Emily Toop c5180656cc
Mentat documentation website using Jekyll (#754)
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    1. Install Jekyll
    2. cd docs
    3. bundle exec jekyll serve --incremental
    4. open local docs site at

* basic Jekyll site

* Add docs to documentation site

* Update javadoc to allow for error free builds

* Remove docs for rust dependencies

* Better display examples, about and contributing documentation for Mentat

* Version docs
2018-06-25 11:20:36 +01:00

1 line
15 KiB

initSidebarItems({"enum":[["Binding","The values bound in a query specification can be:"],["CacheDirection",""],["FindSpec","A definition of the first part of a find query: the `[:find ?foo ?bar…]` bit."],["QueryResults",""],["TypedValue","Represents a value that can be stored in a Mentat store."],["ValueType","The attribute of each Mentat assertion has a :db/valueType constraining the value to a particular set. Mentat recognizes the following :db/valueType values."]],"fn":[["changelist_entry_at","Returns the value at the provided `index` as a Entid ."],["destroy",""],["entity_builder_add_boolean","Uses `builder` to assert `value` for `kw` on entity `entid`."],["entity_builder_add_double","Uses `builder` to assert `value` for `kw` on entity `entid`."],["entity_builder_add_keyword","Uses `builder` to assert `value` for `kw` on entity `entid`."],["entity_builder_add_long","Uses `builder` to assert `value` for `kw` on entity `entid`."],["entity_builder_add_ref","Uses `builder` to assert `value` for `kw` on entity `entid`."],["entity_builder_add_string","Uses `builder` to assert `value` for `kw` on entity `entid`."],["entity_builder_add_timestamp","Uses `builder` to assert `value` for `kw` on entity `entid`."],["entity_builder_add_uuid","Uses `builder` to assert `value` for `kw` on entity `entid`."],["entity_builder_commit","Transacts and commits all the assertions and retractions that have been performed using this builder."],["entity_builder_destroy",""],["entity_builder_retract_boolean","Uses `builder` to retract `value` for `kw` on entity `entid`."],["entity_builder_retract_double","Uses `builder` to retract `value` for `kw` on entity `entid`."],["entity_builder_retract_keyword","Uses `builder` to retract `value` for `kw` on entity `entid`."],["entity_builder_retract_long","Uses `builder` to retract `value` for `kw` on entity `entid`."],["entity_builder_retract_ref","Uses `builder` to retract `value` for `kw` on entity `entid`."],["entity_builder_retract_string","Uses `builder` to retract `value` for `kw` on entity `entid`."],["entity_builder_retract_timestamp","Uses `builder` to retract `value` for `kw` on entity `entid`."],["entity_builder_retract_uuid","Uses `builder` to retract `value` for `kw` on entity `entid`."],["entity_builder_transact","Transacts all the assertions and retractions that have been performed using this builder."],["in_progress_builder","Creates a builder using the in progress transaction to allow for programmatic assertion of values."],["in_progress_builder_add_boolean","Uses `builder` to assert `value` for `kw` on entity `entid`."],["in_progress_builder_add_double","Uses `builder` to assert `value` for `kw` on entity `entid`."],["in_progress_builder_add_keyword","Uses `builder` to assert `value` for `kw` on entity `entid`."],["in_progress_builder_add_long","Uses `builder` to assert `value` for `kw` on entity `entid`."],["in_progress_builder_add_ref","Uses `builder` to assert `value` for `kw` on entity `entid`."],["in_progress_builder_add_string","Uses `builder` to assert `value` for `kw` on entity `entid`."],["in_progress_builder_add_timestamp","Uses `builder` to assert `value` for `kw` on entity `entid`."],["in_progress_builder_add_uuid","Uses `builder` to assert `value` for `kw` on entity `entid`."],["in_progress_builder_commit","Transacts and commits all the assertions and retractions that have been performed using this builder."],["in_progress_builder_destroy",""],["in_progress_builder_retract_boolean","Uses `builder` to retract `value` for `kw` on entity `entid`."],["in_progress_builder_retract_double","Uses `builder` to retract `value` for `kw` on entity `entid`."],["in_progress_builder_retract_keyword","Uses `builder` to retract `value` for `kw` on entity `entid`."],["in_progress_builder_retract_long","Uses `builder` to retract `value` for `kw` on entity `entid`."],["in_progress_builder_retract_ref","Uses `builder` to retract `value` for `kw` on entity `entid`."],["in_progress_builder_retract_string","Uses `builder` to retract `value` for `kw` on entity `entid`."],["in_progress_builder_retract_timestamp","Uses `builder` to retract `value` for `kw` on entity `entid`."],["in_progress_builder_retract_uuid","Uses `builder` to retract `value` for `kw` on entity `entid`."],["in_progress_builder_transact","Transacts all the assertions and retractions that have been performed using this builder."],["in_progress_commit","Commit all the transacts that have been performed using this in progress transaction."],["in_progress_destroy",""],["in_progress_entity_builder_from_entid","Creates a builder for an entity with `entid` using the in progress transaction to allow for programmatic assertion of values for that entity."],["in_progress_entity_builder_from_temp_id","Creates a builder for an entity with `tempid` using the in progress transaction to allow for programmatic assertion of values for that entity."],["in_progress_rollback","Rolls back all the transacts that have been performed using this in progress transaction."],["in_progress_transact","Perform a single transact operation using the current in progress transaction. Takes edn as a string to transact."],["query_builder_bind_boolean","Binds a TypedValue::Boolean to a Variable with the given name."],["query_builder_bind_double","Binds a TypedValue::Double to a Variable with the given name."],["query_builder_bind_kw","Binds a TypedValue::Ref to a Variable with the given name. Takes a keyword as a c string in the format `:namespace/name` and converts it into an NamespacedKeyworf."],["query_builder_bind_long","Binds a TypedValue::Long to a Variable with the given name."],["query_builder_bind_ref","Binds a TypedValue::Ref to a Variable with the given name."],["query_builder_bind_ref_kw","Binds a TypedValue::Ref to a Variable with the given name. Takes a keyword as a c string in the format `:namespace/name` and converts it into an NamespacedKeyworf."],["query_builder_bind_string","Binds a TypedValue::String to a Variable with the given name."],["query_builder_bind_timestamp","Binds a TypedValue::Instant to a Variable with the given name. Takes a timestamp in microseconds."],["query_builder_bind_uuid","Binds a TypedValue::Uuid to a Variable with the given name. Takes a `UUID` as a byte slice of length 16. This maps directly to the `uuid_t` C type."],["query_builder_destroy",""],["query_builder_execute","Executes a query and returns the results as a Rel."],["query_builder_execute_coll","Executes a query and returns the results as a Coll."],["query_builder_execute_scalar","Executes a query and returns the results as a Scalar."],["query_builder_execute_tuple","Executes a query and returns the results as a Tuple."],["row_at_index","Returns the value at the provided `index` as a `Vec<ValueType>`. If there is no value present at the `index`, a null pointer is returned."],["store_begin_transaction","Starts a new transaction to allow multiple transacts to be performed together. This is more efficient than performing a large set of individual commits."],["store_cache_attribute_bi_directional","Adds an attribute to the cache. `store_cache_attribute_bi_directional` caches entity in both available directions, forward and reverse."],["store_cache_attribute_forward","Adds an attribute to the cache. `store_cache_attribute_forward` caches values for an attribute keyed by entity (i.e. find values and entities that have this attribute, or find values of attribute for an entity)"],["store_cache_attribute_reverse","Adds an attribute to the cache. `store_cache_attribute_reverse` caches entities for an attribute keyed by value. (i.e. find entities that have a particular value for an attribute)."],["store_destroy",""],["store_entid_for_attribute","Returns the Entid associated with the `attr` as `:namespace/name`."],["store_entity_builder_from_entid","Starts a new transaction and creates a builder for an entity with `entid` using the transaction to allow for programmatic assertion of values for that entity."],["store_entity_builder_from_temp_id","Starts a new transaction and creates a builder for an entity with `tempid` using the transaction to allow for programmatic assertion of values for that entity."],["store_in_progress_builder","Starts a new transaction and creates a builder using the transaction to allow for programmatic assertion of values."],["store_open","A store cannot be opened twice to the same location. Once created, the reference to the store is held by the caller and not Rust, therefore the caller is responsible for calling `destroy` to release the memory used by the Store in order to avoid a memory leak."],["store_query","Creates a QueryBuilder from the given store to execute the provided query."],["store_register_observer","Registers a TxObserver with the `key` to observe changes to `attributes` on this `store`. Calls `callback` is a relevant transaction occurs."],["store_transact","Performs a single transaction against the store."],["store_unregister_observer","Unregisters a TxObserver with the `key` to observe changes on this `store`."],["store_value_for_attribute","Returns an ExternResult containing the Binding associated with the `attribute` as `:namespace/name` for the given `entid`. If there is a value for that `attribute` on the entity with id `entid` then the value is returned in `ok`. If there no value for that `attribute` on the entity with id `entid` but the attribute is value, then a null pointer is returned in `ok`. If there is no Attribute in the Schema for the given `attribute` then an error is returned in `err`."],["tx_change_list_entry_at","Returns the value at the provided `index` as a TransactionChange ."],["tx_report_destroy",""],["tx_report_entity_for_temp_id","Fetches the Entid assigned to the `tempid` during the transaction represented by the given TxReport."],["tx_report_get_entid","Fetches the `tx_id` for the given TxReport`."],["tx_report_get_tx_instant","Fetches the `tx_instant` for the given TxReport."],["typed_value_destroy",""],["typed_value_into_boolean","Consumes a Binding and returns the value as a boolean represented as an `i32`. If the value of the boolean is `true` the value returned is 1. If the value of the boolean is `false` the value returned is 0."],["typed_value_into_double","Consumes a Binding and returns the value as a `f64`."],["typed_value_into_entid","Consumes a Binding and returns the value as an Entid."],["typed_value_into_kw","Consumes a Binding and returns the value as an keyword C `String`."],["typed_value_into_long","Consumes a Binding and returns the value as a C `long`."],["typed_value_into_string","Consumes a Binding and returns the value as a C `String`."],["typed_value_into_timestamp","Consumes a Binding and returns the value as a microsecond timestamp."],["typed_value_into_uuid","Consumes a Binding and returns the value as a UUID byte slice of length 16."],["typed_value_list_destroy",""],["typed_value_list_into_iter","Consumes the `Vec<Binding>` and returns an iterator over the values."],["typed_value_list_iter_destroy",""],["typed_value_list_iter_next","Returns the next value in the `iter` as a Binding. If there is no value next value, a null pointer is returned."],["typed_value_result_set_destroy",""],["typed_value_result_set_into_iter","Consumes the `RelResult<Binding>` and returns an iterator over the values."],["typed_value_result_set_iter_destroy",""],["typed_value_result_set_iter_next","Returns the next value in the `iter` as a `Vec<ValueType>`. If there is no value next value, a null pointer is returned."],["typed_value_value_type","Returns the ValueType of this Binding."],["value_at_index","Returns the value at the provided `index` as a Binding. If there is no value present at the `index`, a null pointer is returned."],["value_at_index_into_boolean","Returns the value of the Binding at `index` as a boolean represented by a `i32`. If the value of the `boolean` is `true` then the value returned is 1. If the value of the `boolean` is `false` then the value returned is 0."],["value_at_index_into_double","Returns the value of the Binding at `index` as an `f64`."],["value_at_index_into_entid","Returns the value of the Binding at `index` as an Entid."],["value_at_index_into_kw","Returns the value of the Binding at `index` as a keyword C `String`."],["value_at_index_into_long","Returns the value of the Binding at `index` as a `long`."],["value_at_index_into_string","Returns the value of the Binding at `index` as a C `String`."],["value_at_index_into_timestamp","Returns the value of the Binding at `index` as a microsecond timestamp."],["value_at_index_into_uuid","Returns the value of the Binding at `index` as a UUID byte slice of length 16."]],"mod":[["android",""],["utils",""]],"struct":[["EntityBuilder",""],["ExternOption","A C representation Rust's Option. A value of `Some` results in `value` containing a raw pointer as a `c_void`. A value of `None` results in `value` containing a null pointer."],["ExternResult","A C representation Rust's Result. A value of `Ok` results in `ok` containing a raw pointer as a `c_void` and `err` containing a null pointer. A value of `Err` results in `value` containing a null pointer and `err` containing an error message."],["InProgress","Represents an in-progress, not yet committed, set of changes to the store. Call `commit` to commit your changes, or `rollback` to discard them. A transaction is held open until you do so. Your changes will be implicitly dropped along with this struct."],["InProgressBuilder",""],["InProgressTransactResult",""],["KnownEntid","An entid that's either already in the store, or newly allocated to a tempid. TODO: we'd like to link this in some way to the lifetime of a particular PartitionMap."],["QueryBuilder",""],["QueryInputs","Define the inputs to a query. This is in two parts: a set of values known now, and a set of types known now. The separate map of types is to allow queries to be algebrized without full knowledge of the bindings that will be used at execution time. When built correctly, `types` is guaranteed to contain the types of `values` -- use `QueryInputs::new` or `QueryInputs::with_values` to construct an instance."],["QueryOutput",""],["RelResult","The result you get from a 'rel' query, like:"],["Store","A convenience wrapper around a single SQLite connection and a Conn. This is suitable for applications that don't require complex connection management."],["TransactionChange","A C representation of the change provided by the transaction observers from a single transact. Holds a transaction identifier, the changes as a set of affected attributes and the length of the list of changes."],["TxChangeList","A C representation of the list of changes provided by the transaction observers. Provides the list of changes as the length of the list."],["TxObserver",""],["TxReport","A transaction report summarizes an applied transaction."],["Uuid","A Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)."],["Variable",""]],"trait":[["BuildTerms",""],["HasSchema",""],["IntoThing",""],["Queryable",""],["Syncable",""]],"type":[["BindingIterator",""],["BindingListIterator",""],["Entid","Represents one entid in the entid space."]]});