Emily Toop da599c3a78 Fix broken documentation links. (#775) (#767) r=nalexander
* Fix broken API doc links

Create symlink for latest to point to v0.7.
Group APIs by top version number rather than individual

* Update swift and android version numbers to match Mentats

* Update documentation

* Update top level .gitignore to ignore docs site & metatdata

* Add README to help with building documentation site

* Address review comments @ncalexan
2018-06-29 10:28:44 -07:00

1 line
2.8 KiB

initSidebarItems({"constant":[["CORE_SCHEMA_VERSION",""],["DB_SCHEMA_CORE",""]],"enum":[["AlgebrizerError",""],["Binding","The values bound in a query specification can be:"],["FindSpec","A definition of the first part of a find query: the `[:find ?foo ?bar…]` bit."],["ProjectorError",""],["PullError",""],["QueryResults",""],["SQLError",""],["TypedValue","Represents a value that can be stored in a Mentat store."],["ValueType","The attribute of each Mentat assertion has a :db/valueType constraining the value to a particular set. Mentat recognizes the following :db/valueType values."]],"fn":[["new_connection",""]],"macro":[["bail",""],["kw","Produce the appropriate `Keyword` for the provided namespace and name. This lives here because we can't re-export macros:"],["var","Produce the appropriate `Variable` for the provided valid ?-prefixed name. This lives here because we can't re-export macros:"]],"mod":[["conn",""],["entity_builder",""],["errors",""],["query",""],["query_builder",""],["store",""],["vocabulary","This module exposes an interface for programmatic management of vocabularies."]],"struct":[["Attribute","A Mentat schema attribute has a value type and several other flags determining how assertions with the attribute are interpreted."],["DateTime","ISO 8601 combined date and time with time zone."],["DbError",""],["Keyword","A keyword is a symbol, optionally with a namespace, that prints with a leading colon. This concept is imported from Clojure, as it features in EDN and the query syntax that we use."],["KnownEntid","An entid that's either already in the store, or newly allocated to a tempid. TODO: we'd like to link this in some way to the lifetime of a particular PartitionMap."],["ParseError",""],["PlainSymbol","A simplification of Clojure's Symbol."],["QueryInputs","Define the inputs to a query. This is in two parts: a set of values known now, and a set of types known now. The separate map of types is to allow queries to be algebrized without full knowledge of the bindings that will be used at execution time. When built correctly, `types` is guaranteed to contain the types of `values` -- use `QueryInputs::new` or `QueryInputs::with_values` to construct an instance."],["QueryOutput",""],["RelResult","The result you get from a 'rel' query, like:"],["Schema","Represents a Mentat schema."],["TxObserver",""],["TxReport","A transaction report summarizes an applied transaction."],["Utc","The UTC time zone. This is the most efficient time zone when you don't need the local time. It is also used as an offset (which is also a dummy type)."],["Uuid","A Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)."],["Variable",""]],"trait":[["HasSchema",""]],"type":[["AttributeSet",""],["Entid","Represents one entid in the entid space."]]});