// Copyright 2016 Mozilla // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use // this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the // License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed // under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR // CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the // specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. extern crate chrono; extern crate time; extern crate mentat; extern crate mentat_core; extern crate mentat_db; extern crate mentat_query_algebrizer; // For errors. use std::str::FromStr; use chrono::FixedOffset; use mentat_core::{ TypedValue, ValueType, Utc, Uuid, }; use mentat::{ NamespacedKeyword, PlainSymbol, QueryInputs, QueryResults, Variable, new_connection, q_once, }; use mentat::conn::Conn; use mentat::errors::{ Error, ErrorKind, }; #[test] fn test_rel() { let mut c = new_connection("").expect("Couldn't open conn."); let db = mentat_db::db::ensure_current_version(&mut c).expect("Couldn't open DB."); // Rel. let start = time::PreciseTime::now(); let results = q_once(&c, &db.schema, "[:find ?x ?ident :where [?x :db/ident ?ident]]", None) .expect("Query failed"); let end = time::PreciseTime::now(); // This will need to change each time we add a default ident. assert_eq!(39, results.len()); // Every row is a pair of a Ref and a Keyword. if let QueryResults::Rel(ref rel) = results { for r in rel { assert_eq!(r.len(), 2); assert!(r[0].matches_type(ValueType::Ref)); assert!(r[1].matches_type(ValueType::Keyword)); } } else { panic!("Expected rel."); } println!("{:?}", results); println!("Rel took {}µs", start.to(end).num_microseconds().unwrap()); } #[test] fn test_failing_scalar() { let mut c = new_connection("").expect("Couldn't open conn."); let db = mentat_db::db::ensure_current_version(&mut c).expect("Couldn't open DB."); // Scalar that fails. let start = time::PreciseTime::now(); let results = q_once(&c, &db.schema, "[:find ?x . :where [?x :db/fulltext true]]", None) .expect("Query failed"); let end = time::PreciseTime::now(); assert_eq!(0, results.len()); if let QueryResults::Scalar(None) = results { } else { panic!("Expected failed scalar."); } println!("Failing scalar took {}µs", start.to(end).num_microseconds().unwrap()); } #[test] fn test_scalar() { let mut c = new_connection("").expect("Couldn't open conn."); let db = mentat_db::db::ensure_current_version(&mut c).expect("Couldn't open DB."); // Scalar that succeeds. let start = time::PreciseTime::now(); let results = q_once(&c, &db.schema, "[:find ?ident . :where [24 :db/ident ?ident]]", None) .expect("Query failed"); let end = time::PreciseTime::now(); assert_eq!(1, results.len()); if let QueryResults::Scalar(Some(TypedValue::Keyword(ref rc))) = results { // Should be '24'. assert_eq!(&NamespacedKeyword::new("db.type", "keyword"), rc.as_ref()); assert_eq!(24, db.schema.get_entid(rc).unwrap()); } else { panic!("Expected scalar."); } println!("{:?}", results); println!("Scalar took {}µs", start.to(end).num_microseconds().unwrap()); } #[test] fn test_tuple() { let mut c = new_connection("").expect("Couldn't open conn."); let db = mentat_db::db::ensure_current_version(&mut c).expect("Couldn't open DB."); // Tuple. let start = time::PreciseTime::now(); let results = q_once(&c, &db.schema, "[:find [?index ?cardinality] :where [:db/txInstant :db/index ?index] [:db/txInstant :db/cardinality ?cardinality]]", None) .expect("Query failed"); let end = time::PreciseTime::now(); assert_eq!(1, results.len()); if let QueryResults::Tuple(Some(ref tuple)) = results { let cardinality_one = NamespacedKeyword::new("db.cardinality", "one"); assert_eq!(tuple.len(), 2); assert_eq!(tuple[0], TypedValue::Boolean(true)); assert_eq!(tuple[1], TypedValue::Ref(db.schema.get_entid(&cardinality_one).unwrap())); } else { panic!("Expected tuple."); } println!("{:?}", results); println!("Tuple took {}µs", start.to(end).num_microseconds().unwrap()); } #[test] fn test_coll() { let mut c = new_connection("").expect("Couldn't open conn."); let db = mentat_db::db::ensure_current_version(&mut c).expect("Couldn't open DB."); // Coll. let start = time::PreciseTime::now(); let results = q_once(&c, &db.schema, "[:find [?e ...] :where [?e :db/ident _]]", None) .expect("Query failed"); let end = time::PreciseTime::now(); assert_eq!(39, results.len()); if let QueryResults::Coll(ref coll) = results { assert!(coll.iter().all(|item| item.matches_type(ValueType::Ref))); } else { panic!("Expected coll."); } println!("{:?}", results); println!("Coll took {}µs", start.to(end).num_microseconds().unwrap()); } #[test] fn test_inputs() { let mut c = new_connection("").expect("Couldn't open conn."); let db = mentat_db::db::ensure_current_version(&mut c).expect("Couldn't open DB."); // entids::DB_INSTALL_VALUE_TYPE = 5. let ee = (Variable::from_valid_name("?e"), TypedValue::Ref(5)); let inputs = QueryInputs::with_value_sequence(vec![ee]); let results = q_once(&c, &db.schema, "[:find ?i . :in ?e :where [?e :db/ident ?i]]", inputs) .expect("query to succeed"); if let QueryResults::Scalar(Some(TypedValue::Keyword(value))) = results { assert_eq!(value.as_ref(), &NamespacedKeyword::new("db.install", "valueType")); } else { panic!("Expected scalar."); } } /// Ensure that a query won't be run without all of its `:in` variables being bound. #[test] fn test_unbound_inputs() { let mut c = new_connection("").expect("Couldn't open conn."); let db = mentat_db::db::ensure_current_version(&mut c).expect("Couldn't open DB."); // Bind the wrong var by 'mistake'. let xx = (Variable::from_valid_name("?x"), TypedValue::Ref(5)); let inputs = QueryInputs::with_value_sequence(vec![xx]); let results = q_once(&c, &db.schema, "[:find ?i . :in ?e :where [?e :db/ident ?i]]", inputs); match results { Result::Err(Error(ErrorKind::UnboundVariables(vars), _)) => { assert_eq!(vars, vec!["?e".to_string()].into_iter().collect()); }, _ => panic!("Expected unbound variables."), } } #[test] fn test_instants_and_uuids() { // We assume, perhaps foolishly, that the clocks on test machines won't lose more than an // hour while this test is running. let start = Utc::now() + FixedOffset::west(60 * 60); let mut c = new_connection("").expect("Couldn't open conn."); let mut conn = Conn::connect(&mut c).expect("Couldn't open DB."); conn.transact(&mut c, r#"[ [:db/add "s" :db/ident :foo/uuid] [:db/add "s" :db/valueType :db.type/uuid] [:db/add "s" :db/cardinality :db.cardinality/one] ]"#).unwrap(); conn.transact(&mut c, r#"[ [:db/add "u" :foo/uuid #uuid "cf62d552-6569-4d1b-b667-04703041dfc4"] ]"#).unwrap(); let r = conn.q_once(&mut c, r#"[:find [?x ?u ?when] :where [?x :foo/uuid ?u ?tx] [?tx :db/txInstant ?when]]"#, None); match r { Result::Ok(QueryResults::Tuple(Some(vals))) => { let mut vals = vals.into_iter(); match (vals.next(), vals.next(), vals.next(), vals.next()) { (Some(TypedValue::Ref(e)), Some(TypedValue::Uuid(u)), Some(TypedValue::Instant(t)), None) => { assert!(e > 39); // There are at least this many entities in the store. assert_eq!(Ok(u), Uuid::from_str("cf62d552-6569-4d1b-b667-04703041dfc4")); assert!(t > start); }, _ => panic!("Unexpected results."), } }, _ => panic!("Expected query to work."), } } #[test] fn test_tx() { let mut c = new_connection("").expect("Couldn't open conn."); let mut conn = Conn::connect(&mut c).expect("Couldn't open DB."); conn.transact(&mut c, r#"[ [:db/add "s" :db/ident :foo/uuid] [:db/add "s" :db/valueType :db.type/uuid] [:db/add "s" :db/cardinality :db.cardinality/one] ]"#).expect("successful transaction"); let t = conn.transact(&mut c, r#"[ [:db/add "u" :foo/uuid #uuid "cf62d552-6569-4d1b-b667-04703041dfc4"] ]"#).expect("successful transaction"); conn.transact(&mut c, r#"[ [:db/add "u" :foo/uuid #uuid "550e8400-e29b-41d4-a716-446655440000"] ]"#).expect("successful transaction"); let r = conn.q_once(&mut c, r#"[:find ?tx :where [?x :foo/uuid #uuid "cf62d552-6569-4d1b-b667-04703041dfc4" ?tx]]"#, None); match r { Result::Ok(QueryResults::Rel(ref v)) => { assert_eq!(*v, vec![ vec![TypedValue::Ref(t.tx_id),] ]); }, _ => panic!("Expected query to work."), } } #[test] fn test_tx_as_input() { let mut c = new_connection("").expect("Couldn't open conn."); let mut conn = Conn::connect(&mut c).expect("Couldn't open DB."); conn.transact(&mut c, r#"[ [:db/add "s" :db/ident :foo/uuid] [:db/add "s" :db/valueType :db.type/uuid] [:db/add "s" :db/cardinality :db.cardinality/one] ]"#).expect("successful transaction"); conn.transact(&mut c, r#"[ [:db/add "u" :foo/uuid #uuid "550e8400-e29b-41d4-a716-446655440000"] ]"#).expect("successful transaction"); let t = conn.transact(&mut c, r#"[ [:db/add "u" :foo/uuid #uuid "cf62d552-6569-4d1b-b667-04703041dfc4"] ]"#).expect("successful transaction"); conn.transact(&mut c, r#"[ [:db/add "u" :foo/uuid #uuid "267bab92-ee39-4ca2-b7f0-1163a85af1fb"] ]"#).expect("successful transaction"); let tx = (Variable::from_valid_name("?tx"), TypedValue::Ref(t.tx_id)); let inputs = QueryInputs::with_value_sequence(vec![tx]); let r = conn.q_once(&mut c, r#"[:find ?uuid :in ?tx :where [?x :foo/uuid ?uuid ?tx]]"#, inputs); match r { Result::Ok(QueryResults::Rel(ref v)) => { assert_eq!(*v, vec![ vec![TypedValue::Uuid(Uuid::from_str("cf62d552-6569-4d1b-b667-04703041dfc4").expect("Valid UUID")),] ]); }, _ => panic!("Expected query to work."), } } #[test] fn test_fulltext() { let mut c = new_connection("").expect("Couldn't open conn."); let mut conn = Conn::connect(&mut c).expect("Couldn't open DB."); conn.transact(&mut c, r#"[ [:db/add "a" :db/ident :foo/term] [:db/add "a" :db/valueType :db.type/string] [:db/add "a" :db/fulltext false] [:db/add "a" :db/cardinality :db.cardinality/many] [:db/add "s" :db/ident :foo/fts] [:db/add "s" :db/valueType :db.type/string] [:db/add "s" :db/fulltext true] [:db/add "s" :db/cardinality :db.cardinality/many] ]"#).unwrap(); let v = conn.transact(&mut c, r#"[ [:db/add "v" :foo/fts "hello darkness my old friend"] [:db/add "v" :foo/fts "I've come to talk with you again"] ]"#).unwrap().tempids.get("v").cloned().expect("v was mapped"); let r = conn.q_once(&mut c, r#"[:find [?x ?val ?score] :where [(fulltext $ :foo/fts "darkness") [[?x ?val _ ?score]]]]"#, None); match r { Result::Ok(QueryResults::Tuple(Some(vals))) => { let mut vals = vals.into_iter(); match (vals.next(), vals.next(), vals.next(), vals.next()) { (Some(TypedValue::Ref(x)), Some(TypedValue::String(text)), Some(TypedValue::Double(score)), None) => { assert_eq!(x, v); assert_eq!(text.as_str(), "hello darkness my old friend"); assert_eq!(score, 0.0f64.into()); }, _ => panic!("Unexpected results."), } }, Result::Ok(r) => panic!("Unexpected results {:?}.", r), Result::Err(e) => panic!("Expected query to work, got {:?}.", e), } let a = conn.transact(&mut c, r#"[[:db/add "a" :foo/term "talk"]]"#) .unwrap() .tempids .get("a").cloned() .expect("a was mapped"); // If you use a non-constant search term, it must be bound earlier in the query. let query = r#"[:find ?x ?val :where [(fulltext $ :foo/fts ?term) [[?x ?val]]] [?a :foo/term ?term] ]"#; let r = conn.q_once(&mut c, query, None); match r { Err(Error(ErrorKind::QueryError(mentat_query_algebrizer::ErrorKind::InvalidArgument(PlainSymbol(s), ty, i)), _)) => { assert_eq!(s, "fulltext"); assert_eq!(ty, "string"); assert_eq!(i, 2); }, _ => panic!("Expected query to fail."), } // Bound to the wrong type? Error. let query = r#"[:find ?x ?val :where [?a :foo/term ?term] [(fulltext $ :foo/fts ?a) [[?x ?val]]]]"#; let r = conn.q_once(&mut c, query, None); match r { Err(Error(ErrorKind::QueryError(mentat_query_algebrizer::ErrorKind::InvalidArgument(PlainSymbol(s), ty, i)), _)) => { assert_eq!(s, "fulltext"); assert_eq!(ty, "string"); assert_eq!(i, 2); }, _ => panic!("Expected query to fail."), } // If it's bound, and the right type, it'll work! let query = r#"[:find ?x ?val :in ?a :where [?a :foo/term ?term] [(fulltext $ :foo/fts ?term) [[?x ?val]]]]"#; let inputs = QueryInputs::with_value_sequence(vec![(Variable::from_valid_name("?a"), TypedValue::Ref(a))]); let r = conn.q_once(&mut c, query, inputs); match r { Result::Ok(QueryResults::Rel(rels)) => { assert_eq!(rels, vec![ vec![TypedValue::Ref(v), TypedValue::String("I've come to talk with you again".to_string().into()), ] ]); }, _ => panic!("Expected query to work."), } } #[test] fn test_instant_range_query() { let mut c = new_connection("").expect("Couldn't open conn."); let mut conn = Conn::connect(&mut c).expect("Couldn't open DB."); conn.transact(&mut c, r#"[ [:db/add "a" :db/ident :foo/date] [:db/add "a" :db/valueType :db.type/instant] [:db/add "a" :db/cardinality :db.cardinality/one] ]"#).unwrap(); let ids = conn.transact(&mut c, r#"[ [:db/add "b" :foo/date #inst "2016-01-01T11:00:00.000Z"] [:db/add "c" :foo/date #inst "2016-06-01T11:00:01.000Z"] [:db/add "d" :foo/date #inst "2017-01-01T11:00:02.000Z"] [:db/add "e" :foo/date #inst "2017-06-01T11:00:03.000Z"] ]"#).unwrap().tempids; let r = conn.q_once(&mut c, r#"[:find [?x ...] :order (asc ?date) :where [?x :foo/date ?date] [(< ?date #inst "2017-01-01T11:00:02.000Z")]]"#, None); match r { Result::Ok(QueryResults::Coll(vals)) => { assert_eq!(vals, vec![TypedValue::Ref(*ids.get("b").unwrap()), TypedValue::Ref(*ids.get("c").unwrap())]); }, _ => panic!("Expected query to work."), } } #[test] fn test_aggregation_implicit_grouping() { let mut c = new_connection("").expect("Couldn't open conn."); let mut conn = Conn::connect(&mut c).expect("Couldn't open DB."); conn.transact(&mut c, r#"[ [:db/add "a" :db/ident :foo/score] [:db/add "a" :db/valueType :db.type/long] [:db/add "a" :db/cardinality :db.cardinality/one] [:db/add "b" :db/ident :foo/name] [:db/add "b" :db/valueType :db.type/string] [:db/add "b" :db/cardinality :db.cardinality/one] [:db/add "c" :db/ident :foo/is-vegetarian] [:db/add "c" :db/valueType :db.type/boolean] [:db/add "c" :db/cardinality :db.cardinality/one] [:db/add "d" :db/ident :foo/play] [:db/add "d" :db/valueType :db.type/ref] [:db/add "d" :db/cardinality :db.cardinality/many] [:db/add "d" :db/unique :db.unique/value] ]"#).unwrap(); let ids = conn.transact(&mut c, r#"[ [:db/add "a" :foo/name "Alice"] [:db/add "b" :foo/name "Beli"] [:db/add "c" :foo/name "Carlos"] [:db/add "d" :foo/name "Diana"] [:db/add "a" :foo/is-vegetarian true] [:db/add "b" :foo/is-vegetarian true] [:db/add "c" :foo/is-vegetarian false] [:db/add "d" :foo/is-vegetarian false] [:db/add "aa" :foo/score 14] [:db/add "ab" :foo/score 99] [:db/add "ac" :foo/score 14] [:db/add "ba" :foo/score 22] [:db/add "bb" :foo/score 11] [:db/add "ca" :foo/score 42] [:db/add "da" :foo/score 5] [:db/add "db" :foo/score 28] [:db/add "d" :foo/play "da"] [:db/add "d" :foo/play "db"] [:db/add "a" :foo/play "aa"] [:db/add "a" :foo/play "ab"] [:db/add "a" :foo/play "ac"] [:db/add "b" :foo/play "ba"] [:db/add "b" :foo/play "bb"] [:db/add "c" :foo/play "ca"] ]"#).unwrap().tempids; // We can combine these aggregates. let r = conn.q_once(&mut c, r#"[:find ?x ?name (max ?score) (count ?score) (avg ?score) :where [?x :foo/name ?name] [?x :foo/play ?game] [?game :foo/score ?score] ]"#, None); match r { Result::Ok(QueryResults::Rel(vals)) => { assert_eq!(vals, vec![ vec![TypedValue::Ref(ids.get("a").cloned().unwrap()), TypedValue::String("Alice".to_string().into()), TypedValue::Long(99), TypedValue::Long(3), TypedValue::Double((127f64 / 3f64).into())], vec![TypedValue::Ref(ids.get("b").cloned().unwrap()), TypedValue::String("Beli".to_string().into()), TypedValue::Long(22), TypedValue::Long(2), TypedValue::Double((33f64 / 2f64).into())], vec![TypedValue::Ref(ids.get("c").cloned().unwrap()), TypedValue::String("Carlos".to_string().into()), TypedValue::Long(42), TypedValue::Long(1), TypedValue::Double(42f64.into())], vec![TypedValue::Ref(ids.get("d").cloned().unwrap()), TypedValue::String("Diana".to_string().into()), TypedValue::Long(28), TypedValue::Long(2), TypedValue::Double((33f64 / 2f64).into())]]); }, Result::Ok(x) => panic!("Got unexpected results {:?}", x), Result::Err(e) => panic!("Expected query to work: got {:?}", e), } } // TODO: this can't be phrased in Datalog! /* #[test] fn test_corresponding_row_value_aggregation() { // Who's youngest, via min? let r = conn.q_once(&mut c, r#"[:find [?name (min ?age)] :where [?x :foo/age ?age] [?x :foo/name ?name]]"#, None); match r { Result::Ok(QueryResults::Tuple(Some(vals))) => { assert_eq!(vals, vec![TypedValue::String("Alice".to_string().into()), TypedValue::Long(14)]); }, _ => panic!("Expected query to work."), } // Who's oldest, via max? let r = conn.q_once(&mut c, r#"[:find [?name (max ?age)] :where [?x :foo/age ?age] [?x :foo/name ?name]]"#, None); match r { Result::Ok(QueryResults::Tuple(Some(vals))) => { assert_eq!(vals, vec![TypedValue::String("Carlos".to_string().into()), TypedValue::Long(42)]); }, _ => panic!("Expected query to work."), } } */ #[test] fn test_simple_aggregation() { let mut c = new_connection("").expect("Couldn't open conn."); let mut conn = Conn::connect(&mut c).expect("Couldn't open DB."); conn.transact(&mut c, r#"[ [:db/add "a" :db/ident :foo/age] [:db/add "a" :db/valueType :db.type/long] [:db/add "a" :db/cardinality :db.cardinality/one] [:db/add "b" :db/ident :foo/name] [:db/add "b" :db/valueType :db.type/string] [:db/add "b" :db/cardinality :db.cardinality/one] [:db/add "c" :db/ident :foo/is-vegetarian] [:db/add "c" :db/valueType :db.type/boolean] [:db/add "c" :db/cardinality :db.cardinality/one] ]"#).unwrap(); let ids = conn.transact(&mut c, r#"[ [:db/add "a" :foo/name "Alice"] [:db/add "b" :foo/name "Beli"] [:db/add "c" :foo/name "Carlos"] [:db/add "d" :foo/name "Diana"] [:db/add "a" :foo/is-vegetarian true] [:db/add "b" :foo/is-vegetarian true] [:db/add "c" :foo/is-vegetarian false] [:db/add "d" :foo/is-vegetarian false] [:db/add "a" :foo/age 14] [:db/add "b" :foo/age 22] [:db/add "c" :foo/age 42] [:db/add "d" :foo/age 28] ]"#).unwrap().tempids; // Count how many vegetarians there are. This is not the same as `count-distinct`. // Note the distinction between including `:with` and not. let r = conn.q_once(&mut c, r#"[:find (count ?veg) :where [_ :foo/is-vegetarian ?veg] [(ground true) ?veg]]"#, None); match r { Result::Ok(QueryResults::Rel(vals)) => { assert_eq!(vals, vec![vec![TypedValue::Long(1)]]); }, Result::Ok(r) => panic!("Expected query to work, got {:?}", r), Result::Err(e) => panic!("Expected query to work, got {:?}", e), } let r = conn.q_once(&mut c, r#"[:find (count ?veg) . :with ?person :where [?person :foo/is-vegetarian ?veg] [(ground true) ?veg]]"#, None); match r { Result::Ok(QueryResults::Scalar(Some(val))) => { assert_eq!(val, TypedValue::Long(2)); }, _ => panic!("Expected query to work."), } // What are the oldest and youngest ages? let r = conn.q_once(&mut c, r#"[:find [(min ?age) (max ?age)] :where [_ :foo/age ?age]]"#, None); match r { Result::Ok(QueryResults::Tuple(Some(vals))) => { assert_eq!(vals, vec![TypedValue::Long(14), TypedValue::Long(42)]); }, _ => panic!("Expected query to work."), } // Who's youngest, via order? let r = conn.q_once(&mut c, r#"[:find [?name ?age] :order (asc ?age) :where [?x :foo/age ?age] [?x :foo/name ?name]]"#, None); match r { Result::Ok(QueryResults::Tuple(Some(vals))) => { assert_eq!(vals, vec![TypedValue::String("Alice".to_string().into()), TypedValue::Long(14)]); }, Result::Ok(r) => panic!("Unexpected results {:?}", r), Result::Err(e) => panic!("Expected query to work, got {:?}", e), } // Who's oldest, via order? let r = conn.q_once(&mut c, r#"[:find [?name ?age] :order (desc ?age) :where [?x :foo/age ?age] [?x :foo/name ?name]]"#, None); match r { Result::Ok(QueryResults::Tuple(Some(vals))) => { assert_eq!(vals, vec![TypedValue::String("Carlos".to_string().into()), TypedValue::Long(42)]); }, _ => panic!("Expected query to work."), } // What's the average age? let r = conn.q_once(&mut c, r#"[:find (avg ?age) . :where [_ :foo/age ?age]]"#, None); match r { Result::Ok(QueryResults::Scalar(Some(sum))) => { assert_eq!(sum, TypedValue::Double(26.5f64.into())); }, _ => panic!("Expected query to work."), } // What's the total age? let r = conn.q_once(&mut c, r#"[:find (sum ?age) . :where [_ :foo/age ?age]]"#, None); match r { Result::Ok(QueryResults::Scalar(Some(sum))) => { assert_eq!(sum, TypedValue::Long(106)); }, _ => panic!("Expected query to work."), } // How many distinct names are there? let r = conn.q_once(&mut c, r#"[:find (count ?name) . :where [_ :foo/name ?name]]"#, None); match r { Result::Ok(QueryResults::Scalar(Some(count))) => { assert_eq!(count, TypedValue::Long(4)); }, _ => panic!("Expected query to work."), } // We can use constraints, too. // What's the average age of adults? let r = conn.q_once(&mut c, r#"[:find [(avg ?age) (count ?age)] :where [_ :foo/age ?age] [(>= ?age 18)]]"#, None); match r { Result::Ok(QueryResults::Tuple(Some(vals))) => { assert_eq!(vals, vec![TypedValue::Double((92f64 / 3f64).into()), TypedValue::Long(3)]); }, Result::Ok(x) => panic!("Got unexpected results {:?}", x), Result::Err(e) => panic!("Expected query to work: got {:?}", e), } // Who's oldest, vegetarians or not? let r = conn.q_once(&mut c, r#"[:find ?veg (max ?age) :where [?p :foo/age ?age] [?p :foo/is-vegetarian ?veg]]"#, None); match r { Result::Ok(QueryResults::Rel(vals)) => { assert_eq!(vals, vec![ vec![TypedValue::Boolean(false), TypedValue::Long(42)], vec![TypedValue::Boolean(true), TypedValue::Long(22)], ]); }, Result::Ok(x) => panic!("Got unexpected results {:?}", x), Result::Err(e) => panic!("Expected query to work: got {:?}", e), } }