initSidebarItems({"enum":[["Directed","Marker type for a directed graph."],["Direction","Edge direction."],["Undirected","Marker type for an undirected graph."]],"mod":[["algo","Graph algorithms."],["csr","Compressed Sparse Row (CSR) is a sparse adjacency matrix graph."],["data","Graph traits for associated data and graph construction."],["dot","Simple graphviz dot file format output."],["graph","`Graph` is a graph datastructure using an adjacency list representation."],["graphmap","`GraphMap` is a graph datastructure where node values are mapping keys."],["prelude","Commonly used items."],["stable_graph","`StableGraph` keeps indices stable across removals."],["unionfind","`UnionFind` is a disjoint-set data structure."],["visit","Graph traits and graph traversals."]],"trait":[["EdgeType","A graph's edge type determines whether is has directed edges or not."],["IntoWeightedEdge","Convert an element like `(i, j)` or `(i, j, w)` into a triple of source, target, edge weight."]]});