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<section id='main' class="content"><h1 class='fqn'><span class='in-band'>Function <a href='index.html'>tokio_threadpool</a>::<wbr><a class="fn" href=''>blocking</a></span><span class='out-of-band'><span id='render-detail'>
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[<span class='inner'>&#x2212;</span>]
</span><a class='srclink' href='../src/tokio_threadpool/' title='goto source code'>[src]</a></span></h1><pre class='rust fn'>pub fn blocking&lt;F, T&gt;(f: F) -&gt; <a class="type" href="../futures/poll/type.Poll.html" title="type futures::poll::Poll">Poll</a>&lt;T, <a class="struct" href="../tokio_threadpool/struct.BlockingError.html" title="struct tokio_threadpool::BlockingError">BlockingError</a>&gt; <span class="where fmt-newline">where<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;F: <a class="trait" href="" title="trait core::ops::function::FnOnce">FnOnce</a>() -&gt; T,&nbsp;</span></pre><div class='docblock'><p>Enter a blocking section of code.</p>
<p>The <code>blocking</code> function annotates a section of code that performs a blocking
operation, either by issuing a blocking syscall or by performing a long
running CPU-bound computation.</p>
<p>When the <code>blocking</code> function enters, it hands off the responsibility of
processing the current work queue to another thread. Then, it calls the
supplied closure. The closure is permitted to block indefinitely.</p>
<p>If the maximum number of concurrent <code>blocking</code> calls has been reached, then
<code>NotReady</code> is returned and the task is notified once existing <code>blocking</code>
calls complete. The maximum value is specified when creating a thread pool
using <a href="struct.Builder.html#method.max_blocking"><code>Builder::max_blocking</code></a></p>
<h1 id="return" class="section-header"><a href="#return">Return</a></h1>
<p>When the blocking closure is executed, <code>Ok(T)</code> is returned, where <code>T</code> is the
closure's return value.</p>
<p>If the thread pool has shutdown, <code>Err</code> is returned.</p>
<p>If the number of concurrent <code>blocking</code> calls has reached the maximum,
<code>Ok(NotReady)</code> is returned and the current task is notified when a call to
<code>blocking</code> will succeed.</p>
<p>If <code>blocking</code> is called from outside the context of a Tokio thread pool,
<code>Err</code> is returned.</p>
<h1 id="background" class="section-header"><a href="#background">Background</a></h1>
<p>By default, the Tokio thread pool expects that tasks will only run for short
periods at a time before yielding back to the thread pool. This is the basic
premise of cooperative multitasking.</p>
<p>However, it is common to want to perform a blocking operation while
processing an asynchronous computation. Examples of blocking operation
<li>Performing synchronous file operations (reading and writing).</li>
<li>Blocking on acquiring a mutex.</li>
<li>Performing a CPU bound computation, like cryptographic encryption or
<p>One option for dealing with blocking operations in an asynchronous context
is to use a thread pool dedicated to performing these operations. This not
ideal as it requires bidirectional message passing as well as a channel to
communicate which adds a level of buffering.</p>
<p>Instead, <code>blocking</code> hands off the responsibility of processing the work queue
to another thread. This hand off is light compared to a channel and does not
require buffering.</p>
<h1 id="examples" class="section-header"><a href="#examples">Examples</a></h1>
<p>Block on receiving a message from a <code>std</code> channel. This example is a little
silly as using the non-blocking channel from the <code>futures</code> crate would make
more sense. The blocking receive can be replaced with any blocking operation
that needs to be performed.</p>
<pre class="rust rust-example-rendered">
<span class="kw">use</span> <span class="ident">tokio_threadpool</span>::{<span class="ident">ThreadPool</span>, <span class="ident">blocking</span>};
<span class="kw">use</span> <span class="ident">futures</span>::<span class="ident">Future</span>;
<span class="kw">use</span> <span class="ident">futures</span>::<span class="ident">future</span>::{<span class="ident">lazy</span>, <span class="ident">poll_fn</span>};
<span class="kw">use</span> <span class="ident">std</span>::<span class="ident">sync</span>::<span class="ident">mpsc</span>;
<span class="kw">use</span> <span class="ident">std</span>::<span class="ident">thread</span>;
<span class="kw">use</span> <span class="ident">std</span>::<span class="ident">time</span>::<span class="ident">Duration</span>;
<span class="kw">pub</span> <span class="kw">fn</span> <span class="ident">main</span>() {
<span class="comment">// This is a *blocking* channel</span>
<span class="kw">let</span> (<span class="ident">tx</span>, <span class="ident">rx</span>) <span class="op">=</span> <span class="ident">mpsc</span>::<span class="ident">channel</span>();
<span class="comment">// Spawn a thread to send a message</span>
<span class="ident">thread</span>::<span class="ident">spawn</span>(<span class="kw">move</span> <span class="op">||</span> {
<span class="ident">thread</span>::<span class="ident">sleep</span>(<span class="ident">Duration</span>::<span class="ident">from_millis</span>(<span class="number">500</span>));
<span class="ident">tx</span>.<span class="ident">send</span>(<span class="string">&quot;hello&quot;</span>).<span class="ident">unwrap</span>();
<span class="kw">let</span> <span class="ident">pool</span> <span class="op">=</span> <span class="ident">ThreadPool</span>::<span class="ident">new</span>();
<span class="ident">pool</span>.<span class="ident">spawn</span>(<span class="ident">lazy</span>(<span class="kw">move</span> <span class="op">||</span> {
<span class="comment">// Because `blocking` returns `Poll`, it is intended to be used</span>
<span class="comment">// from the context of a `Future` implementation. Since we don&#39;t</span>
<span class="comment">// have a complicated requirement, we can use `poll_fn` in this</span>
<span class="comment">// case.</span>
<span class="ident">poll_fn</span>(<span class="kw">move</span> <span class="op">||</span> {
<span class="ident">blocking</span>(<span class="op">||</span> {
<span class="kw">let</span> <span class="ident">msg</span> <span class="op">=</span> <span class="ident">rx</span>.<span class="ident">recv</span>().<span class="ident">unwrap</span>();
<span class="macro">println</span><span class="macro">!</span>(<span class="string">&quot;message = {}&quot;</span>, <span class="ident">msg</span>);
}).<span class="ident">map_err</span>(<span class="op">|</span><span class="kw">_</span><span class="op">|</span> <span class="macro">panic</span><span class="macro">!</span>(<span class="string">&quot;the threadpool shut down&quot;</span>))
<span class="comment">// Wait for the task we just spawned to complete.</span>
<span class="ident">pool</span>.<span class="ident">shutdown_on_idle</span>().<span class="ident">wait</span>().<span class="ident">unwrap</span>();
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