initSidebarItems({"struct":[["EdgeIndices","Iterator over the edge indices of a graph."],["EdgeReference","Reference to a `StableGraph` edge."],["EdgeReferences","Iterator over all edges of a graph."],["Edges","Iterator over the edges of from or to a node"],["Neighbors","Iterator over the neighbors of a node."],["NodeIndices","Iterator over the node indices of a graph."],["NodeReferences","Iterator over all nodes of a graph."],["StableGraph","`StableGraph` is a graph datastructure using an adjacency list representation."],["WalkNeighbors","A “walker” object that can be used to step through the edge list of a node."]],"type":[["StableDiGraph","A `StableGraph` with directed edges."],["StableUnGraph","A `StableGraph` with undirected edges."]]});