initSidebarItems({"enum":[["PreparedQuery",""],["QueryExplanation","A struct describing information about how Mentat would execute a query."],["QueryResults",""]],"fn":[["lookup_value","Return a single value for the provided entity and attribute. If the attribute is multi-valued, an arbitrary value is returned. If no value is present for that entity, `None` is returned. If `attribute` isn't an attribute, `None` is returned."],["lookup_value_for_attribute","Return a single value for the provided entity and attribute. If the attribute is multi-valued, an arbitrary value is returned. If no value is present for that entity, `None` is returned. If `attribute` doesn't name an attribute, an error is returned."],["lookup_values",""],["lookup_values_for_attribute",""],["q_explain",""],["q_once","Take an EDN query string, a reference to an open SQLite connection, a Mentat schema, and an optional collection of input bindings (which should be keyed by `\"?varname\"`), and execute the query immediately, blocking the current thread. Returns a structure that corresponds to the kind of input query, populated with `TypedValue` instances. The caller is responsible for ensuring that the SQLite connection has an open transaction if isolation is required."],["q_prepare",""],["q_uncached","Just like `q_once`, but doesn't use any cached values."]],"struct":[["Keyword","A keyword is a symbol, optionally with a namespace, that prints with a leading colon. This concept is imported from Clojure, as it features in EDN and the query syntax that we use."],["Known","A convenience wrapper around things known in memory: the schema and caches. We use a trait object here to avoid making dozens of functions generic over the type of the cache. If performance becomes a concern, we should hard-code specific kinds of cache right here, and/or eliminate the Option."],["PlainSymbol","A simplification of Clojure's Symbol."],["QueryInputs","Define the inputs to a query. This is in two parts: a set of values known now, and a set of types known now. The separate map of types is to allow queries to be algebrized without full knowledge of the bindings that will be used at execution time. When built correctly, `types` is guaranteed to contain the types of `values` -- use `QueryInputs::new` or `QueryInputs::with_values` to construct an instance."],["QueryOutput",""],["QueryPlanStep","A single row in the output of SQLite's `EXPLAIN QUERY PLAN`. See for an explanation of each field."],["RelResult","The result you get from a 'rel' query, like:"],["Variable",""]],"trait":[["IntoResult",""]],"type":[["PreparedResult",""],["QueryExecutionResult",""]]});