2018-08-22 17:04:13 +00:00

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initSidebarItems({"enum":[["DatabaseName","Name for a database within a SQLite connection."],["DropBehavior","Options for how a Transaction or Savepoint should behave when it is dropped."],["Error","Enum listing possible errors from rusqlite."],["ErrorCode","Error Codes"],["TransactionBehavior","Options for transaction behavior. See BEGIN TRANSACTION for details."]],"fn":[["bypass_sqlite_initialization","rusqlite's check for a safe SQLite threading mode requires SQLite 3.7.0 or later. If you are running against a SQLite older than that, rusqlite attempts to ensure safety by performing configuration and initialization of SQLite itself the first time you attempt to open a connection. By default, rusqlite panics if that initialization fails, since that could mean SQLite has been initialized in single-thread mode."],["bypass_sqlite_version_check","rusqlite performs a one-time check that the runtime SQLite version is at least as new as the version of SQLite found when rusqlite was built. Bypassing this check may be dangerous; e.g., if you use features of SQLite that are not present in the runtime version. If you are sure the runtime version is compatible with the build-time version for your usage, you can bypass the version check by calling this function before your first connection attempt."],["version","Returns the SQLite version as a string; e.g., `\"3.16.2\"` for version 3.16.2."],["version_number","Returns the SQLite version as an integer; e.g., `3016002` for version 3.16.2."]],"mod":[["limits","Run-Time Limits"],["types","Traits dealing with SQLite data types."]],"struct":[["AndThenRows","An iterator over the mapped resulting rows of a query, with an Error type unifying with Error."],["CachedStatement","Cacheable statement."],["Connection","A connection to a SQLite database."],["MappedRows","An iterator over the mapped resulting rows of a query."],["OpenFlags","Flags for opening SQLite database connections. See sqlite3_open_v2 for details."],["Row","A single result row of a query."],["Rows","An handle for the resulting rows of a query."],["Savepoint","Represents a savepoint on a database connection."],["Statement","A prepared statement."],["Transaction","Represents a transaction on a database connection."]],"trait":[["RowIndex","A trait implemented by types that can index into columns of a row."]],"type":[["Result","A typedef of the result returned by many methods."],["SqliteConnection","Old name for `Connection`. `SqliteConnection` is deprecated."],["SqliteError","Old name for `Error`. `SqliteError` is deprecated."],["SqliteOpenFlags","Old name for `OpenFlags`. `SqliteOpenFlags` is deprecated."],["SqliteResult","Old name for `Result`. `SqliteResult` is deprecated."],["SqliteRow","Old name for `Row`. `SqliteRow` is deprecated."],["SqliteRows","Old name for `Rows`. `SqliteRows` is deprecated."],["SqliteStatement","Old name for `Statement`. `SqliteStatement` is deprecated."],["SqliteTransaction","Old name for `Transaction`. `SqliteTransaction` is deprecated."],["SqliteTransactionBehavior","Old name for `TransactionBehavior`. `SqliteTransactionBehavior` is deprecated."]]});