2018-08-22 17:04:13 +00:00

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721 B

initSidebarItems({"fn":[["enter","Marks the current thread as being within the dynamic extent of an executor."],["spawn","Submits a future for execution on the default executor -- usually a threadpool."],["with_default","Set the default executor for the duration of the closure"]],"mod":[["park","Abstraction over blocking and unblocking the current thread."]],"struct":[["DefaultExecutor","Executes futures on the default executor for the current execution context."],["Enter","Represents an executor context."],["EnterError","An error returned by `enter` if an execution scope has already been entered."],["SpawnError","Errors returned by `Executor::spawn`."]],"trait":[["Executor","A value that executes futures."]]});