(let [possible-type-codes (->tag-codes value)
aliased (sql/qualify table-alias (name :value_type_tag))
clauses (map
(fn [code] [:= aliased code])
(util/concat-in cc [:wheres]
;; Type checks then value checks.
[(case (count clauses)
0 (raise-str "Unexpected number of clauses.")
1 (first clauses)
(cons :or clauses))
[:= (sql/qualify table-alias (name :v))
(constant-in-source (:source cc) value)]])))
(defn combine-known-types [left right]
(merge-with (fn [lt rt]
(if (= lt rt)
(raise "Incompatible types: " lt " != " rt {:types [lt rt]})))
left right))
(defn augment-cc [cc from bindings known-types extracted-types wheres]
(assoc cc
:from (concat (:from cc) from)
:bindings (merge-with concat (:bindings cc) bindings)
:known-types (combine-known-types (:known-types cc) known-types)
:extracted-types (merge (:extracted-types cc) extracted-types)
:wheres (concat (:wheres cc) wheres)))
(defn merge-ccs [left right]
(augment-cc left
(:from right)
(:bindings right)
(:known-types right)
(:extracted-types right)
(:wheres right)))
(defn- bindings->where
"Take a bindings map like
{?foo [:datoms12.e :datoms13.v :datoms14.e]}
and produce a list of constraints expression like
[[:= :datoms12.e :datoms13.v] [:= :datoms12.e :datoms14.e]]
TODO: experiment; it might be the case that producing more
pairwise equalities we get better or worse performance."
(mapcat (fn [[_ vs]]
(when (> (count vs) 1)
(let [root (first vs)]
(map (fn [v] [:= root v]) (rest vs)))))
;; This is so we can link clauses to the outside world.
;; Note that we sort the variable list to achieve consistent ordering between
;; Clojure and ClojureScript, yielding sane tests.
(defn- impose-external-bindings [cc]
(if (empty? (:external-bindings cc))
(let [ours (:bindings cc)
theirs (:external-bindings cc)
vars (clojure.set/intersection (set (keys theirs)) (set (keys ours)))]
cc [:wheres]
(fn [v]
(let [external (first (v theirs))
internal (first (v ours))]
(assert external)
(assert internal)
[:= external internal]))
(sort vars))))))
(defn expand-where-from-bindings
"Take the bindings in the CC and contribute
additional where clauses. Calling this more than
once will result in duplicate clauses."
(assoc cc :wheres
;; Note that the order of clauses here means that cross-pattern var bindings
;; come last. That's OK: the SQL engine considers these altogether.
(concat (:wheres cc)
(bindings->where (:bindings cc))))))
(defn binding-for-symbol [cc symbol]
(let [internal-bindings (symbol (:bindings cc))
external-bindings (symbol (:external-bindings cc))]
(or (first internal-bindings)
(first external-bindings))))
(defn binding-for-symbol-or-throw [cc symbol]
(or (binding-for-symbol cc symbol)
(raise-str "No bindings yet for " symbol)))
(defn argument->value
"Take a value from an argument list and resolve it against the CC.
Throws if the value can't be resolved (e.g., no binding is established)."
[cc arg]
(condp instance? arg
(raise-str "Can't use a placeholder in a predicate.")
(binding-for-symbol-or-throw cc (:symbol arg))
(constant-in-source (:source cc) (:value arg))
(raise-str "Unknown predicate argument " arg)))

View file

@ -1,491 +0,0 @@
;; Copyright 2016 Mozilla
;; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use
;; this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the
;; License at
;; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed
;; under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR
;; CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
;; specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
(ns datomish.query.clauses
[ :as cc]
[datomish.query.functions :as functions]
[datomish.query.projection :refer [sql-projection-for-simple-variable-list]]
:refer [pattern->schema-value-type
[datomish.schema :as schema]
[datomish.util :as util #?(:cljs :refer-macros :clj :refer) [raise raise-str cond-let]]
[datascript.parser :as dp
[honeysql.core :as sql]
[clojure.string :as str]
;; Pattern building is recursive, so we need forward declarations.
Not->NotJoinClause not-join->where-fragment
simple-or? simple-or->cc)
(defn- check-or-apply-value-type [cc value-type pattern-part]
(if (nil? value-type)
(condp instance? pattern-part
(let [var-sym (:symbol pattern-part)]
(if-let [existing-type (var-sym (:known-types cc))]
(if (= existing-type value-type)
(raise "Var " var-sym " already has type " existing-type "; this pattern wants " value-type
{:pattern pattern-part :value-type value-type}))
(assoc-in cc [:known-types var-sym] value-type)))
(or (and (= :db.type/ref value-type)
(or (keyword? (:value pattern-part)) ; ident
(integer? (:value pattern-part)))) ; entid
(schema/ensure-value-matches-type value-type (:value pattern-part)))
(defn- apply-pattern-clause-for-alias
"This helper assumes that `cc` has already established a table association
for the provided alias."
[cc alias pattern]
(let [pattern (:pattern pattern)
columns (:columns (:source cc))
places (map vector pattern columns)
value-type (pattern->schema-value-type (:source cc) pattern)] ; Optional; e.g., :db.type/string
(fn [cc
[pattern-part ; ?x, :foo/bar, 42
position]] ; :a
(let [cc (case position
;; TODO: we should be able to constrain :e and :a to be
;; entities... but the type checker expects that to be an int.
:v (check-or-apply-value-type cc value-type pattern-part)
:e (check-or-apply-value-type cc :db.type/ref pattern-part)
(condp instance? pattern-part
;; Placeholders don't contribute any bindings, nor do
;; they constrain the query -- there's no need to produce
;; IS NOT NULL, because we don't store nulls in our schema.
(cc/bind-column-to-var cc pattern-part alias position)
(if (and (nil? value-type)
(= position :v))
;; If we don't know the type, but we have a constant, generate
;; a :wheres clause constraining the accompanying value_type_tag
;; column.
(cc/constrain-value-column-to-constant cc alias (:value pattern-part))
(cc/constrain-column-to-constant cc alias position (:value pattern-part)))
(raise "Unknown pattern part." {:part pattern-part :clause pattern}))))
(defn pattern->attribute [pattern]
(second (:pattern pattern)))
;; Accumulates a pattern into the CC. Returns a new CC.
(defn apply-pattern-clause
"Transform a DataScript Pattern instance into the parts needed
to build a SQL expression.
@param cc A CC instance.
@param pattern The pattern instance.
@return an augmented CC"
[cc pattern]
(when-not (instance? Pattern pattern)
(raise-str "Expected to be called with a Pattern instance." pattern))
(when-not (instance? DefaultSrc (:source pattern))
(raise-str "Non-default sources are not supported in patterns. Pattern: " pattern))
;; TODO: look up the attribute in external bindings if it's a var. Perhaps we
;; already know what it is…
(let [[table alias] (source->from
(:source cc) ; e.g., [:datoms :datoms123]
(pattern->attribute pattern))]
;; Record the new table mapping.
(util/append-in cc [:from] [table alias])
;; Use the new alias for columns.
(defn- plain-symbol->sql-predicate-symbol [fn]
(when-not (instance? PlainSymbol fn)
(raise-str "Predicate functions must be named by plain symbols." fn))
(#{:> :>= :< :<= := :!=} (keyword (name (:symbol fn)))))
(defn apply-predicate-clause [cc predicate]
(when-not (instance? Predicate predicate)
(raise-str "Expected to be called with a Predicate instance." predicate))
(let [f (plain-symbol->sql-predicate-symbol (:fn predicate))]
(when-not f
(raise-str "Unknown function " (:fn predicate)))
(let [args (map (partial cc/argument->value cc) (:args predicate))]
(util/append-in cc [:wheres] (cons f args)))))
(defn apply-not-clause [cc not]
(when-not (instance? Not not)
(raise "Expected to be called with a Not instance." {:clause not}))
(when-not (instance? DefaultSrc (:source not))
(raise "Non-default sources are not supported in `not` clauses." {:clause not}))
;; If our bindings are already available, great -- emit a :wheres
;; fragment, and include the external bindings so that they match up.
;; Otherwise, we need to delay. Right now we're lazy, so we just fail:
;; reorder your query yourself.
;; Note that we don't extract and reuse any types established inside
;; the `not` clause: perhaps those won't make sense outside. But it's
;; a filter, so we push the external types _in_.
(util/append-in cc
(Not->NotJoinClause (:source cc)
(:known-types cc)
(merge-with concat
(:external-bindings cc)
(:bindings cc))
(defn apply-or-clause [cc orc]
(when-not (instance? Or orc)
(raise "Expected to be called with a Or instance." {:clause orc}))
(when-not (instance? DefaultSrc (:source orc))
(raise "Non-default sources are not supported in `or` clauses." {:clause orc}))
;; A simple `or` is something like:
;; (or [?foo :foo/bar ?baz]
;; [?foo :foo/noo ?baz])
;; This can be converted into a single join and an `or` :where expression.
;; Otherwise -- perhaps each leg of the `or` binds different variables, which
;; is acceptable for an `or-join` form -- we call this a complex `or`. To
;; execute those, we need to turn them into a joined subquery composed of
;; `UNION`ed queries.
(let [f (if (simple-or? orc) simple-or->cc complex-or->cc)]
(f (:source cc)
(:known-types cc)
(merge-with concat
(:external-bindings cc)
(:bindings cc))
(defn apply-function-clause [cc function]
(or (functions/apply-sql-function cc function)
(raise "Unknown function expression." {:clause function})))
;; We're keeping this simple for now: a straightforward type switch.
(defn apply-clause [cc it]
(condp instance? it
(apply-or-clause cc it)
(expand-pattern-clauses cc (:clauses it))
(apply-not-clause cc it)
(apply-predicate-clause cc it)
(apply-pattern-clause cc it)
(apply-function-clause cc it)
(raise "Unknown clause." {:clause it})))
(defn expand-pattern-clauses
"Reduce a sequence of patterns into a CC."
[cc patterns]
(reduce apply-clause cc patterns))
(defn- make-cc [source known-types external-bindings]
{:source source
:from []
:known-types (or known-types {})
:extracted-types {}
:external-bindings (or external-bindings {})
:bindings {}
:ctes {}
:wheres []}))
(defn pattern->cc [source pattern known-types external-bindings]
(make-cc source known-types external-bindings)
(defn patterns->cc [source patterns known-types external-bindings]
(make-cc source known-types external-bindings)
(defn cc->partial-subquery
"Build part of a honeysql query map from a CC: the `:select`, `:from`, and
`:where` parts.
This allows for reuse both in top-level query generation and also for
subqueries and NOT EXISTS clauses."
[select cc]
{:select select
:from (:from cc)}
(when-not (empty? (:ctes cc))
{:with (:ctes cc)})
(when-not (empty? (:wheres cc))
{:where (cons :and (:wheres cc))})))
;; A `not-join` clause is a filter. It takes bindings from the enclosing query
;; and runs as a subquery with `NOT EXISTS`.
;; The only difference between `not` and `not-join` is that `not` computes
;; its varlist by recursively walking the provided patterns.
;; DataScript's parser does variable extraction for us, and also verifies
;; that a declared variable list is valid for the clauses given.
(defrecord NotJoinClause [unify-vars cc])
(defn Not->NotJoinClause [source known-types external-bindings not]
(when-not (instance? DefaultSrc (:source not))
(raise "Non-default sources are not supported in `not` clauses." {:clause not}))
{:unify-vars (:vars not)
:cc (patterns->cc source (:clauses not) known-types external-bindings)}))
(defn not-join->where-fragment [not-join]
(if (empty? (:bindings (:cc not-join)))
;; If the `not` doesn't establish any bindings, it means it only contains
;; expressions that constrain variables established outside itself.
;; We can just return an expression.
(cons :and (:wheres (:cc not-join)))
;; If it does establish bindings, then it has to be a subquery.
[:exists (cc->partial-subquery [1] (:cc not-join))])])
;; A simple Or clause is one in which each branch can be evaluated against
;; a single pattern match. That means that all the variables are in the same places.
;; We can produce a ConjoiningClauses in that case -- the :wheres will suffice
;; for alternation.
(defn validate-or-clause [orc]
(when-not (instance? DefaultSrc (:source orc))
(raise "Non-default sources are not supported in `or` clauses." {:clause orc}))
(when-not (nil? (:required (:rule-vars orc)))
(raise "We've never seen required rule-vars before." {:clause orc})))
(defn simple-or? [orc]
(let [clauses (:clauses orc)]
;; Every pattern is a Pattern.
(every? (partial instance? Pattern) clauses)
(= 1 (count clauses))
;; Every pattern has the same source, and every place is either the
;; same var or a fixed value. We ignore placeholders for now.
(let [template (first clauses)
template-source (:source template)]
(every? (fn [c]
(and (= (:source c) template-source)
(fn [left right]
(condp instance? left
Variable (= left right)
Constant (instance? Constant right)
(:pattern c) (:pattern template))))
(rest clauses)))))))
(defn simple-or->cc
"The returned CC has not yet had bindings expanded."
[source known-types external-bindings orc]
(validate-or-clause orc)
;; We 'fork' a CC for each pattern, then union them together.
;; We need to build the first in order that the others use the same
;; column names and known types.
(let [cc (make-cc source known-types external-bindings)
primary (apply-pattern-clause cc (first (:clauses orc)))
remainder (rest (:clauses orc))]
(if (empty? remainder)
;; That was easy.
;; Note that for a simple `or` clause, the same template is used for each,
;; so we can simply use the `extracted-types` bindings from `primary`.
;; A complex `or` is much harder to handle.
(let [template (assoc primary :wheres [])
alias (second (first (:from template)))
ccs (map (partial apply-pattern-clause-for-alias template alias)
;; Because this is a simple clause, we know that the first pattern established
;; any necessary bindings.
;; Take any new :wheres from each CC and combine them with :or.
(assoc primary
[(cons :or
(reduce (fn [acc cc]
(let [w (:wheres cc)]
(case (count w)
0 acc
1 (conj acc (first w))
(conj acc (cons :and w)))))
(cons primary ccs)))])))))
(defn complex-or->cc
[source known-types external-bindings orc]
(validate-or-clause orc)
;; Step one: any clauses that are standalone patterns might differ only in
;; attribute. In that case, we can treat them as a 'simple or' -- a single
;; pattern with a WHERE clause that alternates on the attribute.
;; Pull those out first.
;; Step two: for each cluster of patterns, and for each `and`, recursively
;; build a CC and simple projection. The projection must be the same for each
;; CC, because we will concatenate these with a `UNION`.
;; Finally, we alias this entire UNION block as a FROM; it can be stitched into
;; the outer query by looking at the projection.
;; For example,
;; [:find ?page :in $ ?string :where
;; (or [?page :page/title ?string]
;; [?page :page/excerpt ?string]
;; (and [?save :save/string ?string]
;; [?page :page/save ?save]))]
;; would expand to
;; (SELECT datoms124.e AS page FROM datoms AS datoms124
;; WHERE datoms124.v = ? AND
;; (datoms124.a = :page/title OR
;; datoms124.a = :page/excerpt)
;; SELECT datoms126.e AS page FROM datoms AS datoms125, datoms AS datoms126
;; WHERE datoms125.a = :save/string AND
;; datoms125.v = ? AND
;; datoms126.v = datoms125.e AND
;; datoms126.a = :page/save)
;; AS or123
;; Note that a top-level standalone `or` doesn't really need to be aliased, but
;; it shouldn't do any harm.
(if (= 1 (count (:clauses orc)))
;; Well, this is silly.
(pattern->cc source (first (:clauses orc)) known-types external-bindings)
;; TODO: pull out simple patterns. Issue #62.
(let [
;; First: turn each arm of the `or` into a CC. We can easily turn this
;; into SQL.
ccs (map (fn [p] (pattern->cc source p known-types external-bindings))
(:clauses orc))
free-vars (:free (:rule-vars orc))
;; Second: wrap an equivalent projection around each. The Or knows which
;; variables to use.
(partial sql-projection-for-simple-variable-list
;; Third: turn each CC and projection into an arm of a UNION.
subqueries {:union (map (fn [cc]
(cc->partial-subquery (projection-list-fn cc)
;; Fourth: map this query to an alias in `:from`, and establish bindings
;; so that the enclosing query and projection know which names to use.
;; Finally, return a CC that can be merged.
alias ((:table-alias source) :orjoin)
bindings (into {} (map (fn [var]
(let [sym (:symbol var)]
[sym [(sql/qualify alias (util/var->sql-var sym))]]))
(reduce cc/combine-known-types {} (map :known-types ccs))]
{:source source
:from [[subqueries alias]]
:known-types known-types
:extracted-types (apply merge (map :extracted-types ccs))
:external-bindings {} ; No need: caller will merge.
:bindings bindings
:ctes {}
:wheres []}))))

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@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
;; Copyright 2016 Mozilla
;; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use
;; this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the
;; License at
;; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed
;; under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR
;; CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
;; specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
;; A context, very simply, holds on to a default source and some knowledge
;; needed for aggregation.
(ns datomish.query.context
[datascript.parser :as dp
#?@(:cljs [:refer [FindRel FindColl FindTuple FindScalar]])])
[datascript.parser FindRel FindColl FindTuple FindScalar])))
(defrecord Context
find-spec ; The parsed find spec. Used to decide how to process rows.
elements ; A list of Element instances, drawn from the :find-spec itself.
group-by-vars ; A list of variables from :find and :with, used to generate GROUP BY.
order-by-vars ; A list of projected variables and directions, e.g., [:date :asc], [:_max_timestamp :desc].
limit ; The limit to apply to the final results of the query. Only makes sense with ORDER BY.
cc ; The main conjoining clause.
(defn scalar-or-tuple-query? [context]
(when-let [find-spec (:find-spec context)]
(or (instance? FindScalar find-spec)
(instance? FindTuple find-spec))))
(defn make-context [source]
(->Context source nil nil false nil nil nil nil))

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@ -1,343 +0,0 @@
;; Copyright 2016 Mozilla
;; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use
;; this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the
;; License at
;; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed
;; under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR
;; CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
;; specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
(ns datomish.query.functions
[honeysql.format :as fmt]
[ :as cc]
[datomish.schema :as schema]
[datomish.sqlite-schema :refer [->tag ->SQLite]]
:as source
:refer [attribute-in-source
[datomish.util :as util #?(:cljs :refer-macros :clj :refer) [raise raise-str cond-let]]
[datascript.parser :as dp
[honeysql.core :as sql]
[clojure.string :as str]
;; honeysql's MATCH handler doesn't work for sqlite. This does.
(defmethod fmt/fn-handler "match" [_ col val]
(str (fmt/to-sql col) " MATCH " (fmt/to-sql val)))
(defn fulltext-attribute? [source attribute]
;; TODO: schema lookup.
(defn bind-coll->binding-vars [bind-coll]
(:bindings (:binding bind-coll)))
(defn binding-placeholder-or-variable? [binding]
;; It's a placeholder...
(instance? BindIgnore binding)
;; ... or it's a scalar binding to a variable.
(instance? BindScalar binding)
(instance? Variable (:variable binding)))))
(defn- validate-fulltext-clause [cc function]
(let [bind-coll (:binding function)
[src attr search] (:args function)]
(when-not (and (instance? SrcVar src)
(= "$" (name (:symbol src))))
(raise "Non-default sources not supported." {:arg src}))
(when (and (instance? Constant attr)
(not (fulltext-attribute? (:source cc) (:value attr))))
(raise-str "Attribute " (:value attr) " is not a fulltext-indexed attribute."))
(when-not (and (instance? BindColl bind-coll)
(instance? BindTuple (:binding bind-coll))
(every? binding-placeholder-or-variable?
(bind-coll->binding-vars bind-coll)))
(raise "Unexpected binding value." {:binding bind-coll}))))
(defn apply-fulltext-clause [cc function]
(validate-fulltext-clause cc function)
;; A fulltext search string is either a constant string or a variable binding.
;; The search string and the attribute are used to generate a SQL MATCH expression:
;; table MATCH 'search string'
;; This is then joined against an ordinary pattern to yield entity, value, and tx.
;; We do not currently support scoring; the score value will always be 0.
(let [[src attr search] (:args function)
;; Note that DataScript's parser won't allow us to write a term like
;; [(fulltext $ _ "foo") [[?x]]]
;; so we instead have a placeholder attribute. Sigh.
;; We also support sets of attributes, so you can write
;; [(fulltext $ #{:foo/bar :foo/baz} "Noo") [[?x]]]
;; which involves some tomfoolery here.
;; TODO: exclude any non-fulltext attributes. If the set shrinks to nothing,
;; fail the entire pattern.
attr-constants (or
(and (instance? Constant attr)
(let [attr (:value attr)
intern (partial source/attribute-in-source (:source cc))]
(when-not (= :any attr)
(set? attr)
(map intern attr)
(or (keyword? attr)
(integer? attr))
(list (intern attr))
(raise-str "Unknown fulltext attribute " attr {:attr attr})))))
(and (instance? Variable attr)
(cc/binding-for-symbol-or-throw cc (:symbol attr)))
;; nil, so it's seqable.
;; Pull out the symbols for the binding array.
[entity value tx score]
(map (comp :symbol :variable) ; This will nil-out placeholders.
(get-in function [:binding :binding :bindings]))
;; Find the FTS table name and alias. We might have multiple fulltext
;; expressions so we will generate a query like
;; SELECT ttt.a FROM t1 AS ttt WHERE ttt.t1 MATCH 'string'
[fulltext-table fulltext-alias] (source/source->fulltext-values (:source cc)) ; [:t1 :ttt]
match-column (sql/qualify fulltext-alias fulltext-table) ; :ttt.t1
match-value (cc/argument->value cc search)
[datom-table datom-alias] (source/source->non-fulltext-from (:source cc))
;; The following will end up being added to the CC.
from [[fulltext-table fulltext-alias]
[datom-table datom-alias]]
extracted-types {} ; TODO
known-types {entity :db.type/ref} ; All entities are refs.
wheres (concat
[[:match match-column match-value] ; The FTS match.
;; The fulltext rowid-to-datom correspondence.
(sql/qualify datom-alias :v)
(sql/qualify fulltext-alias :rowid)]]
;; If known, the attribute itself must match.
(when (seq attr-constants)
(let [a (sql/qualify datom-alias :a)
fragments (map (fn [v] [:= a v])
(if (seq (rest fragments))
[(cons :or fragments)]
;; Now compose any bindings for entity, value, tx, and score.
;; TODO: do we need to examine existing bindings to capture
;; wheres for any of these? We shouldn't, because the CC will
;; be internally cross-where'd when everything is done...
;; TODO: bind attribute?
bindings (into {}
(comp not nil? first)
[[entity [(sql/qualify datom-alias :e)]]
[value [match-column]]
[tx [(sql/qualify datom-alias :tx)]]
;; Future: use matchinfo to compute a score
;; if this is a variable rather than a placeholder.
[score [0]]]))]
(cc/augment-cc cc from bindings known-types extracted-types wheres)))
;; get-else is how Datalog handles optional attributes.
;; It consists of:
;; * A bound entity
;; * A cardinality-one attribute
;; * A var to bind the value
;; * A default value.
;; We model this as:
;; * A check against known bindings for the entity.
;; * A check against the schema for cardinality-one.
;; * Generating a COALESCE expression with a query inside the projection itself.
;; Note that this will be messy for queries like:
;; [:find ?page ?title :in $
;; :where [?page :page/url _]
;; [(get-else ?page :page/title "<empty>") ?title]
;; [_ :foo/quoted ?title]]
;; or
;; [(some-function ?title)]
;; -- we aren't really establishing a binding, so the subquery will be
;; repeated. But this will do for now.
(defn apply-get-else-clause [cc function]
(let [{:keys [source bindings external-bindings]} cc
schema (:schema source)
{:keys [args binding]} function
[src e a default-val] args]
(when-not (instance? BindScalar binding)
(raise-str "Expected scalar binding."))
(when-not (instance? Variable (:variable binding))
(raise-str "Expected variable binding."))
(when-not (instance? Constant a)
(raise-str "Expected constant attribute."))
(when-not (instance? Constant default-val)
(raise-str "Expected constant default value."))
(when-not (and (instance? SrcVar src)
(= "$" (name (:symbol src))))
(raise "Non-default sources not supported." {:arg src}))
(let [a (attribute-in-source source (:value a))
a-type (get-in (:schema schema) [a :db/valueType])
a-tag (->tag a-type)
default-val (:value default-val)
var (:variable binding)]
;; Schema check.
(when-not (and (integer? a)
(not (datomish.schema/multival? schema a)))
(raise-str "Attribute " a " is not cardinality-one."))
;; TODO: type-check the default value.
(condp instance? e
(let [e (:symbol e)
e-binding (cc/binding-for-symbol-or-throw cc e)]
(let [[table _] (source/source->from source a) ; We don't need to alias: single pattern.
;; These :limit values shouldn't be needed, but sqlite will
;; appreciate them.
;; Note that we don't extract type tags here: the attribute
;; must be known!
subquery {:select
{:select [:v]
:from [table]
:where [:and
[:= 'a a]
[:= 'e e-binding]]
:limit 1}
(->SQLite default-val))]
:limit 1}]
(assoc-in cc [:known-types (:symbol var)] a-type)
(util/append-in [:bindings (:symbol var)] subquery))))
(raise-str "Can't handle entity" e)))))
(defn apply-ground-clause [cc function]
(let [{:keys [args binding]} function]
(when-not (= (count args) 1)
(raise-str "Too many args to ground."))
(when-not (and (instance? BindScalar binding)
(instance? Variable (:variable binding)))
(raise-str "ground only binds scalars."))
(let [var (:variable binding)
val (first args)
constant? (instance? Constant val)
external (when (instance? Variable val)
(first (get (:external-bindings cc) (:symbol val))))]
(when-not (or constant? external)
(raise-str "ground argument must be constant or externally bound."))
(-> cc
;; TODO: figure out if we can conclusively know the type of the var.
; (assoc-in [:known-types (:symbol var)] nil)
(util/append-in [:bindings (:symbol var)]
(if constant?
(:value val)
(def sql-functions
;; Future: versions of this that uses snippet() or matchinfo().
{"fulltext" apply-fulltext-clause
"get-else" apply-get-else-clause
"ground" apply-ground-clause})
(defn apply-sql-function
"Either returns an application of `function` to `cc`, or nil to
encourage you to try a different application."
[cc function]
(when (and (instance? Function function)
(instance? PlainSymbol (:fn function)))
(when-let [apply-f (get sql-functions (name (:symbol (:fn function))))]
(apply-f cc function))))
;; A fulltext expression parses to:
;; Function ( :fn, :args )
;; The args begin with a SrcVar, and then are attr and search.
;; This binds a relation of [?entity ?value ?tx ?score]:
;; BindColl
;; :binding BindTuple
;; :bindings [BindScalar...]
;; #datascript.parser.Function
;; {:fn #datascript.parser.PlainSymbol{:symbol fulltext},
;; :args [#datascript.parser.SrcVar{:symbol $}
;; #datascript.parser.Constant{:value :artist/name}
;; #datascript.parser.Variable{:symbol ?search}],
;; :binding #datascript.parser.BindColl
;; {:binding #datascript.parser.BindTuple
;; {:bindings [
;; #datascript.parser.BindScalar{:variable #datascript.parser.Variable{:symbol ?entity}}
;; #datascript.parser.BindScalar{:variable #datascript.parser.Variable{:symbol ?name}}
;; #datascript.parser.BindScalar{:variable #datascript.parser.Variable{:symbol ?tx}}
;; #datascript.parser.BindScalar{:variable #datascript.parser.Variable{:symbol ?score}}]}}}

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@ -1,334 +0,0 @@
;; Copyright 2016 Mozilla
;; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use
;; this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the
;; License at
;; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed
;; under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR
;; CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
;; specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
(ns datomish.query.projection
[honeysql.core :as sql]
[datomish.query.source :as source]
[datomish.sqlite-schema :as ss]
[datomish.util :as util #?(:cljs :refer-macros :clj :refer) [raise raise-str cond-let]]
[datascript.parser :as dp
#?@(:cljs [:refer
FindRel FindColl FindTuple FindScalar
#?(:clj (:import
FindRel FindColl FindTuple FindScalar
(defn lookup-variable [cc variable]
(or (-> cc :bindings variable first)
(raise-str "Couldn't find variable " variable)))
(def aggregate-functions
{:avg :avg
:count :count
:max :max
:min :min
:sum :total
(defn- aggregate-symbols->projected-var [fn-symbol var-symbol]
(keyword (str "_" (name fn-symbol) "_" (subs (name var-symbol) 1))))
(defn- aggregate->projected-var [elem]
(aggregate-symbols->projected-var (:symbol (:fn elem))
(:symbol (first (:args elem)))))
(defn simple-aggregate?
"If `elem` is a simple aggregate -- symbolic function, one var arg --
return the variable symbol."
(when (instance? Aggregate elem)
(let [{:keys [fn args]} elem]
(when (and (instance? PlainSymbol fn)
(= 1 (count args)))
(let [arg (first args)]
(when (instance? Variable arg)
(:symbol arg)))))))
(defn- aggregate->var [elem]
(when (instance? Aggregate elem)
(when-not (simple-aggregate? elem)
(raise-str "Only know how to handle simple aggregates."))
(:symbol (first (:args elem)))))
(defn- variable->var [elem]
(when (instance? Variable elem)
(:symbol elem)))
(defn- aggregate->projection [elem context lookup-fn]
(when (instance? Aggregate elem)
(when-not (simple-aggregate? elem)
(raise-str "Only know how to handle simple aggregates."))
(let [var-symbol (:symbol (first (:args elem)))
fn-symbol (:symbol (:fn elem))
lookup-var (lookup-fn var-symbol)
aggregate-fn (get aggregate-functions (keyword fn-symbol))]
(when-not aggregate-fn
(raise-str "Unknown aggregate function " fn-symbol))
(let [funcall-var (util/aggregate->sql-var aggregate-fn lookup-var)
project-as (aggregate-symbols->projected-var fn-symbol var-symbol)]
[[funcall-var project-as]]))))
(defn- type-projection
"Produce a projection pair by looking up `var` in the provided
[extracted-types var]
(when-let [t (get extracted-types var)]
[t (util/var->sql-type-var var)]))
(defn- aggregate-type-projection
"Produce a passthrough projection pair for a type field
in an inner query."
[inner var]
(let [type-var (util/var->sql-type-var var)]
[(sql/qualify inner type-var) type-var]))
(defn- symbol->projection
"Given a variable symbol, produce a projection pair.
`lookup-fn` will be used to find a column. For a non-aggregate query,
this will typically be a lookup into the CC's bindings. For an
aggregate query it'll be a qualification of the same var into the
`known-types` is a type map to decide whether to project a type tag.
`type-projection-fn` is like `lookup-fn` but for type tag columns."
[var lookup-fn known-types type-projection-fn]
(let [lookup-var (lookup-fn var)
projected-var (util/var->sql-var var)
var-projection [lookup-var projected-var]]
;; If the type of a variable isn't explicitly known, we also select
;; its type column so we can transform it.
(if-let [type-proj (when (not (contains? known-types var))
(type-projection-fn var))]
[var-projection type-proj]
(defn- variable->projection [elem lookup-fn known-types type-projection-fn]
(when (instance? Variable elem)
(symbol->projection (:symbol elem) lookup-fn known-types type-projection-fn)))
(defn sql-projection-for-relation
"Take a `find` clause's `:elements` list and turn it into a SQL
projection clause, suitable for passing as a `:select` clause to
For example:
[Variable{:symbol ?foo}, Variable{:symbol ?bar}]
with bindings in the context:
{?foo [:datoms12.e :datoms13.v], ?bar [:datoms13.e]}
[[:datoms12.e :foo] [:datoms13.e :bar]]
Note that we also look at `:group-by-vars`, because we need to
alias columns and apply `DISTINCT` to those columns in order to
aggregate correctly.
This function unpacks aggregate operations, instead selecting the var.
@param context A Context, containing elements.
@return a sequence of pairs."
(let [{:keys [group-by-vars elements cc]} context
{:keys [known-types extracted-types]} cc]
;; The primary projections from the :find list.
;; Note that deduplication will be necessary, because we unpack aggregates.
(let [projected-vars
(map (fn [elem]
(or (aggregate->var elem)
(variable->var elem)
(raise "Only able to :find variables or aggregates."
{:elem elem})))
;; If we have any GROUP BY requirements from :with, that aren't already
;; included in the above, project them now.
(set group-by-vars)
(set projected-vars))
(distinct (concat projected-vars additional-vars))
(partial type-projection extracted-types)
(partial lookup-variable cc)]
(mapcat (fn [var]
(symbol->projection var lookup-fn known-types type-proj-fn))
;; Like sql-projection-for-relation, but exposed for simpler
;; use (e.g., in handling complex `or` patterns).
(defn sql-projection-for-simple-variable-list [elements cc]
{:pre [(every? (partial instance? Variable) elements)]}
(let [{:keys [known-types extracted-types]} cc
(map variable->var elements)
(partial type-projection extracted-types)
(partial lookup-variable cc)]
(mapcat (fn [var]
(symbol->projection var lookup-fn known-types type-proj-fn))
(defn sql-projection-for-aggregation
"Project an element list that contains aggregates. This expects a subquery
aliased to `inner-table` which itself will project each var with the
correct name."
[context inner-table]
(let [{:keys [group-by-vars elements cc]} context
{:keys [known-types extracted-types]} cc
lookup-fn (fn [var]
(sql/qualify inner-table (util/var->sql-var var)))
type-proj-fn (partial aggregate-type-projection inner-table)]
(mapcat (fn [elem]
(or (variable->projection elem lookup-fn known-types type-proj-fn)
(aggregate->projection elem context lookup-fn)
(raise "Only able to :find variables or aggregates."
{:elem elem})))
(defn make-projectors-for-columns [elements known-types extracted-types]
{:pre [(map? extracted-types)
(map? known-types)]}
(letfn [(variable->projector [elem known-types extracted-types tag-decoder]
(when (instance? Variable elem)
(let [var (:symbol elem)
projected-var (util/var->sql-var var)]
(if-let [type (get known-types var)]
;; We know the type! We already know how to decode it.
;; TODO: most of these tags don't actually require calling through to <-tagged-SQLite.
;; TODO: optimize this without making it horrible.
(let [decoder (tag-decoder (ss/->tag type))]
(fn [row]
(decoder (get row projected-var))))
;; We don't know the type. Find the type projection column
;; and use it to decode the value.
(if (contains? extracted-types var)
(let [type-column (util/var->sql-type-var var)]
(fn [row]
(get row type-column)
(get row projected-var))))
;; We didn't extract a type and we don't know it in advance.
;; Just pass through; the :col will look itself up in the row.
;; For now we assume numerics and that everything will shake out in the wash.
(aggregate->projector [elem]
(when (instance? Aggregate elem)
(let [var (aggregate->projected-var elem)]
(fn [row]
(get row var)))))]
(let [tag-decoder (memoize
(fn [tag]
(partial ss/<-tagged-SQLite tag)))]
(map (fn [elem]
(or (variable->projector elem known-types extracted-types tag-decoder)
(aggregate->projector elem)))
(defn row-pair-transducer [context]
(let [{:keys [find-spec elements cc]} context
{:keys [source known-types extracted-types]} cc
;; We know the projection will fail above if these aren't simple variables or aggregates.
(make-projectors-for-columns elements known-types extracted-types)
(or (instance? FindScalar find-spec)
(instance? FindColl find-spec))]
(if single-column-find-spec?
;; We're only grabbing one result from each row.
(let [projector (first projectors)]
(when (second projectors)
(raise "Single-column find spec used, but multiple projectors present."
{:elements elements
:projectors projectors
:find-spec find-spec}))
(fn [[row err]]
(if err
[nil err]
[(projector row) nil])))
;; Otherwise, collect each column into a sequence.
(fn [[row err]]
(if err
[nil err]
[(map (fn [projector] (projector row)) projectors) nil]))))))
(defn extract-group-by-vars
"Take inputs to :find and, if any aggregates exist in `elements`,
return the variable names upon which we should GROUP BY."
[elements with]
(when (some #(instance? Aggregate %1) elements)
(loop [ignore #{}
group-by (map :symbol with)
e elements]
(if-let [element (first e)]
(if-let [aggregated-var (simple-aggregate? element)]
(recur (conj ignore aggregated-var)
(rest e))
(if (instance? Variable element)
(let [var (:symbol element)]
(recur ignore
(if (contains? ignore var)
(conj group-by var))
(rest e)))
(raise-str "Unknown element." {:element element})))
;; Done. Remove any later vars we saw.
(remove ignore group-by)))))

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@ -1,141 +0,0 @@
;; Copyright 2016 Mozilla
;; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use
;; this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the
;; License at
;; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed
;; under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR
;; CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
;; specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
(ns datomish.query.source
[datomish.query.transforms :as transforms]
[datomish.schema :as schema]
[datomish.util :as util #?(:cljs :refer-macros :clj :refer) [raise raise-str]]
[:refer [Variable Constant Placeholder]])])
(:import [datascript.parser Variable Constant Placeholder])))
(defn gensym-table-alias [table]
(gensym (name table)))
;;; A source is something that can match patterns. For example:
;;; * The database itself.
;;; * The history of the database.
;;; * A filtered version of the database or the history.
;;; We model this in a SQL context as something that can:
;;; * Give us a table name.
;;; * Give us a new alias for the table name.
;;; * Provide us with a list of columns to match, positionally,
;;; against patterns.
;;; * Provide us with a set of WHERE fragments that, in combination
;;; with the table name, denote the source.
;;; * Transform constants and attributes into something usable
;;; by the source.
(defprotocol Source
(source->from [source attribute]
"Returns a pair, `[table alias]` for a pattern with the provided attribute.")
(source->non-fulltext-from [source])
(source->fulltext-from [source]
"Returns a pair, `[table alias]` for querying the source's fulltext index.")
(source->fulltext-values [source]
"Returns a pair, `[table alias]` for querying the source's fulltext values")
(source->constraints [source alias])
(pattern->schema-value-type [source pattern])
(attribute-in-source [source attribute])
(constant-in-source [source constant]))
[table ; Typically :datoms.
fulltext-table ; Typically :fulltext_datoms
fulltext-view ; Typically :all_datoms
fulltext-values ; Typically :fulltext_values
columns ; e.g., [:e :a :v :tx]
schema ; An ISchema instance.
;; `attribute-transform` is a function from attribute to constant value. Used to
;; turn, e.g., :p/attribute into an interned integer.
;; `constant-transform` is a function from constant value to constant value. Used to
;; turn, e.g., the literal 'true' into 1.
;; `table-alias` is a function from table to alias, e.g., :datoms => :datoms1234.
;; Not currently used.
make-constraints ; ?fn [source alias] => [where-clauses]
(source->from [source attribute]
(let [schema (:schema source)
int->table (fn [a]
(if (schema/fulltext? schema a)
(:fulltext-table source)
(:table source)))
(integer? attribute)
(int->table attribute)
(instance? Constant attribute)
(let [a (:value attribute)
id (if (keyword? a)
(attribute-in-source source a)
(int->table id))
;; TODO: perhaps we know an external binding already?
(or (instance? Variable attribute)
(instance? Placeholder attribute))
;; It's variable. We must act as if it could be a fulltext datom.
(:fulltext-view source)
(raise "Unknown source->from attribute " attribute {:attribute attribute}))]
[table ((:table-alias source) table)]))
(source->non-fulltext-from [source]
(let [table (:table source)]
[table ((:table-alias source) table)]))
(source->fulltext-from [source]
(let [table (:fulltext-table source)]
[table ((:table-alias source) table)]))
(source->fulltext-values [source]
(let [table (:fulltext-values source)]
[table ((:table-alias source) table)]))
(source->constraints [source alias]
(when-let [f (:make-constraints source)]
(f alias)))
(pattern->schema-value-type [source pattern]
(let [[_ a v _] pattern
schema (:schema (:schema source))]
(when (instance? Constant a)
(let [val (:value a)]
(if (keyword? val)
;; We need to find the entid for the keyword attribute,
;; because the schema stores attributes by ID.
(let [id (attribute-in-source source val)]
(get-in schema [id :db/valueType]))
(when (integer? val)
(get-in schema [val :db/valueType])))))))
(attribute-in-source [source attribute]
((:attribute-transform source) attribute))
(constant-in-source [source constant]
((:constant-transform source) constant)))

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@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
;; Copyright 2016 Mozilla
;; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use
;; this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the
;; License at
;; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed
;; under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR
;; CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
;; specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
(ns datomish.query.transforms)
(defn boolean? [x]
(instance? Boolean x)))
(defn attribute-transform-string
"Turns :p/foo into \"p/foo\". Adequate for testing, but this depends on the storage schema."
(str (namespace x) "/" (name x)))
(defn constant-transform-default [x]
(if (boolean? x)
(if x 1 0)
(if (keyword? x)
(attribute-transform-string x)

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@ -1,217 +0,0 @@
;; Copyright 2016 Mozilla
;; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use
;; this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the
;; License at
;; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed
;; under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR
;; CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
;; specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
;; Purloined from DataScript.
(ns datomish.schema
[datomish.sqlite-schema :as sqlite-schema]
[datomish.util :as util #?(:cljs :refer-macros :clj :refer) [raise]]))
(defn entid? [x]
(and (integer? x) (pos? x)))
(defprotocol ISchema
[schema property]
"TODO: document this, think more about making this part of the schema."))
(defn- #?@(:clj [^Boolean is-attr?]
:cljs [^boolean is-attr?]) [schema attr property]
(contains? (attrs-by schema property) attr))
(defn #?@(:clj [^Boolean multival?]
:cljs [^boolean multival?]) [schema attr]
(is-attr? schema attr :db.cardinality/many))
(defn #?@(:clj [^Boolean ref?]
:cljs [^boolean ref?]) [schema attr]
(is-attr? schema attr :db.type/ref))
(defn #?@(:clj [^Boolean kw?]
:cljs [^boolean kw?]) [schema attr]
(is-attr? schema attr :db.type/keyword))
(defn #?@(:clj [^Boolean component?]
:cljs [^boolean component?]) [schema attr]
(is-attr? schema attr :db/isComponent))
(defn #?@(:clj [^Boolean indexing?]
:cljs [^boolean indexing?]) [schema attr]
(is-attr? schema attr :db/index))
(defn #?@(:clj [^Boolean fulltext?]
:cljs [^boolean fulltext?]) [schema attr]
(is-attr? schema attr :db/fulltext))
(defn #?@(:clj [^Boolean unique?]
:cljs [^boolean unique?]) [schema attr]
(is-attr? schema attr :db/unique))
(defn #?@(:clj [^Boolean unique-identity?]
:cljs [^boolean unique-identity?]) [schema attr]
(is-attr? schema attr :db.unique/identity))
(defn #?@(:clj [^Boolean unique-value?]
:cljs [^boolean unique-value?]) [schema attr]
(is-attr? schema attr :db.unique/value))
(defn doc [schema attr]
(get-in (.-schema schema) [attr :db/doc]))
(defn valueType [schema attr]
(let [schema (.-schema schema)]
(get-in schema [attr :db/valueType])))
(defn schema? [x]
(satisfies? ISchema x))
(defrecord Schema [schema rschema]
(attrs-by [schema property]
((.-rschema schema) property)))
(defn- attr->properties [k v]
(= [k v] [:db/isComponent true]) [:db/isComponent]
(= v :db.type/ref) [:db.type/ref :db/index]
(= v :db.cardinality/many) [:db.cardinality/many]
(= v :db.unique/identity) [:db/unique :db.unique/identity :db/index]
(= v :db.unique/value) [:db/unique :db.unique/value :db/index]
(= [k v] [:db/index true]) [:db/index]
(= [k v] [:db/fulltext true]) [:db/fulltext :db/index]
(= k :db/valueType) [v]))
(defn- multimap [e m]
(fn [acc [k v]]
(update-in acc [k] (fnil conj e) v))
{} m))
(defn rschema [schema]
(for [[a kv] schema
[k v] kv
prop (attr->properties k v)]
[prop a])
(multimap #{})))
(defn- validate-schema-key [a k v expected]
(when-not (or (nil? v)
(contains? expected v))
(throw (ex-info (str "Bad attribute specification for " (pr-str {a {k v}}) ", expected one of " expected)
{:error :schema/validation
:attribute a
:key k
:value v}))))
(defn uuidish? [x]
(instance? java.util.UUID x)))
(let [uuid-re (js/RegExp. "[0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{12}" "i")]
(defn uuidish? [x]
(and (string? x)
(re-find uuid-re x)))))
(def value-type-map
{:db.type/ref { :valid? entid? }
:db.type/keyword { :valid? keyword? }
:db.type/string { :valid? string? }
:db.type/boolean { :valid? #?(:clj #(instance? Boolean %) :cljs #(= js/Boolean (type %))) }
:db.type/long { :valid? integer? }
:db.type/uuid { :valid? uuidish? }
:db.type/instant { :valid? #?(:clj #(instance? java.util.Date %) :cljs #(= js/Date (type %))) }
:db.type/uri { :valid? #?(:clj #(instance? %) :cljs string?) }
:db.type/double { :valid? #?(:clj float? :cljs number?) }
(defn #?@(:clj [^Boolean ensure-value-matches-type]
:cljs [^boolean ensure-value-matches-type]) [type value]
(if-let [valid? (get-in value-type-map [type :valid?])]
(when-not (valid? value)
(raise "Invalid value for type " type "; got " value
{:error :schema/valueType, :type type, :value value}))
(raise "Unknown valueType " type ", expected one of " (sorted-set (keys value-type-map))
{:error :schema/valueType, :type type})))
;; There's some duplication here so we get better error messages.
(defn #?@(:clj [^Boolean ensure-valid-value]
:cljs [^boolean ensure-valid-value]) [schema attr value]
{:pre [(schema? schema)
(integer? attr)]}
(let [schema (.-schema schema)]
(if-let [valueType (get-in schema [attr :db/valueType])]
(if-let [valid? (get-in value-type-map [valueType :valid?])]
(when-not (valid? value)
(raise "Invalid value for attribute " attr ", expected " valueType " but got " value
{:error :schema/valueType, :attribute attr, :value value}))
(raise "Unknown valueType for attribute " attr ", expected one of " (sorted-set (keys value-type-map))
{:error :schema/valueType, :attribute attr}))
(raise "Unknown attribute " attr ", expected one of " (sorted-set (keys schema))
{:error :schema/valueType, :attribute attr}))))
(defn ->SQLite [schema attr value]
{:pre [(schema? schema)
(integer? attr)]}
(let [schema (.-schema schema)]
(if-let [valueType (get-in schema [attr :db/valueType])]
(if-let [valid? (get-in value-type-map [valueType :valid?])]
(if (valid? value)
[(sqlite-schema/->SQLite value) (sqlite-schema/->tag valueType)]
(raise "Invalid value for attribute " attr ", expected " valueType " but got " value
{:error :schema/valueType, :attribute attr, :value value}))
(raise "Unknown valueType for attribute " attr ", expected one of " (sorted-set (keys value-type-map))
{:error :schema/valueType, :attribute attr}))
(raise "Unknown attribute " attr ", expected one of " (sorted-set (keys schema))
{:error :schema/valueType, :attribute attr}))))
(defn <-SQLite [schema attr value]
{:pre [(schema? schema)]}
(let [schema (.-schema schema)]
(if-let [valueType (get-in schema [attr :db/valueType])]
(if (contains? value-type-map valueType)
(sqlite-schema/<-SQLite valueType value)
(raise "Unknown valueType for attribute " attr ", expected one of " (sorted-set (keys value-type-map))
{:error :schema/valueType, :attribute attr}))
(raise "Unknown attribute " attr ", expected one of " (sorted-set (keys schema))
{:error :schema/valueType, :attribute attr}))))
(defn validate-schema [schema]
(doseq [[a kv] schema]
(when-not (:db/valueType kv)
(throw (ex-info (str "Bad attribute specification for " a ": should have {:db/valueType ...}")
{:error :schema/validation
:attribute a
:key :db/valueType})))
(let [comp? (:db/isComponent kv false)]
(validate-schema-key a :db/isComponent (:db/isComponent kv) #{true false})
(when (and comp? (not= (:db/valueType kv) :db.type/ref))
(throw (ex-info (str "Bad attribute specification for " a ": {:db/isComponent true} should also have {:db/valueType :db.type/ref}")
{:error :schema/validation
:attribute a
:key :db/isComponent}))))
(let [fulltext? (:db/fulltext kv false)]
(validate-schema-key a :db/fulltext (:db/fulltext kv) #{true false})
(when (and fulltext? (not= (:db/valueType kv) :db.type/string))
(throw (ex-info (str "Bad attribute specification for " a ": {:db/fulltext true} should also have {:db/valueType :db.type/string}")
{:error :schema/validation
:attribute a
:key :db/fulltext}))))
(validate-schema-key a :db/unique (:db/unique kv) #{:db.unique/value :db.unique/identity})
(validate-schema-key a :db/valueType (:db/valueType kv) (set (keys value-type-map)))
(validate-schema-key a :db/cardinality (:db/cardinality kv) #{:db.cardinality/one :db.cardinality/many}))
(defn schema [schema]
{:pre [(or (nil? schema) (map? schema))]}
(map->Schema {:schema (validate-schema schema)
:rschema (rschema schema)}))

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@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
;; Copyright 2016 Mozilla
;; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use
;; this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the
;; License at
;; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed
;; under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR
;; CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
;; specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
(ns datomish.schema-changes
[datomish.util :as util #?(:cljs :refer-macros :clj :refer) [raise raise-str cond-let]]))
(defn datoms->schema-fragment
"Turn [[:db.part/db :db.install/attribute e] [e :db/ident :attr]] into {:attr {:db/* v}}.
From, :db/ident, :db/valueType,
and :db/cardinality are required. For us, enforce that valueType and
cardinality are present at schema validation time.
This code is not pretty, so here's what it does:
Input: a sequence of datoms, like [e :keyword-attr v _ added].
1. Select [:db.part/db :db.install/attribute ... ].
2. Fail if any are not (= added true)
3. For each [ :db.part/db :db.install/attribute e ], collect
{e {:db/* v}}, dropping the inner :db/ident key.
4. Map e -> ident; fail if not possible.
5. Return the map, with ident keys.
This would be more pleasant with `q` and pull expressions.
Note that this function takes as input an existing map of {entid ident}.
That's because it's possible for an ident to be established in a separate
set of datoms -- we can't re-insert it without uniqueness constraint
violations, so we just provide it here."
[datoms existing-idents]
{:pre [(sequential? datoms)]}
(let [db-install? (fn [datom]
(= [:db.part/db :db.install/attribute] ((juxt :e :a) datom)))
db-installs (filter db-install? datoms)]
(if (empty? db-installs)
(if-let [retracted (first (filter (comp not :added) db-installs))]
(raise "Retracting a :db.install/attribute is not yet supported, got " retracted
{:error :schema/db-install :op retracted})
(let [by-e (group-by :e datoms)
;; TODO: pull entity from database, rather than expecting entire attribute to be in single transaction.
installed-es (select-keys by-e (map :v db-installs))
;; select-keys ignores missing keys. We don't want that.
installed-es (merge (into {} (map (juxt :v (constantly {})) db-installs)) installed-es)
db-*? (fn [datom]
(= "db" (namespace (:a datom))))]
;; Just the :db/* attribute-value pairs.
(into {} (for [[e datoms] installed-es]
(let [->av (juxt :a :v)
;; TODO: transduce!
db-avs (into {} (map ->av (filter db-*? datoms)))]
(if-let [ident (or (:db/ident db-avs)
;; The schema table wants a keyword, not an entid, and
;; we need to check the existing idents…
(when (contains? existing-idents e)
(if (keyword? e)
(get existing-idents e))))]
[ident (dissoc db-avs :db/ident)]
(raise ":db.install/attribute requires :db/ident, got " db-avs " for " e
{:error :schema/db-install :op db-avs}))))))))))

View file

@ -1,361 +0,0 @@
;; Copyright 2016 Mozilla
;; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use
;; this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the
;; License at
;; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed
;; under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR
;; CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
;; specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
(ns datomish.schema-management
[datomish.pair-chan :refer [go-pair <?? <?]]))
[ :refer [diff]]
#?@(:clj [[datomish.pair-chan :refer [go-pair <?? <?]]])
[datomish.api :as d]
[datomish.schema] ; For validation.
[datomish.util :as util
#?(:cljs :refer-macros :clj :refer) [raise raise-str cond-let]]))
;; For testing.
(def log (fn [& args]) #_ println)
;; This code implements the concept described in
;; This is a high-level API: it's built on top of the schema alteration
;; primitives and plain ol' storage layer that Datomish exposes.
;; Schema fragments are described by name and version number.
;; The existing schema in the store is diffed against incoming fragments.
;; Validation:
;; - No attribute should be mentioned in a different fragment in the
;; store and the input. Attributes cannot move between fragments.
;; - Fragments with the same name and version should be congruent,
;; with the only acceptable changes being to add new attributes.
;; - Fragments with an increased version number can make changes to
;; attributes:
;; - Adding new attributes.
;; - Rename existing attributes.
;; - Altering cardinality, uniqueness, or indexing properties.
;; The inputs to the diffing process are:
;; - The set of schema fragments.
;; - The existing database (and implicitly its active schema).
;; - A collection of attribute renames.
;; - A set of app- and fragment-scoped pre/post functions that will
;; be run before and after schema changes are applied.
;; The output of the diffing process, if validation succeeds, is a
;; set of operations to perform on the knowledge base. If there are
;; no version changes, no pre/post functions will be included.
;; Potential outcomes:
;; - An attribute is mentioned in two incoming fragments: error.
;; - An attribute is in fragment A in the store and fragment B in input: error.
;; - An attribute changed between the store and input, but the version number is the same: error.
;; - An attribute is present in input, but not the store, and the version number is the same: add the attribute.
;; - An attribute is present in the store, but not input, and the version number is the same: do nothing.
;; - A fragment's version number is higher in the store than in the input:
;; - If the input is a subset of the fragment in the store, then do nothing.
;; - If the input differs, then error.
;; - A fragment's version number is higher in the input than in the store:
;; - Run app 'pre' and 'post'.
;; - Run this fragment's 'pre' and 'post'.
;; - Alter the store to match. If altering fails due to a consistency error, roll back and error out.
;; The core data format here, which we call a "managed schema fragment" is:
;; {:name
;; :version 4
;; :attributes {:foo/bar {:db/valueType ...}}}
;; This can be trivially expanded from the 'simple schema' format used by
;; JS callers:
;; {"name": "",
;; "version": 4,
;; "attributes": [
;; {"name": "foo/bar",
;; "type": ...}]}
;; and it can be trivially collapsed into the format understood by the
;; transactor, which we call "schema datoms":
;; [{:db/ident
;; :db.schema/version 4}
;; {:db/name :foo/bar
;; :db.schema/_attribute
;; :db/valueType ...}]
(defn- attribute->datoms [schema-fragment-id [attribute-name attribute-pairs]]
(let [attribute-id (d/id-literal :db.part/user)]
:db.install/_attribute :db.part/db
;; Point back to the fragment.
:db.schema/_attribute schema-fragment-id
:db/id attribute-id
:db/ident attribute-name)]))
(defn managed-schema-fragment->datoms [{:keys [name version attributes]}]
(let [fragment-id (d/id-literal :db.part/db)]
(mapcat (partial attribute->datoms fragment-id) attributes)
{:db/id fragment-id
:db/ident name
:db.schema/version version})))
(defn <collect-schema-fragment-versions
"Return a map, like { 5, :org.mozilla.core 2}."
(let [ident (partial d/ident db)]
(into {}
(fn [[s v]] [(ident s) v])
(d/<q db '[:find ?s ?v
:in $
:where [?s :db.schema/version ?v]])))))))
(defn <collect-schema-fragment-attributes
"Return a map, like {:foo/name}.
Attributes that are not linked to a fragment will not be returned."
(let [ident (partial d/ident db)]
(into {}
(fn [[a f]] [(ident a) (ident f)])
(d/<q db '[:find ?a ?f
:in $
:where [?f :db.schema/attribute ?a]])))))))
(defn db->symbolic-schema [db]
(:symbolic-schema db))
(defn changed-attribute->datoms [schema-fragment-id attribute-name existing new-values]
(let [differences (first (diff new-values existing))]
(when-not (empty? differences)
{:db/id (d/id-literal :db.part/user)
:db/ident attribute-name
;; Point back to the fragment.
:db.schema/_attribute schema-fragment-id
:db.alter/_attribute :db.part/db}
(defn changed-schema-fragment->datoms [schema-fragment-id existing-schema name attributes version]
(mapcat (fn [[attribute-name new-values]]
(let [existing (get existing-schema attribute-name)]
(if existing
schema-fragment-id [attribute-name new-values]))))
{:db.schema/version version
:db/ident name
:db/id (d/id-literal :db.part/db)}))
(defn- prepare-schema-application-for-fragments
"Given a non-empty collection of fragments known to be new or outdated,
yield a migration sequence containing the necessary pre/post ops and
transact bodies."
{:keys [fragments pre post fragment-pre fragment-post] :as args}]
(fn [{:keys [name version attributes] :as fragment}]
(let [existing-version (get schema-fragment-versions name)
(if existing-version
;; It's a change.
;; Transact the datoms to effect the change and
;; bump the schema fragment version.
(d/entid db name)
;; It's new! Just do it.
(managed-schema-fragment->datoms fragment))]]]
;; We optionally allow you to provide a `:none` migration here, which
;; is useful in the case where a vocabulary might have been added
;; outside of the schema management system.
(when-let [fragment-pre-for-this
(get-in fragment-pre [name (or existing-version :none)])]
[[:call fragment-pre-for-this]])
(when-let [fragment-post-for-this
(get-in fragment-post [name (or existing-version :none)])]
[[:call fragment-post-for-this]]))))
(when pre [[:call pre]])
(when post [[:call post]]))))
(defn- <prepare-schema-application*
[db {:keys [fragments pre post fragment-pre fragment-post] :as args}]
{:pre [(map? (first fragments))]}
(let [symbolic-schema (db->symbolic-schema db)
schema-fragment-versions (<? (<collect-schema-fragment-versions db))
schema-fragment-attributes (<? (<collect-schema-fragment-attributes db))]
;; Filter out any incoming fragments that are already present with
;; the correct version. Err if any of the fragments are outdated,
;; or contain attributes that are already present elsewhere.
(let [to-apply
(fn [{:keys [name version attributes]}]
{:pre [(not (nil? name))
(integer? version)
(not (empty? attributes))]}
;; Make sure that every attribute in this fragment is either
;; already associate with its ident, or not associated with
;; anything. We do this before we even check the version.
(doseq [attribute-name (keys attributes)]
(when-let [existing-fragment (get schema-fragment-attributes attribute-name)]
(when-not (= existing-fragment name)
(raise "Attribute " attribute-name
" already belongs to schema fragment "
existing-fragment ", not " name "."
{:error :schema/different-fragment
:existing existing-fragment
:fragment name}))))
;; Now we know that every attribute is either this fragment's or
;; not assigned to one.
;; Check our fragment version against the store.
(let [existing-version (get schema-fragment-versions name)]
(log "Schema" name "at existing version" existing-version)
(or (nil? existing-version)
(> version existing-version)
(when (< version existing-version)
(raise "Existing version of " name " is " existing-version
", which is later than requested " version "."
{:error :schema/outdated-version
:name name
:version version
:existing existing-version})))))
(if (empty? to-apply)
(log "No fragments left to apply.")
(assoc args :fragments to-apply)))))))
(defn <prepare-schema-application
"Take a database and a sequence of managed schema fragments,
along with migration tools, and return a migration operation."
[db {:keys [fragments pre post fragment-pre fragment-post] :as args}]
(when-not (contains? args :fragments)
(raise-str "Missing :fragments argument to <prepare-schema-application."))
(if (empty? fragments)
(go-pair nil)
;; Validate each fragment.
(doseq [fragment fragments]
(datomish.schema/validate-schema (:attributes fragment)))
(let [repeated-attributes (util/repeated-keys (map :attributes fragments))]
(when-not (empty? repeated-attributes)
(raise "Attributes appear in more than one fragment: " repeated-attributes
{:error :schema/repeated-attributes
:repeated repeated-attributes}))
;; At this point we know we have schema fragments to apply,
;; and that they don't overlap. They might still cross fragment
;; boundaries when compared to the store, and they might still
;; be inconsistent, but we can proceed to the next step.
(<prepare-schema-application* db args)))))
(defn- <schema-fragment-versions-match?
"Quickly return true if every provided fragment matches the
version in the store."
[db fragments]
(let [schema-fragment-versions (<? (<collect-schema-fragment-versions db))]
(fn [{:keys [name version]}]
(= (get schema-fragment-versions name)
(defn <apply-schema-alteration
"Take a database and a sequence of managed schema fragments,
along with migration tools, and transact a migration operation.
Throws and rolls back if any step of the operation fails. Returns
nil if no work was done, or the last db-report otherwise."
[conn args]
(if (or (empty? (:fragments args))
(<? (<schema-fragment-versions-match?
(d/db conn)
(:fragments args))))
(log "No schema work to do.")
;; Do the real fragment op computation inside the transaction.
;; This avoids a check-then-write race.
(fn [db do-transact]
(let [last-report (atom {:db-after db})
ops (<? (<prepare-schema-application db args))]
(doseq [[op op-arg] ops]
(case op
(reset! last-report
(<? (do-transact
(:db-after @last-report)
;; We use <?? so that callers don't accidentally
;; break us if they pass a function that returns
;; nil rather than a *channel* that returns nil.
(when-let [new-report
(<?? (op-arg (:db-after @last-report)
(when-not (:db-after new-report)
(raise "Function didn't return a valid report."
{:error :schema/invalid-report
:function op-arg
:returned new-report}))
(reset! last-report new-report))))

View file

@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
;; Copyright 2016 Mozilla
;; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use
;; this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the
;; License at
;; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed
;; under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR
;; CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
;; specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
(ns datomish.simple-schema
[datomish.pair-chan :refer [go-pair <?]]
[cljs.core.async.macros :refer [go]]))
[datomish.util :as util
#?(:cljs :refer-macros :clj :refer) [raise raise-str cond-let]]
[datomish.db :as db]
[datomish.schema :as ds]
[datomish.sqlite :as s]
[datomish.sqlite-schema :as sqlite-schema]
#?@(:clj [[datomish.pair-chan :refer [go-pair <?]]
[clojure.core.async :as a :refer [chan go <! >!]]])
#?@(:cljs [[datomish.pair-chan]
[cljs.core.async :as a :refer [chan <! >!]]])))
(defn- name->ident [name]
(when-not (and (string? name)
(not (empty? name)))
(raise "Invalid name " name {:error :invalid-name :name name}))
(keyword name))
(defn simple-schema-attributes->schema-parts [attrs]
(let [{:keys [cardinality type name unique doc fulltext]} attrs
value-type (when type (keyword (str "db.type/" type)))]
(when-not (and value-type
(contains? ds/value-type-map value-type))
(raise "Invalid type " type {:error :invalid-type :type type}))
(let [unique
(case unique
"identity" :db.unique/identity
"value" :db.unique/value
nil nil
(raise "Invalid unique " unique
{:error :invalid-unique :unique unique}))
(case cardinality
"one" :db.cardinality/one
"many" :db.cardinality/many
nil nil
(raise "Invalid cardinality " cardinality
{:error :invalid-cardinality :cardinality cardinality}))]
{:db/valueType value-type
:db/ident (name->ident name)
:db/id (db/id-literal :db.part/user)
:db.install/_attribute :db.part/db}
:db/doc doc
:db/unique unique
:db/fulltext fulltext
:db/cardinality cardinality))))
(defn simple-schema->schema [simple-schema]
(let [{:keys [name attributes]} simple-schema]
(map simple-schema-attributes->schema-parts attributes)))

View file

@ -1,119 +0,0 @@
;; Copyright 2016 Mozilla
;; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use
;; this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the
;; License at
;; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed
;; under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR
;; CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
;; specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
(ns datomish.sqlite
(:refer-clojure :exclude [format])
[datomish.pair-chan :refer [go-pair go-safely <?]]
[cljs.core.async.macros :refer [go]]))
[datomish.pair-chan :refer [go-pair go-safely <?]]
[clojure.core.async :refer [go <! >! chan put! take! close!]])
[cljs.core.async :as a :refer [<! >! chan put! take! close!]])))
;; Setting this to something else will make your output more readable,
;; but not automatically safe for use.
(def sql-quoting-style :ansi)
(def log-sql? false)
(defn format [args]
(honeysql.core/format args :quoting sql-quoting-style))
(defprotocol ISQLiteConnection
[db sql bindings]
"Execute the given SQL string with the specified bindings. Returns a pair channel resolving
to a query dependent `[result error]` pair.")
[db sql bindings row-cb]
"Execute the given SQL string with the specified bindings, invoking the given `row-cb` callback
function (if provided) with each returned row. Each row will be presented to `row-cb` as a
map-like object, such that `(:column-name row)` succeeds. Returns a pair channel of `[result
error]`, where `result` to the number of rows returned.")
"Close this SQLite connection. Returns a pair channel of [nil error]."))
(defprotocol ISQLiteConnectionFactory
"Open an ISQLiteConnection to `path`. Returns a pair channel of `[sqlite-connection error]`"))
(defn execute!
[db [sql & bindings]]
(when log-sql?
(println "Running SQL:" sql (pr-str bindings)))
(-execute! db sql bindings))
(defn each-row
[db [sql & bindings] row-cb]
(-each db sql bindings row-cb))
(defn reduce-rows
[db [sql & bindings] initial f]
(let [acc (atom initial)]
(<? (-each db sql bindings #(swap! acc f %)))
(defn <?all-rows
"Takes a new channel, put!ing rows as [row err] pairs
into it as they arrive from storage. Closes the channel
when no more results exist. Consume with <?."
[db [sql & bindings :as rest] chan]
(go-safely [c chan]
(let [result (<! (-each db sql bindings
(fn [row]
(put! c [row nil]))))]
;; We assume that a failure will result in the promise
;; channel being rejected and no further row callbacks
;; being called.
(when (second result)
(put! c result))
(close! c))))
(defn all-rows
[db [sql & bindings :as rest]]
(reduce-rows db rest [] conj))
(defn in-transaction! [db chan-fn]
(<? (execute! db ["BEGIN EXCLUSIVE TRANSACTION"]))
(let [[v e] (<! (chan-fn))]
(if v
(<? (execute! db ["COMMIT"]))
[v nil])
(<? (execute! db ["ROLLBACK TRANSACTION"]))
[nil e])))
(catch #?(:clj Throwable :cljs js/Error) e
[nil e]))))
(defn get-user-version [db]
(let [row (first (<? (all-rows db ["PRAGMA user_version"])))]
(:user_version row)
(defn set-user-version [db version]
(execute! db [(str "PRAGMA user_version = " version)]))

View file

@ -1,318 +0,0 @@
;; Copyright 2016 Mozilla
;; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use
;; this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the
;; License at
;; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed
;; under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR
;; CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
;; specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
(ns datomish.sqlite-schema
[datomish.pair-chan :refer [go-pair <?]]
[cljs.core.async.macros :refer [go]]))
[datomish.util :as util #?(:cljs :refer-macros :clj :refer) [raise raise-str cond-let]]
[datomish.sqlite :as s]
#?@(:clj [[datomish.pair-chan :refer [go-pair <?]]
[clojure.core.async :refer [go <! >!]]])
#?@(:cljs [[datomish.pair-chan]
[cljs.core.async :as a :refer [<! >!]]])))
;; Version history:
;; 1: initial schema.
;; 2: added :db.schema/version and /attribute in bootstrap; assigned
;; idents 36 and 37, so we bump the part range here; tie bootstrapping
;; to the SQLite user_version.
(def current-version 2)
(def v1-statements
value_type_tag SMALLINT NOT NULL,
index_fulltext TINYINT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
"CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_datoms_eavt ON datoms (e, a, value_type_tag, v)"
"CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_datoms_aevt ON datoms (a, e, value_type_tag, v)"
;; Opt-in index: only if a has :db/index true.
"CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_datoms_avet ON datoms (a, value_type_tag, v, e) WHERE index_avet IS NOT 0"
;; Opt-in index: only if a has :db/valueType :db.type/ref. No need for tag here since all
;; indexed elements are refs.
"CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_datoms_vaet ON datoms (v, a, e) WHERE index_vaet IS NOT 0"
;; Opt-in index: only if a has :db/fulltext true; thus, it has :db/valueType :db.type/string,
;; which is not :db/valueType :db.type/ref. That is, index_vaet and index_fulltext are mutually
;; exclusive.
"CREATE INDEX idx_datoms_fulltext ON datoms (value_type_tag, v, a, e) WHERE index_fulltext IS NOT 0"
;; TODO: possibly remove this index. :db.unique/{value,identity} should be asserted by the
;; transactor in all cases, but the index may speed up some of SQLite's query planning. For now,
;; it serves to validate the transactor implementation. Note that tag is needed here to
;; differentiate, e.g., keywords and strings.
"CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_datoms_unique_value ON datoms (a, value_type_tag, v) WHERE unique_value IS NOT 0"
"CREATE INDEX idx_transactions_tx ON transactions (tx, added)"
;; Fulltext indexing.
;; A fulltext indexed value v is an integer rowid referencing fulltext_values.
;; Optional settings:
;; tokenize="porter"
;; prefix='2,3'
;; By default we use Unicode-aware tokenizing (particularly for case folding), but preserve
;; diacritics.
"CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE fulltext_values
USING FTS4 (text NOT NULL, searchid INT, tokenize=unicode61 \"remove_diacritics=0\")"
;; This combination of view and triggers allows you to transparently
;; update-or-insert into FTS. Just INSERT INTO fulltext_values_view (text, searchid).
"CREATE VIEW fulltext_values_view AS SELECT * FROM fulltext_values"
"CREATE TRIGGER replace_fulltext_searchid
INSTEAD OF INSERT ON fulltext_values_view
WHEN EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM fulltext_values WHERE text = new.text)
UPDATE fulltext_values SET searchid = new.searchid WHERE text = new.text;
"CREATE TRIGGER insert_fulltext_searchid
INSTEAD OF INSERT ON fulltext_values_view
WHEN NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM fulltext_values WHERE text = new.text)
INSERT INTO fulltext_values (text, searchid) VALUES (new.text, new.searchid);
;; A view transparently interpolating fulltext indexed values into the datom structure.
"CREATE VIEW fulltext_datoms AS
SELECT e, a, fulltext_values.text AS v, tx, value_type_tag, index_avet, index_vaet, index_fulltext, unique_value
FROM datoms, fulltext_values
WHERE datoms.index_fulltext IS NOT 0 AND datoms.v = fulltext_values.rowid"
;; A view transparently interpolating all entities (fulltext and non-fulltext) into the datom structure.
"CREATE VIEW all_datoms AS
SELECT e, a, v, tx, value_type_tag, index_avet, index_vaet, index_fulltext, unique_value
FROM datoms
WHERE index_fulltext IS 0
SELECT e, a, v, tx, value_type_tag, index_avet, index_vaet, index_fulltext, unique_value
FROM fulltext_datoms"
;; Materialized views of the schema.
FOREIGN KEY (ident) REFERENCES idents (ident))"
"CREATE INDEX idx_schema_unique ON schema (ident, attr, value, value_type_tag)"
(def v2-statements v1-statements)
(defn create-temp-tx-lookup-statement [table-name]
;; n.b., v0/value_type_tag0 can be NULL, in which case we look up v from datoms;
;; and the datom columns are NULL into the LEFT JOIN fills them in.
;; The table-name is not escaped in any way, in order to allow "temp.dotted" names.
;; TODO: update comment about sv.
[(str "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS " table-name
value_type_tag0 SMALLINT NOT NULL,
index_avet0 TINYINT, index_vaet0 TINYINT,
index_fulltext0 TINYINT,
unique_value0 TINYINT,
sv BLOB,
svalue_type_tag SMALLINT,
e INTEGER, a SMALLINT, v BLOB, tx INTEGER, value_type_tag SMALLINT)")])
(defn create-temp-tx-lookup-eavt-statement [idx-name table-name]
;; Note that the consuming code creates and drops the indexes
;; manually, which makes insertion slightly faster.
;; This index prevents overlapping transactions.
;; The idx-name and table-name are not escaped in any way, in order
;; to allow "temp.dotted" names.
;; TODO: drop added0?
" ON "
" (e0, a0, v0, added0, value_type_tag0) WHERE sv IS NOT NULL")])
(defn <create-current-version
[db bootstrapper]
(println "Creating database at" current-version)
(doseq [statement v2-statements]
(<? (s/execute! db [statement]))
(catch #?(:clj Throwable :cljs js/Error) e
(throw (ex-info "Failed to execute statement" {:statement statement} e)))))
(<? (bootstrapper db 0))
(<? (s/set-user-version db current-version))
[0 (<? (s/get-user-version db))])))
(defn <update-from-version
[db from-version bootstrapper]
{:pre [(> from-version 0)]} ;; Or we'd create-current-version instead.
{:pre [(< from-version current-version)]} ;; Or we wouldn't need to update-from-version.
(println "Upgrading database from" from-version "to" current-version)
;; We must only be migrating from v1 to v2.
(let [statement "UPDATE parts SET idx = idx + 2 WHERE part = ?"]
(<? (s/execute!
[statement :db.part/db]))
(catch #?(:clj Throwable :cljs js/Error) e
(throw (ex-info "Failed to execute statement" {:statement statement} e)))))
(<? (bootstrapper db from-version))
(<? (s/set-user-version db current-version))
[from-version (<? (s/get-user-version db))])))
(defn <ensure-current-version
"Returns a pair: [previous-version current-version]."
[db bootstrapper]
(let [v (<? (s/get-user-version db))]
(= v current-version)
[v v]
(= v 0)
(<? (<create-current-version db bootstrapper))
(< v current-version)
(<? (<update-from-version db v bootstrapper))))))
;; This is close to the SQLite schema since it may impact the value tag bit.
(defprotocol IEncodeSQLite
(->SQLite [x] "Transforms Clojure{Script} values to SQLite."))
(extend-protocol IEncodeSQLite
(->SQLite [x] x)
(->SQLite [x] (str x))
(->SQLite [x] (if x 1 0))
(->SQLite [x] x)
(->SQLite [x] x)
(->SQLite [x] (.getTime x))
(->SQLite [x] (.toString x)) ; TODO: BLOB storage. Issue #44.
(->SQLite [x] x)
(->SQLite [x] x)]
(->SQLite [x] x)
(->SQLite [x] (str x))
(->SQLite [x] (if x 1 0))
(->SQLite [x] (.getTime x))
(->SQLite [x] x)]))
;; Datomish rows are tagged with a numeric representation of :db/valueType:
;; The tag is used to limit queries, and therefore is placed carefully in the relevant indices to
;; allow searching numeric longs and doubles quickly. The tag is also used to convert SQLite values
;; to the correct Datomish value type on query egress.
(def value-type-tag-map
{:db.type/ref 0
:db.type/boolean 1
:db.type/instant 4
:db.type/long 5 ;; SQLite distinguishes integral from decimal types, allowing long and double to share a tag.
:db.type/double 5 ;; SQLite distinguishes integral from decimal types, allowing long and double to share a tag.
:db.type/string 10
:db.type/uuid 11
:db.type/uri 12
:db.type/keyword 13})
(defn ->tag [valueType]
(valueType value-type-tag-map)
(raise "Unknown valueType " valueType ", expected one of " (sorted-set (keys value-type-tag-map))
{:error :SQLite/tag, :valueType valueType})))
(defn <-tagged-SQLite
"Transforms SQLite values to Clojure with tag awareness."
[tag value]
(case tag
;; In approximate commonality order.
0 value ; ref.
1 (= value 1) ; boolean
4 (java.util.Date. value) ; instant
13 (keyword (subs value 1)) ; keyword
12 ( value) ; URI
11 (java.util.UUID/fromString value) ; UUID
; 5 value ; numeric
; 10 value ; string
(defn <-tagged-SQLite
"Transforms SQLite values to ClojureScript with tag awareness."
[tag value]
;; In approximate commonality order.
(case tag
0 value ; ref.
1 (= value 1) ; boolean
4 (js/Date. value) ; instant
13 (keyword (subs value 1)) ; keyword
; 12 value ; URI
; 11 value ; UUID
; 5 value ; numeric
; 10 value ; string
(defn tagged-SQLite-to-JS
"Transforms SQLite values to JavaScript-compatible values."
[tag value]
(case tag
1 (= value 1) ; boolean.
; 0 value ; No point trying to ident.
; 4 value ; JS doesn't have a Date representation.
; 13 value ; Return the keyword string from the DB: ":foobar".
(defn <-SQLite
"Transforms SQLite values to Clojure{Script}."
[valueType value]
(case valueType
:db.type/ref value
:db.type/keyword (keyword (subs value 1))
:db.type/string value
:db.type/boolean (not= value 0)
:db.type/long value
:db.type/instant (<-tagged-SQLite 4 value)
:db.type/uuid (<-tagged-SQLite 11 value)
:db.type/double value))

View file

@ -1,931 +0,0 @@
;; Copyright 2016 Mozilla
;; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use
;; this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the
;; License at
;; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed
;; under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR
;; CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
;; specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
(ns datomish.transact
[datomish.pair-chan :refer [go-pair <?]]
[cljs.core.async.macros :refer [go go-loop]]))
[datomish.query.context :as context]
[datomish.query.projection :as projection]
[datomish.query.source :as source]
[datomish.query :as query]
[datomish.db :as db :refer [id-literal id-literal?]]
[datomish.db.debug :as debug]
[datomish.datom :as dd :refer [datom datom? #?@(:cljs [Datom])]]
[datomish.util :as util #?(:cljs :refer-macros :clj :refer) [raise raise-str cond-let]]
[datomish.schema :as ds]
[datomish.sqlite :as s]
[datomish.sqlite-schema :as sqlite-schema]
[datomish.transact.bootstrap :as bootstrap]
[datomish.transact.explode :as explode]
[datomish.tufte-stub :as tufte
#?(:cljs :refer-macros :clj :refer) [p]]
#?@(:clj [[datomish.pair-chan :refer [go-pair <?]]
[clojure.core.async :as a :refer [chan go go-loop <! >!]]])
#?@(:cljs [[datomish.pair-chan]
[cljs.core.async :as a :refer [chan <! >!]]]))
[datomish.datom Datom])))
(defprotocol IConnection
"Close this connection. Returns a pair channel of [nil error].
Closing a closed connection is a no-op.")
"Get the current DB associated with this connection.")
"Get the full transaction history DB associated with this connection."))
(defrecord Connection [closed? current-db transact-chan]
(close [conn]
(go-pair ;; Always want to return a pair-chan.
(when (compare-and-set! (:closed? conn) false true)
(let [result (a/chan 1)]
;; Ask for the underlying database to be closed while (usually, after) draining the queue.
;; Invariant: we see :sentinel-close in the transactor queue at most once.
(a/put! (:transact-chan conn) [:sentinel-close nil result true])
;; This immediately stops <transact! enqueueing new transactions.
(a/close! (:transact-chan conn))
;; The transactor will close the underlying DB after draining the queue; by waiting for
;; result, we can raise any error from closing the DB and ensure that the DB is really
;; closed after waiting for the connection to close.
(<? result)))))
(db [conn] @(:current-db conn))
(history [conn]
(raise "Datomic's history is not yet supported." {})))
(defn conn? [x]
(and (satisfies? IConnection x)))
(defrecord TxReport [db-before ;; The DB before the transaction.
db-after ;; The DB after the transaction.
tx ;; The tx ID represented by the transaction in this report; refer :db/tx.
txInstant ;; The timestamp instant when the the transaction was processed/committed in this report; refer :db/txInstant.
entities ;; The set of entities (like [:db/add e a v]) processed.
tx-data ;; The set of datoms applied to the database, like (Datom. e a v tx added).
tempids ;; The map from id-literal -> numeric entid.
part-map ;; Map {:db.part/user {:start 0x10000 :idx 0x10000}, ...}.
added-parts ;; The set of parts added during the transaction via :db.part/db :db.install/part.
added-idents ;; The map of idents -> entid added during the transaction, via e :db/ident ident.
retracted-idents ;; The map of idents -> entid removed during the transaction.
added-attributes ;; The map of schema attributes (ident -> schema fragment) added during the transaction, via :db.part/db :db.install/attribute.
altered-attributes ;; TODO
(defn- report? [x]
(and (instance? TxReport x)))
(defn- -next-eid! [part-map-atom tempid]
"Advance {:db.part/user {:start 0x10 :idx 0x11}, ...} to {:db.part/user {:start 0x10 :idx 0x12}, ...} and return 0x12."
{:pre [(id-literal? tempid)]}
(let [part (:part tempid)
next (fn [part-map]
(let [idx (get-in part-map [part :idx])]
(when-not idx
(raise "Cannot allocate entid for id-literal " tempid " because part " part " is not known"
{:error :db/bad-part
:parts (sorted-set (keys part-map))
:part part}))
(update-in part-map [part :idx] inc)))]
(get-in (swap! part-map-atom next) [part :idx])))
(defn- allocate-eid
[report id-literal eid]
{:pre [(report? report) (id-literal? id-literal) (and (integer? eid) (not (neg? eid)))]}
(assoc-in report [:tempids id-literal] eid))
;; (def data-readers {'db/id id-literal})
;; #?(:cljs
;; (doseq [[tag cb] data-readers] (cljs.reader/register-tag-parser! tag cb)))
(declare start-transactor)
(defn connection-with-db [db]
;; Puts to listener-source may park if listener-mult can't distribute them fast enough. Since the
;; underlying taps are asserted to be be unblocking, the parking time should be very short.
(let [listener-source
(a/chan 1)
(a/mult listener-source) ;; Just for tapping.
(map->Connection {:closed? (atom false)
:current-db (atom db)
:listener-source listener-source
:listener-mult listener-mult
:transact-chan (a/chan (util/unlimited-buffer))
(start-transactor connection)
(defn maybe-datom->entity [entity]
(datom? entity)
(let [[e a v tx added] entity]
(if added
[:db/add [e a v tx]]
[:db/retract [e a v tx]]))
(with-meta (get (meta entity) :source)))
(defn maybe-ident->entid [db [op e a v :as orig]]
;; We have to handle all ops, including those when a or v are not defined.
(let [e (db/entid db e)
a (db/entid db a)
v (if (and a (ds/kw? (db/schema db) a)) ;; TODO: decide if this is best. We could also check for ref and numeric types.
(db/entid db v))]
(when (and a (not (integer? a)))
(raise "Unknown attribute " a
{:form orig :attribute a :entity orig}))
[op e a v]))
(defrecord Transaction [db tempids entities])
(defn- tx-entity [db report]
{:pre [(db/db? db) (report? report)]}
(let [tx (:tx report)
txInstant (:txInstant report)]
;; n.b., this must not be symbolic -- it's inserted after we map idents -> entids.
[:db/add tx (db/entid db :db/txInstant) txInstant]))
(defn ensure-entity-form [entity]
(when-not (sequential? entity)
(raise "Bad entity " entity ", should be sequential at this point"
{:error :transact/bad-entity, :entity entity}))
(let [[op] entity]
(case op
(:db/add :db/retract)
(let [[_ e a v & rest] entity]
(nil? e)
(raise "Bad entity: nil e in " entity
{:error :transact/bad-entity :entity entity })
(nil? a)
(raise "Bad entity: nil a in " entity
{:error :transact/bad-entity :entity entity })
(nil? v)
(raise "Bad entity: nil v in " entity
{:error :transact/bad-entity :entity entity })
(some? rest)
(raise "Bad entity: too long " entity
{:error :transact/bad-entity :entity entity })))
(let [[_ e a & rest] entity]
(nil? e)
(raise "Bad entity: nil e in " entity
{:error :transact/bad-entity :entity entity })
(nil? a)
(raise "Bad entity: nil a in " entity
{:error :transact/bad-entity :entity entity })
(some? rest)
(raise "Bad entity: too long " entity
{:error :transact/bad-entity :entity entity })))
(let [[_ e & rest] entity]
(nil? e)
(raise "Bad entity: nil e in " entity
{:error :transact/bad-entity :entity entity })
(some? rest)
(raise "Bad entity: too long " entity
{:error :transact/bad-entity :entity entity })))
;; Default
(raise "Unrecognized operation " op " expected one of :db/add :db/retract :db/fn.retractAttribute :db/fn.retractEntity at this point"
{:error :transact/bad-operation :entity entity })))
(defn- tx-instant? [db [op e a & _]]
(and (= op :db/add)
(= (db/entid db e) (db/entid db :db/tx))
(= (db/entid db a) (db/entid db :db/txInstant))))
(defn- update-txInstant [db report]
"Extract [:db/add :db/tx :db/txInstant ...], and update :txInstant with that value."
{:pre [(db/db? db) (report? report)]}
;; TODO: be more efficient here: don't iterate all entities.
(if-let [[_ _ _ txInstant] (first (filter (partial tx-instant? db) (:entities report)))]
(assoc report :txInstant txInstant)
(defn preprocess [db report]
{:pre [(db/db? db) (report? report)]}
(let [initial-es (or (:entities report) [])
;; :db/tx is a "dynamic enum ident" that maps to the current transaction ID. This approach
;; mimics DataScript's :db/current-tx. (We don't follow DataScript because
;; current-txInstant is awkward.) It's much simpler than Datomic's approach, which appears
;; to unify all id-literals in :db.part/tx to the current transaction value, but also seems
;; inconsistent.
tx (:tx report)
db* (db/with-ident db :db/tx tx)]
(when-not (sequential? initial-es)
(raise "Bad transaction data " initial-es ", expected sequential collection"
{:error :transact/syntax, :tx-data initial-es}))
;; TODO: find an approach that generates less garbage.
;; Normalize Datoms into :db/add or :db/retract vectors.
(update :entities (partial map maybe-datom->entity))
(update :entities (partial explode/explode-entities db))
(update :entities (partial map ensure-entity-form))
;; Replace idents with entids where possible, using db* to capture :db/tx.
(update :entities (partial map (partial maybe-ident->entid db*)))
;; If an explicit [:db/add :db/tx :db/txInstant] is not given, add one. Use db* to
;; capture :db/tx.
(update :entities (fn [entities]
(if (first (filter (partial tx-instant? db*) entities))
(conj entities (tx-entity db report)))))
;; Extract the current txInstant for the report.
(->> (update-txInstant db*)))))
(defn <resolve-lookup-refs [db report]
{:pre [(db/db? db) (report? report)]}
(let [unique-identity? (memoize (partial ds/unique-identity? (db/schema db)))
;; Map lookup-ref -> entities containing lookup-ref, like {[:a :v] [[(lookup-ref :a :v) :b :w] ...], ...}.
groups (group-by (partial keep db/lookup-ref?) (:entities report))
;; Entities with no lookup-ref are grouped under the key (lazy-seq).
entities (get groups (lazy-seq)) ;; No lookup-refs? Pass through.
to-resolve (dissoc groups (lazy-seq)) ;; The ones with lookup-refs.
;; List [[:a :v] ...] to lookup.
avs (set (map (juxt :a :v) (apply concat (keys to-resolve))))
->av (fn [r] ;; Conditional (juxt :a :v) that passes through nil.
(when r [(:a r) (:v r)]))]
(let [av->e (<? (db/<avs db avs))
resolve1 (fn [field]
(if-let [[a v] (->av (db/lookup-ref? field))]
(if-not (unique-identity? (db/entid db a))
(raise "Lookup-ref found with non-unique-identity attribute " a " and value " v
{:error :transact/lookup-ref-with-non-unique-identity-attribute
:a a
:v v})
(get av->e [a v])
(raise "No entity found for lookup-ref with attribute " a " and value " v
{:error :transact/lookup-ref-not-found
:a a
:v v})))
resolve (fn [entity]
(mapv resolve1 entity))]
(map resolve (apply concat (vals to-resolve)))))))))
(declare <resolve-id-literals)
(defn <retry-with-tempid [db report es tempid upserted-eid]
(if (contains? (:tempids report) tempid)
(raise "Conflicting upsert: " tempid " resolves"
" both to " upserted-eid " and " (get (:tempids report) tempid)
{ :error :transact/upsert }))
;; try to re-run from the beginning
;; but remembering that `old-eid` will resolve to `upserted-eid`
(<resolve-id-literals db
(assoc-in [:tempids tempid] upserted-eid)
(assoc-in [:entities] es)))))
(defn- transact-entity [report entity]
(update-in report [:entities] conj entity))
(defn id-literal-generation [unique-identity? entity]
"Group entities possibly containing id-literals into 'generations'.
Entities are grouped into one of the following generations:
:upserts-ev - 'complex upserts' that look like [:db/add -1 a -2] where a is :db.unique/identity;
:upserts-e - 'simple upserts' that look like [:db/add -1 a v] where a is :db.unique/identity;
:allocations-{e,v,ev} - things like [:db/add -1 b v], [:db/add e b -2], or [:db/add -3 b -4] where
b is *not* :db.unique/identity, or like [:db/add e a -5] where a is :db.unique/identity;
:entities - not :db/add, or no id-literals."
{:pre [(sequential? entity)]}
(let [[op e a v] entity
v? (id-literal? v)]
(when (id-literal? a)
(raise "id-literal attributes are not yet supported: " entity
{:error :transact/no-id-literal-attributes
:entity entity }))
(not= op :db/add) ;; TODO: verify no id-literals appear.
(id-literal? e)
(if (unique-identity? a)
(if v?
(if v?
(defn <resolve-upserts-e [db upserts-e]
"Given a sequence of :upserts-e, query the database to try to map them to existing entities.
Returns a map of id-literals to integer entids, with keys only those id-literals that mapped to
existing entities."
(when (seq upserts-e)
(let [->id-av (fn [[op id-literal a v]] [id-literal [a v]])
;; Like {id-literal [[:a1 :v1] [:a2 :v2] ...], ...}.
id->avs (util/group-by-kv ->id-av upserts-e)
;; Like [[:a1 :v1] [:a2 v2] ...].
avs (apply concat (vals id->avs))
;; Like {[:a1 :v1] e1, ...}.
av->e (<? (db/<avs db avs))
avs->es (fn [avs] (set (keep (partial get av->e) avs)))
id->es (util/mapvals avs->es id->avs)]
(into {}
;; nil is dropped.
(map (fn [[id es]]
(when-let [e (first es)]
(when (second es)
(raise "Conflicting upsert: " id " resolves"
" to more than one entid " es
{:error :transact/upsert :tempid id :entids es}))
[id e])))
(defn evolve-upserts-e [id->e upserts-e]
(let [evolve1
(fn [[op id-e a v :as entity]]
(if-let [e* (get id->e id-e)]
[:upserted [op e* a v]]
[:allocations-e entity]))]
(util/group-by-kv evolve1 upserts-e)))
(defn evolve-upserts-ev [id->e upserts-ev]
"Given a map id->e of id-literals to integer entids, evolve the given entities. Returns a map
whose keys are generations and whose values are vectors of entities in those generations."
(let [evolve1
(fn [[op id-e a id-v :as entity]]
(let [e* (get id->e id-e)
v* (get id->e id-v)]
(if e*
(if v*
[:resolved [op e* a v*]]
[:allocations-v [op e* a id-v]])
(if v*
[:upserts-e [op id-e a v*]]
[:upserts-ev entity]))))]
(util/group-by-kv evolve1 upserts-ev)))
(defn evolve-allocations-e [id->e allocations-e]
"Given a map id->e of id-literals to integer entids, evolve the given entities. Returns a map
whose keys are generations and whose values are vectors of entities in those generations."
(let [evolve1
(fn [[op id-e a v :as entity]]
(if-let [e* (get id->e id-e)]
[:resolved [op e* a v]]
[:allocations-e entity]))]
(util/group-by-kv evolve1 allocations-e)))
(defn evolve-allocations-v [id->e allocations-v]
"Given a map id->e of id-literals to integer entids, evolve the given entities. Returns a map
whose keys are generations and whose values are vectors of entities in those generations."
(let [evolve1
(fn [[op e a id-v :as entity]]
(if-let [v* (get id->e id-v)]
[:resolved [op e a v*]]
[:allocations-v entity]))]
(util/group-by-kv evolve1 allocations-v)))
(defn evolve-allocations-ev [id->e allocations-ev]
"Given a map id->e of id-literals to integer entids, evolve the entities in allocations-ev. Returns a
map whose keys are generations and whose values are vectors of entities in those generations."
(let [evolve1
(fn [[op id-e a id-v :as entity]]
(let [e* (get id->e id-e)
v* (get id->e id-v)]
(if e*
(if v*
[:resolved [op e* a v*]]
[:allocations-v [op e* a id-v]])
(if v*
[:allocations-e [op id-e a v*]]
[:allocations-ev entity]))))]
(util/group-by-kv evolve1 allocations-ev)))
(defn <evolve [db evolution]
"Evolve a map of generations {:upserts-e [...], :upserts-ev [...], ...} as much as possible.
The algorithm is as follows.
First, resolve :upserts-e against the database. Some [a v] -> e will upsert; some will not.
Some :upserts-e evolve to become actual :upserts (they upserted!); any other :upserts-e evolve to
become :allocations-e (they did not upsert, and will not upsert this transaction). All :upserts-e
will evolve out of the :upserts-e generation: each one upserts or does not.
Using the newly upserted id-literals, some :upserts-ev evolve to become :resolved;
some :upserts-ev evolve to become :upserts-e; and some :upserts-ev remain :upserts-ev.
Likewise, some :allocations-ev evolve to become :allocations-e, :allocations-v, or :resolved; some
:allocations-e evolve to become :resolved; and some :allocations-v evolve to become :resolved.
If we have *new* :upserts-e (i.e., some :upserts-ev become :upserts-e), then we may be able to
make more progress. We recurse, trying to resolve these new :upserts-e.
Eventually we will have no :upserts-e. At this point, :upserts-ev become :allocations-ev, and now
we have :entities, :upserted, :resolved, and various :allocations-*.
As a future optimization, :upserts do not need to be inserted; they upserted, so they already
exist in the DB. (We still need to verify uniqueness and ensure no overlapping can occur.)
Similarly, :allocations-* do not need to be checked for existence, so they can be written to the DB
(let [upserts-e (seq (:upserts-e evolution))
id->e (and upserts-e
(<? (<resolve-upserts-e db upserts-e)))]
(if-not id->e
;; No more progress to be made. Any upserts-ev must just be allocations.
(dissoc evolution :upserts-ev :upserts-e)
:allocations-ev concat (:upserts-ev evolution))
;; Progress can be made. Try to evolve further.
(let [{:keys [upserted resolved upserts-ev allocations-ev allocations-e allocations-v entities]} evolution]
{:upserted upserted
:resolved resolved
:entities entities
;; The keys of the id->e map are unique between generation steps, so we can simply
;; concat tempids. Suppose that id->e and id->e* are two such mappings, resolved on
;; subsequent evolutionary steps, and that id is a key in the intersection of the two
;; key sets. This can't happen: if id maps to e via id->e, all instances of id have
;; been evolved forward (replaced with e) before we try to resolve the next set of
;; :upserts-e. That is, we'll never successfully upsert the same id-literal in more
;; than one generation step. (We might upsert the same id-literal to multiple entids
;; via distinct [a v] pairs in a single generation step; in this case,
;; <resolve-upserts-e will throw.)
:tempids id->e}
(evolve-upserts-ev id->e upserts-ev)
(evolve-upserts-e id->e upserts-e)
(evolve-allocations-ev id->e allocations-ev)
(evolve-allocations-e id->e allocations-e)
(evolve-allocations-v id->e allocations-v)))))))
;; TODO: do this in one step, rather than iterating.
(defn allocate [report evolution]
"Given a maximally evolved map of generations, allocate entids for all id-literals that did not
get upserted."
(let [{:keys [tempids upserted resolved allocations-ev allocations-e allocations-v entities]} evolution
initial-report (assoc report :tempids tempids)]
(loop [report
(assoc initial-report
;; TODO: drop :upserted, they already exist in the DB; and don't search for
;; :allocations-*, they definitely don't already exist in the DB.
:entities (concat upserted resolved entities))
(concat allocations-ev allocations-e allocations-v)]
(let [[[op e a v :as entity] & entities] es]
(nil? entity)
(id-literal? e)
(let [eid (or (get-in report [:tempids e]) (-next-eid! (:part-map-atom report) e))]
(recur (allocate-eid report e eid) (cons [op eid a v] entities)))
(id-literal? v)
(let [eid (or (get-in report [:tempids v]) (-next-eid! (:part-map-atom report) v))]
(recur (allocate-eid report v eid) (cons [op e a eid] entities)))
(recur (transact-entity report entity) entities)
(defn <resolve-id-literals
"Upsert uniquely identified literals when possible and allocate new entids for all other id literals.
It's worth noting that some amount of trial and error is probably
necessary here, since [[-1 :ref -2] [-2 :ref -1]] is a valid input.
It's my belief that no graph algorithm can correctly order the
id-literals in quasi-linear time, since that algorithm will need to
accept all permutations of the id-literals. Therefore, we simplify
by accepting that we may process the input multiple times, and we
regain some efficiency by sorting so that upserts happen earlier and
we are most likely to find a successful entid allocation without
multiple trials.
Concretely, we sort [-1 a v] < [-1 a -2] < [e a -1] < [e a v]. This
means simple upserts will be processed early, followed by entities
with multiple id-literals that we hope will reduce to simple upserts
based on the earlier upserts. After that, we handle what should be
simple allocations."
[db report]
{:pre [(db/db? db) (report? report)]}
(let [schema (db/schema db)
unique-identity? (memoize (partial ds/unique-identity? schema))
(group-by (partial id-literal-generation unique-identity?) (:entities report))
(<? (<evolve db generations))
(allocate report evolution))))
(defn- transact-report [report datom]
(update-in report [:tx-data] conj datom))
(defn- <ensure-schema-constraints
"Throw unless all entities in :entities obey the schema constraints."
[db report]
{:pre [(db/db? db) (report? report)]}
;; TODO: consider accumulating errors to show more meaningful error reports.
;; TODO: constrain entities; constrain attributes.
(let [schema (db/schema db)]
(doseq [[op e a v] (:entities report)]
(if (and e a v)
(ds/ensure-valid-value schema a v))))
(defn <transact-tx-data
[db report]
{:pre [(db/db? db) (report? report)]}
(let [<apply-entities (fn [db report]
(let [tx-data (<? (db/<apply-entities db (:tx report) (:entities report)))]
(assoc report :tx-data tx-data))))]
(preprocess db)
(<resolve-lookup-refs db)
(p :resolve-lookup-refs)
(<resolve-id-literals db)
(p :resolve-id-literals)
(<ensure-schema-constraints db)
(p :ensure-schema-constraints)
(<apply-entities db)
(p :apply-entities)
(defn- is-ident? [db [_ a & _]]
(= a (db/entid db :db/ident)))
(defn collect-db-ident-assertions
"Transactions may add idents, install new partitions, and install new schema attributes.
Collect :db/ident assertions into :added-idents and :retracted-idents here."
[db report]
{:pre [(db/db? db) (report? report)]}
;; TODO: use q to filter the report!
(let [original-report report
tx-data (:tx-data report)
original-ident-assertions (filter (partial is-ident? db) tx-data)]
(loop [report original-report
ident-assertions original-ident-assertions]
(let [[ia & ias] ident-assertions]
(nil? ia)
(let [ident (:v ia)]
(if (keyword? ident)
(recur (assoc-in report [(if (:added ia)
ident] (:e ia)) ias)
(raise "Cannot add or retract a :db/ident with a non-keyword value, got " ia
{:error :schema/idents
:op ia }))))))))
(defn collect-db-install-assertions
"Transactions may add idents, install new partitions, and install new schema attributes.
Collect [:db.part/db :db.install/attribute] assertions here."
[db report]
{:pre [(db/db? db) (report? report)]}
;; Symbolicating is not expensive.
(let [symbolicate-install-datom
(fn [[e a v tx added]]
(db/ident db e)
(db/ident db a)
(db/ident db v)
datoms (map symbolicate-install-datom (:tx-data report))
schema-fragment (datomish.schema-changes/datoms->schema-fragment
(:ident-map db))]
(assoc-in report [:added-attributes] schema-fragment)))
(defn collect-db-alter-assertions
"Transactions may alter existing attributes."
[db report]
{:pre [(db/db? db) (report? report)]}
;; We walk the tx-data once to find any altered attributes.
;; We walk it again to collect the new properties of those
;; attributes.
(let [tx-data (:tx-data report)
;; This is what we're looking for.
alter-attribute (db/entid db :db.alter/attribute)
altered-attributes (reduce (fn [acc [_ a v & _]]
(if (= a alter-attribute)
(conj acc v)
(if (empty? altered-attributes)
(assoc report
(fn [acc [e a v _ added? :as datom]]
;; We ignore the retraction of the old value.
;; We already have it in our in-memory schema!
(if (and added?
(contains? altered-attributes e))
(conj acc [e a v])
;; TODO: expose this in a more appropriate way.
(defn <with-internal [db tx-data merge-attr]
(let [part-map-atom
(atom (db/part-map db))
(-next-eid! part-map-atom (id-literal :db.part/tx))
report (->>
{:db-before db
:db-after db
;; This mimics DataScript. It's convenient to be able to extract the
;; transaction ID and transaction timestamp directly from the report; Datomic
;; makes this surprisingly difficult: one needs a :db.part/tx temporary and an
;; explicit upsert of that temporary.
:part-map-atom part-map-atom
:tx tx
:txInstant (db/now db)
:entities tx-data
:tx-data []
:tempids {}
:added-parts {}
:added-idents {}
:retracted-idents {}
:added-attributes {}
:altered-attributes {}
(<transact-tx-data db)
(p :transact-tx-data)
(collect-db-ident-assertions db)
(p :collect-db-ident-assertions)
(collect-db-install-assertions db)
(p :collect-db-install-assertions)
(collect-db-alter-assertions db)
(p :collect-db-alter-assertions)
db-after (->
(db/<apply-db-part-map @(:part-map-atom report))
(->> (p :apply-db-part-changes))
(db/<apply-db-ident-assertions (:added-idents report)
(:retracted-idents report))
(->> (p :apply-db-ident-assertions))
(db/<apply-db-install-assertions (:added-attributes report) merge-attr)
(->> (p :apply-db-install-assertions))
(db/<apply-db-alter-assertions (:altered-attributes report))
(->> (p :apply-db-alter-assertions))
(-> report
(assoc-in [:db-after] db-after)))))
(defn <transact-tx-data-in-transaction! [db tx-data]
(let [fail-touch-attr (fn [old new] (raise "Altering schema attributes is not yet supported, got " new " altering existing schema attribute " old
{:error :schema/alter-schema :old old :new new}))]
(<with-internal db tx-data fail-touch-attr)))
(defn <db-transact-tx-data! [db tx-data]
(:db-after (<? (<transact-tx-data-in-transaction! db tx-data)))))
(defn <transact!
"Submits a transaction to the database for writing.
Returns a pair-chan resolving to `[result error]`."
([conn tx-data]
(<transact! conn tx-data (a/chan 1) true))
([conn tx-data-or-fn result close?]
{:pre [(conn? conn)]}
;; Any race to put! is a real race between callers of <transact!. We can't just park on put!,
;; because the parked putter that is woken is non-deterministic.
(let [op (if (fn? tx-data-or-fn)
closed? (not (a/put! (:transact-chan conn)
[op tx-data-or-fn result close?]))]
;; We want to return a pair-chan, no matter what kind of channel result is.
(if closed?
(raise "Connection is closed" {:error :transact/connection-closed})
(<? result))))))
(defn- start-transactor [conn]
(let [token-chan (a/chan 1)]
(>! token-chan (gensym "transactor-token"))
(loop []
(when-let [token (<! token-chan)]
(when-let [[sentinel tx-data-or-fn result close?] (<! (:transact-chan conn))]
(go-pair ;; Catch exceptions, return the pair.
(case sentinel
;; Time to close the underlying DB.
(<? (db/close-db @(:current-db conn)))
;; Default: process the transaction.
(when @(:closed? conn)
;; Drain enqueued transactions.
(raise "Connection is closed" {:error :transact/connection-closed}))
(let [db (db conn)
(case sentinel
;; This is a function that we'd like to run
;; within a database transaction. See
;; db/in-transaction! for details.
;; The function is invoked with two arguments:
;; the db and a function that takes (db,
;; tx-data) and transacts it to return a
;; TxReport.
;; The function must return a TxReport.
;; The function must not itself call
;; `in-transaction!` or `<transact!`.
(partial tx-data-or-fn db <transact-tx-data-in-transaction!)
;; This is data. Apply it with `<transact-tx-data-in-transaction!`.
(partial <transact-tx-data-in-transaction! db tx-data-or-fn))
report (<? (db/in-transaction! db in-transaction-fn))]
(when report
;; <r-t-t-d! returns non-nil or throws, but we still check report just in
;; case. Here, in-transaction! function completed and returned non-nil,
;; so the transaction has committed.
(reset! (:current-db conn) (:db-after report))
(>! (:listener-source conn) report))
;; Even when report is nil (transaction not committed), pair is non-nil.
(>! result pair))
(>! token-chan token)
(when close?
(a/close! result))
(defn listen-chan!
"Put reports successfully transacted against the given connection onto the given channel.
The listener sink channel must be unblocking.
Returns the channel listened to, for future unlistening."
[conn listener-sink]
{:pre [(conn? conn)]}
(when-not (util/unblocking-chan? listener-sink)
(raise "Listener sinks must be channels backed by unblocking buffers"
{:error :transact/bad-listener :listener-sink listener-sink}))
;; Tapping an already registered sink is a no-op.
(a/tap (:listener-mult conn) listener-sink)
(defn- -listen-chan
[f n]
(let [c (a/chan (a/dropping-buffer n))]
(go-loop []
(when-let [v (<! c)]
(f v)
(defn listen!
"Evaluate the given function with reports successfully transacted against the given connection.
`f` should be a function of one argument, the transaction report.
Returns the channel listened to, for future calls to `unlisten-chan!`."
([conn f]
;; Decently large buffer before dropping, for JS consumers.
(listen! conn f 1024))
([conn f n]
{:pre [(fn? f) (pos? n)]}
(listen-chan! conn (-listen-chan f n))))
(defn unlisten-chan! [conn listener-sink]
"Stop putting reports successfully transacted against the given connection onto the given channel."
{:pre [(conn? conn)]}
;; Untapping an un-registered sink is a no-op.
(a/untap (:listener-mult conn) listener-sink))

View file

@ -1,116 +0,0 @@
;; Copyright 2016 Mozilla
;; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use
;; this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the
;; License at
;; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed
;; under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR
;; CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
;; specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
(ns datomish.transact.bootstrap)
(def v1-symbolic-schema
{:db/ident {:db/valueType :db.type/keyword
:db/cardinality :db.cardinality/one
:db/unique :db.unique/identity}
:db.install/partition {:db/valueType :db.type/ref
:db/cardinality :db.cardinality/many}
:db.install/valueType {:db/valueType :db.type/ref
:db/cardinality :db.cardinality/many}
:db.install/attribute {:db/valueType :db.type/ref
:db/cardinality :db.cardinality/many}
;; TODO: support user-specified functions in the future.
;; :db.install/function {:db/valueType :db.type/ref
;; :db/cardinality :db.cardinality/many}
:db/txInstant {:db/valueType :db.type/long
:db/cardinality :db.cardinality/one
:db/index true}
:db/valueType {:db/valueType :db.type/ref
:db/cardinality :db.cardinality/one}
:db/cardinality {:db/valueType :db.type/ref
:db/cardinality :db.cardinality/one}
:db/doc {:db/valueType :db.type/string
:db/cardinality :db.cardinality/one}
:db/unique {:db/valueType :db.type/ref
:db/cardinality :db.cardinality/one}
:db/isComponent {:db/valueType :db.type/boolean
:db/cardinality :db.cardinality/one}
:db/index {:db/valueType :db.type/boolean
:db/cardinality :db.cardinality/one}
:db/fulltext {:db/valueType :db.type/boolean
:db/cardinality :db.cardinality/one}
:db/noHistory {:db/valueType :db.type/boolean
:db/cardinality :db.cardinality/one}})
(def v2-symbolic-schema
{:db.alter/attribute {:db/valueType :db.type/ref
:db/cardinality :db.cardinality/many}
:db.schema/version {:db/valueType :db.type/long
:db/cardinality :db.cardinality/one}
;; unique-value because an attribute can only belong to a single
;; schema fragment.
:db.schema/attribute {:db/valueType :db.type/ref
:db/unique :db.unique/value
:db/cardinality :db.cardinality/many}})
(def symbolic-schema (merge v1-symbolic-schema v2-symbolic-schema))
(def v1-idents
{:db/ident 1
:db.part/db 2
:db/txInstant 3
:db.install/partition 4
:db.install/valueType 5
:db.install/attribute 6
:db/valueType 7
:db/cardinality 8
:db/unique 9
:db/isComponent 10
:db/index 11
:db/fulltext 12
:db/noHistory 13
:db/add 14
:db/retract 15
:db.part/user 16
:db.part/tx 17
:db/excise 18
:db.excise/attrs 19
:db.excise/beforeT 20
:db.excise/before 21
:db.alter/attribute 22
:db.type/ref 23
:db.type/keyword 24
:db.type/long 25
:db.type/double 26
:db.type/string 27
:db.type/boolean 28
:db.type/instant 29
:db.type/bytes 30
:db.cardinality/one 31
:db.cardinality/many 32
:db.unique/value 33
:db.unique/identity 34
:db/doc 35})
(def v2-idents
{:db.schema/version 36 ; Fragment -> version.
:db.schema/attribute 37 ; Fragment -> attribute.
(def idents (merge v1-idents v2-idents))
(def parts
{:db.part/db {:start 0 :idx (inc (apply max (vals idents)))}
:db.part/user {:start 0x10000 :idx 0x10000}
:db.part/tx {:start 0x10000000 :idx 0x10000000}
(defn tx-data [new-idents new-symbolic-schema]
(map (fn [[ident entid]] [:db/add entid :db/ident ident]) new-idents)
;; TODO: install partitions as well, like (map (fn [[ident entid]] [:db/add :db.part/db :db.install/partition ident])).
(map (fn [[ident attrs]] (assoc attrs :db/id ident)) new-symbolic-schema)
(map (fn [[ident attrs]] [:db/add :db.part/db :db.install/attribute (get idents ident)]) new-symbolic-schema) ;; TODO: fail if nil.

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@ -1,99 +0,0 @@
;; Copyright 2016 Mozilla
;; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use
;; this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the
;; License at
;; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed
;; under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR
;; CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
;; specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
(ns datomish.transact.explode
[datomish.pair-chan :refer [go-pair <?]]
[cljs.core.async.macros :refer [go]]))
[datomish.db :as db]
[datomish.util :as util #?(:cljs :refer-macros :clj :refer) [raise raise-str cond-let]]
[datomish.schema :as ds]
#?@(:clj [[datomish.pair-chan :refer [go-pair <?]]
[clojure.core.async :as a :refer [chan go <! >!]]])
#?@(:cljs [[datomish.pair-chan]
[cljs.core.async :as a :refer [chan <! >!]]])))
(defn- #?@(:clj [^Boolean reverse-ref?]
:cljs [^boolean reverse-ref?]) [attr]
(if (keyword? attr)
(= \_ (nth (name attr) 0))
(raise "Bad attribute type: " attr ", expected keyword"
{:error :transact/syntax, :attribute attr})))
(defn- reverse-ref [attr]
(if (keyword? attr)
(if (reverse-ref? attr)
(keyword (namespace attr) (subs (name attr) 1))
(keyword (namespace attr) (str "_" (name attr))))
(raise "Bad attribute type: " attr ", expected keyword"
{:error :transact/syntax, :attribute attr})))
(declare explode-entity)
(defn- explode-entity-a-v [db entity eid a v]
(let [a (db/ident db a) ;; We expect a to be an ident, but it's legal to provide an entid.
a* (db/entid db a)
reverse? (reverse-ref? a)
straight-a (if reverse? (reverse-ref a) a)
straight-a* (db/entid db straight-a)
_ (when (and reverse? (not (ds/ref? (db/schema db) straight-a*)))
(raise "Bad attribute " a ": reverse attribute name requires {:db/valueType :db.type/ref} in schema"
{:error :transact/syntax, :attribute a, :op entity}))]
(explode-entity-a-v db entity v straight-a eid)
(and (map? v)
(not (db/lookup-ref? v))
(not (db/id-literal? v)))
;; Another entity is given as a nested map.
(if (ds/ref? (db/schema db) straight-a*)
(let [other (assoc v (reverse-ref a) eid
;; TODO: make the new ID have the same part as the original eid.
;; TODO: make the new ID not show up in the tempids map. (Does Datomic exposed the new ID this way?)
:db/id (db/id-literal :db.part/user))]
(explode-entity db other))
(raise "Bad attribute " a ": nested map " v " given but attribute name requires {:db/valueType :db.type/ref} in schema"
{:error :transact/entity-map-type-ref
:op entity }))
(sequential? v)
(if (some nil? v)
;; This is a hard one to track down, with a steep stack back in `transact/ensure-entity-form`, so
;; we error specifically here rather than expanding further.
(raise "Sequential attribute value for " a " contains nil."
{:error :transact/sequence-contains-nil
:op entity
:attribute a
:value v})
(if (ds/multival? (db/schema db) a*) ;; dm/schema
(mapcat (partial explode-entity-a-v db entity eid a) v) ;; Allow sequences of nested maps, etc. This does mean [[1]] will work.
(raise "Sequential values " v " but attribute " a " is :db.cardinality/one"
{:error :transact/entity-sequential-cardinality-one
:op entity })))
[[:db/add eid a* v]])))
(defn- explode-entity [db entity]
(if (map? entity)
(if-let [eid (:db/id entity)]
(mapcat (partial apply explode-entity-a-v db entity eid) (dissoc entity :db/id))
(raise "Map entity missing :db/id, got " entity
{:error :transact/entity-missing-db-id
:op entity }))
(defn explode-entities [db entities]
"Explode map shorthand, such as {:db/id e :attr value :_reverse ref}, to a list of vectors,
like [[:db/add e :attr value] [:db/add ref :reverse e]]."
(mapcat (partial explode-entity db) entities))

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@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
;; Copyright 2016 Mozilla
;; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use
;; this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the
;; License at
;; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed
;; under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR
;; CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
;; specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
(ns datomish.tufte-stub)
;;; The real version of Tufte pulls in cljs.test, which pulls in
;;; pprint, which breaks the build in Firefox.
(defmacro p [name & forms]
`(do ~@forms))
(defmacro profile [options & forms]
`(do ~@forms))
(defn add-basic-println-handler! [args])

View file

@ -1,201 +0,0 @@
;; Copyright 2016 Mozilla
;; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use
;; this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the
;; License at
;; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed
;; under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR
;; CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
;; specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
(ns datomish.util
[cljs.core.async.macros :refer [go go-loop]]))
[clojure.string :as str]
#?@(:clj [[clojure.core.async :as a :refer [go go-loop <! >!]]
#?@(:cljs [[cljs.core.async :as a :refer [<! >!]]
(defmacro raise-str
"Like `raise`, but doesn't require a data argument."
[& fragments]
`(throw (ex-info (str ~@(map (fn [m#] (if (string? m#) m# (list 'pr-str m#))) fragments)) {}))))
(defmacro raise
"The last argument must be a map."
[& fragments]
(let [msgs (butlast fragments)
data (last fragments)]
(str ~@(map (fn [m#] (if (string? m#) m# (list 'pr-str m#))) msgs)) ~data)))))
(defmacro cond-let [& clauses]
(when-let [[test expr & rest] clauses]
`(~(if (vector? test) 'if-let 'if) ~test
(cond-let ~@rest)))))
(defn ensure-datalog-var [x]
(or (and (symbol? x)
(nil? (namespace x))
(str/starts-with? (name x) "?"))
(throw (ex-info (str x " is not a Datalog var.") {}))))
(defn var->sql-type-var
"Turns '?xyz into :_xyz_type_tag."
(ensure-datalog-var x)
(keyword (str "_" (subs (name x) 1) "_type_tag"))))
(defn var->sql-var
"Turns '?xyz into :xyz."
(ensure-datalog-var x)
(keyword (subs (name x) 1))))
(defn aggregate->sql-var
"Turns (:max 'column) into :%max.column."
[fn-kw x]
(keyword (str "%" (name fn-kw) "." (name x))))
(defn dissoc-from
"Given a map `m` and a key `k`, find the sub-map named by `k`
and remove all of its keys in `vs`."
[m k vs]
(assoc m k (apply dissoc (get m k) vs)))
(defn concat-in
{:static true}
[m [k & ks] vs]
(if ks
(assoc m k (concat-in (get m k) ks vs))
(assoc m k (concat (get m k) vs))))
(defn append-in
"Associates a value into a sequence in a nested associative structure, where
ks is a sequence of keys and v is the new value, and returns a new nested
Always puts the value last.
If any levels do not exist, hash-maps will be created. If the destination
sequence does not exist, a new one is created."
{:static true}
[m path v]
(concat-in m path [v]))
(defn assoc-if
([m k v]
(if v
(assoc m k v)
([m k v & kvs]
(if kvs
(let [[kk vv & remainder] kvs]
(apply assoc-if
(assoc-if m k v)
kk vv remainder))
(assoc-if m k v))))
(defmacro while-let [binding & forms]
`(loop []
(when-let ~binding
(defn every-pair? [f xs ys]
(or (and (empty? xs) (empty? ys))
(and (not (empty? xs))
(not (empty? ys))
(f (first xs) (first ys))
(recur f (rest xs) (rest ys)))))
(defn mapvals [f m]
(into (empty m) (map #(vector (first %) (f (second %))) m)))
(defn unblocking-chan?
"Returns true if the channel will never block. That is to say, puts
into this channel will never cause the buffer to be full."
;; See
(#?(:cljs .-buf :clj .buf) chan)))
;; Modified from
(deftype UnlimitedBuffer [buf]
(full? [this]
(remove! [this]
(.pop buf))
(add!* [this itm]
(.unshift buf itm))
(close-buf! [this])
(-count [this]
(.-length buf))))
(deftype UnlimitedBuffer [^java.util.LinkedList buf]
(full? [this]
(remove! [this]
(.removeLast buf))
(add!* [this itm]
(.addFirst buf itm))
(close-buf! [this])
(count [this]
(.size buf))))
(defn unlimited-buffer []
(UnlimitedBuffer. #?(:cljs (array) :clj (java.util.LinkedList.))))
(defn group-by-kv
"Returns a map of the elements of coll keyed by the first element of
the result of f on each element. The value at each key will be a
vector of the second element of the result of f on the corresponding
elements, in the order they appeared in coll."
{:static true}
[f coll]
(fn [ret x]
(let [[k v] (f x)]
(assoc! ret k (conj (get ret k []) v))))
(transient {}) coll)))
(defn repeated-keys
"Takes a seq of maps.
Returns the set of keys that appear in more than one map."
(if (not (seq (rest maps)))
;; This is a perfect use case for transients, except that
;; you can't use them for intersection due to CLJ-700.
(loop [overlapping #{}
seen #{}
key-sets (map (comp set keys) maps)]
(if-let [ks (first key-sets)]
(let [overlap (clojure.set/intersection seen ks)]
(recur (clojure.set/union overlapping overlap)
(clojure.set/union seen ks)
(rest key-sets)))

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@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
;; Copyright 2016 Mozilla
;; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use
;; this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the
;; License at
;; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed
;; under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR
;; CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
;; specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
(ns datomish.test-macros
;; From
(defn cljs-env?
"Take the &env from a macro, and tell whether we are expanding into cljs."
(boolean (:ns env)))
(defmacro if-cljs
"Return then if we are generating cljs code and else for Clojure code."
[then else]
(if (cljs-env? &env) then else))
;; It's a huge pain to declare cross-environment macros. This is awful, but making the namespace a
;; parameter appears to be *even worse*.
(defmacro deftest-async
[name & body]
~(with-meta name {:async true})
(cljs.test/async done#
(datomish.pair-chan/go-pair ~@body)
(cljs.core.async/take! (fn [[v# e#]]
(cljs.test/is (= e# nil)) ;; Can't synchronously fail.
~(with-meta name {:async true})
(let [[v# e#] (clojure.core.async/<!! (datomish.pair-chan/go-pair ~@body))]
(when e# (throw e#)) ;; Assert nil just to be safe, even though we should always throw first.
(clojure.test/is (= e# nil))))))
(defmacro deftest-db
[n conn-var & body]
`(deftest-async ~n
(let [~conn-var (datomish.pair-chan/<? (datomish.api/<connect ""))]
(datomish.pair-chan/<? (datomish.api/<close ~conn-var)))))))

View file

@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
;; Copyright 2016 Mozilla
;; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use
;; this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the
;; License at
;; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed
;; under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR
;; CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
;; specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
(ns datomish.cljify)
(defn cljify
"In node, equivalent to `(js->clj o :keywordize-keys true),
but successfully passes Clojure Records through. This allows JS API
callers to round-trip values they receive from ClojureScript APIs."
;; This implementation is almost identical to js->clj, but it allows
;; us to hook into the recursion into sequences and objects, and it
;; passes through records.
(if (record? x)
(satisfies? IEncodeClojure x)
(-js->clj x (apply array-map {:keywordize-keys true}))
(seq? x)
(doall (map cljify x))
(coll? x)
(into (empty x) (map cljify x))
(array? x)
(vec (map cljify x))
(identical? (type x) js/Object)
(into {} (for [k (js-keys x)]
[(keyword k) (cljify (aget x k))]))
:else x)))

View file

@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
;; Copyright 2016 Mozilla
;; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use
;; this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the
;; License at
;; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed
;; under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR
;; CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
;; specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
(ns datomish.core
(:require [cljs.nodejs :as nodejs]))
(defn -main [& args])
(set! *main-cli-fn* -main)

View file

@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
;; Copyright 2016 Mozilla
;; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use
;; this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the
;; License at
;; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed
;; under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR
;; CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
;; specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
(ns datomish.js-sqlite
[datomish.sqlite :as s]
[datomish.js-util :refer [is-node?]]
[datomish.promise-sqlite :as promise-sqlite]))
(def open promise-sqlite/open)
(extend-protocol s/ISQLiteConnectionFactory
(<sqlite-connection [path]
(open path))
object ;; TODO: narrow this to the result of node-tempfile/tempfile.
(<sqlite-connection [tempfile]
(open (.-name tempfile))))

View file

@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
;; Copyright 2016 Mozilla
;; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use
;; this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the
;; License at
;; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed
;; under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR
;; CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
;; specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
(ns datomish.node-tempfile
[cljs.nodejs :as nodejs]))
(def tmp (nodejs/require "tmp"))
(defn tempfile []
(.fileSync tmp)) ;; Cleaned up on process exit.

View file

@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
;; Copyright 2016 Mozilla
;; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use
;; this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the
;; License at
;; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed
;; under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR
;; CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
;; specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
(ns datomish.node-tempfile-macros)
(defmacro with-tempfile
"Uses a tempfile for some content and delete it immediately"
[bindings & body]
(= (count bindings) 0) `(do ~@body)
(symbol? (bindings 0)) `(let ~(subvec bindings 0 2)
(with-tempfile ~(subvec bindings 2) ~@body)
(.removeCallback ~(bindings 0))))) ;; See Node.js tmp module.
:else (throw (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException.
"with-tempfile only allows Symbols in bindings"))))

View file

@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
;; Copyright 2016 Mozilla
;; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use
;; this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the
;; License at
;; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed
;; under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR
;; CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
;; specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
(ns datomish.promise-sqlite
[datomish.sqlite :as s]
[datomish.cljify :refer [cljify]]
[cljs.nodejs :as nodejs]))
(def sqlite (nodejs/require "promise-sqlite"))
(defrecord SQLite3Connection [db]
[db sql bindings]
(.run (.-db db) sql (or (clj->js bindings) #js []))))
[db sql bindings row-cb]
(let [cb (fn [row]
(row-cb (cljify row)))]
(.each (.-db db) sql (or (clj->js bindings) #js []) (when row-cb cb)))))
(.close (.-db db)))))
(defn open
[path & {:keys [mode] :or {mode 6}}]
(.open sqlite.DB path (clj->js {:mode mode}))
(.then ->SQLite3Connection))))

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@ -1 +0,0 @@
{:externs ["externs/datomish.js"]}

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@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
var sqlite = {};
sqlite.DB = {};
* @return {Promise}
*/ = function (path, options) {};
var DBVal = {}; = function (sql, bindings) {};
DBVal.close = function () {};
DBVal.each = function (sql, bindings, cb) {};