Grisha Kruglov b22b29679b
Basic sync support (#563) r=nalexander
* Pre: remove remnants of 'open_empty'

* Pre: Cleanup 'datoms' table after a timeline move

Since timeline move operations use a transactor, they generate a
"phantom" 'tx' and a 'txInstant' assertion. It is "phantom" in a sense
that it was never present in the 'transactions' table, and is entirely
synthetic as far as our database is concerned.
It's an implementational artifact, and we were not cleaning it up.

It becomes a problem when we start inserting transactions after a move.
Once the transactor clashes with the phantom 'tx', it will retract the
phantom 'txInstant' value, leaving the transactions log in an incorrect state.

This patch adds a test for this scenario and elects the easy way out: simply
remove the offending 'txInstant' datom.

* Part 1: Sync without support for side-effects

A "side-effect" is defined here as a mutation of a remote state as part
of the sync.

If, during a sync we determine that a remote state needs to be changed, bail out.

This generally supports different variations of "baton-passing" syncing, where clients
will succeed syncing if each change is non-conflicting.

* Part 2: Support basic "side-effects" syncing

This patch introduces a concept of a follow-up sync. If a sync generated
a "merge transaction" (a regular transaction that contains assertions
necessary for local and remote transaction logs to converge), then
this transaction needs to be uploaded in a follow-up sync.

Generated SyncReport indicates if a follow-up sync is required.

Follow-up sync itself is just a regular sync. If remote state did not change,
it will result in a simple RemoteFastForward. Otherwise, we'll continue
merging and requesting a follow-up.

Schema alterations are explicitly not supported.

As local transactions are rebased on top of remote, following changes happen:
- entids are changed into tempids, letting transactor upsert :db/unique values
- entids for retractions are changed into lookup-refs if we're confident they'll succeed
-- otherwise, retractions are dropped on the floor

* Post: use a macro for more readable tests

* Tolstoy README
2018-09-07 19:18:20 -07:00

2081 lines
79 KiB

// Copyright 2018 Mozilla
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use
// this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the
// License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed
// under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR
// CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
//! This module exposes an Foreign Function Interface (FFI) that allows Mentat to be
//! called from other languages.
//! Functions that are available to other languages in this module are defined as
//! extern "C" functions which allow them to be layed out correctly for the
//! platform's C ABI. They all have a `#[no_mangle]` decorator to ensure
//! Rust's name mangling is turned off, so that it is easier to link to.
//! Mentat's FFI contains unsafe code. As it is an interface between foreign code
//! and native Rust code, Rust cannot guarantee that the types and data that have been passed
//! to it from another language are present and in the format it is expecting.
//! This interface is designed to ensure that nothing unsafe passes through this module
//! and enters Mentat proper
//! Structs defined with `#[repr(C)]` are guaranteed to have a layout that is compatible
//! with the platform's representation in C.
//! This API passes pointers in two ways, depending on the lifetime of the value and
//! what value owns it.
//! Pointers to values that are guaranteed to live beyond the lifetime of the function,
//! are passed over the FFI as a raw pointer.
//! `value as *const Binding`
//! Pointers to values that cannot be guaranteed to live beyond the lifetime of the function
//! are first `Box`ed so that they live on the heap, and the raw pointer passed this way.
//! `Box::into_raw(Box::new(value))`
//! The memory for a value that is moved onto the heap before being passed over the FFI
//! is no longer managed by Rust, but Rust still owns the value. Therefore the pointer
//! must be returned to Rust in order to be released. To this effect a number of `destructor`
//! functions are provided for each Rust value type that is passed, as is a catch all destructor
//! to release memory for `#[repr(C)]` values.
//! The destructors reclaim the memory via [Box](std::boxed::Box) and then drop the reference, causing the
//! memory to be released.
//! A macro has been provided to make defining destructors easier.
//! `define_destructor!(query_builder_destroy, QueryBuilder);`
//! Passing a pointer to memory that has already been released will cause Mentat to crash,
//! so callers have to be careful to ensure they manage their pointers properly.
//! Failure to call a destructor for a value on the heap will cause a memory leak.
//! Generally, the functions exposed in this module have a direct mapping to existing Mentat APIs,
//! in order to keep application logic to a minumum and provide the greatest flexibility
//! for callers using the interface. However, in some cases a single convenience function
//! has been provided in order to make the interface easier to use and reduce the number
//! of calls that have to be made over the FFI to perform a task. An example of this is
//! `store_register_observer`, which takes a single native callback function that is then
//! wrapped inside a Rust closure and added to a [TxObserver](mentat::TxObserver) struct. This is then used to
//! register the observer with the store.
//! Functions that may fail take an out parameter of type `*mut ExternError`. In the event the
//! function fails, information about the error that occured will be stored inside it (and,
//! typically, a null pointer will be returned). Convenience functions for unpacking a
//! `Result<T, E>` as a `*mut T` while writing any error to the `ExternError` are provided as
//! `translate_result`, `translate_opt_result` (for `Result<Option<T>>`) and `translate_void_result`
//! (for `Result<(), T>`). Callers are responsible for freeing the `message` field of `ExternError`.
extern crate core;
extern crate libc;
extern crate mentat;
use core::fmt::Display;
use std::collections::{
use std::os::raw::{
use std::slice;
use std::sync::{
use std::vec;
use std::ffi::CString;
pub use mentat::{
pub use mentat::entity_builder::{
pub mod android;
pub mod utils;
pub use utils::strings::{
use utils::error::{
pub use utils::log;
// type aliases for iterator types.
pub type BindingIterator = vec::IntoIter<Binding>;
pub type BindingListIterator = std::slice::Chunks<'static, mentat::Binding>;
/// Helper macro for asserting one or more pointers are not null at the same time.
macro_rules! assert_not_null {
($($e:expr),+ $(,)*) => ($(
assert!(!$e.is_null(), concat!("Unexpected null pointer: ", stringify!($e)));
/// A C representation of the change provided by the transaction observers
/// from a single transact.
/// Holds a transaction identifier, the changes as a set of affected attributes
/// and the length of the list of changes.
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct TransactionChange {
pub txid: Entid,
pub changes: *const c_longlong,
pub changes_len: c_ulonglong,
/// A C representation of the list of changes provided by the transaction observers.
/// Provides the list of changes as the length of the list.
pub struct TxChangeList {
pub reports: *const TransactionChange,
pub len: c_ulonglong,
pub struct InProgressTransactResult<'a, 'c> {
pub in_progress: *mut InProgress<'a, 'c>,
pub tx_report: *mut TxReport,
// TODO: This is a different usage pattern than most uses of ExternError. Is this bad?
pub err: ExternError,
impl<'a, 'c> InProgressTransactResult<'a, 'c> {
// This takes a tuple so that we can pass the result of `transact()` into it directly.
unsafe fn from_transact<E: Display>(tuple: (InProgress<'a, 'c>, Result<TxReport, E>)) -> Self {
let (in_progress, tx_result) = tuple;
let mut err = ExternError::default();
let tx_report = translate_result(tx_result, (&mut err) as *mut ExternError);
InProgressTransactResult {
in_progress: Box::into_raw(Box::new(in_progress)),
/// A store cannot be opened twice to the same location.
/// Once created, the reference to the store is held by the caller and not Rust,
/// therefore the caller is responsible for calling `store_destroy` to release the memory
/// used by the [Store](mentat::Store) in order to avoid a memory leak.
// TODO: Take an `ExternError` parameter, rather than crashing on error.
/// # Safety
/// Callers are responsible for managing the memory for the return value.
/// A destructor `store_destroy` is provided for releasing the memory for this
/// pointer type.
pub unsafe extern "C" fn store_open(uri: *const c_char, error: *mut ExternError) -> *mut Store {
let uri = c_char_to_string(uri);
translate_result(Store::open(&uri), error)
/// Variant of store_open that opens an encrypted database.
#[cfg(feature = "sqlcipher")]
pub unsafe extern "C" fn store_open_encrypted(uri: *const c_char, key: *const c_char, error: *mut ExternError) -> *mut Store {
let uri = c_char_to_string(uri);
let key = c_char_to_string(key);
translate_result(Store::open_with_key(&uri, &key), error)
// TODO: open empty
// TODO: dismantle
// TODO: conn
// TODO: begin_read
/// Starts a new transaction to allow multiple transacts to be
/// performed together. This is more efficient than performing
/// a large set of individual commits.
/// # Safety
/// Callers must ensure that the pointer to the [Store](mentat::Store) is not dangling.
/// Callers are responsible for managing the memory for the return value.
/// A destructor `in_progress_destroy` is provided for releasing the memory for this
/// pointer type.
/// TODO: Document the errors that can result from begin_transaction
pub unsafe extern "C" fn store_begin_transaction<'a, 'c>(store: *mut Store, error: *mut ExternError) -> *mut InProgress<'a, 'c> {
let store = &mut *store;
translate_result(store.begin_transaction(), error)
/// Perform a single transact operation using the current in progress
/// transaction. Takes edn as a string to transact.
/// Returns a [Result<TxReport>](mentat::TxReport)
/// # Safety
/// Callers are responsible for managing the memory for the return value.
/// A destructor `tx_report_destroy` is provided for releasing the memory for this
/// pointer type.
/// TODO: Document the errors that can result from transact
pub unsafe extern "C" fn in_progress_transact<'m>(in_progress: *mut InProgress<'m, 'm>, transaction: *const c_char, error: *mut ExternError) -> *mut TxReport {
let in_progress = &mut *in_progress;
let transaction = c_char_to_string(transaction);
translate_result(in_progress.transact(transaction), error)
/// Commit all the transacts that have been performed using this
/// in progress transaction.
/// TODO: Document the errors that can result from transact
pub unsafe extern "C" fn in_progress_commit<'m>(in_progress: *mut InProgress<'m, 'm>, error: *mut ExternError) {
let in_progress = Box::from_raw(in_progress);
translate_void_result(in_progress.commit(), error);
/// Rolls back all the transacts that have been performed using this
/// in progress transaction.
/// TODO: Document the errors that can result from rollback
pub unsafe extern "C" fn in_progress_rollback<'m>(in_progress: *mut InProgress<'m, 'm>, error: *mut ExternError) {
let in_progress = Box::from_raw(in_progress);
translate_void_result(in_progress.rollback(), error);
/// Creates a builder using the in progress transaction to allow for programmatic
/// assertion of values.
/// # Safety
/// Callers are responsible for managing the memory for the return value.
/// A destructor `in_progress_builder_destroy` is provided for releasing the memory for this
/// pointer type.
pub unsafe extern "C" fn in_progress_builder<'m>(in_progress: *mut InProgress<'m, 'm>) -> *mut InProgressBuilder {
let in_progress = Box::from_raw(in_progress);
/// Creates a builder for an entity with `tempid` using the in progress transaction to
/// allow for programmatic assertion of values for that entity.
/// # Safety
/// Callers are responsible for managing the memory for the return value.
/// A destructor `entity_builder_destroy` is provided for releasing the memory for this
/// pointer type.
pub unsafe extern "C" fn in_progress_entity_builder_from_temp_id<'m>(in_progress: *mut InProgress<'m, 'm>, temp_id: *const c_char) -> *mut EntityBuilder<InProgressBuilder> {
let in_progress = Box::from_raw(in_progress);
let temp_id = c_char_to_string(temp_id);
/// Creates a builder for an entity with `entid` using the in progress transaction to
/// allow for programmatic assertion of values for that entity.
/// # Safety
/// Callers are responsible for managing the memory for the return value.
/// A destructor `entity_builder_destroy` is provided for releasing the memory for this
/// pointer type.
pub unsafe extern "C" fn in_progress_entity_builder_from_entid<'m>(in_progress: *mut InProgress<'m, 'm>, entid: c_longlong) -> *mut EntityBuilder<InProgressBuilder> {
let in_progress = Box::from_raw(in_progress);
/// Starts a new transaction and creates a builder using the transaction
/// to allow for programmatic assertion of values.
/// # Safety
/// Callers are responsible for managing the memory for the return value.
/// A destructor `in_progress_builder_destroy` is provided for releasing the memory for this
/// pointer type.
pub unsafe extern "C" fn store_in_progress_builder<'a, 'c>(store: *mut Store, error: *mut ExternError) -> *mut InProgressBuilder<'a, 'c> {
let store = &mut *store;
let result = store.begin_transaction().and_then(|in_progress| {
translate_result(result, error)
/// Starts a new transaction and creates a builder for an entity with `tempid`
/// using the transaction to allow for programmatic assertion of values for that entity.
/// # Safety
/// Callers are responsible for managing the memory for the return value.
/// A destructor `entity_builder_destroy` is provided for releasing the memory for this
/// pointer type.
pub unsafe extern "C" fn store_entity_builder_from_temp_id<'a, 'c>(store: *mut Store, temp_id: *const c_char, error: *mut ExternError) -> *mut EntityBuilder<InProgressBuilder<'a, 'c>> {
let store = &mut *store;
let temp_id = c_char_to_string(temp_id);
let result = store.begin_transaction().and_then(|in_progress| {
translate_result(result, error)
/// Starts a new transaction and creates a builder for an entity with `entid`
/// using the transaction to allow for programmatic assertion of values for that entity.
/// # Safety
/// Callers are responsible for managing the memory for the return value.
/// A destructor `entity_builder_destroy` is provided for releasing the memory for this
/// pointer type.
pub unsafe extern "C" fn store_entity_builder_from_entid<'a, 'c>(store: *mut Store, entid: c_longlong, error: *mut ExternError) -> *mut EntityBuilder<InProgressBuilder<'a, 'c>> {
let store = &mut *store;
let result = store.begin_transaction().and_then(|in_progress| {
translate_result(result, error)
/// Uses `builder` to assert `value` for `kw` on entity `entid`.
/// # Errors
/// If `entid` is not present in the store.
/// If `kw` is not a valid attribute in the store.
/// If the `:db/type` of the attribute described by `kw` is not `:db.type/string`.
// TODO Generalise with macro
pub unsafe extern "C" fn in_progress_builder_add_string<'a, 'c>(
builder: *mut InProgressBuilder<'a, 'c>,
entid: c_longlong,
kw: *const c_char,
value: *const c_char,
error: *mut ExternError
) {
let builder = &mut *builder;
let kw = kw_from_string(c_char_to_string(kw));
let value: TypedValue = c_char_to_string(value).into();
translate_void_result(builder.add(KnownEntid(entid), kw, value), error);
/// Uses `builder` to assert `value` for `kw` on entity `entid`.
/// # Errors
/// If `entid` is not present in the store.
/// If `kw` is not a valid attribute in the store.
/// If the `:db/type` of the attribute described by `kw` is not `:db.type/long`.
// TODO Generalise with macro
pub unsafe extern "C" fn in_progress_builder_add_long<'a, 'c>(
builder: *mut InProgressBuilder<'a, 'c>,
entid: c_longlong,
kw: *const c_char,
value: c_longlong,
error: *mut ExternError
) {
let builder = &mut *builder;
let kw = kw_from_string(c_char_to_string(kw));
let value: TypedValue = TypedValue::Long(value);
translate_void_result(builder.add(KnownEntid(entid), kw, value), error);
/// Uses `builder` to assert `value` for `kw` on entity `entid`.
/// # Errors
/// If `entid` is not present in the store.
/// If `kw` is not a valid attribute in the store.
/// If `value` is not present as an Entid in the store.
/// If the `:db/type` of the attribute described by `kw` is not `:db.type/ref`.
// TODO Generalise with macro
pub unsafe extern "C" fn in_progress_builder_add_ref<'a, 'c>(
builder: *mut InProgressBuilder<'a, 'c>,
entid: c_longlong,
kw: *const c_char,
value: c_longlong,
error: *mut ExternError
) {
let builder = &mut *builder;
let kw = kw_from_string(c_char_to_string(kw));
let value: TypedValue = TypedValue::Ref(value);
translate_void_result(builder.add(KnownEntid(entid), kw, value), error);
/// Uses `builder` to assert `value` for `kw` on entity `entid`.
/// # Errors
/// If `entid` is not present in the store.
/// If `kw` is not a valid attribute in the store.
/// If `value` is not present as an attribute in the store.
/// If the `:db/type` of the attribute described by `kw` is not `:db.type/keyword`.
// TODO Generalise with macro
pub unsafe extern "C" fn in_progress_builder_add_keyword<'a, 'c>(
builder: *mut InProgressBuilder<'a, 'c>,
entid: c_longlong,
kw: *const c_char,
value: *const c_char,
error: *mut ExternError
) {
let builder = &mut *builder;
let kw = kw_from_string(c_char_to_string(kw));
let value: TypedValue = kw_from_string(c_char_to_string(value)).into();
translate_void_result(builder.add(KnownEntid(entid), kw, value), error);
/// Uses `builder` to assert `value` for `kw` on entity `entid`.
/// # Errors
/// If `entid` is not present in the store.
/// If `kw` is not a valid attribute in the store.
/// If the `:db/type` of the attribute described by `kw` is not `:db.type/boolean`.
// TODO Generalise with macro
pub unsafe extern "C" fn in_progress_builder_add_boolean<'a, 'c>(
builder: *mut InProgressBuilder<'a, 'c>,
entid: c_longlong,
kw: *const c_char,
value: bool,
error: *mut ExternError
) {
let builder = &mut *builder;
let kw = kw_from_string(c_char_to_string(kw));
let value: TypedValue = value.into();
translate_void_result(builder.add(KnownEntid(entid), kw, value), error);
/// Uses `builder` to assert `value` for `kw` on entity `entid`.
/// # Errors
/// If `entid` is not present in the store.
/// If `kw` is not a valid attribute in the store.
/// If the `:db/type` of the attribute described by `kw` is not `:db.type/double`.
// TODO Generalise with macro
pub unsafe extern "C" fn in_progress_builder_add_double<'a, 'c>(
builder: *mut InProgressBuilder<'a, 'c>,
entid: c_longlong,
kw: *const c_char,
value: f64,
error: *mut ExternError
) {
let builder = &mut *builder;
let kw = kw_from_string(c_char_to_string(kw));
let value: TypedValue = value.into();
translate_void_result(builder.add(KnownEntid(entid), kw, value), error);
/// Uses `builder` to assert `value` for `kw` on entity `entid`.
/// # Errors
/// If `entid` is not present in the store.
/// If `kw` is not a valid attribute in the store.
/// If the `:db/type` of the attribute described by `kw` is not `:db.type/instant`.
// TODO Generalise with macro
pub unsafe extern "C" fn in_progress_builder_add_timestamp<'a, 'c>(
builder: *mut InProgressBuilder<'a, 'c>,
entid: c_longlong,
kw: *const c_char,
value: c_longlong,
error: *mut ExternError
) {
let builder = &mut *builder;
let kw = kw_from_string(c_char_to_string(kw));
let value: TypedValue = TypedValue::instant(value);
translate_void_result(builder.add(KnownEntid(entid), kw, value), error);
/// Uses `builder` to assert `value` for `kw` on entity `entid`.
/// # Errors
/// If `entid` is not present in the store.
/// If `kw` is not a valid attribute in the store.
/// If the `:db/type` of the attribute described by `kw` is not `:db.type/uuid`.
// TODO Generalise with macro
pub unsafe extern "C" fn in_progress_builder_add_uuid<'a, 'c>(
builder: *mut InProgressBuilder<'a, 'c>,
entid: c_longlong,
kw: *const c_char,
value: *const [u8; 16],
error: *mut ExternError
) {
assert_not_null!(builder, value);
let builder = &mut *builder;
let kw = kw_from_string(c_char_to_string(kw));
let value = &*value;
let value = Uuid::from_bytes(value).expect("valid uuid");
let value: TypedValue = value.into();
translate_void_result(builder.add(KnownEntid(entid), kw, value), error);
/// Uses `builder` to retract `value` for `kw` on entity `entid`.
/// # Errors
/// If `entid` is not present in the store.
/// If `kw` is not a valid attribute in the store.
/// If the `:db/type` of the attribute described by `kw` is not `:db.type/string`.
// TODO Generalise with macro
pub unsafe extern "C" fn in_progress_builder_retract_string<'a, 'c>(
builder: *mut InProgressBuilder<'a, 'c>,
entid: c_longlong,
kw: *const c_char,
value: *const c_char,
error: *mut ExternError
) {
let builder = &mut *builder;
let kw = kw_from_string(c_char_to_string(kw));
let value: TypedValue = c_char_to_string(value).into();
translate_void_result(builder.retract(KnownEntid(entid), kw, value), error);
/// Uses `builder` to retract `value` for `kw` on entity `entid`.
/// # Errors
/// If `entid` is not present in the store.
/// If `kw` is not a valid attribute in the store.
/// If the `:db/type` of the attribute described by `kw` is not `:db.type/long`.
// TODO Generalise with macro
pub unsafe extern "C" fn in_progress_builder_retract_long<'a, 'c>(
builder: *mut InProgressBuilder<'a, 'c>,
entid: c_longlong,
kw: *const c_char,
value: c_longlong,
error: *mut ExternError
) {
let builder = &mut *builder;
let kw = kw_from_string(c_char_to_string(kw));
let value: TypedValue = TypedValue::Long(value);
translate_void_result(builder.retract(KnownEntid(entid), kw, value), error);
/// Uses `builder` to retract `value` for `kw` on entity `entid`.
/// # Errors
/// If `entid` is not present in the store.
/// If `kw` is not a valid attribute in the store.
/// If the `:db/type` of the attribute described by `kw` is not `:db.type/ref`.
// TODO Generalise with macro
pub unsafe extern "C" fn in_progress_builder_retract_ref<'a, 'c>(
builder: *mut InProgressBuilder<'a, 'c>,
entid: c_longlong,
kw: *const c_char,
value: c_longlong,
error: *mut ExternError
) {
let builder = &mut *builder;
let kw = kw_from_string(c_char_to_string(kw));
let value: TypedValue = TypedValue::Ref(value);
translate_void_result(builder.retract(KnownEntid(entid), kw, value), error);
/// Uses `builder` to retract `value` for `kw` on entity `entid`.
/// # Errors
/// If `entid` is not present in the store.
/// If `kw` is not a valid attribute in the store.
/// If the `:db/type` of the attribute described by `kw` is not `:db.type/keyword`.
// TODO Generalise with macro
pub unsafe extern "C" fn in_progress_builder_retract_keyword<'a, 'c>(
builder: *mut InProgressBuilder<'a, 'c>,
entid: c_longlong,
kw: *const c_char,
value: *const c_char,
error: *mut ExternError
) {
let builder = &mut *builder;
let kw = kw_from_string(c_char_to_string(kw));
let value: TypedValue = kw_from_string(c_char_to_string(value)).into();
translate_void_result(builder.retract(KnownEntid(entid), kw, value), error);
/// Uses `builder` to retract `value` for `kw` on entity `entid`.
/// # Errors
/// If `entid` is not present in the store.
/// If `kw` is not a valid attribute in the store.
/// If the `:db/type` of the attribute described by `kw` is not `:db.type/boolean`.
// TODO Generalise with macro
pub unsafe extern "C" fn in_progress_builder_retract_boolean<'a, 'c>(
builder: *mut InProgressBuilder<'a, 'c>,
entid: c_longlong,
kw: *const c_char,
value: bool,
error: *mut ExternError
) {
let builder = &mut *builder;
let kw = kw_from_string(c_char_to_string(kw));
let value: TypedValue = value.into();
translate_void_result(builder.retract(KnownEntid(entid), kw, value), error);
/// Uses `builder` to retract `value` for `kw` on entity `entid`.
/// # Errors
/// If `entid` is not present in the store.
/// If `kw` is not a valid attribute in the store.
/// If the `:db/type` of the attribute described by `kw` is not `:db.type/double`.
// TODO Generalise with macro
pub unsafe extern "C" fn in_progress_builder_retract_double<'a, 'c>(
builder: *mut InProgressBuilder<'a, 'c>,
entid: c_longlong,
kw: *const c_char,
value: f64,
error: *mut ExternError
) {
let builder = &mut *builder;
let kw = kw_from_string(c_char_to_string(kw));
let value: TypedValue = value.into();
translate_void_result(builder.retract(KnownEntid(entid), kw, value), error);
/// Uses `builder` to retract `value` for `kw` on entity `entid`.
/// # Errors
/// If `entid` is not present in the store.
/// If `kw` is not a valid attribute in the store.
/// If the `:db/type` of the attribute described by `kw` is not `:db.type/instant`.
// TODO Generalise with macro
pub unsafe extern "C" fn in_progress_builder_retract_timestamp<'a, 'c>(
builder: *mut InProgressBuilder<'a, 'c>,
entid: c_longlong,
kw: *const c_char,
value: c_longlong,
error: *mut ExternError
) {
let builder = &mut *builder;
let kw = kw_from_string(c_char_to_string(kw));
let value: TypedValue = TypedValue::instant(value);
translate_void_result(builder.retract(KnownEntid(entid), kw, value), error);
/// Uses `builder` to retract `value` for `kw` on entity `entid`.
/// # Errors
/// If `entid` is not present in the store.
/// If `kw` is not a valid attribute in the store.
/// If the `:db/type` of the attribute described by `kw` is not `:db.type/uuid`.
// TODO don't panic if the UUID is not valid - return result instead.
// TODO Generalise with macro
pub unsafe extern "C" fn in_progress_builder_retract_uuid<'a, 'c>(
builder: *mut InProgressBuilder<'a, 'c>,
entid: c_longlong,
kw: *const c_char,
value: *const [u8; 16],
error: *mut ExternError
) {
assert_not_null!(builder, value);
let builder = &mut *builder;
let kw = kw_from_string(c_char_to_string(kw));
let value = &*value;
let value = Uuid::from_bytes(value).expect("valid uuid");
let value: TypedValue = value.into();
translate_void_result(builder.retract(KnownEntid(entid), kw, value), error);
/// Transacts and commits all the assertions and retractions that have been performed
/// using this builder.
/// This consumes the builder and the enclosed [InProgress](mentat::InProgress) transaction.
// TODO: Document the errors that can result from transact
pub unsafe extern "C" fn in_progress_builder_commit<'a, 'c>(builder: *mut InProgressBuilder<'a, 'c>, error: *mut ExternError) -> *mut TxReport {
let builder = Box::from_raw(builder);
translate_result(builder.commit(), error)
/// Transacts all the assertions and retractions that have been performed
/// using this builder.
/// This consumes the builder and returns the enclosed [InProgress](mentat::InProgress) transaction
/// inside the [InProgressTransactResult](mentat::InProgressTransactResult) alongside the [TxReport](mentat::TxReport) generated
/// by the transact.
/// # Safety
/// Callers are responsible for managing the memory for the return value.
/// The destructors `in_progress_destroy` and `tx_report_destroy` arew provided for
/// releasing the memory for these pointer types.
// TODO: Document the errors that can result from transact
pub unsafe extern "C" fn in_progress_builder_transact<'a, 'c>(builder: *mut InProgressBuilder<'a, 'c>) -> InProgressTransactResult<'a, 'c> {
let builder = Box::from_raw(builder);
/// Uses `builder` to assert `value` for `kw` on entity `entid`.
/// # Errors
/// If `entid` is not present in the store.
/// If `kw` is not a valid attribute in the store.
/// If the `:db/type` of the attribute described by `kw` is not `:db.type/string`.
// TODO Generalise with macro
pub unsafe extern "C" fn entity_builder_add_string<'a, 'c>(
builder: *mut EntityBuilder<InProgressBuilder<'a, 'c>>,
kw: *const c_char,
value: *const c_char,
error: *mut ExternError
) {
let builder = &mut *builder;
let kw = kw_from_string(c_char_to_string(kw));
let value: TypedValue = c_char_to_string(value).into();
translate_void_result(builder.add(kw, value), error);
/// Uses `builder` to assert `value` for `kw` on entity `entid`.
/// # Errors
/// If `entid` is not present in the store.
/// If `kw` is not a valid attribute in the store.
/// If the `:db/type` of the attribute described by `kw` is not `:db.type/long`.
// TODO Generalise with macro
pub unsafe extern "C" fn entity_builder_add_long<'a, 'c>(
builder: *mut EntityBuilder<InProgressBuilder<'a, 'c>>,
kw: *const c_char,
value: c_longlong,
error: *mut ExternError
) {
let builder = &mut *builder;
let kw = kw_from_string(c_char_to_string(kw));
let value: TypedValue = TypedValue::Long(value);
translate_void_result(builder.add(kw, value), error);
/// Uses `builder` to assert `value` for `kw` on entity `entid`.
/// # Errors
/// If `entid` is not present in the store.
/// If `kw` is not a valid attribute in the store.
/// If the `:db/type` of the attribute described by `kw` is not `:db.type/ref`.
// TODO Generalise with macro
pub unsafe extern "C" fn entity_builder_add_ref<'a, 'c>(
builder: *mut EntityBuilder<InProgressBuilder<'a, 'c>>,
kw: *const c_char,
value: c_longlong,
error: *mut ExternError
) {
let builder = &mut *builder;
let kw = kw_from_string(c_char_to_string(kw));
let value: TypedValue = TypedValue::Ref(value);
translate_void_result(builder.add(kw, value), error);
/// Uses `builder` to assert `value` for `kw` on entity `entid`.
/// # Errors
/// If `entid` is not present in the store.
/// If `kw` is not a valid attribute in the store.
/// If the `:db/type` of the attribute described by `kw` is not `:db.type/keyword`.
// TODO Generalise with macro
pub unsafe extern "C" fn entity_builder_add_keyword<'a, 'c>(
builder: *mut EntityBuilder<InProgressBuilder<'a, 'c>>,
kw: *const c_char,
value: *const c_char,
error: *mut ExternError
) {
let builder = &mut *builder;
let kw = kw_from_string(c_char_to_string(kw));
let value: TypedValue = kw_from_string(c_char_to_string(value)).into();
translate_void_result(builder.add(kw, value), error);
/// Uses `builder` to assert `value` for `kw` on entity `entid`.
/// # Errors
/// If `entid` is not present in the store.
/// If `kw` is not a valid attribute in the store.
/// If the `:db/type` of the attribute described by `kw` is not `:db.type/boolean`.
// TODO Generalise with macro
pub unsafe extern "C" fn entity_builder_add_boolean<'a, 'c>(
builder: *mut EntityBuilder<InProgressBuilder<'a, 'c>>,
kw: *const c_char,
value: bool,
error: *mut ExternError
) {
let builder = &mut *builder;
let kw = kw_from_string(c_char_to_string(kw));
let value: TypedValue = value.into();
translate_void_result(builder.add(kw, value), error);
/// Uses `builder` to assert `value` for `kw` on entity `entid`.
/// # Errors
/// If `entid` is not present in the store.
/// If `kw` is not a valid attribute in the store.
/// If the `:db/type` of the attribute described by `kw` is not `:db.type/double`.
// TODO Generalise with macro
pub unsafe extern "C" fn entity_builder_add_double<'a, 'c>(
builder: *mut EntityBuilder<InProgressBuilder<'a, 'c>>,
kw: *const c_char,
value: f64,
error: *mut ExternError
) {
let builder = &mut *builder;
let kw = kw_from_string(c_char_to_string(kw));
let value: TypedValue = value.into();
translate_void_result(builder.add(kw, value), error);
/// Uses `builder` to assert `value` for `kw` on entity `entid`.
/// # Errors
/// If `entid` is not present in the store.
/// If `kw` is not a valid attribute in the store.
/// If the `:db/type` of the attribute described by `kw` is not `:db.type/instant`.
// TODO Generalise with macro
pub unsafe extern "C" fn entity_builder_add_timestamp<'a, 'c>(
builder: *mut EntityBuilder<InProgressBuilder<'a, 'c>>,
kw: *const c_char,
value: c_longlong,
error: *mut ExternError
) {
let builder = &mut *builder;
let kw = kw_from_string(c_char_to_string(kw));
let value: TypedValue = TypedValue::instant(value);
translate_void_result(builder.add(kw, value), error);
/// Uses `builder` to assert `value` for `kw` on entity `entid`.
/// # Errors
/// If `entid` is not present in the store.
/// If `kw` is not a valid attribute in the store.
/// If the `:db/type` of the attribute described by `kw` is not `:db.type/uuid`.
// TODO Generalise with macro
pub unsafe extern "C" fn entity_builder_add_uuid<'a, 'c>(
builder: *mut EntityBuilder<InProgressBuilder<'a, 'c>>,
kw: *const c_char,
value: *const [u8; 16],
error: *mut ExternError
) {
let builder = &mut *builder;
let kw = kw_from_string(c_char_to_string(kw));
let value = &*value;
let value = Uuid::from_bytes(value).expect("valid uuid");
let value: TypedValue = value.into();
translate_void_result(builder.add(kw, value), error);
/// Uses `builder` to retract `value` for `kw` on entity `entid`.
/// # Errors
/// If `entid` is not present in the store.
/// If `kw` is not a valid attribute in the store.
/// If the `:db/type` of the attribute described by `kw` is not `:db.type/string`.
// TODO Generalise with macro
pub unsafe extern "C" fn entity_builder_retract_string<'a, 'c>(
builder: *mut EntityBuilder<InProgressBuilder<'a, 'c>>,
kw: *const c_char,
value: *const c_char,
error: *mut ExternError
) {
let builder = &mut *builder;
let kw = kw_from_string(c_char_to_string(kw));
let value: TypedValue = c_char_to_string(value).into();
translate_void_result(builder.retract(kw, value), error);
/// Uses `builder` to retract `value` for `kw` on entity `entid`.
/// # Errors
/// If `entid` is not present in the store.
/// If `kw` is not a valid attribute in the store.
/// If the `:db/type` of the attribute described by `kw` is not `:db.type/long`.
// TODO Generalise with macro
pub unsafe extern "C" fn entity_builder_retract_long<'a, 'c>(
builder: *mut EntityBuilder<InProgressBuilder<'a, 'c>>,
kw: *const c_char,
value: c_longlong,
error: *mut ExternError
) {
let builder = &mut *builder;
let kw = kw_from_string(c_char_to_string(kw));
let value: TypedValue = TypedValue::Long(value);
translate_void_result(builder.retract(kw, value), error);
/// Uses `builder` to retract `value` for `kw` on entity `entid`.
/// # Errors
/// If `entid` is not present in the store.
/// If `kw` is not a valid attribute in the store.
/// If the `:db/type` of the attribute described by `kw` is not `:db.type/ref`.
// TODO Generalise with macro
pub unsafe extern "C" fn entity_builder_retract_ref<'a, 'c>(
builder: *mut EntityBuilder<InProgressBuilder<'a, 'c>>,
kw: *const c_char,
value: c_longlong,
error: *mut ExternError
) {
let builder = &mut *builder;
let kw = kw_from_string(c_char_to_string(kw));
let value: TypedValue = TypedValue::Ref(value);
translate_void_result(builder.retract(kw, value), error);
/// Uses `builder` to retract `value` for `kw` on entity `entid`.
/// # Errors
/// If `entid` is not present in the store.
/// If `kw` is not a valid attribute in the store.
/// If the `:db/type` of the attribute described by `kw` is not `:db.type/keyword`.
// TODO Generalise with macro
pub unsafe extern "C" fn entity_builder_retract_keyword<'a, 'c>(
builder: *mut EntityBuilder<InProgressBuilder<'a, 'c>>,
kw: *const c_char,
value: *const c_char,
error: *mut ExternError
) {
let builder = &mut *builder;
let kw = kw_from_string(c_char_to_string(kw));
let value: TypedValue = kw_from_string(c_char_to_string(value)).into();
translate_void_result(builder.retract(kw, value), error);
/// Uses `builder` to retract `value` for `kw` on entity `entid`.
/// # Errors
/// If `entid` is not present in the store.
/// If `kw` is not a valid attribute in the store.
/// If the `:db/type` of the attribute described by `kw` is not `:db.type/boolean`.
// TODO Generalise with macro
pub unsafe extern "C" fn entity_builder_retract_boolean<'a, 'c>(
builder: *mut EntityBuilder<InProgressBuilder<'a, 'c>>,
kw: *const c_char,
value: bool,
error: *mut ExternError
) {
let builder = &mut *builder;
let kw = kw_from_string(c_char_to_string(kw));
let value: TypedValue = value.into();
translate_void_result(builder.retract(kw, value), error);
/// Uses `builder` to retract `value` for `kw` on entity `entid`.
/// # Errors
/// If `entid` is not present in the store.
/// If `kw` is not a valid attribute in the store.
/// If the `:db/type` of the attribute described by `kw` is not `:db.type/double`.
// TODO Generalise with macro
pub unsafe extern "C" fn entity_builder_retract_double<'a, 'c>(
builder: *mut EntityBuilder<InProgressBuilder<'a, 'c>>,
kw: *const c_char,
value: f64,
error: *mut ExternError
) {
let builder = &mut *builder;
let kw = kw_from_string(c_char_to_string(kw));
let value: TypedValue = value.into();
translate_void_result(builder.retract(kw, value), error);
/// Uses `builder` to retract `value` for `kw` on entity `entid`.
/// # Errors
/// If `entid` is not present in the store.
/// If `kw` is not a valid attribute in the store.
/// If the `:db/type` of the attribute described by `kw` is not `:db.type/instant`.
// TODO Generalise with macro
pub unsafe extern "C" fn entity_builder_retract_timestamp<'a, 'c>(
builder: *mut EntityBuilder<InProgressBuilder<'a, 'c>>,
kw: *const c_char,
value: c_longlong,
error: *mut ExternError
) {
let builder = &mut *builder;
let kw = kw_from_string(c_char_to_string(kw));
let value: TypedValue = TypedValue::instant(value);
translate_void_result(builder.retract(kw, value), error);
/// Uses `builder` to retract `value` for `kw` on entity `entid`.
/// # Errors
/// If `entid` is not present in the store.
/// If `kw` is not a valid attribute in the store.
/// If the `:db/type` of the attribute described by `kw` is not `:db.type/uuid`.
// TODO Generalise with macro
// TODO don't panic if the UUID is not valid - return result instead.
pub unsafe extern "C" fn entity_builder_retract_uuid<'a, 'c>(
builder: *mut EntityBuilder<InProgressBuilder<'a, 'c>>,
kw: *const c_char,
value: *const [u8; 16],
error: *mut ExternError
) {
assert_not_null!(builder, value);
let builder = &mut *builder;
let kw = kw_from_string(c_char_to_string(kw));
let value = &*value;
let value = Uuid::from_bytes(value).expect("valid uuid");
let value: TypedValue = value.into();
translate_void_result(builder.retract(kw, value), error);
/// Transacts all the assertions and retractions that have been performed
/// using this builder.
/// This consumes the builder and returns the enclosed [InProgress](mentat::InProgress) transaction
/// inside the [InProgressTransactResult][::InProgressTransactResult] alongside the [TxReport](mentat::TxReport) generated
/// by the transact.
/// # Safety
/// Callers are responsible for managing the memory for the return value.
/// The destructors `in_progress_destroy` and `tx_report_destroy` are provided for
/// releasing the memory for these pointer types.
/// TODO: Document the errors that can result from transact
pub unsafe extern "C" fn entity_builder_transact<'a, 'c>(builder: *mut EntityBuilder<InProgressBuilder<'a, 'c>>) -> InProgressTransactResult<'a, 'c> {
let builder = Box::from_raw(builder);
/// Transacts and commits all the assertions and retractions that have been performed
/// using this builder.
/// This consumes the builder and the enclosed [InProgress](mentat::InProgress) transaction.
/// TODO: Document the errors that can result from transact
pub unsafe extern "C" fn entity_builder_commit<'a, 'c>(builder: *mut EntityBuilder<InProgressBuilder<'a, 'c>>, error: *mut ExternError) -> *mut TxReport {
let builder = Box::from_raw(builder);
translate_result(builder.commit(), error)
/// Performs a single transaction against the store.
/// TODO: Document the errors that can result from transact
pub unsafe extern "C" fn store_transact(store: *mut Store, transaction: *const c_char, error: *mut ExternError) -> *mut TxReport {
let store = &mut *store;
let transaction = c_char_to_string(transaction);
let result = store.begin_transaction().and_then(|mut in_progress| {
in_progress.transact(transaction).and_then(|tx_report| {
.map(|_| tx_report)
translate_result(result, error)
/// Fetches the `tx_id` for the given [TxReport](mentat::TxReport)`.
pub unsafe extern "C" fn tx_report_get_entid(tx_report: *mut TxReport) -> c_longlong {
let tx_report = &*tx_report;
tx_report.tx_id as c_longlong
/// Fetches the `tx_instant` for the given [TxReport](mentat::TxReport).
pub unsafe extern "C" fn tx_report_get_tx_instant(tx_report: *mut TxReport) -> c_longlong {
let tx_report = &*tx_report;
tx_report.tx_instant.timestamp() as c_longlong
/// Fetches the [Entid](mentat::Entid) assigned to the `tempid` during the transaction represented
/// by the given [TxReport](mentat::TxReport).
/// Note that this reutrns the value as a heap allocated pointer that the caller is responsible for
/// freeing with `destroy()`.
// TODO: This is gross and unnecessary
pub unsafe extern "C" fn tx_report_entity_for_temp_id(tx_report: *mut TxReport, tempid: *const c_char) -> *mut c_longlong {
let tx_report = &*tx_report;
let key = c_char_to_string(tempid);
if let Some(entid) = tx_report.tempids.get(key) {
Box::into_raw(Box::new(entid.clone() as c_longlong))
} else {
/// Adds an attribute to the cache.
/// `store_cache_attribute_forward` caches values for an attribute keyed by entity
/// (i.e. find values and entities that have this attribute, or find values of attribute for an entity)
pub unsafe extern "C" fn store_cache_attribute_forward(store: *mut Store, attribute: *const c_char, error: *mut ExternError) {
let store = &mut *store;
let kw = kw_from_string(c_char_to_string(attribute));
translate_void_result(store.cache(&kw, CacheDirection::Forward), error);
/// Adds an attribute to the cache.
/// `store_cache_attribute_reverse` caches entities for an attribute keyed by value.
/// (i.e. find entities that have a particular value for an attribute).
pub unsafe extern "C" fn store_cache_attribute_reverse(store: *mut Store, attribute: *const c_char, error: *mut ExternError) {
let store = &mut *store;
let kw = kw_from_string(c_char_to_string(attribute));
translate_void_result(store.cache(&kw, CacheDirection::Reverse), error);
/// Adds an attribute to the cache.
/// `store_cache_attribute_bi_directional` caches entity in both available directions, forward and reverse.
/// `Forward` caches values for an attribute keyed by entity
/// (i.e. find values and entities that have this attribute, or find values of attribute for an entity)
/// `Reverse` caches entities for an attribute keyed by value.
/// (i.e. find entities that have a particular value for an attribute).
pub unsafe extern "C" fn store_cache_attribute_bi_directional(store: *mut Store, attribute: *const c_char, error: *mut ExternError) {
let store = &mut *store;
let kw = kw_from_string(c_char_to_string(attribute));
translate_void_result(store.cache(&kw, CacheDirection::Both), error);
/// Creates a [QueryBuilder](mentat::QueryBuilder) from the given store to execute the provided query.
/// # Safety
/// Callers are responsible for managing the memory for the return value.
/// A destructor `query_builder_destroy` is provided for releasing the memory for this
/// pointer type.
/// TODO: Update QueryBuilder so it only takes a [Store](mentat::Store) pointer on execution
pub unsafe extern "C" fn store_query<'a>(store: *mut Store, query: *const c_char) -> *mut QueryBuilder<'a> {
let query = c_char_to_string(query);
let store = &mut *store;
Box::into_raw(Box::new(QueryBuilder::new(store, query)))
/// Binds a [TypedValue::Long](mentat::TypedValue::Long) to a [Variable](mentat::Variable) with the given name.
// TODO Generalise with macro
pub unsafe extern "C" fn query_builder_bind_long(query_builder: *mut QueryBuilder, var: *const c_char, value: c_longlong) {
let var = c_char_to_string(var);
let query_builder = &mut *query_builder;
query_builder.bind_long(&var, value);
/// Binds a [TypedValue::Ref](mentat::TypedValue::Ref) to a [Variable](mentat::Variable) with the given name.
// TODO Generalise with macro
pub unsafe extern "C" fn query_builder_bind_ref(query_builder: *mut QueryBuilder, var: *const c_char, value: c_longlong) {
let var = c_char_to_string(var);
let query_builder = &mut *query_builder;
query_builder.bind_ref(&var, value);
/// Binds a [TypedValue::Ref](mentat::TypedValue::Ref) to a [Variable](mentat::Variable) with the given name. Takes a keyword as a c string in the format
/// `:namespace/name` and converts it into an [NamespacedKeyworf](mentat::NamespacedKeyword).
/// # Panics
/// If the provided keyword does not map to a valid keyword in the schema.
// TODO Generalise with macro
pub unsafe extern "C" fn query_builder_bind_ref_kw(query_builder: *mut QueryBuilder, var: *const c_char, value: *const c_char) {
let var = c_char_to_string(var);
let kw = kw_from_string(c_char_to_string(value));
let query_builder = &mut *query_builder;
if let Some(err) = query_builder.bind_ref_from_kw(&var, kw).err() {
/// Binds a [TypedValue::Ref](mentat::TypedValue::Ref) to a [Variable](mentat::Variable) with the given name. Takes a keyword as a c string in the format
/// `:namespace/name` and converts it into an [NamespacedKeyworf](mentat::NamespacedKeyword).
// TODO Generalise with macro
pub unsafe extern "C" fn query_builder_bind_kw(query_builder: *mut QueryBuilder, var: *const c_char, value: *const c_char) {
let var = c_char_to_string(var);
let query_builder = &mut *query_builder;
let kw = kw_from_string(c_char_to_string(value));
query_builder.bind_value(&var, kw);
/// Binds a [TypedValue::Boolean](mentat::TypedValue::Boolean) to a [Variable](mentat::Variable) with the given name.
// TODO Generalise with macro
pub unsafe extern "C" fn query_builder_bind_boolean(query_builder: *mut QueryBuilder, var: *const c_char, value: bool) {
let var = c_char_to_string(var);
let query_builder = &mut *query_builder;
query_builder.bind_value(&var, value);
/// Binds a [TypedValue::Double](mentat::TypedValue::Double) to a [Variable](mentat::Variable) with the given name.
// TODO Generalise with macro
pub unsafe extern "C" fn query_builder_bind_double(query_builder: *mut QueryBuilder, var: *const c_char, value: f64) {
let var = c_char_to_string(var);
let query_builder = &mut *query_builder;
query_builder.bind_value(&var, value);
/// Binds a [TypedValue::Instant](mentat::TypedValue::Instant) to a [Variable](mentat::Variable) with the given name.
/// Takes a timestamp in microseconds.
// TODO Generalise with macro
pub unsafe extern "C" fn query_builder_bind_timestamp(query_builder: *mut QueryBuilder, var: *const c_char, value: c_longlong) {
let var = c_char_to_string(var);
let query_builder = &mut *query_builder;
query_builder.bind_instant(&var, value);
/// Binds a [TypedValue::String](mentat::TypedValue::String) to a [Variable](mentat::Variable) with the given name.
// TODO Generalise with macro
pub unsafe extern "C" fn query_builder_bind_string(query_builder: *mut QueryBuilder, var: *const c_char, value: *const c_char) {
let var = c_char_to_string(var);
let value = c_char_to_string(value);
let query_builder = &mut *query_builder;
query_builder.bind_value(&var, value);
/// Binds a [TypedValue::Uuid](mentat::TypedValue::Uuid) to a [Variable](mentat::Variable) with the given name.
/// Takes a `UUID` as a byte slice of length 16. This maps directly to the `uuid_t` C type.
// TODO Generalise with macro
pub unsafe extern "C" fn query_builder_bind_uuid(query_builder: *mut QueryBuilder, var: *const c_char, value: *const [u8; 16]) {
assert_not_null!(query_builder, value);
let var = c_char_to_string(var);
let value = &*value;
let value = Uuid::from_bytes(value).expect("valid uuid");
let query_builder = &mut *query_builder;
query_builder.bind_value(&var, value);
/// Executes a query and returns the results as a [Scalar](mentat::QueryResults::Scalar).
/// # Panics
/// If the find set of the query executed is not structured `[:find ?foo . :where ...]`.
/// # Safety
/// Callers are responsible for managing the memory for the return value.
/// A destructor `typed_value_destroy` is provided for releasing the memory for this
/// pointer type.
pub unsafe extern "C" fn query_builder_execute_scalar(query_builder: *mut QueryBuilder, error: *mut ExternError) -> *mut Binding {
let query_builder = &mut *query_builder;
let results = query_builder.execute_scalar();
translate_opt_result(results, error)
/// Executes a query and returns the results as a [Coll](mentat::QueryResults::Coll).
/// # Panics
/// If the find set of the query executed is not structured `[:find [?foo ...] :where ...]`.
/// # Safety
/// Callers are responsible for managing the memory for the return value.
/// A destructor `typed_value_list_destroy` is provided for releasing the memory for this
/// pointer type.
pub unsafe extern "C" fn query_builder_execute_coll(query_builder: *mut QueryBuilder, error: *mut ExternError) -> *mut Vec<Binding> {
let query_builder = &mut *query_builder;
let results = query_builder.execute_coll();
translate_result(results, error)
/// Executes a query and returns the results as a [Tuple](mentat::QueryResults::Tuple).
/// # Panics
/// If the find set of the query executed is not structured `[:find [?foo ?bar] :where ...]`.
/// # Safety
/// Callers are responsible for managing the memory for the return value.
/// A destructor `typed_value_list_destroy` is provided for releasing the memory for this
/// pointer type.
pub unsafe extern "C" fn query_builder_execute_tuple(query_builder: *mut QueryBuilder, error: *mut ExternError) -> *mut Vec<Binding> {
let query_builder = &mut *query_builder;
let results = query_builder.execute_tuple();
translate_opt_result(results, error)
/// Executes a query and returns the results as a [Rel](mentat::QueryResults::Rel).
/// # Panics
/// If the find set of the query executed is not structured `[:find ?foo ?bar :where ...]`.
/// # Safety
/// Callers are responsible for managing the memory for the return value.
/// A destructor `typed_value_result_set_destroy` is provided for releasing the memory for this
/// pointer type.
pub unsafe extern "C" fn query_builder_execute(query_builder: *mut QueryBuilder, error: *mut ExternError) -> *mut RelResult<Binding> {
let query_builder = &mut *query_builder;
let results = query_builder.execute_rel();
translate_result(results, error)
fn unwrap_conversion<T>(value: Option<T>, expected_type: ValueType) -> T {
match value {
Some(v) => v,
None => panic!("Typed value cannot be coerced into a {}", expected_type)
/// Consumes a [Binding](mentat::Binding) and returns the value as a C `long`.
/// # Panics
/// If the [ValueType](mentat::ValueType) of the [Binding](mentat::Binding) is not [ValueType::Long](mentat::ValueType::Long).
// TODO Generalise with macro
pub unsafe extern "C" fn typed_value_into_long(typed_value: *mut Binding) -> c_longlong {
let typed_value = Box::from_raw(typed_value);
unwrap_conversion(typed_value.into_long(), ValueType::Long)
/// Consumes a [Binding](mentat::Binding) and returns the value as an [Entid](mentat::Entid).
// TODO Generalise with macro
/// # Panics
/// If the [ValueType](mentat::ValueType) of the [Binding](mentat::Binding) is not [ValueType::Ref](mentat::ValueType::Ref).
// TODO Generalise with macro
pub unsafe extern "C" fn typed_value_into_entid(typed_value: *mut Binding) -> Entid {
let typed_value = Box::from_raw(typed_value);
println!("typed value as entid {:?}", typed_value);
unwrap_conversion(typed_value.into_entid(), ValueType::Ref)
/// Consumes a [Binding](mentat::Binding) and returns the value as an keyword C `String`.
/// # Panics
/// If the [ValueType](mentat::ValueType) of the [Binding](mentat::Binding) is not [ValueType::Ref](mentat::ValueType::Ref).
// TODO Generalise with macro
pub unsafe extern "C" fn typed_value_into_kw(typed_value: *mut Binding) -> *mut c_char {
let typed_value = Box::from_raw(typed_value);
unwrap_conversion(typed_value.into_kw_c_string(), ValueType::Keyword)
/// Consumes a [Binding](mentat::Binding) and returns the value as a boolean represented as an `i32`.
/// If the value of the boolean is `true` the value returned is 1.
/// If the value of the boolean is `false` the value returned is 0.
/// # Panics
/// If the [ValueType](mentat::ValueType) of the [Binding](mentat::Binding) is not [ValueType::Long](mentat::ValueType::Boolean).
// TODO Generalise with macro
pub unsafe extern "C" fn typed_value_into_boolean(typed_value: *mut Binding) -> i32 {
let typed_value = Box::from_raw(typed_value);
if unwrap_conversion(typed_value.into_boolean(), ValueType::Boolean) { 1 } else { 0 }
/// Consumes a [Binding](mentat::Binding) and returns the value as a `f64`.
/// # Panics
/// If the [ValueType](mentat::ValueType) of the [Binding](mentat::Binding) is not [ValueType::Long](mentat::ValueType::Double).
// TODO Generalise with macro
pub unsafe extern "C" fn typed_value_into_double(typed_value: *mut Binding) -> f64 {
let typed_value = Box::from_raw(typed_value);
unwrap_conversion(typed_value.into_double(), ValueType::Double)
/// Consumes a [Binding](mentat::Binding) and returns the value as a microsecond timestamp.
/// # Panics
/// If the [ValueType](mentat::ValueType) of the [Binding](mentat::Binding) is not [ValueType::Long](mentat::ValueType::Instant).
// TODO Generalise with macro
pub unsafe extern "C" fn typed_value_into_timestamp(typed_value: *mut Binding) -> c_longlong {
let typed_value = Box::from_raw(typed_value);
unwrap_conversion(typed_value.into_timestamp(), ValueType::Instant)
/// Consumes a [Binding](mentat::Binding) and returns the value as a C `String`.
/// The caller is responsible for freeing the pointer returned from this function using
/// `rust_c_string_destroy`.
/// # Panics
/// If the [ValueType](mentat::ValueType) of the [Binding](mentat::Binding) is not [ValueType::Long](mentat::ValueType::String).
// TODO Generalise with macro
pub unsafe extern "C" fn typed_value_into_string(typed_value: *mut Binding) -> *mut c_char {
let typed_value = Box::from_raw(typed_value);
unwrap_conversion(typed_value.into_c_string(), ValueType::String)
/// Consumes a [Binding](mentat::Binding) and returns the value as a UUID byte slice of length 16.
/// The caller is responsible for freeing the pointer returned from this function using `destroy`.
/// # Panics
/// If the [ValueType](mentat::ValueType) of the [Binding](mentat::Binding) is not [ValueType::Long](mentat::ValueType::Uuid).
// TODO Generalise with macro
pub unsafe extern "C" fn typed_value_into_uuid(typed_value: *mut Binding) -> *mut [u8; 16] {
let typed_value = Box::from_raw(typed_value);
let value = unwrap_conversion(typed_value.into_uuid(), ValueType::Uuid);
/// Returns the [ValueType](mentat::ValueType) of this [Binding](mentat::Binding).
pub unsafe extern "C" fn typed_value_value_type(typed_value: *mut Binding) -> ValueType {
let typed_value = &*typed_value;
typed_value.value_type().unwrap_or_else(|| panic!("Binding is not Scalar and has no ValueType"))
/// Returns the value at the provided `index` as a `Vec<ValueType>`.
/// If there is no value present at the `index`, a null pointer is returned.
/// # Safety
/// Callers are responsible for managing the memory for the return value.
/// A destructor `typed_value_result_set_destroy` is provided for releasing the memory for this
/// pointer type.
pub unsafe extern "C" fn row_at_index(rows: *mut RelResult<Binding>, index: c_int) -> *mut Vec<Binding> {
let result = &*rows;
result.row(index as usize).map_or_else(std::ptr::null_mut, |v| Box::into_raw(Box::new(v.to_vec())))
/// Consumes the `RelResult<Binding>` and returns an iterator over the values.
/// # Safety
/// Callers are responsible for managing the memory for the return value.
/// A destructor `typed_value_result_set_iter_destroy` is provided for releasing the memory for this
/// pointer type.
pub unsafe extern "C" fn typed_value_result_set_into_iter(rows: *mut RelResult<Binding>) -> *mut BindingListIterator {
let result = &*rows;
let rows = result.rows();
/// Returns the next value in the `iter` as a `Vec<ValueType>`.
/// If there is no value next value, a null pointer is returned.
/// # Safety
/// Callers are responsible for managing the memory for the return value.
/// A destructor `typed_value_list_destroy` is provided for releasing the memory for this
/// pointer type.
pub unsafe extern "C" fn typed_value_result_set_iter_next(iter: *mut BindingListIterator) -> *mut Vec<Binding> {
let iter = &mut *iter;, |v| Box::into_raw(Box::new(v.to_vec())))
/// Consumes the `Vec<Binding>` and returns an iterator over the values.
/// # Safety
/// Callers are responsible for managing the memory for the return value.
/// A destructor `typed_value_list_iter_destroy` is provided for releasing the memory for this
/// pointer type.
pub unsafe extern "C" fn typed_value_list_into_iter(values: *mut Vec<Binding>) -> *mut BindingIterator {
let result = Box::from_raw(values);
/// Returns the next value in the `iter` as a [Binding](mentat::Binding).
/// If there is no value next value, a null pointer is returned.
/// # Safety
/// Callers are responsible for managing the memory for the return value.
/// A destructor `typed_value_destroy` is provided for releasing the memory for this
/// pointer type.
pub unsafe extern "C" fn typed_value_list_iter_next(iter: *mut BindingIterator) -> *mut Binding {
let iter = &mut *iter;, |v| Box::into_raw(Box::new(v)))
/// Returns the value at the provided `index` as a [Binding](mentat::Binding).
/// If there is no value present at the `index`, a null pointer is returned.
/// # Safety
/// Callers are responsible for managing the memory for the return value.
/// A destructor `typed_value_destroy` is provided for releasing the memory for this
/// pointer type.
pub unsafe extern "C" fn value_at_index(values: *mut Vec<Binding>, index: c_int) -> *mut Binding {
let values = &*values;
if index < 0 || (index as usize) > values.len() {
} else {
// TODO: an older version of this function returned a reference into values. This
// causes `typed_value_into_*` to be memory unsafe, and goes against the documentation.
// Should there be a version that still behaves in this manner?
Box::into_raw(Box::new(values[index as usize].clone()))
/// Returns the value of the [Binding](mentat::Binding) at `index` as a `long`.
/// # Panics
/// If the [ValueType](mentat::ValueType) of the [Binding](mentat::Binding) is not `ValueType::Long`.
/// If there is no value at `index`.
// TODO Generalise with macro
pub unsafe extern "C" fn value_at_index_into_long(values: *mut Vec<Binding>, index: c_int) -> c_longlong {
let result = &*values;
let value = result.get(index as usize).expect("No value at index");
unwrap_conversion(value.clone().into_long(), ValueType::Long)
/// Returns the value of the [Binding](mentat::Binding) at `index` as an [Entid](mentat::Entid).
/// # Panics
/// If the [ValueType](mentat::ValueType) of the [Binding](mentat::Binding) is not `ValueType::Ref`.
/// If there is no value at `index`.
// TODO Generalise with macro
pub unsafe extern "C" fn value_at_index_into_entid(values: *mut Vec<Binding>, index: c_int) -> Entid {
let result = &*values;
let value = result.get(index as usize).expect("No value at index");
unwrap_conversion(value.clone().into_entid(), ValueType::Ref)
/// Returns the value of the [Binding](mentat::Binding) at `index` as a keyword C `String`.
/// # Panics
/// If the [ValueType](mentat::ValueType) of the [Binding](mentat::Binding) is not [ValueType::Ref](mentat::ValueType::Ref).
/// If there is no value at `index`.
// TODO Generalise with macro
pub unsafe extern "C" fn value_at_index_into_kw(values: *mut Vec<Binding>, index: c_int) -> *mut c_char {
let result = &*values;
let value = result.get(index as usize).expect("No value at index");
unwrap_conversion(value.clone().into_kw_c_string(), ValueType::Keyword) as *mut c_char
/// Returns the value of the [Binding](mentat::Binding) at `index` as a boolean represented by a `i32`.
/// If the value of the `boolean` is `true` then the value returned is 1.
/// If the value of the `boolean` is `false` then the value returned is 0.
/// # Panics
/// If the [ValueType](mentat::ValueType) of the [Binding](mentat::Binding) is not [ValueType::Long](mentat::ValueType::Long).
/// If there is no value at `index`.
// TODO Generalise with macro
pub unsafe extern "C" fn value_at_index_into_boolean(values: *mut Vec<Binding>, index: c_int) -> i32 {
let result = &*values;
let value = result.get(index as usize).expect("No value at index");
if unwrap_conversion(value.clone().into_boolean(), ValueType::Boolean) { 1 } else { 0 }
/// Returns the value of the [Binding](mentat::Binding) at `index` as an `f64`.
/// # Panics
/// If the [ValueType](mentat::ValueType) of the [Binding](mentat::Binding) is not [ValueType::Double](mentat::ValueType::Double).
/// If there is no value at `index`.
// TODO Generalise with macro
pub unsafe extern "C" fn value_at_index_into_double(values: *mut Vec<Binding>, index: c_int) -> f64 {
let result = &*values;
let value = result.get(index as usize).expect("No value at index");
unwrap_conversion(value.clone().into_double(), ValueType::Double)
/// Returns the value of the [Binding](mentat::Binding) at `index` as a microsecond timestamp.
/// # Panics
/// If the [ValueType](mentat::ValueType) of the [Binding](mentat::Binding) is not [ValueType::Instant](mentat::ValueType::Instant).
/// If there is no value at `index`.
// TODO Generalise with macro
pub unsafe extern "C" fn value_at_index_into_timestamp(values: *mut Vec<Binding>, index: c_int) -> c_longlong {
let result = &*values;
let value = result.get(index as usize).expect("No value at index");
unwrap_conversion(value.clone().into_timestamp(), ValueType::Instant)
/// Returns the value of the [Binding](mentat::Binding) at `index` as a C `String`.
/// # Panics
/// If the [ValueType](mentat::ValueType) of the [Binding](mentat::Binding) is not [ValueType::String](mentat::ValueType::String).
/// If there is no value at `index`.
// TODO Generalise with macro
pub unsafe extern "C" fn value_at_index_into_string(values: *mut Vec<Binding>, index: c_int) -> *mut c_char {
let result = &*values;
let value = result.get(index as usize).expect("No value at index");
unwrap_conversion(value.clone().into_c_string(), ValueType::String) as *mut c_char
/// Returns the value of the [Binding](mentat::Binding) at `index` as a UUID byte slice of length 16.
/// # Panics
/// If the [ValueType](mentat::ValueType) of the [Binding](mentat::Binding) is not [ValueType::Uuid](mentat::ValueType::Uuid).
/// If there is no value at `index`.
// TODO Generalise with macro
pub unsafe extern "C" fn value_at_index_into_uuid(values: *mut Vec<Binding>, index: c_int) -> *mut [u8; 16] {
let result = &*values;
let value = result.get(index as usize).expect("No value at index");
let uuid = unwrap_conversion(value.clone().into_uuid(), ValueType::Uuid);
/// Returns a pointer to the the [Binding](mentat::Binding) associated with the `attribute` as
/// `:namespace/name` for the given `entid`.
/// If there is a value for that `attribute` on the entity with id `entid` then the value is returned.
/// If there no value for that `attribute` on the entity with id `entid` but the attribute is value,
/// then a null pointer is returned.
/// If there is no [Attribute](mentat::Attribute) in the [Schema](mentat::Schema) for the given
/// `attribute` then a null pointer is returned and an error is stored in is returned in `error`,
/// # Safety
/// Callers are responsible for managing the memory for the return value.
/// A destructor `typed_value_destroy` is provided for releasing the memory for this
/// pointer type.
/// TODO: list the types of error that can be caused by this function
pub unsafe extern "C" fn store_value_for_attribute(store: *mut Store, entid: c_longlong, attribute: *const c_char, error: *mut ExternError) -> *mut Binding {
let store = &*store;
let kw = kw_from_string(c_char_to_string(attribute));
let result = store.lookup_value_for_attribute(entid, &kw).map(|o|;
translate_opt_result(result, error)
/// Registers a [TxObserver](mentat::TxObserver) with the `key` to observe changes to `attributes`
/// on this `store`.
/// Calls `callback` is a relevant transaction occurs.
/// # Panics
/// If there is no [Attribute](mentat::Attribute) in the [Schema](mentat::Schema) for a given `attribute`.
pub unsafe extern "C" fn store_register_observer(store: *mut Store,
key: *const c_char,
attributes: *const Entid,
attributes_len: usize,
callback: extern fn(key: *const c_char, reports: &TxChangeList)) {
assert_not_null!(store, attributes);
let store = &mut *store;
let mut attribute_set = BTreeSet::new();
let slice = slice::from_raw_parts(attributes, attributes_len);
let key = c_char_to_string(key);
let tx_observer = Arc::new(TxObserver::new(attribute_set, move |obs_key, batch| {
let reports: Vec<(Entid, Vec<Entid>)> = batch.into_iter().map(|(tx_id, changes)| {
(*tx_id, changes.into_iter().map(|eid| *eid as c_longlong).collect())
let extern_reports = reports.iter().map(|item| {
TransactionChange {
txid: item.0,
changes: item.1.as_ptr(),
changes_len: item.1.len() as c_ulonglong
let len = extern_reports.len();
let change_list = TxChangeList {
reports: extern_reports.as_ptr(),
len: len as c_ulonglong,
let s = string_to_c_char(obs_key);
callback(s, &change_list);
store.register_observer(key.to_string(), tx_observer);
/// Unregisters a [TxObserver](mentat::TxObserver) with the `key` to observe changes on this `store`.
pub unsafe extern "C" fn store_unregister_observer(store: *mut Store, key: *const c_char) {
let store = &mut *store;
let key = c_char_to_string(key).to_string();
/// Returns the [Entid](mentat::Entid) associated with the `attr` as `:namespace/name`.
/// # Panics
/// If there is no [Attribute](mentat::Attribute) in the [Schema](mentat::Schema) for `attr`.
pub unsafe extern "C" fn store_entid_for_attribute(store: *mut Store, attr: *const c_char) -> Entid {
let store = &mut *store;
let keyword_string = c_char_to_string(attr);
let kw = kw_from_string(keyword_string);
let conn = store.conn();
let current_schema = conn.current_schema();
current_schema.get_entid(&kw).expect("Unable to find entid for invalid attribute").into()
/// Returns the value at the provided `index` as a [TransactionChange](TransactionChange) .
/// # Panics
/// If there is no value present at the `index`.
pub unsafe extern "C" fn tx_change_list_entry_at(tx_report_list: *mut TxChangeList, index: c_int) -> *const TransactionChange {
let tx_report_list = &*tx_report_list;
assert!(0 <= index && (index as usize) < (tx_report_list.len as usize));
tx_report_list.reports.offset(index as isize)
/// Returns the value at the provided `index` as a [Entid](mentat::Entid) .
/// # Panics
/// If there is no value present at the `index`.
pub unsafe extern "C" fn changelist_entry_at(tx_report: *mut TransactionChange, index: c_int) -> Entid {
let tx_report = &*tx_report;
assert!(0 <= index && (index as usize) < (tx_report.changes_len as usize));
std::ptr::read(tx_report.changes.offset(index as isize))
pub unsafe extern "C" fn rust_c_string_destroy(s: *mut c_char) {
if !s.is_null() {
let _ = CString::from_raw(s);
/// Creates a function with a given `$name` that releases the memory for a type `$t`.
macro_rules! define_destructor (
($name:ident, $t:ty) => (
pub unsafe extern "C" fn $name(obj: *mut $t) {
if !obj.is_null() {
let _ = Box::from_raw(obj);
/// Creates a function with a given `$name` that releases the memory
/// for a type `$t` with lifetimes <'a, 'c>.
/// TODO: Move to using `macro_rules` lifetime specifier when it lands in stable
/// This will enable us to specialise `define_destructor` and use repetitions
/// to allow more generic lifetime handling instead of having two functions.
macro_rules! define_destructor_with_lifetimes (
($name:ident, $t:ty) => (
pub unsafe extern "C" fn $name<'a, 'c>(obj: *mut $t) {
if !obj.is_null() {
let _ = Box::from_raw(obj);
/// destroy function for releasing the memory for `repr(C)` structs.
define_destructor!(destroy, c_void);
/// destroy function for releasing the memory of UUIDs
define_destructor!(uuid_destroy, [u8; 16]);
/// Destructor for releasing the memory of [InProgressBuilder](mentat::InProgressBuilder).
define_destructor_with_lifetimes!(in_progress_builder_destroy, InProgressBuilder<'a, 'c>);
/// Destructor for releasing the memory of [EntityBuilder](mentat::EntityBuilder).
define_destructor_with_lifetimes!(entity_builder_destroy, EntityBuilder<InProgressBuilder<'a, 'c>>);
/// Destructor for releasing the memory of [QueryBuilder](mentat::QueryBuilder) .
define_destructor!(query_builder_destroy, QueryBuilder);
/// Destructor for releasing the memory of [Store](mentat::Store) .
define_destructor!(store_destroy, Store);
/// Destructor for releasing the memory of [TxReport](mentat::TxReport) .
define_destructor!(tx_report_destroy, TxReport);
/// Destructor for releasing the memory of [Binding](mentat::Binding).
define_destructor!(typed_value_destroy, Binding);
/// Destructor for releasing the memory of [Vec<Binding>][mentat::Binding].
define_destructor!(typed_value_list_destroy, Vec<Binding>);
/// Destructor for releasing the memory of [BindingIterator](BindingIterator) .
define_destructor!(typed_value_list_iter_destroy, BindingIterator);
/// Destructor for releasing the memory of [RelResult<Binding>](mentat::RelResult).
define_destructor!(typed_value_result_set_destroy, RelResult<Binding>);
/// Destructor for releasing the memory of [BindingListIterator](::BindingListIterator).
define_destructor!(typed_value_result_set_iter_destroy, BindingListIterator);
/// Destructor for releasing the memory of [InProgress](mentat::InProgress).
define_destructor!(in_progress_destroy, InProgress);