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<h1 class='fqn'><span class='in-band'>Trait <a href='../index.html'>futures</a>::<wbr><a href='index.html'>future</a>::<wbr><a class="trait" href=''>Executor</a></span><span class='out-of-band'><span id='render-detail'>
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<pre class='rust trait'>pub trait Executor&lt;F:&nbsp;<a class="trait" href="../../futures/future/trait.Future.html" title="trait futures::future::Future">Future</a>&lt;Item = <a class="primitive" href="">()</a>, Error = <a class="primitive" href="">()</a>&gt;&gt; {
fn <a href='#tymethod.execute' class='fnname'>execute</a>(&amp;self, future: F) -&gt; <a class="enum" href="" title="enum core::result::Result">Result</a>&lt;<a class="primitive" href="">()</a>, <a class="struct" href="../../futures/future/struct.ExecuteError.html" title="struct futures::future::ExecuteError">ExecuteError</a>&lt;F&gt;&gt;;
}</pre><div class='docblock'><p>A trait for types which can spawn fresh futures.</p>
<p>This trait is typically implemented for &quot;executors&quot;, or those types which
can execute futures to completion. Futures passed to <code>Spawn::spawn</code>
typically get turned into a <em>task</em> and are then driven to completion.</p>
<p>On spawn, the executor takes ownership of the future and becomes responsible
to call <code>Future::poll()</code> whenever a readiness notification is raised.</p>
<h2 id='required-methods' class='small-section-header'>
Required Methods<a href='#required-methods' class='anchor'></a>
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<h3 id='tymethod.execute' class='method'><span id='execute.v' class='invisible'><code>fn <a href='#tymethod.execute' class='fnname'>execute</a>(&amp;self, future: F) -&gt; <a class="enum" href="" title="enum core::result::Result">Result</a>&lt;<a class="primitive" href="">()</a>, <a class="struct" href="../../futures/future/struct.ExecuteError.html" title="struct futures::future::ExecuteError">ExecuteError</a>&lt;F&gt;&gt;</code></span></h3><div class='docblock'><p>Spawns a future to run on this <code>Executor</code>, typically in the
<p>This function will return immediately, and schedule the future <code>future</code>
to run on <code>self</code>. The details of scheduling and execution are left to
the implementations of <code>Executor</code>, but this is typically a primary point
for injecting concurrency in a futures-based system. Futures spawned
through this <code>execute</code> function tend to run concurrently while they're
waiting on events.</p>
<h1 id="errors" class="section-header"><a href="#errors">Errors</a></h1>
<p>Implementers of this trait are allowed to reject accepting this future
as well. This can happen for various reason such as:</p>
<li>The executor is shut down</li>
<li>The executor has run out of capacity to execute futures</li>
<p>The decision is left to the caller how to work with this form of error.
The error returned transfers ownership of the future back to the caller.</p>
<h2 id='implementors' class='small-section-header'>
Implementors<a href='#implementors' class='anchor'></a>
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