// Copyright 2016 Mozilla // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use // this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the // License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed // under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR // CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the // specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. extern crate mentat_core; extern crate mentat_query; extern crate mentat_query_algebrizer; extern crate mentat_query_parser; extern crate mentat_query_translator; extern crate mentat_sql; use std::collections::BTreeMap; use std::rc::Rc; use mentat_query::{ NamespacedKeyword, Variable, }; use mentat_core::{ Attribute, Entid, Schema, TypedValue, ValueType, }; use mentat_query_parser::parse_find_string; use mentat_query_algebrizer::{ QueryInputs, algebrize, algebrize_with_inputs, }; use mentat_query_translator::{ query_to_select, }; use mentat_sql::SQLQuery; fn associate_ident(schema: &mut Schema, i: NamespacedKeyword, e: Entid) { schema.entid_map.insert(e, i.clone()); schema.ident_map.insert(i.clone(), e); } fn add_attribute(schema: &mut Schema, e: Entid, a: Attribute) { schema.schema_map.insert(e, a); } fn translate_with_inputs(schema: &Schema, query: &'static str, inputs: QueryInputs) -> SQLQuery { let parsed = parse_find_string(query).expect("parse failed"); let algebrized = algebrize_with_inputs(schema, parsed, 0, inputs).expect("algebrize failed"); let select = query_to_select(algebrized); select.query.to_sql_query().unwrap() } fn translate(schema: &Schema, query: &'static str) -> SQLQuery { translate_with_inputs(schema, query, QueryInputs::default()) } fn prepopulated_typed_schema(foo_type: ValueType) -> Schema { let mut schema = Schema::default(); associate_ident(&mut schema, NamespacedKeyword::new("foo", "bar"), 99); add_attribute(&mut schema, 99, Attribute { value_type: foo_type, ..Default::default() }); associate_ident(&mut schema, NamespacedKeyword::new("foo", "fts"), 100); add_attribute(&mut schema, 100, Attribute { value_type: ValueType::String, index: true, fulltext: true, ..Default::default() }); schema } fn prepopulated_schema() -> Schema { prepopulated_typed_schema(ValueType::String) } fn make_arg(name: &'static str, value: &'static str) -> (String, Rc) { (name.to_string(), Rc::new(mentat_sql::Value::Text(value.to_string()))) } #[test] fn test_scalar() { let schema = prepopulated_schema(); let query = r#"[:find ?x . :where [?x :foo/bar "yyy"]]"#; let SQLQuery { sql, args } = translate(&schema, query); assert_eq!(sql, "SELECT `datoms00`.e AS `?x` FROM `datoms` AS `datoms00` WHERE `datoms00`.a = 99 AND `datoms00`.v = $v0 LIMIT 1"); assert_eq!(args, vec![make_arg("$v0", "yyy")]); } #[test] fn test_tuple() { let schema = prepopulated_schema(); let query = r#"[:find [?x] :where [?x :foo/bar "yyy"]]"#; let SQLQuery { sql, args } = translate(&schema, query); assert_eq!(sql, "SELECT `datoms00`.e AS `?x` FROM `datoms` AS `datoms00` WHERE `datoms00`.a = 99 AND `datoms00`.v = $v0 LIMIT 1"); assert_eq!(args, vec![make_arg("$v0", "yyy")]); } #[test] fn test_coll() { let schema = prepopulated_schema(); let query = r#"[:find [?x ...] :where [?x :foo/bar "yyy"]]"#; let SQLQuery { sql, args } = translate(&schema, query); assert_eq!(sql, "SELECT DISTINCT `datoms00`.e AS `?x` FROM `datoms` AS `datoms00` WHERE `datoms00`.a = 99 AND `datoms00`.v = $v0"); assert_eq!(args, vec![make_arg("$v0", "yyy")]); } #[test] fn test_rel() { let schema = prepopulated_schema(); let query = r#"[:find ?x :where [?x :foo/bar "yyy"]]"#; let SQLQuery { sql, args } = translate(&schema, query); assert_eq!(sql, "SELECT DISTINCT `datoms00`.e AS `?x` FROM `datoms` AS `datoms00` WHERE `datoms00`.a = 99 AND `datoms00`.v = $v0"); assert_eq!(args, vec![make_arg("$v0", "yyy")]); } #[test] fn test_limit() { let schema = prepopulated_schema(); let query = r#"[:find ?x :where [?x :foo/bar "yyy"] :limit 5]"#; let SQLQuery { sql, args } = translate(&schema, query); assert_eq!(sql, "SELECT DISTINCT `datoms00`.e AS `?x` FROM `datoms` AS `datoms00` WHERE `datoms00`.a = 99 AND `datoms00`.v = $v0 LIMIT 5"); assert_eq!(args, vec![make_arg("$v0", "yyy")]); } #[test] fn test_unbound_variable_limit() { let schema = prepopulated_schema(); // We don't know the value of the limit var, so we produce an escaped SQL variable to handle // later input. let query = r#"[:find ?x :in ?limit-is-9-great :where [?x :foo/bar "yyy"] :limit ?limit-is-9-great]"#; let SQLQuery { sql, args } = translate_with_inputs(&schema, query, QueryInputs::default()); assert_eq!(sql, "SELECT DISTINCT `datoms00`.e AS `?x` \ FROM `datoms` AS `datoms00` \ WHERE `datoms00`.a = 99 AND `datoms00`.v = $v0 \ LIMIT $ilimit_is_9_great"); assert_eq!(args, vec![make_arg("$v0", "yyy")]); } #[test] fn test_bound_variable_limit() { let schema = prepopulated_schema(); // We know the value of `?limit` at algebrizing time, so we substitute directly. let query = r#"[:find ?x :in ?limit :where [?x :foo/bar "yyy"] :limit ?limit]"#; let inputs = QueryInputs::with_value_sequence(vec![(Variable::from_valid_name("?limit"), TypedValue::Long(92))]); let SQLQuery { sql, args } = translate_with_inputs(&schema, query, inputs); assert_eq!(sql, "SELECT DISTINCT `datoms00`.e AS `?x` FROM `datoms` AS `datoms00` WHERE `datoms00`.a = 99 AND `datoms00`.v = $v0 LIMIT 92"); assert_eq!(args, vec![make_arg("$v0", "yyy")]); } #[test] fn test_bound_variable_limit_affects_distinct() { let schema = prepopulated_schema(); // We know the value of `?limit` at algebrizing time, so we substitute directly. // As it's `1`, we know we don't need `DISTINCT`! let query = r#"[:find ?x :in ?limit :where [?x :foo/bar "yyy"] :limit ?limit]"#; let inputs = QueryInputs::with_value_sequence(vec![(Variable::from_valid_name("?limit"), TypedValue::Long(1))]); let SQLQuery { sql, args } = translate_with_inputs(&schema, query, inputs); assert_eq!(sql, "SELECT `datoms00`.e AS `?x` FROM `datoms` AS `datoms00` WHERE `datoms00`.a = 99 AND `datoms00`.v = $v0 LIMIT 1"); assert_eq!(args, vec![make_arg("$v0", "yyy")]); } #[test] fn test_bound_variable_limit_affects_types() { let schema = prepopulated_schema(); let query = r#"[:find ?x ?limit :in ?limit :where [?x _ ?limit] :limit ?limit]"#; let parsed = parse_find_string(query).expect("parse failed"); let algebrized = algebrize(&schema, parsed).expect("algebrize failed"); // The type is known. assert_eq!(Some(ValueType::Long), algebrized.cc.known_type(&Variable::from_valid_name("?limit"))); let select = query_to_select(algebrized); let SQLQuery { sql, args } = select.query.to_sql_query().unwrap(); // TODO: this query isn't actually correct -- we don't yet algebrize for variables that are // specified in `:in` but not provided at algebrizing time. But it shows what we care about // at the moment: we don't project a type column, because we know it's a Long. assert_eq!(sql, "SELECT DISTINCT `datoms00`.e AS `?x`, `datoms00`.v AS `?limit` FROM `datoms` AS `datoms00` LIMIT $ilimit"); assert_eq!(args, vec![]); } #[test] fn test_unknown_attribute_keyword_value() { let schema = Schema::default(); let query = r#"[:find ?x :where [?x _ :ab/yyy]]"#; let SQLQuery { sql, args } = translate(&schema, query); // Only match keywords, not strings: tag = 13. assert_eq!(sql, "SELECT DISTINCT `datoms00`.e AS `?x` FROM `datoms` AS `datoms00` WHERE `datoms00`.v = $v0 AND `datoms00`.value_type_tag = 13"); assert_eq!(args, vec![make_arg("$v0", ":ab/yyy")]); } #[test] fn test_unknown_attribute_string_value() { let schema = Schema::default(); let query = r#"[:find ?x :where [?x _ "horses"]]"#; let SQLQuery { sql, args } = translate(&schema, query); // We expect all_datoms because we're querying for a string. Magic, that. // We don't want keywords etc., so tag = 10. assert_eq!(sql, "SELECT DISTINCT `all_datoms00`.e AS `?x` FROM `all_datoms` AS `all_datoms00` WHERE `all_datoms00`.v = $v0 AND `all_datoms00`.value_type_tag = 10"); assert_eq!(args, vec![make_arg("$v0", "horses")]); } #[test] fn test_unknown_attribute_double_value() { let schema = Schema::default(); let query = r#"[:find ?x :where [?x _ 9.95]]"#; let SQLQuery { sql, args } = translate(&schema, query); // In general, doubles _could_ be 1.0, which might match a boolean or a ref. Set tag = 5 to // make sure we only match numbers. assert_eq!(sql, "SELECT DISTINCT `datoms00`.e AS `?x` FROM `datoms` AS `datoms00` WHERE `datoms00`.v = 9.95e0 AND `datoms00`.value_type_tag = 5"); assert_eq!(args, vec![]); } #[test] fn test_unknown_attribute_integer_value() { let schema = Schema::default(); let negative = r#"[:find ?x :where [?x _ -1]]"#; let zero = r#"[:find ?x :where [?x _ 0]]"#; let one = r#"[:find ?x :where [?x _ 1]]"#; let two = r#"[:find ?x :where [?x _ 2]]"#; // Can't match boolean; no need to filter it out. let SQLQuery { sql, args } = translate(&schema, negative); assert_eq!(sql, "SELECT DISTINCT `datoms00`.e AS `?x` FROM `datoms` AS `datoms00` WHERE `datoms00`.v = -1"); assert_eq!(args, vec![]); // Excludes booleans. let SQLQuery { sql, args } = translate(&schema, zero); assert_eq!(sql, "SELECT DISTINCT `datoms00`.e AS `?x` FROM `datoms` AS `datoms00` WHERE (`datoms00`.v = 0 AND `datoms00`.value_type_tag <> 1)"); assert_eq!(args, vec![]); // Excludes booleans. let SQLQuery { sql, args } = translate(&schema, one); assert_eq!(sql, "SELECT DISTINCT `datoms00`.e AS `?x` FROM `datoms` AS `datoms00` WHERE (`datoms00`.v = 1 AND `datoms00`.value_type_tag <> 1)"); assert_eq!(args, vec![]); // Can't match boolean; no need to filter it out. let SQLQuery { sql, args } = translate(&schema, two); assert_eq!(sql, "SELECT DISTINCT `datoms00`.e AS `?x` FROM `datoms` AS `datoms00` WHERE `datoms00`.v = 2"); assert_eq!(args, vec![]); } #[test] fn test_unknown_ident() { let schema = Schema::default(); let impossible = r#"[:find ?x :where [?x :db/ident :no/exist]]"#; let parsed = parse_find_string(impossible).expect("parse failed"); let algebrized = algebrize(&schema, parsed).expect("algebrize failed"); // This query cannot return results: the ident doesn't resolve for a ref-typed attribute. assert!(algebrized.is_known_empty()); // If you insist… let select = query_to_select(algebrized); let sql = select.query.to_sql_query().unwrap().sql; assert_eq!("SELECT 1 LIMIT 0", sql); } #[test] fn test_numeric_less_than_unknown_attribute() { let schema = Schema::default(); let query = r#"[:find ?x :where [?x _ ?y] [(< ?y 10)]]"#; let SQLQuery { sql, args } = translate(&schema, query); // Although we infer numericness from numeric predicates, we've already assigned a table to the // first pattern, and so this is _still_ `all_datoms`. assert_eq!(sql, "SELECT DISTINCT `all_datoms00`.e AS `?x` FROM `all_datoms` AS `all_datoms00` WHERE `all_datoms00`.v < 10"); assert_eq!(args, vec![]); } #[test] fn test_numeric_gte_known_attribute() { let schema = prepopulated_typed_schema(ValueType::Double); let query = r#"[:find ?x :where [?x :foo/bar ?y] [(>= ?y 12.9)]]"#; let SQLQuery { sql, args } = translate(&schema, query); assert_eq!(sql, "SELECT DISTINCT `datoms00`.e AS `?x` FROM `datoms` AS `datoms00` WHERE `datoms00`.a = 99 AND `datoms00`.v >= 1.29e1"); assert_eq!(args, vec![]); } #[test] fn test_numeric_not_equals_known_attribute() { let schema = prepopulated_typed_schema(ValueType::Long); let query = r#"[:find ?x . :where [?x :foo/bar ?y] [(!= ?y 12)]]"#; let SQLQuery { sql, args } = translate(&schema, query); assert_eq!(sql, "SELECT `datoms00`.e AS `?x` FROM `datoms` AS `datoms00` WHERE `datoms00`.a = 99 AND `datoms00`.v <> 12 LIMIT 1"); assert_eq!(args, vec![]); } #[test] fn test_simple_or_join() { let mut schema = Schema::default(); associate_ident(&mut schema, NamespacedKeyword::new("page", "url"), 97); associate_ident(&mut schema, NamespacedKeyword::new("page", "title"), 98); associate_ident(&mut schema, NamespacedKeyword::new("page", "description"), 99); for x in 97..100 { add_attribute(&mut schema, x, Attribute { value_type: ValueType::String, ..Default::default() }); } let query = r#"[:find [?url ?description] :where (or-join [?page] [?page :page/url "http://foo.com/"] [?page :page/title "Foo"]) [?page :page/url ?url] [?page :page/description ?description]]"#; let SQLQuery { sql, args } = translate(&schema, query); assert_eq!(sql, "SELECT `datoms01`.v AS `?url`, `datoms02`.v AS `?description` FROM `datoms` AS `datoms00`, `datoms` AS `datoms01`, `datoms` AS `datoms02` WHERE ((`datoms00`.a = 97 AND `datoms00`.v = $v0) OR (`datoms00`.a = 98 AND `datoms00`.v = $v1)) AND `datoms01`.a = 97 AND `datoms02`.a = 99 AND `datoms00`.e = `datoms01`.e AND `datoms00`.e = `datoms02`.e LIMIT 1"); assert_eq!(args, vec![make_arg("$v0", "http://foo.com/"), make_arg("$v1", "Foo")]); } #[test] fn test_complex_or_join() { let mut schema = Schema::default(); associate_ident(&mut schema, NamespacedKeyword::new("page", "save"), 95); add_attribute(&mut schema, 95, Attribute { value_type: ValueType::Ref, ..Default::default() }); associate_ident(&mut schema, NamespacedKeyword::new("save", "title"), 96); associate_ident(&mut schema, NamespacedKeyword::new("page", "url"), 97); associate_ident(&mut schema, NamespacedKeyword::new("page", "title"), 98); associate_ident(&mut schema, NamespacedKeyword::new("page", "description"), 99); for x in 96..100 { add_attribute(&mut schema, x, Attribute { value_type: ValueType::String, ..Default::default() }); } let query = r#"[:find [?url ?description] :where (or-join [?page] [?page :page/url "http://foo.com/"] [?page :page/title "Foo"] (and [?page :page/save ?save] [?save :save/title "Foo"])) [?page :page/url ?url] [?page :page/description ?description]]"#; let SQLQuery { sql, args } = translate(&schema, query); assert_eq!(sql, "SELECT `datoms04`.v AS `?url`, \ `datoms05`.v AS `?description` \ FROM (SELECT `datoms00`.e AS `?page` \ FROM `datoms` AS `datoms00` \ WHERE `datoms00`.a = 97 \ AND `datoms00`.v = $v0 \ UNION \ SELECT `datoms01`.e AS `?page` \ FROM `datoms` AS `datoms01` \ WHERE `datoms01`.a = 98 \ AND `datoms01`.v = $v1 \ UNION \ SELECT `datoms02`.e AS `?page` \ FROM `datoms` AS `datoms02`, \ `datoms` AS `datoms03` \ WHERE `datoms02`.a = 95 \ AND `datoms03`.a = 96 \ AND `datoms03`.v = $v1 \ AND `datoms02`.v = `datoms03`.e) AS `c00`, \ `datoms` AS `datoms04`, \ `datoms` AS `datoms05` \ WHERE `datoms04`.a = 97 \ AND `datoms05`.a = 99 \ AND `c00`.`?page` = `datoms04`.e \ AND `c00`.`?page` = `datoms05`.e \ LIMIT 1"); assert_eq!(args, vec![make_arg("$v0", "http://foo.com/"), make_arg("$v1", "Foo")]); } #[test] fn test_complex_or_join_type_projection() { let mut schema = Schema::default(); associate_ident(&mut schema, NamespacedKeyword::new("page", "title"), 98); add_attribute(&mut schema, 98, Attribute { value_type: ValueType::String, ..Default::default() }); let query = r#"[:find [?y] :where (or [6 :page/title ?y] [5 _ ?y])]"#; let SQLQuery { sql, args } = translate(&schema, query); assert_eq!(sql, "SELECT `c00`.`?y` AS `?y`, \ `c00`.`?y_value_type_tag` AS `?y_value_type_tag` \ FROM (SELECT `datoms00`.v AS `?y`, \ 10 AS `?y_value_type_tag` \ FROM `datoms` AS `datoms00` \ WHERE `datoms00`.e = 6 \ AND `datoms00`.a = 98 \ UNION \ SELECT `all_datoms01`.v AS `?y`, \ `all_datoms01`.value_type_tag AS `?y_value_type_tag` \ FROM `all_datoms` AS `all_datoms01` \ WHERE `all_datoms01`.e = 5) AS `c00` \ LIMIT 1"); assert_eq!(args, vec![]); } #[test] fn test_not() { let mut schema = Schema::default(); associate_ident(&mut schema, NamespacedKeyword::new("page", "url"), 97); associate_ident(&mut schema, NamespacedKeyword::new("page", "title"), 98); associate_ident(&mut schema, NamespacedKeyword::new("page", "bookmarked"), 99); for x in 97..99 { add_attribute(&mut schema, x, Attribute { value_type: ValueType::String, ..Default::default() }); } add_attribute(&mut schema, 99, Attribute { value_type: ValueType::Boolean, ..Default::default() }); let query = r#"[:find ?title :where [?page :page/title ?title] (not [?page :page/url "http://foo.com/"] [?page :page/bookmarked true])]"#; let SQLQuery { sql, args } = translate(&schema, query); assert_eq!(sql, "SELECT DISTINCT `datoms00`.v AS `?title` FROM `datoms` AS `datoms00` WHERE `datoms00`.a = 98 AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM `datoms` AS `datoms01`, `datoms` AS `datoms02` WHERE `datoms01`.a = 97 AND `datoms01`.v = $v0 AND `datoms02`.a = 99 AND `datoms02`.v = 1 AND `datoms00`.e = `datoms01`.e AND `datoms00`.e = `datoms02`.e)"); assert_eq!(args, vec![make_arg("$v0", "http://foo.com/")]); } #[test] fn test_not_join() { let mut schema = Schema::default(); associate_ident(&mut schema, NamespacedKeyword::new("page", "url"), 97); associate_ident(&mut schema, NamespacedKeyword::new("bookmarks", "page"), 98); associate_ident(&mut schema, NamespacedKeyword::new("bookmarks", "date_created"), 99); add_attribute(&mut schema, 97, Attribute { value_type: ValueType::String, ..Default::default() }); add_attribute(&mut schema, 98, Attribute { value_type: ValueType::Ref, ..Default::default() }); add_attribute(&mut schema, 99, Attribute { value_type: ValueType::String, ..Default::default() }); let query = r#"[:find ?url :where [?url :page/url] (not-join [?url] [?page :bookmarks/page ?url] [?page :bookmarks/date_created "4/4/2017"])]"#; let SQLQuery { sql, args } = translate(&schema, query); assert_eq!(sql, "SELECT DISTINCT `datoms00`.e AS `?url` FROM `datoms` AS `datoms00` WHERE `datoms00`.a = 97 AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM `datoms` AS `datoms01`, `datoms` AS `datoms02` WHERE `datoms01`.a = 98 AND `datoms02`.a = 99 AND `datoms02`.v = $v0 AND `datoms01`.e = `datoms02`.e AND `datoms00`.e = `datoms01`.v)"); assert_eq!(args, vec![make_arg("$v0", "4/4/2017")]); } #[test] fn test_with_without_aggregate() { let schema = prepopulated_schema(); // Known type. let query = r#"[:find ?x :with ?y :where [?x :foo/bar ?y]]"#; let SQLQuery { sql, args } = translate(&schema, query); assert_eq!(sql, "SELECT DISTINCT `datoms00`.e AS `?x`, `datoms00`.v AS `?y` FROM `datoms` AS `datoms00` WHERE `datoms00`.a = 99"); assert_eq!(args, vec![]); // Unknown type. let query = r#"[:find ?x :with ?y :where [?x _ ?y]]"#; let SQLQuery { sql, args } = translate(&schema, query); assert_eq!(sql, "SELECT DISTINCT `all_datoms00`.e AS `?x`, `all_datoms00`.v AS `?y`, `all_datoms00`.value_type_tag AS `?y_value_type_tag` FROM `all_datoms` AS `all_datoms00`"); assert_eq!(args, vec![]); } #[test] fn test_order_by() { let schema = prepopulated_schema(); // Known type. let query = r#"[:find ?x :where [?x :foo/bar ?y] :order (desc ?y)]"#; let SQLQuery { sql, args } = translate(&schema, query); assert_eq!(sql, "SELECT DISTINCT `datoms00`.e AS `?x`, `datoms00`.v AS `?y` \ FROM `datoms` AS `datoms00` \ WHERE `datoms00`.a = 99 \ ORDER BY `?y` DESC"); assert_eq!(args, vec![]); // Unknown type. let query = r#"[:find ?x :with ?y :where [?x _ ?y] :order ?y ?x]"#; let SQLQuery { sql, args } = translate(&schema, query); assert_eq!(sql, "SELECT DISTINCT `all_datoms00`.e AS `?x`, `all_datoms00`.v AS `?y`, \ `all_datoms00`.value_type_tag AS `?y_value_type_tag` \ FROM `all_datoms` AS `all_datoms00` \ ORDER BY `?y_value_type_tag` ASC, `?y` ASC, `?x` ASC"); assert_eq!(args, vec![]); } #[test] fn test_complex_nested_or_join_type_projection() { let mut schema = Schema::default(); associate_ident(&mut schema, NamespacedKeyword::new("page", "title"), 98); add_attribute(&mut schema, 98, Attribute { value_type: ValueType::String, ..Default::default() }); let input = r#"[:find [?y] :where (or (or [_ :page/title ?y]) (or [_ :page/title ?y]))]"#; let SQLQuery { sql, args } = translate(&schema, input); assert_eq!(sql, "SELECT `c00`.`?y` AS `?y` \ FROM (SELECT `datoms00`.v AS `?y` \ FROM `datoms` AS `datoms00` \ WHERE `datoms00`.a = 98 \ UNION \ SELECT `datoms01`.v AS `?y` \ FROM `datoms` AS `datoms01` \ WHERE `datoms01`.a = 98) \ AS `c00` \ LIMIT 1"); assert_eq!(args, vec![]); } #[test] fn test_ground_scalar() { let schema = prepopulated_schema(); // Verify that we accept inline constants. let query = r#"[:find ?x . :where [(ground "yyy") ?x]]"#; let SQLQuery { sql, args } = translate(&schema, query); assert_eq!(sql, "SELECT $v0 AS `?x` LIMIT 1"); assert_eq!(args, vec![make_arg("$v0", "yyy")]); // Verify that we accept bound input constants. let query = r#"[:find ?x . :in ?v :where [(ground ?v) ?x]]"#; let inputs = QueryInputs::with_value_sequence(vec![(Variable::from_valid_name("?v"), TypedValue::String(Rc::new("aaa".into())))]); let SQLQuery { sql, args } = translate_with_inputs(&schema, query, inputs); assert_eq!(sql, "SELECT $v0 AS `?x` LIMIT 1"); assert_eq!(args, vec![make_arg("$v0", "aaa"),]); } #[test] fn test_ground_tuple() { let schema = prepopulated_schema(); // Verify that we accept inline constants. let query = r#"[:find ?x ?y :where [(ground [1 "yyy"]) [?x ?y]]]"#; let SQLQuery { sql, args } = translate(&schema, query); assert_eq!(sql, "SELECT DISTINCT 1 AS `?x`, $v0 AS `?y`"); assert_eq!(args, vec![make_arg("$v0", "yyy")]); // Verify that we accept bound input constants. let query = r#"[:find [?x ?y] :in ?u ?v :where [(ground [?u ?v]) [?x ?y]]]"#; let inputs = QueryInputs::with_value_sequence(vec![(Variable::from_valid_name("?u"), TypedValue::Long(2)), (Variable::from_valid_name("?v"), TypedValue::String(Rc::new("aaa".into()))),]); let SQLQuery { sql, args } = translate_with_inputs(&schema, query, inputs); // TODO: treat 2 as an input variable that could be bound late, rather than eagerly binding it. assert_eq!(sql, "SELECT 2 AS `?x`, $v0 AS `?y` LIMIT 1"); assert_eq!(args, vec![make_arg("$v0", "aaa"),]); } #[test] fn test_ground_coll() { let schema = prepopulated_schema(); // Verify that we accept inline constants. let query = r#"[:find ?x :where [(ground ["xxx" "yyy"]) [?x ...]]]"#; let SQLQuery { sql, args } = translate(&schema, query); assert_eq!(sql, "SELECT DISTINCT `c00`.`?x` AS `?x` FROM \ (SELECT 0 AS `?x` WHERE 0 UNION ALL VALUES ($v0), ($v1)) AS `c00`"); assert_eq!(args, vec![make_arg("$v0", "xxx"), make_arg("$v1", "yyy")]); // Verify that we accept bound input constants. let query = r#"[:find ?x :in ?u ?v :where [(ground [?u ?v]) [?x ...]]]"#; let inputs = QueryInputs::with_value_sequence(vec![(Variable::from_valid_name("?u"), TypedValue::Long(2)), (Variable::from_valid_name("?v"), TypedValue::Long(3)),]); let SQLQuery { sql, args } = translate_with_inputs(&schema, query, inputs); // TODO: treat 2 and 3 as input variables that could be bound late, rather than eagerly binding. assert_eq!(sql, "SELECT DISTINCT `c00`.`?x` AS `?x` FROM \ (SELECT 0 AS `?x` WHERE 0 UNION ALL VALUES (2), (3)) AS `c00`"); assert_eq!(args, vec![]); } #[test] fn test_ground_rel() { let schema = prepopulated_schema(); // Verify that we accept inline constants. let query = r#"[:find ?x ?y :where [(ground [[1 "xxx"] [2 "yyy"]]) [[?x ?y]]]]"#; let SQLQuery { sql, args } = translate(&schema, query); assert_eq!(sql, "SELECT DISTINCT `c00`.`?x` AS `?x`, `c00`.`?y` AS `?y` FROM \ (SELECT 0 AS `?x`, 0 AS `?y` WHERE 0 UNION ALL VALUES (1, $v0), (2, $v1)) AS `c00`"); assert_eq!(args, vec![make_arg("$v0", "xxx"), make_arg("$v1", "yyy")]); // Verify that we accept bound input constants. let query = r#"[:find ?x ?y :in ?u ?v :where [(ground [[?u 1] [?v 2]]) [[?x ?y]]]]"#; let inputs = QueryInputs::with_value_sequence(vec![(Variable::from_valid_name("?u"), TypedValue::Long(3)), (Variable::from_valid_name("?v"), TypedValue::Long(4)),]); let SQLQuery { sql, args } = translate_with_inputs(&schema, query, inputs); // TODO: treat 3 and 4 as input variables that could be bound late, rather than eagerly binding. assert_eq!(sql, "SELECT DISTINCT `c00`.`?x` AS `?x`, `c00`.`?y` AS `?y` FROM \ (SELECT 0 AS `?x`, 0 AS `?y` WHERE 0 UNION ALL VALUES (3, 1), (4, 2)) AS `c00`"); assert_eq!(args, vec![]); } #[test] fn test_compound_with_ground() { let schema = prepopulated_schema(); // Verify that we can use the resulting CCs as children in compound CCs. let query = r#"[:find ?x :where (or [(ground "yyy") ?x] [(ground "zzz") ?x])]"#; let SQLQuery { sql, args } = translate(&schema, query); // This is confusing because the computed tables (like `c00`) are numbered sequentially in each // arm of the `or` rather than numbered globally. But SQLite scopes the names correctly, so it // works. In the future, we might number the computed tables globally to make this more clear. assert_eq!(sql, "SELECT DISTINCT `c00`.`?x` AS `?x` FROM (\ SELECT $v0 AS `?x` UNION \ SELECT $v1 AS `?x`) AS `c00`"); assert_eq!(args, vec![make_arg("$v0", "yyy"), make_arg("$v1", "zzz"),]); // Verify that we can use ground to constrain the bindings produced by earlier clauses. let query = r#"[:find ?x . :where [_ :foo/bar ?x] [(ground "yyy") ?x]]"#; let SQLQuery { sql, args } = translate(&schema, query); assert_eq!(sql, "SELECT $v0 AS `?x` FROM `datoms` AS `datoms00` \ WHERE `datoms00`.a = 99 AND `datoms00`.v = $v0 LIMIT 1"); assert_eq!(args, vec![make_arg("$v0", "yyy")]); // Verify that we can further constrain the bindings produced by our clause. let query = r#"[:find ?x . :where [(ground "yyy") ?x] [_ :foo/bar ?x]]"#; let SQLQuery { sql, args } = translate(&schema, query); assert_eq!(sql, "SELECT $v0 AS `?x` FROM `datoms` AS `datoms00` \ WHERE `datoms00`.a = 99 AND `datoms00`.v = $v0 LIMIT 1"); assert_eq!(args, vec![make_arg("$v0", "yyy")]); } #[test] fn test_unbound_attribute_with_ground_entity() { let query = r#"[:find ?x ?v :where [?x _ ?v] (not [(ground 17) ?x])]"#; let schema = prepopulated_schema(); let SQLQuery { sql, .. } = translate(&schema, query); assert_eq!(sql, "SELECT DISTINCT `all_datoms00`.e AS `?x`, \ `all_datoms00`.v AS `?v`, \ `all_datoms00`.value_type_tag AS `?v_value_type_tag` \ FROM `all_datoms` AS `all_datoms00` \ WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 WHERE `all_datoms00`.e = 17)"); } #[test] fn test_unbound_attribute_with_ground() { let query = r#"[:find ?x ?v :where [?x _ ?v] (not [(ground 17) ?v])]"#; let schema = prepopulated_schema(); let SQLQuery { sql, .. } = translate(&schema, query); assert_eq!(sql, "SELECT DISTINCT `all_datoms00`.e AS `?x`, \ `all_datoms00`.v AS `?v`, \ `all_datoms00`.value_type_tag AS `?v_value_type_tag` \ FROM `all_datoms` AS `all_datoms00` \ WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 WHERE `all_datoms00`.v = 17 AND \ `all_datoms00`.value_type_tag = 5)"); } #[test] fn test_not_with_ground() { let mut schema = prepopulated_schema(); associate_ident(&mut schema, NamespacedKeyword::new("db", "valueType"), 7); associate_ident(&mut schema, NamespacedKeyword::new("db.type", "ref"), 23); associate_ident(&mut schema, NamespacedKeyword::new("db.type", "bool"), 28); associate_ident(&mut schema, NamespacedKeyword::new("db.type", "instant"), 29); add_attribute(&mut schema, 7, Attribute { value_type: ValueType::Ref, multival: false, ..Default::default() }); // Scalar. // TODO: this kind of simple `not` should be implemented without the subquery. #476. let query = r#"[:find ?x :where [?x :db/valueType ?v] (not [(ground :db.type/instant) ?v])]"#; let SQLQuery { sql, .. } = translate(&schema, query); assert_eq!(sql, "SELECT DISTINCT `datoms00`.e AS `?x` FROM `datoms` AS `datoms00` WHERE `datoms00`.a = 7 AND NOT \ EXISTS (SELECT 1 WHERE `datoms00`.v = 29)"); // Coll. // TODO: we can generate better SQL for this, too. #476. let query = r#"[:find ?x :where [?x :db/valueType ?v] (not [(ground [:db.type/bool :db.type/instant]) [?v ...]])]"#; let SQLQuery { sql, .. } = translate(&schema, query); assert_eq!(sql, "SELECT DISTINCT `datoms00`.e AS `?x` FROM `datoms` AS `datoms00` \ WHERE `datoms00`.a = 7 AND NOT EXISTS \ (SELECT 1 FROM (SELECT 0 AS `?v` WHERE 0 UNION ALL VALUES (28), (29)) AS `c00` \ WHERE `datoms00`.v = `c00`.`?v`)"); } #[test] fn test_fulltext() { let schema = prepopulated_typed_schema(ValueType::Double); let query = r#"[:find ?entity ?value ?tx ?score :where [(fulltext $ :foo/fts "needle") [[?entity ?value ?tx ?score]]]]"#; let SQLQuery { sql, args } = translate(&schema, query); assert_eq!(sql, "SELECT DISTINCT `datoms01`.e AS `?entity`, \ `fulltext_values00`.text AS `?value`, \ `datoms01`.tx AS `?tx`, \ 0e0 AS `?score` \ FROM `fulltext_values` AS `fulltext_values00`, \ `datoms` AS `datoms01` \ WHERE `datoms01`.a = 100 \ AND `datoms01`.v = `fulltext_values00`.rowid \ AND `fulltext_values00`.text MATCH $v0"); assert_eq!(args, vec![make_arg("$v0", "needle"),]); let query = r#"[:find ?entity ?value ?tx :where [(fulltext $ :foo/fts "needle") [[?entity ?value ?tx ?score]]]]"#; let SQLQuery { sql, args } = translate(&schema, query); // Observe that the computed table isn't dropped, even though `?score` isn't bound in the final conjoining clause. assert_eq!(sql, "SELECT DISTINCT `datoms01`.e AS `?entity`, \ `fulltext_values00`.text AS `?value`, \ `datoms01`.tx AS `?tx` \ FROM `fulltext_values` AS `fulltext_values00`, \ `datoms` AS `datoms01` \ WHERE `datoms01`.a = 100 \ AND `datoms01`.v = `fulltext_values00`.rowid \ AND `fulltext_values00`.text MATCH $v0"); assert_eq!(args, vec![make_arg("$v0", "needle"),]); let query = r#"[:find ?entity ?value ?tx :where [(fulltext $ :foo/fts "needle") [[?entity ?value ?tx _]]]]"#; let SQLQuery { sql, args } = translate(&schema, query); // Observe that the computed table isn't included at all when `?score` isn't bound. assert_eq!(sql, "SELECT DISTINCT `datoms01`.e AS `?entity`, \ `fulltext_values00`.text AS `?value`, \ `datoms01`.tx AS `?tx` \ FROM `fulltext_values` AS `fulltext_values00`, \ `datoms` AS `datoms01` \ WHERE `datoms01`.a = 100 \ AND `datoms01`.v = `fulltext_values00`.rowid \ AND `fulltext_values00`.text MATCH $v0"); assert_eq!(args, vec![make_arg("$v0", "needle"),]); let query = r#"[:find ?entity ?value ?tx :where [(fulltext $ :foo/fts "needle") [[?entity ?value ?tx ?score]]] [?entity :foo/bar ?score]]"#; let SQLQuery { sql, args } = translate(&schema, query); assert_eq!(sql, "SELECT DISTINCT `datoms01`.e AS `?entity`, \ `fulltext_values00`.text AS `?value`, \ `datoms01`.tx AS `?tx` \ FROM `fulltext_values` AS `fulltext_values00`, \ `datoms` AS `datoms01`, \ `datoms` AS `datoms02` \ WHERE `datoms01`.a = 100 \ AND `datoms01`.v = `fulltext_values00`.rowid \ AND `fulltext_values00`.text MATCH $v0 \ AND `datoms02`.a = 99 \ AND `datoms02`.v = 0e0 \ AND `datoms01`.e = `datoms02`.e"); assert_eq!(args, vec![make_arg("$v0", "needle"),]); let query = r#"[:find ?entity ?value ?tx :where [?entity :foo/bar ?score] [(fulltext $ :foo/fts "needle") [[?entity ?value ?tx ?score]]]]"#; let SQLQuery { sql, args } = translate(&schema, query); assert_eq!(sql, "SELECT DISTINCT `datoms00`.e AS `?entity`, \ `fulltext_values01`.text AS `?value`, \ `datoms02`.tx AS `?tx` \ FROM `datoms` AS `datoms00`, \ `fulltext_values` AS `fulltext_values01`, \ `datoms` AS `datoms02` \ WHERE `datoms00`.a = 99 \ AND `datoms02`.a = 100 \ AND `datoms02`.v = `fulltext_values01`.rowid \ AND `fulltext_values01`.text MATCH $v0 \ AND `datoms00`.v = 0e0 \ AND `datoms00`.e = `datoms02`.e"); assert_eq!(args, vec![make_arg("$v0", "needle"),]); } #[test] fn test_fulltext_inputs() { let schema = prepopulated_typed_schema(ValueType::String); // Bind ?entity. We expect the output to collide. let query = r#"[:find ?val :in ?entity :where [(fulltext $ :foo/fts "hello") [[?entity ?val _ _]]]]"#; let mut types = BTreeMap::default(); types.insert(Variable::from_valid_name("?entity"), ValueType::Ref); let inputs = QueryInputs::new(types, BTreeMap::default()).expect("valid inputs"); // Without binding the value. q_once will err if you try this! let SQLQuery { sql, args } = translate_with_inputs(&schema, query, inputs); assert_eq!(sql, "SELECT DISTINCT `fulltext_values00`.text AS `?val` \ FROM \ `fulltext_values` AS `fulltext_values00`, \ `datoms` AS `datoms01` \ WHERE `datoms01`.a = 100 \ AND `datoms01`.v = `fulltext_values00`.rowid \ AND `fulltext_values00`.text MATCH $v0"); assert_eq!(args, vec![make_arg("$v0", "hello"),]); // With the value bound. let inputs = QueryInputs::with_value_sequence(vec![(Variable::from_valid_name("?entity"), TypedValue::Ref(111))]); let SQLQuery { sql, args } = translate_with_inputs(&schema, query, inputs); assert_eq!(sql, "SELECT DISTINCT `fulltext_values00`.text AS `?val` \ FROM \ `fulltext_values` AS `fulltext_values00`, \ `datoms` AS `datoms01` \ WHERE `datoms01`.a = 100 \ AND `datoms01`.v = `fulltext_values00`.rowid \ AND `fulltext_values00`.text MATCH $v0 \ AND `datoms01`.e = 111"); assert_eq!(args, vec![make_arg("$v0", "hello"),]); // Same again, but retrieving the entity. let query = r#"[:find ?entity . :in ?entity :where [(fulltext $ :foo/fts "hello") [[?entity _ _]]]]"#; let inputs = QueryInputs::with_value_sequence(vec![(Variable::from_valid_name("?entity"), TypedValue::Ref(111))]); let SQLQuery { sql, args } = translate_with_inputs(&schema, query, inputs); assert_eq!(sql, "SELECT 111 AS `?entity` FROM \ `fulltext_values` AS `fulltext_values00`, \ `datoms` AS `datoms01` \ WHERE `datoms01`.a = 100 \ AND `datoms01`.v = `fulltext_values00`.rowid \ AND `fulltext_values00`.text MATCH $v0 \ AND `datoms01`.e = 111 \ LIMIT 1"); assert_eq!(args, vec![make_arg("$v0", "hello"),]); // A larger pattern. let query = r#"[:find ?entity ?value ?friend :in ?entity :where [(fulltext $ :foo/fts "hello") [[?entity ?value]]] [?entity :foo/bar ?friend]]"#; let inputs = QueryInputs::with_value_sequence(vec![(Variable::from_valid_name("?entity"), TypedValue::Ref(121))]); let SQLQuery { sql, args } = translate_with_inputs(&schema, query, inputs); assert_eq!(sql, "SELECT DISTINCT 121 AS `?entity`, \ `fulltext_values00`.text AS `?value`, \ `datoms02`.v AS `?friend` \ FROM \ `fulltext_values` AS `fulltext_values00`, \ `datoms` AS `datoms01`, \ `datoms` AS `datoms02` \ WHERE `datoms01`.a = 100 \ AND `datoms01`.v = `fulltext_values00`.rowid \ AND `fulltext_values00`.text MATCH $v0 \ AND `datoms01`.e = 121 \ AND `datoms02`.e = 121 \ AND `datoms02`.a = 99"); assert_eq!(args, vec![make_arg("$v0", "hello"),]); }