These are functions on `TermBuilder` itself to prevent mixing mutable and immutable references in the most natural style. That is, ``` builder.add(e, a, builder.lookup_ref(...)) ``` fails because `add` borrows `builder` mutably and `lookup_ref` borrows `builder` immutably. There's nothing here that requires a specific builder (since we're not interning lookup refs on the builder, like we are tempids) so we don't need an instance.
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// Copyright 2016 Mozilla
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use
// this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the
// License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed
// under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR
// CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
// We have a little bit of a dilemma in Mentat.
// The public data format for transacting is, fundamentally, a big string: EDN.
// The internal data format for transacting is required to encode the complexities of
// processing that format: temporary IDs, lookup refs, input spans, etc.
// See edn::entities::Entity and all of its child enums to see how complex this gets.
// A programmatic consumer doesn't want to build something that looks like:
// Entity::AddOrRetract {
// op: OpType::Add,
// e: EntidOrLookupRefOrTempId::LookupRef(LookupRef {
// a: Entid::Ident(Keyword::namespaced("test", "a1")),
// v: Value::Text("v1".into()),
// }),
// a: Entid::Ident(kw!(:test/a)),
// v: AtomOrLookupRefOrVectorOrMapNotation::Atom(ValueAndSpan::new(SpannedValue::Text("v".into()), Span(44, 47))),
// }));
// but neither do they want to pay the cost of parsing
// [[:test/a1 "v1"] :test/a "v"]
// at runtime.
// It's tempting to think that we can do something 'easy' here -- to skip the hard work of transacting
// tempids, for example -- but to do so will hobble the system for little payoff. It's also worth
// remembering that the transactor does significant validation work, which we don't want to
// reimplement here.
// The win we seek is to make it easier to _write_ these inputs without significantly restricting
// what can be said.
// There are two ways we could go from here.
// The first is to expose tx parsing as a macro: parse that string at compile time into the
// equivalent `Entity` data structure. That's fine for completely static input data.
// The second is to expose a declarative, programmatic builder pattern for constructing entities.
// We probably need both, but this file provides the latter.
use edn::{
use edn::entities::{
use mentat_core::{
use conn::{
use errors::{
pub type Terms = (Vec<Entity<TypedValue>>, InternSet<TempId>);
pub struct TermBuilder {
tempids: InternSet<TempId>,
terms: Vec<Entity<TypedValue>>,
pub struct EntityBuilder<T: BuildTerms + Sized> {
builder: T,
entity: EntityPlace<TypedValue>,
pub trait BuildTerms where Self: Sized {
fn named_tempid<I>(&mut self, name: I) -> ValueRc<TempId> where I: Into<String>;
fn describe_tempid(self, name: &str) -> EntityBuilder<Self>;
fn describe<E>(self, entity: E) -> EntityBuilder<Self> where E: Into<EntityPlace<TypedValue>>;
fn add<E, A, V>(&mut self, e: E, a: A, v: V) -> Result<()>
where E: Into<EntityPlace<TypedValue>>,
A: Into<AttributePlace>,
V: Into<ValuePlace<TypedValue>>;
fn retract<E, A, V>(&mut self, e: E, a: A, v: V) -> Result<()>
where E: Into<EntityPlace<TypedValue>>,
A: Into<AttributePlace>,
V: Into<ValuePlace<TypedValue>>;
impl BuildTerms for TermBuilder {
fn named_tempid<I>(&mut self, name: I) -> ValueRc<TempId> where I: Into<String> {
fn describe_tempid(mut self, name: &str) -> EntityBuilder<Self> {
let e = self.named_tempid(name);
fn describe<E>(self, entity: E) -> EntityBuilder<Self> where E: Into<EntityPlace<TypedValue>> {
EntityBuilder {
builder: self,
entity: entity.into(),
fn add<E, A, V>(&mut self, e: E, a: A, v: V) -> Result<()>
where E: Into<EntityPlace<TypedValue>>,
A: Into<AttributePlace>,
V: Into<ValuePlace<TypedValue>> {
self.terms.push(Entity::AddOrRetract { op: OpType::Add, e: e.into(), a: a.into(), v: v.into() });
fn retract<E, A, V>(&mut self, e: E, a: A, v: V) -> Result<()>
where E: Into<EntityPlace<TypedValue>>,
A: Into<AttributePlace>,
V: Into<ValuePlace<TypedValue>> {
self.terms.push(Entity::AddOrRetract { op: OpType::Retract, e: e.into(), a: a.into(), v: v.into() });
impl TermBuilder {
pub fn build(self) -> Result<Terms> {
Ok((self.terms, self.tempids))
pub fn new() -> TermBuilder {
TermBuilder {
tempids: InternSet::new(),
terms: vec![],
pub fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
pub fn numbered_tempid(&mut self, id: i64) -> ValueRc<TempId> {
pub fn lookup_ref<A, V>(a: A, v: V) -> LookupRef<TypedValue>
where A: Into<AttributePlace>,
V: Into<TypedValue> {
LookupRef { a: a.into(), v: v.into() }
pub fn tx_function(op: &str) -> TxFunction {
TxFunction { op: PlainSymbol::plain(op) }
impl<T> EntityBuilder<T> where T: BuildTerms {
pub fn finish(self) -> (T, EntityPlace<TypedValue>) {
(self.builder, self.entity)
pub fn add<A, V>(&mut self, a: A, v: V) -> Result<()>
where A: Into<AttributePlace>,
V: Into<ValuePlace<TypedValue>> {
self.builder.add(self.entity.clone(), a, v)
pub fn retract<A, V>(&mut self, a: A, v: V) -> Result<()>
where A: Into<AttributePlace>,
V: Into<ValuePlace<TypedValue>> {
self.builder.retract(self.entity.clone(), a, v)
pub struct InProgressBuilder<'a, 'c> {
in_progress: InProgress<'a, 'c>,
builder: TermBuilder,
impl<'a, 'c> InProgressBuilder<'a, 'c> {
pub fn new(in_progress: InProgress<'a, 'c>) -> Self {
InProgressBuilder {
in_progress: in_progress,
builder: TermBuilder::new(),
/// Build the terms from this builder and transact them against the current
/// `InProgress`. This method _always_ returns the `InProgress` -- failure doesn't
/// imply an automatic rollback.
pub fn transact(self) -> (InProgress<'a, 'c>, Result<TxReport>) {
let mut in_progress = self.in_progress;
let result = self.builder
.and_then(|(terms, _tempid_set)| {
(in_progress, result)
/// Transact the contents of the builder and commit the `InProgress`. If any
/// step fails, roll back. Return the `TxReport`.
pub fn commit(self) -> Result<TxReport> {
let mut in_progress = self.in_progress;
.and_then(|report| {
impl<'a, 'c> BuildTerms for InProgressBuilder<'a, 'c> {
fn named_tempid<I>(&mut self, name: I) -> ValueRc<TempId> where I: Into<String> {
fn describe_tempid(mut self, name: &str) -> EntityBuilder<InProgressBuilder<'a, 'c>> {
let e = self.builder.named_tempid(name.to_string());
fn describe<E>(self, entity: E) -> EntityBuilder<InProgressBuilder<'a, 'c>> where E: Into<EntityPlace<TypedValue>> {
EntityBuilder {
builder: self,
entity: entity.into(),
fn add<E, A, V>(&mut self, e: E, a: A, v: V) -> Result<()>
where E: Into<EntityPlace<TypedValue>>,
A: Into<AttributePlace>,
V: Into<ValuePlace<TypedValue>> {
self.builder.add(e, a, v)
fn retract<E, A, V>(&mut self, e: E, a: A, v: V) -> Result<()>
where E: Into<EntityPlace<TypedValue>>,
A: Into<AttributePlace>,
V: Into<ValuePlace<TypedValue>> {
self.builder.retract(e, a, v)
impl<'a, 'c> EntityBuilder<InProgressBuilder<'a, 'c>> {
/// Build the terms from this builder and transact them against the current
/// `InProgress`. This method _always_ returns the `InProgress` -- failure doesn't
/// imply an automatic rollback.
pub fn transact(self) -> (InProgress<'a, 'c>, Result<TxReport>) {
/// Transact the contents of the builder and commit the `InProgress`. If any
/// step fails, roll back. Return the `TxReport`.
pub fn commit(self) -> Result<TxReport> {
mod testing {
extern crate mentat_db;
use ::{
use super::*;
// In reality we expect the store to hand these out safely.
fn fake_known_entid(e: Entid) -> KnownEntid {
fn test_entity_builder_bogus_entids() {
let mut builder = TermBuilder::new();
let e = builder.named_tempid("x");
let a1 = fake_known_entid(37); // :db/doc
let a2 = fake_known_entid(999);
let v = TypedValue::typed_string("Some attribute");
let ve = fake_known_entid(12345);
builder.add(e.clone(), a1, v).expect("add succeeded");
builder.add(e.clone(), a2, e.clone()).expect("add succeeded, even though it's meaningless");
builder.add(e.clone(), a2, ve).expect("add succeeded, even though it's meaningless");
let (terms, tempids) = builder.build().expect("build succeeded");
assert_eq!(tempids.len(), 1);
assert_eq!(terms.len(), 3); // TODO: check the contents?
// Now try to add them to a real store.
let mut sqlite = mentat_db::db::new_connection("").unwrap();
let mut conn = Conn::connect(&mut sqlite).unwrap();
let mut in_progress = conn.begin_transaction(&mut sqlite).expect("begun successfully");
// This should fail: unrecognized entid.
match in_progress.transact_entities(terms).expect_err("expected transact to fail") {
MentatError::DbError(e) => {
assert_eq!(e.kind(), mentat_db::DbErrorKind::UnrecognizedEntid(999));
_ => panic!("Should have rejected the entid."),
fn test_in_progress_builder() {
let mut sqlite = mentat_db::db::new_connection("").unwrap();
let mut conn = Conn::connect(&mut sqlite).unwrap();
// Give ourselves a schema to work with!
conn.transact(&mut sqlite, r#"[
[:db/add "o" :db/ident :foo/one]
[:db/add "o" :db/valueType :db.type/long]
[:db/add "o" :db/cardinality :db.cardinality/one]
[:db/add "m" :db/ident :foo/many]
[:db/add "m" :db/valueType :db.type/string]
[:db/add "m" :db/cardinality :db.cardinality/many]
[:db/add "r" :db/ident :foo/ref]
[:db/add "r" :db/valueType :db.type/ref]
[:db/add "r" :db/cardinality :db.cardinality/one]
let in_progress = conn.begin_transaction(&mut sqlite).expect("begun successfully");
// We can use this or not!
let a_many = in_progress.get_entid(&kw!(:foo/many)).expect(":foo/many");
let mut builder = in_progress.builder();
let e_x = builder.named_tempid("x");
let v_many_1 = TypedValue::typed_string("Some text");
let v_many_2 = TypedValue::typed_string("Other text");
builder.add(e_x.clone(), kw!(:foo/many), v_many_1).expect("add succeeded");
builder.add(e_x.clone(), a_many, v_many_2).expect("add succeeded");
builder.commit().expect("commit succeeded");
fn test_entity_builder() {
let mut sqlite = mentat_db::db::new_connection("").unwrap();
let mut conn = Conn::connect(&mut sqlite).unwrap();
let foo_one = kw!(:foo/one);
let foo_many = kw!(:foo/many);
let foo_ref = kw!(:foo/ref);
let report: TxReport;
// Give ourselves a schema to work with!
// Scoped borrow of conn.
conn.transact(&mut sqlite, r#"[
[:db/add "o" :db/ident :foo/one]
[:db/add "o" :db/valueType :db.type/long]
[:db/add "o" :db/cardinality :db.cardinality/one]
[:db/add "m" :db/ident :foo/many]
[:db/add "m" :db/valueType :db.type/string]
[:db/add "m" :db/cardinality :db.cardinality/many]
[:db/add "r" :db/ident :foo/ref]
[:db/add "r" :db/valueType :db.type/ref]
[:db/add "r" :db/cardinality :db.cardinality/one]
let mut in_progress = conn.begin_transaction(&mut sqlite).expect("begun successfully");
// Scoped borrow of in_progress.
let mut builder = TermBuilder::new();
let e_x = builder.named_tempid("x");
let e_y = builder.named_tempid("y");
let a_ref = in_progress.get_entid(&foo_ref).expect(":foo/ref");
let a_one = in_progress.get_entid(&foo_one).expect(":foo/one");
let a_many = in_progress.get_entid(&foo_many).expect(":foo/many");
let v_many_1 = TypedValue::typed_string("Some text");
let v_many_2 = TypedValue::typed_string("Other text");
let v_long: TypedValue = 123.into();
builder.add(e_x.clone(), a_many, v_many_1).expect("add succeeded");
builder.add(e_x.clone(), a_many, v_many_2).expect("add succeeded");
builder.add(e_y.clone(), a_ref, e_x.clone()).expect("add succeeded");
builder.add(e_x.clone(), a_one, v_long).expect("add succeeded");
let (terms, tempids) = builder.build().expect("build succeeded");
assert_eq!(tempids.len(), 2);
assert_eq!(terms.len(), 4);
report = in_progress.transact_entities(terms).expect("add succeeded");
let x = report.tempids.get("x").expect("our tempid has an ID");
let y = report.tempids.get("y").expect("our tempid has an ID");
assert_eq!(in_progress.lookup_value_for_attribute(*y, &foo_ref).expect("lookup succeeded"),
assert_eq!(in_progress.lookup_value_for_attribute(*x, &foo_one).expect("lookup succeeded"),
in_progress.commit().expect("commit succeeded");
// It's all still there after the commit.
let x = report.tempids.get("x").expect("our tempid has an ID");
let y = report.tempids.get("y").expect("our tempid has an ID");
assert_eq!(conn.lookup_value_for_attribute(&mut sqlite, *y, &foo_ref).expect("lookup succeeded"),