
901 lines
36 KiB

(ns datomish.test.query
[datomish.pair-chan :refer [go-pair <?]]
[datomish.node-tempfile-macros :refer [with-tempfile]]
[cljs.core.async.macros :as a :refer [go]]))
[ :as cc]
[datomish.query.context :as context]
[datomish.query.source :as source]
[datomish.query.transforms :as transforms]
[datomish.query :as query]
[datomish.db :as db]
[datomish.schema :as schema]
[datomish.transact :as transact]
[datomish.api :as d]
[[datomish.pair-chan :refer [go-pair <?]]
[datomish.test-macros :refer [deftest-db]]
[honeysql.core :as sql :refer [param]]
[tempfile.core :refer [tempfile with-tempfile]]
[clojure.test :as t :refer [is are deftest testing]]])
[datomish.test-macros :refer-macros [deftest-db]]
[honeysql.core :as sql :refer-macros [param]]
[datomish.node-tempfile :refer [tempfile]]
[cljs.test :as t :refer-macros [is are deftest testing]]]))
(:import [clojure.lang ExceptionInfo])))
(defn- fgensym [s c]
(symbol (str s c)))
(defn make-predictable-gensym []
(let [counter (atom 0)]
(fgensym "G__" (dec (swap! counter inc))))
(fgensym s (dec (swap! counter inc)))))))
(def simple-schema
[{:db/id (d/id-literal :db.part/user)
:db.install/_attribute :db.part/db
:db/ident :db/txInstant
:db/valueType :db.type/long
:db/cardinality :db.cardinality/one}
{:db/id (d/id-literal :db.part/user)
:db.install/_attribute :db.part/db
:db/ident :foo/bar
:db/valueType :db.type/string
:db/cardinality :db.cardinality/many}
{:db/id (d/id-literal :db.part/user)
:db.install/_attribute :db.part/db
:db/ident :foo/int
:db/valueType :db.type/long
:db/cardinality :db.cardinality/one}
{:db/id (d/id-literal :db.part/user)
:db.install/_attribute :db.part/db
:db/ident :foo/str
:db/valueType :db.type/string
:db/cardinality :db.cardinality/many}])
(def page-schema
[{:db/id (d/id-literal :db.part/user)
:db.install/_attribute :db.part/db
:db/ident :page/loves
:db/valueType :db.type/ref
:db/cardinality :db.cardinality/many}
{:db/id (d/id-literal :db.part/user)
:db.install/_attribute :db.part/db
:db/ident :page/likes
:db/valueType :db.type/ref
:db/cardinality :db.cardinality/many}
{:db/id (d/id-literal :db.part/user)
:db.install/_attribute :db.part/db
:db/ident :page/url
:db/valueType :db.type/string
:db/unique :db.unique/identity
:db/cardinality :db.cardinality/one}
{:db/id (d/id-literal :db.part/user)
:db.install/_attribute :db.part/db
:db/ident :page/title
:db/valueType :db.type/string
:db/cardinality :db.cardinality/one}
{:db/id (d/id-literal :db.part/user)
:db.install/_attribute :db.part/db
:db/ident :page/save
:db/valueType :db.type/ref
:db/unique :db.unique/identity ; A save uniquely identifies a page.
:db/cardinality :db.cardinality/many}
{:db/id (d/id-literal :db.part/user)
:db.install/_attribute :db.part/db
:db/ident :page/starred
:db/valueType :db.type/boolean
:db/cardinality :db.cardinality/one}])
(def aggregate-schema
[{:db/id (d/id-literal :db.part/user)
:db.install/_attribute :db.part/db
:db/ident :page/url
:db/valueType :db.type/string
:db/unique :db.unique/identity
:db/cardinality :db.cardinality/one}
{:db/id (d/id-literal :db.part/user)
:db.install/_attribute :db.part/db
:db/ident :foo/points
:db/valueType :db.type/long
:db/cardinality :db.cardinality/many}
{:db/id (d/id-literal :db.part/user)
:db.install/_attribute :db.part/db
:db/ident :foo/visitedAt
:db/valueType :db.type/instant
:db/cardinality :db.cardinality/many}])
(def save-schema
[{:db/id (d/id-literal :db.part/user)
:db.install/_attribute :db.part/db
:db/cardinality :db.cardinality/one
:db/valueType :db.type/string
:db/fulltext true
:db/ident :save/title}
{:db/id (d/id-literal :db.part/user)
:db.install/_attribute :db.part/db
:db/cardinality :db.cardinality/one
:db/valueType :db.type/string
:db/fulltext true
:db/ident :save/excerpt}
{:db/id (d/id-literal :db.part/user)
:db.install/_attribute :db.part/db
:db/cardinality :db.cardinality/one
:db/valueType :db.type/string
:db/fulltext true
:db/ident :save/content}])
(def schema-with-page
(defn mock-source [db]
(assoc (datomish.db/datoms-source db)
:table-alias (comp (make-predictable-gensym) name)))
(defn conn->context [conn]
(context/make-context (mock-source (d/db conn))))
(defn- expand [find conn]
(let [context (conn->context conn)
parsed (query/parse find)]
(query/find->sql-clause context parsed)))
(defn- populate [find conn]
(let [context (conn->context conn)
parsed (query/parse find)]
(query/find-into-context context parsed)))
(defn <initialize-with-schema [conn schema]
(let [tx (<? (d/<transact! conn schema))]
(let [idents (map :db/ident schema)
db (d/db conn)]
(into {}
(map (fn [ident]
[ident (d/entid db ident)])
(deftest-db test-type-extraction conn
;; We expect to be able to look up the default types.
(is (integer? (d/entid (d/db conn) :db.type/ref)))
(is (integer? (d/entid (d/db conn) :db.type/long)))
;; Add our own schema.
(<? (<initialize-with-schema conn simple-schema))
(testing "Variable entity."
(is (= (->
(populate '[:find ?e ?v :in $ :where [?e :foo/int ?v]] conn)
:cc :known-types)
{'?v :db.type/long
'?e :db.type/ref})))
(testing "Numeric entid."
(is (= (->
(populate '[:find ?v :in $ :where [6 :foo/int ?v]] conn)
:cc :known-types)
{'?v :db.type/long})))
(testing "Keyword entity."
(is (= (->
(populate '[:find ?v :in $ :where [:my/thing :foo/int ?v]] conn)
:cc :known-types)
{'?v :db.type/long}))))
(deftest-db test-value-constant-constraint-descends-into-not-and-or conn
(let [attrs (<? (<initialize-with-schema conn simple-schema))]
(testing "Elision of types inside a join."
(is (= {:select '([:datoms0.e :e]
[:datoms0.v :v]),
:modifiers [:distinct],
:from [[:datoms 'datoms0]],
:where (list :and
[:= :datoms0.a (:foo/int attrs)]
{:select [1],
:from [[:all_datoms 'all_datoms1]],
:where (list :and
[:= :all_datoms1.e 999]
[:= :datoms0.v :all_datoms1.v])}]])}
'[:find ?e ?v :in $ :where
[?e :foo/int ?v]
(not [999 ?a ?v])]
(testing "Type collisions inside :not."
(is (thrown-with-msg?
ExceptionInfo #"v already has type :db.type.long"
'[:find ?e ?v :in $ :where
[?e :foo/int ?v]
(not [999 :foo/str ?v])]
(testing "Type collisions inside :or"
(is (thrown-with-msg?
ExceptionInfo #"v already has type :db.type.long"
'[:find ?e ?v :in $ :where
[?e :foo/int ?v]
[999 :foo/str ?v]
[666 :foo/int ?v])]
(deftest-db test-type-collision conn
(<? (<initialize-with-schema conn simple-schema))
(let [find '[:find ?e ?v :in $
[?e :foo/int ?v]
[?x :foo/str ?v]]]
(is (thrown-with-msg?
ExceptionInfo #"v already has type :db.type.long"
(populate find conn)))))
(deftest-db test-value-constant-constraint conn
(<? (<initialize-with-schema conn simple-schema))
(is (= {:select '([:all_datoms0.e :foo]),
:modifiers [:distinct],
:from '[[:all_datoms all_datoms0]],
:where (list :and
(list :or
[:= :all_datoms0.value_type_tag 0]
;; In CLJS, this can also be an `instant`.
#?@(:cljs [[:= :all_datoms0.value_type_tag 4]])
[:= :all_datoms0.value_type_tag 5])
[:= :all_datoms0.v 99])}
'[:find ?foo :in $ :where
[?foo _ 99]]
(deftest-db test-value-constant-constraint-elided-using-schema conn
(let [attrs (<? (<initialize-with-schema conn schema-with-page))]
(testing "Our attributes were interned."
(is (integer? (d/entid (d/db conn) :foo/str)))
(is (integer? (d/entid (d/db conn) :page/starred))))
(testing "There's no need to produce value_type_tag constraints when the attribute is specified."
(= {:select '([:datoms1.v :timestampMicros] [:datoms0.e :page]),
:modifiers [:distinct],
:from [[:datoms 'datoms0]
[:datoms 'datoms1]],
:where (list :and
;; We don't need a type check on the range of page/starred...
[:= :datoms0.a (:page/starred attrs)]
[:= :datoms0.v 1]
[:= :datoms1.a (:db/txInstant attrs)]
{:select [1],
:from [[:datoms 'datoms2]],
:where (list :and
[:= :datoms2.a (:foo/bar attrs)]
[:= :datoms0.e :datoms2.e])}]]
[:= :datoms0.tx :datoms1.e])}
'[:find ?timestampMicros ?page :in $ ?latest :where
[?page :page/starred true ?t]
[?t :db/txInstant ?timestampMicros]
(not [?page :foo/bar _])]
(deftest-db test-basic-join conn
;; Note that we use a schema without :page/starred, so we
;; don't know what type it is.
(let [attrs (<? (<initialize-with-schema conn simple-schema))]
(is (= {:select '([:datoms1.v :timestampMicros] [:datoms0.e :page]),
:modifiers [:distinct],
:from '([:datoms datoms0]
[:datoms datoms1]),
:where (list
;; Note that :page/starred is literal, because
;; it's not present in the interned schema.
[:= :datoms0.a :page/starred]
[:= :datoms0.value_type_tag 1] ; boolean
[:= :datoms0.v 1]
[:= :datoms1.a (:db/txInstant attrs)]
(list :and (list :> :datoms0.tx (sql/param :latest)))]
[:= :datoms0.tx :datoms1.e])}
'[:find ?timestampMicros ?page :in $ ?latest :where
[?page :page/starred true ?t]
[?t :db/txInstant ?timestampMicros]
(not [(> ?t ?latest)])]
(deftest-db test-pattern-not-join conn
(let [attrs (<? (<initialize-with-schema conn simple-schema))]
(is (= {:select '([:datoms1.v :timestampMicros] [:datoms0.e :page]),
:modifiers [:distinct],
:from [[:datoms 'datoms0]
[:datoms 'datoms1]],
:where (list
;; Note that :page/starred is literal, because
;; it's not present in the interned schema.
[:= :datoms0.a :page/starred]
[:= :datoms0.value_type_tag 1] ; boolean
[:= :datoms0.v 1]
[:= :datoms1.a (:db/txInstant attrs)]
{:select [1],
:from [[:datoms 'datoms2]],
:where (list :and
[:= :datoms2.a (:foo/bar attrs)]
[:= :datoms0.e :datoms2.e])}]]
[:= :datoms0.tx :datoms1.e])}
'[:find ?timestampMicros ?page :in $ ?latest :where
[?page :page/starred true ?t]
[?t :db/txInstant ?timestampMicros]
(not [?page :foo/bar _])]
;; Note that clause ordering is not directly correlated to the output: cross-bindings end up
;; at the front. The SQL engine will do its own analysis. See `clauses/expand-where-from-bindings`.
(deftest-db test-not-clause-ordering-preserved conn
(let [attrs (<? (<initialize-with-schema conn schema-with-page))]
(is (= {:select '([:datoms1.v :timestampMicros] [:datoms0.e :page]),
:modifiers [:distinct],
:from '[[:datoms datoms0]
[:datoms datoms1]],
:where (list
;; We don't need a value tag constraint -- we know the range of the attribute.
[:= :datoms0.a (:page/starred attrs)]
[:= :datoms0.v 1]
(list :and (list :> :datoms0.tx (sql/param :latest)))]
[:= :datoms1.a (:db/txInstant attrs)]
[:= :datoms0.tx :datoms1.e]
'[:find ?timestampMicros ?page :in $ ?latest :where
[?page :page/starred true ?t]
(not [(> ?t ?latest)])
[?t :db/txInstant ?timestampMicros]]
(deftest-db test-pattern-not-join-ordering-preserved conn
(let [attrs (<? (<initialize-with-schema conn schema-with-page))]
(is (= {:select '([:datoms2.v :timestampMicros] [:datoms0.e :page]),
:modifiers [:distinct],
:from [[:datoms 'datoms0]
[:datoms 'datoms2]],
:where (list :and
;; We don't need a value tag constraint -- we know the range of the attribute.
[:= :datoms0.a (:page/starred attrs)]
[:= :datoms0.v 1]
{:select [1],
:from [[:datoms 'datoms1]],
:where (list :and
[:= :datoms1.a (:foo/bar attrs)]
[:= :datoms0.e :datoms1.e])}]]
[:= :datoms2.a (:db/txInstant attrs)]
[:= :datoms0.tx :datoms2.e])}
'[:find ?timestampMicros ?page :in $ ?latest :where
[?page :page/starred true ?t]
(not [?page :foo/bar _])
[?t :db/txInstant ?timestampMicros]]
(deftest-db test-single-or conn
(let [attrs (<? (<initialize-with-schema conn schema-with-page))]
(is (= {:select '([:datoms0.e :page]),
:modifiers [:distinct],
:from '([:datoms datoms0] [:datoms datoms1] [:datoms datoms2]),
:where (list :and
[:= :datoms0.a (:page/url attrs)]
[:= :datoms0.v ""]
[:= :datoms1.a (:page/title attrs)]
[:= :datoms2.a (:page/loves attrs)]
[:= :datoms0.e :datoms1.e]
[:= :datoms0.e :datoms2.v])}
'[:find ?page :in $ ?latest :where
[?page :page/url ""]
[?page :page/title ?title]
[?entity :page/loves ?page])]
(deftest-db test-simple-or conn
(let [attrs (<? (<initialize-with-schema conn schema-with-page))]
(is (= {:select '([:datoms0.e :page]),
:modifiers [:distinct],
:from '([:datoms datoms0] [:datoms datoms1] [:datoms datoms2]),
:where (list :and
[:= :datoms0.a (:page/url attrs)]
[:= :datoms0.v ""]
[:= :datoms1.a (:page/title attrs)]
(list :or
[:= :datoms2.a (:page/likes attrs)]
[:= :datoms2.a (:page/loves attrs)])
[:= :datoms0.e :datoms1.e]
[:= :datoms0.e :datoms2.v])}
'[:find ?page :in $ ?latest :where
[?page :page/url ""]
[?page :page/title ?title]
[?entity :page/likes ?page]
[?entity :page/loves ?page])]
(deftest-db test-complex-or conn
(let [attrs (<? (<initialize-with-schema
(concat save-schema schema-with-page)))]
(is (= {:select '([:datoms0.e :page] [:datoms0.v :starred]),
:modifiers [:distinct],
:where (list :and
[:= :datoms0.a (:page/starred attrs)]
[:= :datoms0.e])
[[:datoms 'datoms0]
;; These first two will be merged together when
;; we implement simple pattern alternation within
;; complex `or`.
{:from '([:datoms datoms2]),
:select '([:datoms2.e :page]),
:where (list :and
[:= :datoms2.a (:page/url attrs)]
[:= :datoms0.e :datoms2.e]
[:= (sql/param :s) :datoms2.v])}
{:from '([:datoms datoms3]),
:select '([:datoms3.e :page]),
:where (list :and
[:= :datoms3.a (:page/title attrs)]
[:= :datoms0.e :datoms3.e]
[:= (sql/param :s) :datoms3.v])}
{:from '([:datoms datoms4]
[:fulltext_datoms fulltext_datoms5]
[:fulltext_datoms fulltext_datoms6]),
:select '([:datoms4.e :page]),
:where (list :and
[:= :datoms4.a (:page/save attrs)]
[:= :fulltext_datoms5.a (:save/excerpt attrs)]
[:= :fulltext_datoms6.a (:save/content attrs)]
[:= :datoms4.v :fulltext_datoms5.e]
[:= :datoms4.v :fulltext_datoms6.e]
[:= :fulltext_datoms5.v :fulltext_datoms6.v]
[:= :datoms0.e :datoms4.e]
[:= (sql/param :s) :fulltext_datoms5.v])})}
'[:find ?page ?starred :in $ ?s :where
[?page :page/starred ?starred]
(or-join [?page]
[?page :page/url ?s]
[?page :page/title ?s]
(and [?page :page/save ?saved]
[?saved :save/excerpt ?s]
[?saved :save/content ?s]))]
(defn tag-clauses [column input]
(let [codes (cc/->tag-codes input)]
(if (= 1 (count codes))
[:= column (first codes)]
(cons :or (map (fn [tag]
[:= column tag])
(deftest-db test-url-tag conn
(let [attrs (<? (<initialize-with-schema conn schema-with-page))]
(is (= {:select '([:all_datoms0.e :page]
[:datoms1.v :thing]),
:modifiers [:distinct],
:from '([:all_datoms all_datoms0]
[:datoms datoms1]),
:where (list
(tag-clauses :all_datoms0.value_type_tag "")
[:= :all_datoms0.v ""]
[:= :datoms1.a (:page/likes attrs)]
[:= :datoms1.a (:page/loves attrs)])
[:= :all_datoms0.e :datoms1.e])}
'[:find ?page ?thing :in $ ?latest :where
[?page _ ""]
[?page :page/likes ?thing]
[?page :page/loves ?thing])]
(deftest-db test-tag-projection conn
(let [attrs (<? (<initialize-with-schema conn schema-with-page))]
(is (= {:select '([:all_datoms0.e :page]
[:all_datoms0.v :thing]
[:all_datoms0.value_type_tag :_thing_type_tag]),
:modifiers [:distinct],
:from '([:all_datoms all_datoms0])}
'[:find ?page ?thing :in $ :where
[?page _ ?thing]]
(deftest-db test-aggregates conn
(let [attrs (<? (<initialize-with-schema conn aggregate-schema))
(populate '[:find ?date (max ?v)
:with ?e
:in $ ?then
[?e :foo/visitedAt ?date]
[(> ?date ?then)]
[?e :foo/points ?v]] conn)]
(is (= (:group-by-vars context)
['?date '?e]))
(is (= {:select '([ :date]
[:%max.preag.v :_max_v])
:modifiers [:distinct]
:group-by '(:date :e),
:with {:preag
{:select '([:datoms0.v :date]
[:datoms1.v :v]
[:datoms0.e :e]), ; Because we need to group on it.
:modifiers [:distinct],
:from '([:datoms datoms0] [:datoms datoms1]),
:where (list
[:= :datoms0.a (:foo/visitedAt attrs)]
(list :> :datoms0.v (sql/param :then))
[:= :datoms1.a (:foo/points attrs)]
[:= :datoms0.e :datoms1.e])}}
:from [:preag]}
(query/context->sql-clause context)))))
(deftest-db test-get-else conn
(let [attrs (<? (<initialize-with-schema conn page-schema))]
(is (= {:select (list
[:datoms0.e :page]
[{:select [(sql/call
{:select [:v],
:from [:datoms],
:where [:and
[:= 'a 65540]
[:= 'e :datoms0.e]],
:limit 1}
"No title")],
:limit 1} :title]),
:modifiers [:distinct],
:from '([:datoms datoms0]),
:where (list :and [:= :datoms0.a 65539])}
(expand '[:find ?page ?title :in $
[?page :page/url _]
[(get-else $ ?page :page/title "No title") ?title]]
(deftest-db test-limit-order conn
(let [attrs (<? (<initialize-with-schema conn aggregate-schema))
(populate '[:find ?date (max ?v)
:with ?e
:in $ ?then
[?e :foo/visitedAt ?date]
[(> ?date ?then)]
[?e :foo/points ?v]] conn)]
ExceptionInfo #"Invalid limit \?x"
(query/options-into-context context '?x [[:date :asc]])))
ExceptionInfo #"Ordering expressions must be :asc or :desc"
(query/options-into-context context 10 [[:date :upsidedown]]))))
ExceptionInfo #"Ordering vars \#\{:nonexistent\} not a subset"
(query/options-into-context context 10 [[:nonexistent :desc]]))))
{:limit 10}
(query/options-into-context context 10 nil))
[:order-by :limit]
{:order-by [[:date :asc]]}
(query/options-into-context context nil [[:date :asc]]))
[:order-by :limit]
{:limit 10
:order-by [[:date :asc]]}
(query/options-into-context context 10 [[:date :asc]]))
[:order-by :limit]
(deftest-db test-parsing-fulltext conn
(let [attrs (<? (<initialize-with-schema conn save-schema))]
(is (= {:select (list [:datoms1.e :save]),
:modifiers [:distinct],
:from (list [:fulltext_values 'fulltext_values0]
[:datoms 'datoms1]),
:where (list :and
[:match :fulltext_values0.fulltext_values "something"]
[:= :datoms1.v :fulltext_values0.rowid]
[:= :datoms1.a (:save/title attrs)])}
(expand {:find '[?save]
:in '[$]
:where [[(list 'fulltext
(is (= {:select (list [:datoms1.e :save]),
:modifiers [:distinct],
:from (list [:fulltext_values 'fulltext_values0]
[:datoms 'datoms1]),
:where (list :and
[:match :fulltext_values0.fulltext_values "something"]
[:= :datoms1.v :fulltext_values0.rowid]
(list :or
[:= :datoms1.a (:save/title attrs)]
[:= :datoms1.a (:save/excerpt attrs)]))}
(expand {:find '[?save]
:in '[$]
:where [[(list 'fulltext
#{:save/title :save/excerpt}
(deftest-db test-find-specs-expansion conn
(let [attrs (<? (<initialize-with-schema conn save-schema))]
;; Relation.
(is (= {:select (list [:fulltext_datoms0.v :title])
:modifiers [:distinct]
:from (list [:fulltext_datoms 'fulltext_datoms0])
:where (list :and [:= :fulltext_datoms0.a (:save/title attrs)])}
(expand [:find '?title
:in '$
:where '[?save :save/title ?title]]
;; Tuple. We expect only one result, and indeed we only take one.
;; No need for :distinct in this case!
(is (= {:select (list [:fulltext_datoms0.v :title])
:modifiers []
:limit 1
:from (list [:fulltext_datoms 'fulltext_datoms0])
:where (list :and [:= :fulltext_datoms0.a (:save/title attrs)])}
(expand [:find '[?title]
:in '$
:where '[?save :save/title ?title]]
;; Scalar. As with the tuple form, we expect only one result.
(is (= {:select (list [:fulltext_datoms0.v :title])
:modifiers []
:limit 1
:from (list [:fulltext_datoms 'fulltext_datoms0])
:where (list :and [:= :fulltext_datoms0.a (:save/title attrs)])}
(expand [:find '?title '.
:in '$
:where '[?save :save/title ?title]]
;; Collection.
(is (= {:select (list [:fulltext_datoms0.v :title])
:modifiers [:distinct]
:from (list [:fulltext_datoms 'fulltext_datoms0])
:where (list :and [:= :fulltext_datoms0.a (:save/title attrs)])}
(expand [:find '[?title ...]
:in '$
:where '[?save :save/title ?title]]
(defn orderless=
"Compare two arrays regardless of order."
[a b]
(= (set a) (set b)))
(deftest-db test-find-specs-empty-results conn
(let [attrs (<? (<initialize-with-schema conn save-schema))]
;; Relation.
(is (= []
(<? (d/<q (d/db conn)
[:find '?title
:in '$
:where '[?save :save/title ?title]]))))
;; Tuple.
(is (nil? (<? (d/<q (d/db conn)
[:find '[?title]
:in '$
:where '[?save :save/title ?title]]))))
;; Scalar.
(is (nil? (<? (d/<q (d/db conn)
[:find '?title '.
:in '$
:where '[?save :save/title ?title]]))))
;; Collection.
(is (= []
(<? (d/<q (d/db conn)
[:find '[?title ...]
:in '$
:where '[?save :save/title ?title]]))))))
(deftest-db test-find-specs-result-shape conn
(let [attrs (<? (<initialize-with-schema conn save-schema))]
;; Add some data.
(<? (d/<transact! conn
[{:db/id (d/id-literal :db.part/user -1)
:save/title "Some page title"}
{:db/id (d/id-literal :db.part/user -2)
:save/title "A different page"}]))
;; Relation.
(is (orderless=
[["A different page"]["Some page title"]]
(<? (d/<q (d/db conn)
[:find '?title
:in '$
:where '[?save :save/title ?title]]
{:order-by [[:title :asc]]}))))
;; Tuple. We expect only one result, and indeed we only take one.
;; No need for :distinct in this case!
(let [result (<? (d/<q (d/db conn)
[:find '[?title]
:in '$
:where '[?save :save/title ?title]]
{:order-by [[:title :asc]]}))]
(is (= ["A different page"] result)))
;; Scalar. As with the tuple form, we expect only one result.
(let [result (<? (d/<q (d/db conn)
[:find '?title '.
:in '$
:where '[?save :save/title ?title]]
{:order-by [[:title :asc]]}))]
(is (= "A different page" result)))
;; Collection.
(is (orderless=
["Some page title" "A different page"]
(<? (d/<q (d/db conn)
[:find '[?title ...]
:in '$
:where '[?save :save/title ?title]]
{:order-by [[:title :desc]]}))))))
(deftest-db test-tuple conn
(let [attrs (<? (<initialize-with-schema conn save-schema))]
(<? (d/<transact! conn
[{:db/id (d/id-literal :db.part/user -1)
:save/title "Some page title"
:save/excerpt "Some page excerpt"}
{:db/id (d/id-literal :db.part/user -2)
:save/title "A different page"
:save/excerpt "A different excerpt"}]))
(let [result (<? (d/<q (d/db conn)
[:find '[?title ?excerpt]
:in '$
'[?save :save/title ?title]
'[?save :save/excerpt ?excerpt]]))]
(is (or (= ["Some page title" "Some page excerpt"] result)
(= ["A different page" "A different excerpt"] result))))))
(deftest-db test-or-join-real-world conn
;; This tests the simplest cause of
(testing "or-join with fulltext expressions doesn't leak type_tag columns."
(let [attrs (<? (<initialize-with-schema
(concat save-schema schema-with-page)))]
{:select (list
[:datoms6.v :url]
[{:select [(sql/call :coalesce
{:select [:v]
:from [:datoms]
:where [:and
[:= 'a 65546]
[:= 'e]]
:limit 1}
:limit 1}
:modifiers []
:from (list
[{:union (list
{:select '([:datoms2.e :page])
:from '([:fulltext_values fulltext_values1] [:datoms datoms2])
:where (list :and
[:match :fulltext_values1.fulltext_values (sql/param :str)]
[:= :datoms2.v :fulltext_values1.rowid]
(list :or [:= :datoms2.a (:page/url attrs)] [:= :datoms2.a (:page/title attrs)]))}
{:select '([:datoms5.e :page])
:from '([:fulltext_values fulltext_values3] [:datoms datoms4] [:datoms datoms5])
:where (list :and
[:match :fulltext_values3.fulltext_values (sql/param :str)]
[:= :datoms4.v :fulltext_values3.rowid]
(list :or
[:= :datoms4.a (:save/title attrs)]
[:= :datoms4.a (:save/content attrs)]
[:= :datoms4.a (:save/excerpt attrs)]
[:= :datoms5.a (:page/save attrs)]
[:= :datoms4.e :datoms5.v])})}
'[:datoms datoms6])
:where (list :and
[:= :datoms6.a (:page/url attrs)]
[:= :datoms6.e])
:limit 1}
'[:find [?url ?title]
:in $ ?str
(or-join [?page]
[(fulltext $ #{:page/url :page/title} ?str) [[?page]]]
[(fulltext $ #{:save/title :save/excerpt :save/content} ?str) [[?save]]]
[?page :page/save ?save]))
[?page :page/url ?url]
[(get-else $ ?page :page/title "") ?title]]
;; honeysql up to 0.8.2 includes parentheses around the arms of a
;; UNION. This isn't acceptable to SQLite.
;; See
(deftest test-honeysql-union
(testing "UNION doesn't include surplus parentheses."
(is (= ["SELECT x FROM (SELECT x FROM abc UNION SELECT x FROM def) foo"]
(sql/format {:select ['x]
:from (list [{:union (list
{:select ['x]
:from [:abc]}
{:select ['x]
:from [:def]})}