initSidebarItems({"fn":[["to_vec","Serializes a value to a vector."],["to_vec_packed","Serializes a value without names to a vector."],["to_vec_packed_sd","Serializes a value without names to a vector and adds a CBOR self-describe tag."],["to_vec_sd","Serializes a value to a vector and adds a CBOR self-describe tag."],["to_writer","Serializes a value to a writer."],["to_writer_packed","Serializes a value without names to a writer."],["to_writer_packed_sd","Serializes a value without names to a writer and adds a CBOR self-describe tag."],["to_writer_sd","Serializes a value to a writer and adds a CBOR self-describe tag."]],"struct":[["Serializer","A structure for serializing Rust values to CBOR."]]});