initSidebarItems({"struct":[["ConnectFuture","Future returned by `TcpStream::connect` which will resolve to a `TcpStream` when the stream is connected."],["Incoming","Stream returned by the `TcpListener::incoming` function representing the stream of sockets received from a listener."],["RecvDgram","A future used to receive a datagram from a UDP socket."],["SendDgram","A future used to write the entire contents of some data to a UDP socket."],["TcpListener","An I/O object representing a TCP socket listening for incoming connections."],["TcpStream","An I/O object representing a TCP stream connected to a remote endpoint."],["UdpFramed","A unified `Stream` and `Sink` interface to an underlying `UdpSocket`, using the `Encoder` and `Decoder` traits to encode and decode frames."],["UdpSocket","An I/O object representing a UDP socket."]]});