Emily Toop c5180656cc
Mentat documentation website using Jekyll (#754)
Steps to building docs locally:

    1. Install Jekyll
    2. cd docs
    3. bundle exec jekyll serve --incremental
    4. open local docs site at

* basic Jekyll site

* Add docs to documentation site

* Update javadoc to allow for error free builds

* Remove docs for rust dependencies

* Better display examples, about and contributing documentation for Mentat

* Version docs
2018-06-25 11:20:36 +01:00

1 line
828 B

initSidebarItems({"enum":[["SQLError",""],["Value","Owning dynamic type value. Value's type is typically dictated by SQLite (not by the caller)."]],"struct":[["SQLQuery","We want to accumulate values that will later be substituted into a SQL statement execution. This struct encapsulates the generated string and the initial argument list. Additional user-supplied argument bindings, with their placeholders accumulated via `push_bind_param`, will be appended to this argument list."],["SQLiteQueryBuilder","A QueryBuilder that implements SQLite's specific escaping rules."]],"trait":[["QueryBuilder","Gratefully based on Diesel's QueryBuilder trait:"],["QueryFragment",""]],"type":[["BuildQueryResult",""]]});