// Copyright 2016 Mozilla // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use // this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the // License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed // under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR // CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the // specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. extern crate mentat_core; extern crate mentat_db; extern crate mentat_query; extern crate mentat_query_algebrizer; extern crate mentat_query_parser; use std::collections::BTreeMap; use mentat_core::{ Attribute, Entid, Schema, ValueType, TypedValue, }; use mentat_db::PartitionMap; use mentat_query_parser::{ parse_find_string, }; use mentat_query::{ NamespacedKeyword, PlainSymbol, Variable, }; use mentat_query_algebrizer::{ BindingError, ConjoiningClauses, ComputedTable, Error, ErrorKind, QueryInputs, algebrize, algebrize_with_inputs, }; // These are helpers that tests use to build Schema instances. #[cfg(test)] fn associate_ident(schema: &mut Schema, i: NamespacedKeyword, e: Entid) { schema.entid_map.insert(e, i.clone()); schema.ident_map.insert(i.clone(), e); } #[cfg(test)] fn add_attribute(schema: &mut Schema, e: Entid, a: Attribute) { schema.schema_map.insert(e, a); } fn prepopulated_schema() -> Schema { let mut schema = Schema::default(); associate_ident(&mut schema, NamespacedKeyword::new("foo", "name"), 65); associate_ident(&mut schema, NamespacedKeyword::new("foo", "knows"), 66); associate_ident(&mut schema, NamespacedKeyword::new("foo", "parent"), 67); associate_ident(&mut schema, NamespacedKeyword::new("foo", "age"), 68); associate_ident(&mut schema, NamespacedKeyword::new("foo", "height"), 69); add_attribute(&mut schema, 65, Attribute { value_type: ValueType::String, multival: false, ..Default::default() }); add_attribute(&mut schema, 66, Attribute { value_type: ValueType::Ref, multival: true, ..Default::default() }); add_attribute(&mut schema, 67, Attribute { value_type: ValueType::String, multival: true, ..Default::default() }); add_attribute(&mut schema, 68, Attribute { value_type: ValueType::Long, multival: false, ..Default::default() }); add_attribute(&mut schema, 69, Attribute { value_type: ValueType::Long, multival: false, ..Default::default() }); schema } fn bails(schema: &Schema, partition_map: &PartitionMap, input: &str) -> Error { let parsed = parse_find_string(input).expect("query input to have parsed"); algebrize(schema.into(), partition_map, parsed).expect_err("algebrize to have failed") } fn bails_with_inputs(schema: &Schema, partition_map: &PartitionMap, input: &str, inputs: QueryInputs) -> Error { let parsed = parse_find_string(input).expect("query input to have parsed"); algebrize_with_inputs(schema, partition_map, parsed, 0, inputs).expect_err("algebrize to have failed") } fn alg(schema: &Schema, partition_map: &PartitionMap, input: &str) -> ConjoiningClauses { let parsed = parse_find_string(input).expect("query input to have parsed"); algebrize(schema.into(), partition_map, parsed).expect("algebrizing to have succeeded").cc } #[test] fn test_ground_doesnt_bail_for_type_conflicts() { // We know `?x` to be a ref, but we're attempting to ground it to a Double. // The query can return no results. let q = r#"[:find ?x :where [?x :foo/knows ?p] [(ground 9.95) ?x]]"#; let schema = prepopulated_schema(); let partition_map = PartitionMap::default(); let cc = alg(&schema, &partition_map, &q); assert!(cc.empty_because.is_some()); } #[test] fn test_ground_tuple_fails_impossible() { let q = r#"[:find ?x :where [?x :foo/knows ?p] [(ground [5 9.95]) [?x ?p]]]"#; let schema = prepopulated_schema(); let partition_map = PartitionMap::default(); let cc = alg(&schema, &partition_map, &q); assert!(cc.empty_because.is_some()); } #[test] fn test_ground_scalar_fails_impossible() { let q = r#"[:find ?x :where [?x :foo/knows ?p] [(ground true) ?p]]"#; let schema = prepopulated_schema(); let partition_map = PartitionMap::default(); let cc = alg(&schema, &partition_map, &q); assert!(cc.empty_because.is_some()); } #[test] fn test_ground_coll_skips_impossible() { // We know `?x` to be a ref, but we're attempting to ground it to a Double. // The query can return no results. let q = r#"[:find ?x :where [?x :foo/knows ?p] [(ground [5 9.95 11]) [?x ...]]]"#; let schema = prepopulated_schema(); let partition_map = PartitionMap::default(); let cc = alg(&schema, &partition_map, &q); assert!(cc.empty_because.is_none()); assert_eq!(cc.computed_tables[0], ComputedTable::NamedValues { names: vec![Variable::from_valid_name("?x")], values: vec![TypedValue::Ref(5), TypedValue::Ref(11)], }); } #[test] fn test_ground_coll_fails_if_all_impossible() { let q = r#"[:find ?x :where [?x :foo/knows ?p] [(ground [5.1 5.2]) [?p ...]]]"#; let schema = prepopulated_schema(); let partition_map = PartitionMap::default(); let cc = alg(&schema, &partition_map, &q); assert!(cc.empty_because.is_some()); } #[test] fn test_ground_rel_skips_impossible() { let q = r#"[:find ?x :where [?x :foo/knows ?p] [(ground [[8 "foo"] [5 7] [9.95 9] [11 12]]) [[?x ?p]]]]"#; let schema = prepopulated_schema(); let partition_map = PartitionMap::default(); let cc = alg(&schema, &partition_map, &q); assert!(cc.empty_because.is_none()); assert_eq!(cc.computed_tables[0], ComputedTable::NamedValues { names: vec![Variable::from_valid_name("?x"), Variable::from_valid_name("?p")], values: vec![TypedValue::Ref(5), TypedValue::Ref(7), TypedValue::Ref(11), TypedValue::Ref(12)], }); } #[test] fn test_ground_rel_fails_if_all_impossible() { let q = r#"[:find ?x :where [?x :foo/knows ?p] [(ground [[11 5.1] [12 5.2]]) [[?x ?p]]]]"#; let schema = prepopulated_schema(); let partition_map = PartitionMap::default(); let cc = alg(&schema, &partition_map, &q); assert!(cc.empty_because.is_some()); } #[test] fn test_ground_tuple_rejects_all_placeholders() { let q = r#"[:find ?x :where [?x :foo/knows ?p] [(ground [8 "foo" 3]) [_ _ _]]]"#; let schema = prepopulated_schema(); let partition_map = PartitionMap::default(); bails(&schema, &partition_map, &q); } #[test] fn test_ground_rel_rejects_all_placeholders() { let q = r#"[:find ?x :where [?x :foo/knows ?p] [(ground [[8 "foo"]]) [[_ _]]]]"#; let schema = prepopulated_schema(); let partition_map = PartitionMap::default(); bails(&schema, &partition_map, &q); } #[test] fn test_ground_tuple_placeholders() { let q = r#"[:find ?x :where [?x :foo/knows ?p] [(ground [8 "foo" 3]) [?x _ ?p]]]"#; let schema = prepopulated_schema(); let partition_map = PartitionMap::default(); let cc = alg(&schema, &partition_map, &q); assert!(cc.empty_because.is_none()); assert_eq!(cc.bound_value(&Variable::from_valid_name("?x")), Some(TypedValue::Ref(8))); assert_eq!(cc.bound_value(&Variable::from_valid_name("?p")), Some(TypedValue::Ref(3))); } #[test] fn test_ground_rel_placeholders() { let q = r#"[:find ?x :where [?x :foo/knows ?p] [(ground [[8 "foo" 3] [5 false 7] [5 9.95 9]]) [[?x _ ?p]]]]"#; let schema = prepopulated_schema(); let partition_map = PartitionMap::default(); let cc = alg(&schema, &partition_map, &q); assert!(cc.empty_because.is_none()); assert_eq!(cc.computed_tables[0], ComputedTable::NamedValues { names: vec![Variable::from_valid_name("?x"), Variable::from_valid_name("?p")], values: vec![ TypedValue::Ref(8), TypedValue::Ref(3), TypedValue::Ref(5), TypedValue::Ref(7), TypedValue::Ref(5), TypedValue::Ref(9), ], }); } // Nothing to do with ground, but while we're hereā€¦ #[test] fn test_multiple_reference_type_failure() { let q = r#"[:find ?x :where [?x :foo/age ?y] [?x :foo/knows ?y]]"#; let schema = prepopulated_schema(); let partition_map = PartitionMap::default(); let cc = alg(&schema, &partition_map, &q); assert!(cc.empty_because.is_some()); } #[test] fn test_ground_tuple_infers_types() { let q = r#"[:find ?x :where [?x :foo/age ?v] [(ground [8 10]) [?x ?v]]]"#; let schema = prepopulated_schema(); let partition_map = PartitionMap::default(); let cc = alg(&schema, &partition_map, &q); assert!(cc.empty_because.is_none()); assert_eq!(cc.bound_value(&Variable::from_valid_name("?x")), Some(TypedValue::Ref(8))); assert_eq!(cc.bound_value(&Variable::from_valid_name("?v")), Some(TypedValue::Long(10))); } #[test] fn test_ground_rel_infers_types() { let q = r#"[:find ?x :where [?x :foo/age ?v] [(ground [[8 10]]) [[?x ?v]]]]"#; let schema = prepopulated_schema(); let partition_map = PartitionMap::default(); let cc = alg(&schema, &partition_map, &q); assert!(cc.empty_because.is_none()); assert_eq!(cc.computed_tables[0], ComputedTable::NamedValues { names: vec![Variable::from_valid_name("?x"), Variable::from_valid_name("?v")], values: vec![TypedValue::Ref(8), TypedValue::Long(10)], }); } #[test] fn test_ground_coll_heterogeneous_types() { let q = r#"[:find ?x :where [?x _ ?v] [(ground [false 8.5]) [?v ...]]]"#; let schema = prepopulated_schema(); let partition_map = PartitionMap::default(); let e = bails(&schema, &partition_map, &q); match e { Error(ErrorKind::InvalidGroundConstant, _) => { }, _ => { panic!(); }, } } #[test] fn test_ground_rel_heterogeneous_types() { let q = r#"[:find ?x :where [?x _ ?v] [(ground [[false] [5]]) [[?v]]]]"#; let schema = prepopulated_schema(); let partition_map = PartitionMap::default(); let e = bails(&schema, &partition_map, &q); match e { Error(ErrorKind::InvalidGroundConstant, _) => { }, _ => { panic!(); }, } } #[test] fn test_ground_tuple_duplicate_vars() { let q = r#"[:find ?x :where [?x :foo/age ?v] [(ground [8 10]) [?x ?x]]]"#; let schema = prepopulated_schema(); let partition_map = PartitionMap::default(); let e = bails(&schema, &partition_map, &q); match e { Error(ErrorKind::InvalidBinding(v, e), _) => { assert_eq!(v, PlainSymbol::new("ground")); assert_eq!(e, BindingError::RepeatedBoundVariable); }, _ => { panic!(); }, } } #[test] fn test_ground_rel_duplicate_vars() { let q = r#"[:find ?x :where [?x :foo/age ?v] [(ground [[8 10]]) [[?x ?x]]]]"#; let schema = prepopulated_schema(); let partition_map = PartitionMap::default(); let e = bails(&schema, &partition_map, &q); match e { Error(ErrorKind::InvalidBinding(v, e), _) => { assert_eq!(v, PlainSymbol::new("ground")); assert_eq!(e, BindingError::RepeatedBoundVariable); }, _ => { panic!(); }, } } #[test] fn test_ground_nonexistent_variable_invalid() { let q = r#"[:find ?x ?e :where [?e _ ?x] (not [(ground 17) ?v])]"#; let schema = prepopulated_schema(); let partition_map = PartitionMap::default(); let e = bails(&schema, &partition_map, &q); match e { Error(ErrorKind::UnboundVariable(PlainSymbol(v)), _) => { assert_eq!(v, "?v".to_string()); }, _ => { panic!(); }, } } #[test] fn test_unbound_input_variable_invalid() { let schema = prepopulated_schema(); let partition_map = PartitionMap::default(); let q = r#"[:find ?y ?age :in ?x :where [(ground [?x]) [?y ...]] [?y :foo/age ?age]]"#; // This fails even if we know the type: we don't support grounding bindings // that aren't known at algebrizing time. let mut types = BTreeMap::default(); types.insert(Variable::from_valid_name("?x"), ValueType::Ref); let i = QueryInputs::new(types, BTreeMap::default()).expect("valid QueryInputs"); let e = bails_with_inputs(&schema, &partition_map, &q, i); match e { Error(ErrorKind::UnboundVariable(v), _) => { assert_eq!(v.0, "?x"); }, _ => { panic!(); }, } }