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(ns datomish.schema-changes
[datomish.util :as util #?(:cljs :refer-macros :clj :refer) [raise raise-str cond-let]]))
(defn- is-install? [db [_ a & _]]
(= a (get-in db [:idents :db.install/attribute])))
(defn datoms->schema-fragment
"Turn [[:db.part/db :db.install/attribute e] [e :db/ident :attr]] into {:attr {:db/* v}}.
From, :db/ident, :db/valueType,
and :db/cardinality are required. For us, enforce that valueType and
cardinality are present at schema validation time.
This code is not pretty, so here's what it does:
Input: a sequence of datoms, like [e :keyword-attr v _ added].
1. Select [:db.part/db :db.install/attribute ... ].
2. Fail if any are not (= added true)
3. For each [ :db.part/db :db.install/attribute e ], collect
{e {:db/* v}}, dropping the inner :db/ident key.
4. Map e -> ident; fail if not possible.
5. Return the map, with ident keys.
This would be more pleasant with `q` and pull expressions."
{:pre [(sequential? datoms)]}
(let [db-install? (fn [datom]
(= [:db.part/db :db.install/attribute] ((juxt :e :a) datom)))
db-installs (filter db-install? datoms)]
(if (empty? db-installs)
(if-let [retracted (first (filter (comp not :added) db-installs))]
(raise "Retracting a :db.install/attribute is not yet supported, got " retracted
{:error :schema/db-install :op retracted})
(let [by-e (group-by :e datoms)
;; TODO: pull entity from database, rather than expecting entire attribute to be in single transaction.
installed-es (select-keys by-e (map :v db-installs))
;; select-keys ignores missing keys. We don't want that.
installed-es (merge (into {} (map (juxt :v (constantly {})) db-installs)) installed-es)
db-*? (fn [datom]
(= "db" (namespace (:a datom))))]
;; Just the :db/* attribute-value pairs.
(into {} (for [[e datoms] installed-es]
(let [->av (juxt :a :v)
;; TODO: transduce!
db-avs (into {} (map ->av (filter db-*? datoms)))]
;; TODO: get ident from existing datom, to allow [:db.part/db :db.install/attribute existing-id].
(if-let [ident (:db/ident db-avs)]
[ident (dissoc db-avs :db/ident)]
(raise ":db.install/attribute requires :db/ident, got " db-avs " for " e
{:error :schema/db-install :op db-avs}))))))))))