Richard Newman b2e98f44f6
Generalize Entity by value type. (#701) (#691) r=rnewman
* Part 3: Parameterize Entity by value type.

This isn't quite right, because after parsing, we shouldn't care
about` `edn::ValueAndSpan`, we should care only about edn::Value.
However, I think we can drop `ValueAndSpan` entirely if we just use
`rust-peg` (and its simpler error messages) rather than a mix of
`rust-peg` and `combine`.

In any case, this paves the way to transacting `Entity<TypedValue>`,
which is a nice step towards building general entities.

* Part 1: Add AttributePlace.

* Part 2: Name other places EntityPlace and ValuePlace.

Now we're consistent and closer to self-documenting.  Both matter more
as we expose `Entity` as the thing to build for programmatic usage.

* Part 4: Allow Ident and TempId in ValuePlace.

The parser will never produce these, since determining whether an
integer/keyword or string is an ident or a tempid, respectively, in
the value place requires the schema.

But a builder that produces `Entity` instances directly will want to
produce these.
2018-05-15 00:43:07 -07:00

219 lines
7.9 KiB

// Copyright 2016 Mozilla
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use
// this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the
// License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed
// under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR
// CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
use std::collections::{
use rusqlite;
use mentat_tx::entities::{
use mentat_core::{
use types::{
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub enum CardinalityConflict {
/// A cardinality one attribute has multiple assertions `[e a v1], [e a v2], ...`.
CardinalityOneAddConflict {
e: Entid,
a: Entid,
vs: BTreeSet<TypedValue>,
/// A datom has been both asserted and retracted, like `[:db/add e a v]` and `[:db/retract e a v]`.
AddRetractConflict {
e: Entid,
a: Entid,
vs: BTreeSet<TypedValue>,
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub enum SchemaConstraintViolation {
/// A transaction tried to assert datoms where one tempid upserts to two (or more) distinct
/// entids.
ConflictingUpserts {
/// A map from tempid to the entids it would upsert to.
/// In the future, we might even be able to attribute the upserts to particular (reduced)
/// datoms, i.e., to particular `[e a v]` triples that caused the constraint violation.
/// Attributing constraint violations to input data is more difficult to the multiple
/// rewriting passes the input undergoes.
conflicting_upserts: BTreeMap<TempId, BTreeSet<KnownEntid>>,
/// A transaction tried to assert a datom or datoms with the wrong value `v` type(s).
TypeDisagreements {
/// The key (`[e a v]`) has an invalid value `v`: it is not of the expected value type.
conflicting_datoms: BTreeMap<(Entid, Entid, TypedValue), ValueType>
/// A transaction tried to assert datoms that don't observe the schema's cardinality constraints.
CardinalityConflicts {
conflicts: Vec<CardinalityConflict>,
impl ::std::fmt::Display for SchemaConstraintViolation {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut ::std::fmt::Formatter) -> ::std::fmt::Result {
use self::SchemaConstraintViolation::*;
match self {
&ConflictingUpserts { ref conflicting_upserts } => {
writeln!(f, "conflicting upserts:")?;
for (tempid, entids) in conflicting_upserts {
writeln!(f, " tempid {:?} upserts to {:?}", tempid, entids)?;
&TypeDisagreements { ref conflicting_datoms } => {
writeln!(f, "type disagreements:")?;
for (ref datom, expected_type) in conflicting_datoms {
writeln!(f, " expected value of type {} but got datom [{} {} {:?}]", expected_type, datom.0, datom.1, datom.2)?;
&CardinalityConflicts { ref conflicts } => {
writeln!(f, "cardinality conflicts:")?;
for ref conflict in conflicts {
writeln!(f, " {:?}", conflict)?;
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub enum InputError {
/// Map notation included a bad `:db/id` value.
/// A value place cannot be interpreted as an entity place (for example, in nested map
/// notation).
impl ::std::fmt::Display for InputError {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut ::std::fmt::Formatter) -> ::std::fmt::Result {
use self::InputError::*;
match self {
&BadDbId => {
writeln!(f, ":db/id in map notation must either not be present or be an entid, an ident, or a tempid")
&BadEntityPlace => {
writeln!(f, "cannot convert value place into entity place")
error_chain! {
types {
Error, ErrorKind, ResultExt, Result;
foreign_links {
errors {
/// We're just not done yet. Message that the feature is recognized but not yet
/// implemented.
NotYetImplemented(t: String) {
description("not yet implemented")
display("not yet implemented: {}", t)
/// We've been given a value that isn't the correct Mentat type.
BadValuePair(value: String, value_type: ValueType) {
description("value is not the expected Mentat value type")
display("value '{}' is not the expected Mentat value type {:?}", value, value_type)
/// We've got corrupt data in the SQL store: a value and value_type_tag don't line up.
BadSQLValuePair(value: rusqlite::types::Value, value_type_tag: i32) {
description("bad SQL (value_type_tag, value) pair")
display("bad SQL (value_type_tag, value) pair: ({}, {:?})", value_type_tag, value.data_type())
// /// The SQLite store user_version isn't recognized. This could be an old version of Mentat
// /// trying to open a newer version SQLite store; or it could be a corrupt file; or ...
// BadSQLiteStoreVersion(version: i32) {
// description("bad SQL store user_version")
// display("bad SQL store user_version: {}", version)
// }
/// A bootstrap definition couldn't be parsed or installed. This is a programmer error, not
/// a runtime error.
BadBootstrapDefinition(t: String) {
description("bad bootstrap definition")
display("bad bootstrap definition: {}", t)
/// A schema assertion couldn't be parsed.
BadSchemaAssertion(t: String) {
description("bad schema assertion")
display("bad schema assertion: {}", t)
/// An ident->entid mapping failed.
UnrecognizedIdent(ident: String) {
description("no entid found for ident")
display("no entid found for ident: {}", ident)
/// An entid->ident mapping failed.
/// We also use this error if you try to transact an entid that we didn't allocate,
/// in part because we blow the stack in error_chain if we define a new enum!
UnrecognizedEntid(entid: Entid) {
description("unrecognized or no ident found for entid")
display("unrecognized or no ident found for entid: {}", entid)
UnknownAttribute(attr: Entid) {
description("unknown attribute")
display("unknown attribute for entid: {}", attr)
CannotCacheNonUniqueAttributeInReverse(attr: Entid) {
description("cannot reverse-cache non-unique attribute")
display("cannot reverse-cache non-unique attribute: {}", attr)
SchemaAlterationFailed(t: String) {
description("schema alteration failed")
display("schema alteration failed: {}", t)
/// A transaction tried to violate a constraint of the schema of the Mentat store.
SchemaConstraintViolation(violation: SchemaConstraintViolation) {
description("schema constraint violation")
display("schema constraint violation: {}", violation)
/// The transaction was malformed in some way (that was not recognized at parse time; for
/// example, in a way that is schema-dependent).
InputError(error: InputError) {
description("transaction input error")
display("transaction input error: {}", error)