2018-08-22 17:04:13 +00:00

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initSidebarItems({"enum":[["AttributeBitFlags","Bit flags used in `flags0` column in temporary tables created during search, such as the `search_results`, `inexact_searches` and `exact_searches` tables. When moving to a more concrete table, such as `datoms`, they are expanded out via these flags and put into their own column rather than a bit field."],["Binding","The values bound in a query specification can be:"],["TypedValue","Represents a value that can be stored in a Mentat store."],["ValueType","The attribute of each Mentat assertion has a :db/valueType constraining the value to a particular set. Mentat recognizes the following :db/valueType values."]],"fn":[["now","Return the current time as a UTC `DateTime` instance with microsecond precision."]],"macro":[["bail",""]],"mod":[["attribute",""],["values",""]],"struct":[["Attribute","A Mentat schema attribute has a value type and several other flags determining how assertions with the attribute are interpreted."],["KnownEntid","An entid that's either already in the store, or newly allocated to a tempid. TODO: we'd like to link this in some way to the lifetime of a particular PartitionMap."],["StructuredMap","A pull expression expands a binding into a structure. The returned structure associates attributes named in the input or retrieved from the store with values. This association is a `StructuredMap`."],["ValueTypeSet",""]],"type":[["Entid","Represents one entid in the entid space."]]});