matrix: fast_finish: true allow_failures: - rust: nightly include: # - language: rust # # We use OSX so that we can get a reasonably up to date version of SQLCipher. # # (The version in Travis's default Ubuntu Trusty is much too old). # os: osx # before_install: # - brew install sqlcipher --with-fts # rust: 1.25.0 # Must align with `build/`. # script: # - ./scripts/ # after_success: # - | # if [[ "$TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST" = "false" && "$TRAVIS_BRANCH" == "master" ]]; then # cargo doc && # echo "" > target/doc/index.html && # git clone && # ./ghp-import/ -n -p -f -r https://"$GH_TOKEN""$TRAVIS_REPO_SLUG.git" target/doc # fi # cache: cargo # - language: rust # # We use OSX so that we can get a reasonably up to date version of SQLCipher. # # (The version in Travis's default Ubuntu Trusty is much too old). # os: osx # before_install: # - brew install sqlcipher --with-fts # rust: stable # script: # - ./scripts/ # cache: cargo # - language: rust # # We use OSX so that we can get a reasonably up to date version of SQLCipher. # # (The version in Travis's default Ubuntu Trusty is much too old). # os: osx # before_install: # - brew install sqlcipher --with-fts # rust: beta # script: # - ./scripts/ # cache: cargo # - language: rust # # We use OSX so that we can get a reasonably up to date version of SQLCipher. # # (The version in Travis's default Ubuntu Trusty is much too old). # os: osx # before_install: # - brew install sqlcipher --with-fts # rust: nightly # script: # - ./scripts/ # cache: cargo - language: rust dist: trusty rust: stable os: osx install: - rustup target add aarch64-apple-ios armv7-apple-ios armv7s-apple-ios x86_64-apple-ios i386-apple-ios # Cargo-lipo needs to be Beta version available on master and not crates version to handle building in subdirectories - cargo install --git - instruments -s devices script: - > cd ffi && cargo lipo --release && cd .. - cd sdks/swift/Mentat - xcodebuild -configuration Debug -scheme "Mentat Debug" -sdk iphonesimulator test -destination 'platform=iOS Simulator,name=iPhone X,OS=11.4' - cd ../../..