Emily Toop c5180656cc
Mentat documentation website using Jekyll (#754)
Steps to building docs locally:

    1. Install Jekyll
    2. cd docs
    3. bundle exec jekyll serve --incremental
    4. open local docs site at

* basic Jekyll site

* Add docs to documentation site

* Update javadoc to allow for error free builds

* Remove docs for rust dependencies

* Better display examples, about and contributing documentation for Mentat

* Version docs
2018-06-25 11:20:36 +01:00

1 line
747 B

initSidebarItems({"enum":[["UuidParseError","Error details for string parsing failures."]],"macro":[["ns_keyword",""]],"mod":[["entities","This module defines core types that support the transaction processor."],["matcher",""],["parse",""],["pretty_print",""],["query",""],["symbols",""],["types",""],["utils",""],["value_rc",""]],"struct":[["BigInt","A big signed integer type."],["DateTime","ISO 8601 combined date and time with time zone."],["OrderedFloat","A wrapper around Floats providing an implementation of Ord and Hash."],["Utc","The UTC time zone. This is the most efficient time zone when you don't need the local time. It is also used as an offset (which is also a dummy type)."],["Uuid","A Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)."]]});