language: rust # We use OSX so that we can get a reasonably up to date version of SQLCipher. # (The version in Travis's default Ubuntu Trusty is much too old). os: osx before_install: - brew install sqlcipher --with-fts rust: - 1.25.0 - stable - beta - nightly matrix: allow_failures: - rust: nightly fast_finish: true jobs: include: - stage: "Test iOS" rust: 1.25.0 script: ./scripts/ - stage: deploy rust: 1.25.0 script: ./scripts/ deploy: provider: pages skip-cleanup: true github-token: $GITHUB_TOKEN # Set in the settings page of your repository, as a secure variable keep-history: true local-dir: docs/apis/latest target-branch: gh-pages-api-docs verbose: true on: branch: master script: - cargo test --verbose --all - cargo test --features edn/serde_support --verbose --all # We can't pick individual features out with `cargo test --all` (At the time of this writing, this # works but does the wrong thing because of a bug in cargo, but its fix will be to disallow doing # this all-together, see for more information). To # work around this, we run tests individually for subcrates that rely on `rusqlite`. - | for crate in "" "db" "db-traits" "ffi" "public-traits" "query-projector" "query-projector-traits" "query-pull" "sql" "tolstoy" "tolstoy-traits" "transaction" "tools/cli"; do cargo test --manifest-path ./$crate/Cargo.toml --verbose --no-default-features --features sqlcipher done cache: cargo