Add a test for long strings round-tripping through node-sqlite3. Fixes #65.
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 29 additions and 0 deletions
@ -55,3 +55,32 @@
(is (= rows [{:b 2}])))
(<? (s/close db)))))))
(deftest-async test-long-strings
;; Make a string that's nicely over the 32K limit in node-sqlite3/#668.
(let [s (str "be" (apply str (repeat 330000 "la")) "st")]
(with-tempfile [t (tempfile)]
(let [db (<? (ps/open (.-name t)))]
(<? (s/execute! db ["CREATE TABLE strs (x INTEGER, a TEXT)"]))
(<? (s/execute! db ["INSERT INTO strs VALUES (42, ?)" s]))
;; Test retrieval via binding comparison.
(is (= (<? (s/all-rows db ["SELECT x FROM strs WHERE a = ?" s]))
[{:x 42}]))
;; Test computation.
(is (= (<? (s/all-rows db ["SELECT length(a) AS yvr FROM strs"]))
[{:yvr 660004}]))
(is (= (<? (s/all-rows db ["SELECT length(?) AS yvr FROM strs" s]))
[{:yvr 660004}]))
;; Test round-tripping.
(is (= (<? (s/all-rows db ["SELECT x, a FROM strs"]))
[{:x 42, :a s}]))
(is (= (<? (s/all-rows db ["SELECT ? AS yyz FROM strs" s]))
[{:yyz s}]))
(<? (s/close db))))
Reference in a new issue